//------------------------------// // Chapter 18: The Trap Is Set // Story: Treasured Moon and Stars: Vol. 1 Luna's Treasured Moon // by TigerSwirl448 //------------------------------// Chapter 18 The Trap Is Set Octavia woke up, seeing only darkness. She could hear groaning next to her so she wasn't dead, much to relief. “Everypony alright?” Octavia called out crawling toward the light. Octavia crawled all the way to the source of the light and noticed it was a hole on the lifeboat. The lifeboat was on top of them. Octavia braced herself under a bench and pushed the boat up with a grunt. She was surprised by how easy the boat went up with her strength. For the first time in a while she realized that she gained some muscle from working on the Fancy Flute. She lowered herself onto the ground then placed her feet on the bench and pushed it up. Grunting with effort Octavia was able to push the small boat up and got to see the outside. She gasped in shock closing her eyes, seeing the brightly lit world around her. She turned away from the brightness and opened her eyes to see the damage from the crash. Apple Bloom woke up, shaking her head. Sweetie Belle was rubbing her head, groaning. But Twilight was lying still on the ground, bleeding from a gash on her head. “Twilight!” Octavia whispered with fear. With a hard shove from her feet the boat went over, rolling the boat away from them. Apple Bloom opened her eyes and let out a cry of alarm as she covered her eyes with her hands from the suddenly bright light. She rubbed her watering eyes then gasped seeing Sweetie Belle hurt. “You alright, Sweetie Belle?” “I think so- OW!” Sweetie Belle yelped out grabbing her arm, feeling the horrible pain. Her arm looked unnatural the way it was twisted. Sweetie Belle went into a ball holding her arm crying. Apple Bloom held her friend rocking with her. Octavia crawled to Twilight patting her cheek trying to rouse her older friend. “Twilight, please wake up!” She begged shaking her by the shoulders. Twilight grunted moving slightly. “She’s alive, bless Luna!” Octavia whispered in relief. Looking around Octavia tried to figure out where they were. She looked around to see large, thick trees with strange glowing blue and green vines twirling around the cloud gray colored trunks. At the top instead of green leaves there were giant puffs that looked like giant clouds covering the whole sky. Octavia was in shock. The reason for the moon being so white was the giant trees with cloud shaped treetops. The clouds looked like giant light sources that gave the moon its eerie glowing light. Octavia looked down at what she was standing on to see not grass or dirt but some kind of powder that wasn’t cold like snow but the grains were shimmering like tiny crystals. Octavia looked up hearing a strange cawing noise in time to see a strange bird fly though the cloud treetops and disappeared. She turned, hearing Twilight slowly waking up. “Twilight?” Apple Bloom called out crawling toward her. Twilight opened her eyes groaning in pain. “Octavia, she’s alright!” Apple Bloom called out smiling. Octavia crawled back to help Twilight sit up. Twilight looked over at Octavia blinking hard trying to see through the haziness covering her eyes. “What happened?” Twilight whispered. “We crashed, are you alright?” Octavia asked pulling off her sleeve that was half torn off from the crash and started ripping the sleeve into long strips and wrapping them around Twilight’s head. Twilight winced, slamming her fist on the ground feeling the pain even though Octavia lightly brushed her head. “Twilight?” Sweetie Belle whimpered. “It’s your horn!” Octavia whispered with shock seeing more blood flowing from the base of Twilight’s horn. Octavia carefully and gently wrapped her hand around Twilight’s horn and Twilight screamed out in pain. Octavia started to worry. “Okay, hold still.” Octavia whispered as she wrapped the strips around Twilight’s head and horn trying to keep the horn in place. As she wrapped the horn Octavia felt the horn lift up causing Twilight to faint. Octavia gulped back nausea and continue to wrap the strips around Twilight’s head and tied it tight. Making sure Twilight’s horn would stay in place and hopefully her magic will heal herself. Sweetie Belle was turning green. “Was her horn...” Octavia nodded. “Yes,” she said gulping hard. “The crash damaged her horn, but hopefully, if what my father said was true, unicorn magic can heal unicorns. With time, Twilight will be healed. Maybe suffer from some headaches for a while, but she’ll be fine.” Octavia sighed looking at her naked arm to find it scraped and bruised from the crash. She ignored her arm and turned to Sweetie Belle. She had to help her fast. “Show me your arm,” Sweetie Belle sniffed holding her arm with her hand. Octavia nodded with a sigh. “Alright, Apple Bloom I’ll need your help. We have to twist Sweetie Belle’s arm to the correct place and settle it. I need you to hold her.” Apple Bloom gulped and held on to her friend. “Will it hurt?” Sweetie Belle asked trembling, she was going into shock. “It might, just be brave now.” Octavia whispered. Octavia twisted Sweetie Belle's arm. "AHHHHHH!" Screamed Sweetie Belle, who then passed out from the pain. After Octavia set Sweetie Belle's arm she tore off a part of her sleeve and used it as a cast for Sweetie Belle's arm. Apple Bloom volunteered her suspenders for Sweetie Belle's sling. It worked but Apple Bloom had to find a vine to keep her pants from falling down. After taking care of their injuries, Octavia and Apple Bloom were the only two ponies left conscious. They were able to pull the boat back over them for shelter. Octavia had the idea of covering the boat with the shimmery sand to camouflage the boat. After the two were able to cover the boat under a huge mound of shimmering sand Apple Bloom started digging in the sand to make a hole so the two ponies can slide into the boat for cover. After the hard work, Octavia sat with her back against the boat with a pistol in her lap and a musket on the ground at close reach, keeping a watch on the tree tops. They had crashed five hours ago and so far Octavia was worried, wondering where the search parties were. Apple Bloom crawled out through the hole to sit with Octavia. “Everything alright?” Octavia asked scratching her naked arm. “They’re still asleep.” Apple Bloom said hiking up her legs wrapping her arms around them. Octavia turned to Apple Bloom hearing her sniffling. She wrapped her arm around the filly pulling her close to hug her. “You were very brave, Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom sniffed, hugging her back and crying into her chest. “I just want to go home.” Octavia nodded kissing her on the top of the head feeling tears from her own eyes. “I know, sweetie, I know.” She whispered wishing to go home too. Apple Bloom sniffed and looked up to see something in the cloud trees. Octavia turned to grab the musket, looking up into the sky as she did so. She could see something coming through the treetops. “Hide!” Octavia hissed shoving Apple Bloom through the hole and followed in after her, she reached her hand out to grab the pistol and tossed it into their shelter. The two earth ponies stayed silent as Octavia peeked through a hole from the side to watch one the strange birds of this strange planet fly by. She sighed in relief and crawled back out. Octavia stood up to look around. Once the coast was clear Octavia looked down at the hole. “False alarm. Good eye, Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom sniffed, crawling out after Octavia to stand behind her. Apple Bloom wrapped her arms around Octavia’s waist and started crying into her back. Octavia turned to look down at Apple Bloom. “What do you think happened to the others?” She asked, her words were muffled by Octavia’s vest. Octavia shook her head, not sure what to say or do. But she had to say something, she to be strong for Apple Bloom. She couldn't cry, not yet, there was so much she had to do. She turned and knelt down before Apple Bloom. “We’ll get them back.” Octavia said taking the filly’s hands squeezing them. “Really?” Apple Bloom asked with a sniff. Octavia nodded. “We will get them back and we will escape from the horrible pirates.” “But how?” Apple Bloom cried wiping her eyes. “There are so many of them and what’s worse they have royal guards with them!” Octavia nodded remembering seeing the royal guards attacking Vinyl while they were escaping. “We’ll find a way.” Octavia whispered smiling at her. Apple Bloom nodded. “What about us?” Octavia sighed looking around hopelessly. “We’ll wait until Twilight and Sweetie Belle wake up then we’ll plan from there.” Apple Bloom nodded wiping her eyes with her arm. Octavia smiled hugging the filly again giving comfort whenever she can. After a moment of silence Octavia patted Apple Bloom on the back and released her. “Go on back inside and get some sleep. Get me when Twilight or Sweetie Belle wake up alright?” “Alright, Octavia.” “Good,” Octavia whispered with a gentle smile. She kissed Apple Bloom on the forehead and shooed her into the boat. Apple Bloom knelt down and turned to watch Octavia climb on top of the boat as a look out spot, watching the sky with the musket on her lap. Apple Bloom sighed and crawled into the boat, happy to think of Octavia as a second older sister. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Inside a dark stone room, she can hear the chanting. “Your highness, we shouldn’t be here. What if the Crystal Ponies were right and this place is evil?” A young voice asked shaking with fear. “Hahahaha, thou believe in such silly thoughts? Thy find it strange that thou believe in those ghost stories. There is no such thing as a dark shadow with eyes as emeralds and rubies.” “Princess, please,” another voice spoke. “Thou crew is afraid. We are all afraid.” “Very well, if thou is afraid thou may wait outside with the others. Thy shall go into the temple alone and discover its secrets!” “ Princess, wait! Thou eyes are changing! Princess Luna!” "Thou should have listened to thou subjects!" “Who art thou?! What...is...this?...AHHHHHHHH!" ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia gasped, sitting up with her musket pointing somewhere in the darkness. She gasped again realizing she had placed her vest over her face to sleep. She put her vest over her eyes to block out the light to sleep. She pulled off her makeshift sleep mask and was blinded again by the white light. “Eeep!” She yelped, using her vest to cover her eyes again. “Octavia?” Octavia pulled off her vest again and squinted through the tears to see Apple Bloom looking at her. “You alright?” Octavia nodded wiping her eyes. “Yes, I just woke up from a horrible dream.” She whispered wiping her eyes with her loose shirt. “I was about to get you. Twilight woke up.” “She did?” “Yeah.” Octavia sighed and nodded. “Good, take my place and let me know if something comes up.” Apple Bloom nodded saluting. “You can count on me.” Octavia smiled ruffling the filly’s mane. She knelt down then crawled through the hole into the boat again. She entered the dim lit shelter to hear Twilight moaning. “Octavia?” She whispered. Octavia smiled and crawled to her friend. “How are you?” “Hurting, all over.” Twilight groaned. “How are you? Are you hurt anywhere?” Octavia shook her head. “Bumps and bruises but I’m fine. It was only you and Sweetie Belle that got badly injured. Apple Bloom had a sprained ankle but she’s doing fine now.” Twilight sighed. “That’s good.” Twilight groaned holding her head, feeling something dark and painful in her head. “Merciful Luna!” She whispered surprised. Octavia can tell Twilight was struggling with something. She grabbed her shoulders to hold her as Twilight struggled with whatever is happening in her head. When the influence subsided Twilight let out a sigh then looked up at Octavia with fear. “Something is very wrong with this planet.” Twilight whispered. “I know,” Octavia whispered blinking hard shaking her head feeling some sort of pain in her skull too. Suddenly her pendant started glowing brightly. What made this strange was that Octavia could hear some type of low screaming in her head. She looked at Twilight to see her closing her eyes gritting her teeth. “You can hear that too? The screaming?” Octavia asked with fear. Twilight nodded. “Yes, some type of horrible monster scream.” Octavia nodded thinking. “We need to keep moving and find out where we can find help.” “You really think there would be help here?” Twilight asked. Octavia shrugged then suddenly an image popped in her mind. It was an image of hundreds of ponies in sparkling coats and manes dressed in strange tunics looking at her with neutral expressions. The vision faded as fast as it appeared. Octavia shook her head rubbing her temples. “Crystal Ponies?” She asked out loud trying to figure out what those ponies were. Twilight gasped staring at her in shock. “Crystal Ponies? They’re by far the oldest civilization in the galaxy. Very little is known about them. How did you know about them?” She asked. Octavia gulped. “I heard voices, Twilight. I heard voices talking about Crystal Ponies and something about a dark shadow.” She paled in thought. “This might sound strange but... I heard Princess Luna’s name.” Twilight blinked with shock staring at her friend. “Are you serious?” “I’m serious. Something happened to her in that temple. I heard her scream in horrible pain, Twilight. Something is wrong on this moon or planet or something. It’s not natural. The trees are glowing snow white and the ground is covered in this crystal like snow!” Twilight nodded. “I agree with you there, we must leave. We can’t stay here if those pirates are trying to look for us.” Twilight reached over to the pack and pulled it on. Octavia nodded. “Let’s go then. I’ll carry Sweetie Belle. You use a musket to walk with. We’ll take occasional breaks when you need them alright?” Twilight grimaced nodding. “Yeah, but I don’t need to wait long, my magic will get my head fixed soon. Let’s go.” Twilight slowly crawled out of the shelter through the hole, greeting Apple Bloom. Octavia reached to Sweetie Belle and pulled her out. Once that was done she had Apple Bloom help her get Sweetie Belle on her back. Then, with Octavia at the lead, the four of them started following the light on Octavia’s pendant, leading them down the wide forest path. Unaware that they were walking straight into a trap. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Two unicorns in royal guard uniform ran through the bushes and entered a large clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a village in rocky, crystal ruins where the pirates and royal guards had made camp. At the edge of the village was an ancient building made of black crystals; a black crystal castle. The unicorns rushed into the castle and found two guard pegasi at the large doorway to a set of stairs leading to the prisoners in the dungeons. “Where’s the commander?” The unicorn mare asked breathing hard from the run. One of the pegasi pointed down the stairs below them. “He’s trying to get information from those hybrids from the ship.” She said with a light voice. The first unicorn stared down the stairs as the second one grinned at the pegasus stallion. “So, how’s that unicorn hybrid?” The second unicorn, a stallion asked. The second pegasus guard with a black and yellow mane chuckled. “If you go down there she’s out cold. She can’t get through five slashes.” He said laughing. The first pegasus guard, a white pegasus mare with a two toned green and pink mane looked green after the statement. “You know I find it hard to swallow.” She muttered. “What? You pity the hybrids?” The first unicorn, a brown and purple mane mare asked giving the pegasus mare a look. “No! It’s just, Blueblood’s making her suffer like he done to that other unicorn by the same name.” “Oh you mean that old unicorn Scratch?” The second unicorn asked. “Yes, that one. I guess there are some torture techniques that I can’t stomach.” The pegasus mare said with a shake of her head. The two unicorns stared strangely looking at her partner. The pegasus stallion shrugged. “Ah, she’s a Sergeant from Baltimare Station under that General Cloud Kicker. They don’t torture their prisoners.” He said with a smirk pointing his thumb at the mare. The unicorn sighed shaking her head. “Of course. Baltimare is well known for their easy jail times.” The pegasus mare blushed. “Sure we punish the troublemakers but why should we whip the flesh off the unicorn?” “Because she’s a hybrid.” The second pegasus replied as if his partner was so naïve to the custom. “Oh and she has the tattoo on her back.” “Tattoo?” That caught the pegasus off guard. “She’s a slave?” “It turned out she was a slave from Manehattan before the hybrid loving prince closed it off for good. Have you heard of the rumors? Only one hybrid lived through that riot in Filly. They called her Vinyl Scratch?” “That's the Vinyl Scratch? The champion of the slave pits?” “So you’ve heard of her?” The unicorn mare asked. “I’ve seen her in action while in military training in Fillydelphia.” The pegasus mare shook her head shivering. “She’s a monster.” The unicorn stallion nodded. “I’ve heard of her tactics. I heard that she used blunt knifes the pull out a pegasus’ wings and twists them into knots. She’s well known for that trick.” The pegasus mare gasped suddenly. “The assassin! She was stabbed in the wing and her wing was pulled out of her socket!” Second pegasus nodded. “Yeah, I knew that move was familiar. Wow,” He said chuckling. “We have a champion in the dungeons now. I bet if she lives, Blueblood might take her to his slave coliseum.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Scootaloo woke up hearing the echoing slap of the whip and shook as she started crying in her knees. She felt Derpy’s arm wrap around her, hugging her. Scootaloo could feel her older friend shaking slightly. Tick Tock, Rainbow Dash and Applejack sat in the corner together deep in their own worlds. Rainbow and Applejack mourned the loss of their friend while Tick Tock mourned for the loss of his daughter, again. Daring sat alone clenching and unclenching her bound fists. When the prisoners arrived at the crystal village, Daring started to lash out fighting her captors. In doing so the royal guards restrained her and bound her in chains and cuffs to keep her bound. She turned to the three mourning ponies. Applejack looked up at her with a glare. “I know my words won’t mean anything to you,” Daring said causing everypony to look at her. A distraction from their undeniable fate. “You’re right, why would I hear words from a pegasus?” Applejack spat. Rainbow turned to her friend with a glare of her own. “You don’t know who this pegasus is? She's the Daring Do. She’s the top well-known explorer from Luna University in Canterlot. She’s a famous writer too!” Applejack scoffed. “She got Twilight killed!” Rainbow snarled ready to attack. “She-” “Calm yourself, Captain Dash.” Daring said getting everyponies attention again. “Let me finish.” She paused looking at the three mourning soldiers. “Twilight Sparkle and Princess Octavia might be gone but they have made a path and made accusations that are true. But let me tell you this. Highness,” Tick Tock looked at her with glassy eyes. “The princess was ready to take her place as a savior for her people. She even planned on using the advice of children to bring back peace to the galaxy. “Children?” Tick Tock asked confused. “She meant us.” Scootaloo whispered sniffing. “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and I.” Daring nodded. “You three are truly the lesson this galaxy needs to see.” “Apple Bloom?” Applejack asked confused, that name sounded familiar. “Who’s Apple Bloom?” Derpy smiled. “She’s a sweetie of an earth pony that got caught in our ship. She fixed our engines.” Scootaloo snorted. “I could’ve figured it out if I knew it was the solar flare tubes cracking.” Applejack went silent for a moment. “Does this Apple Bloom have red hair?” “Yeah,” Spike said nodding. “That’s her.” Applejack stared at the floor shivering slightly. “AJ?” Rainbow whispered. “AJ!” She yelled grabbing Applejack before she could do anything rash. She had seen Applejack like this before. “Let me go Rainbow.” Applejack growled threateningly. “Listen to me, don’t go down that road again.” Rainbow Dash whispered urgently gripping tightly to her shoulders. “I need you AJ!” She whispered harshly getting Applejack’s attention. “I need you to be strong for me. I need you to attack with me at the opportune moment. We will get revenge and put the traitors to their graves.” Applejack was silent for a moment then nodded. “You’re right. A Wonderbolt and a Cowgirl back in action.” Rainbow took Applejack’s hand and gave it a firm shake. She gave her a smirk. Applejack nodded with a smirk of her own. “We’ll wait for the right moment to strike.” “Come again?” Tick Tock asked shocked. Rainbow winked at her old friend. “It’s about time you get to see how I truly fight, Tick Tock.” “Really?” He asked. “Wait a second, what are you thinking.” Spike asked worriedly. “In due time, dragon.” Rainbow whispered turning with a glare at the doorway hearing footsteps approaching. “In due time.” Three royal guards walked into the dungeon room and stood at attention. Blueblood walked over smiling. “Well, hello fair prisoners. How are you fairing?” Rainbow snarled standing up. “What do you want?” Blueblood shrugged. “I came to send a message. Two of my unicorns found the stragglers. “They’re alive?” Daring asked with shock. Blueblood shrugged. “From what I heard, the four escapees are injured. But they’re foolishly coming towards us. Following the Luna’s Tear no doubt.” “Why are you telling us this?” Derpy asked glaring at him. Blueblood shrugged. “Just so you’ll expect some company. And expect a journey underground.” Blueblood turned to his guards. “Keep watch on them, especially the three soldiers. They’re trouble.” The guards saluted as Blueblood walked out of the large dungeon. Rainbow glared at the guards standing at the two corners at attention. She recognized one of them. “Cadet Blossomforth.” The white pegasus jumped staring at her. “It’s Sergeant now.” Blossomforth said with no emotion avoiding Rainbow’s gaze. “Hmmph, so you’re working with Blueblood now? I expected more from you.” The two other guards turned to Blossomforth as she continued to stand at attention. “I was transferred, I had no other choice in the matter.” The pegasus said calmly. Rainbow stayed silent for a moment walking to the bars and leaned against the wall to stare at the sergeant thinking of what to do by reading the pegasus. Blossomforth was about ten years younger than Rainbow and she had trained Blossom and her partner. “How’s Cloud Kicker?” Blossom’s cheeks flushed, she cleared her throat quickly shaking her head. “She’s a General now. She’s the lead pegasus at Baltimare.” Rainbow smirked. “Good for her, she was a better soldier than any of these crap sacks.” The two guards snarled at Rainbow for her insult. “More loyal than I was. She would have been a Wonderbolt if snakes like Blueblood hadn’t killed them all.” Blossomforth blinked her eyes showing anger. Rainbow smiled slightly seeing she got her. Blossomforth had a cousin who was working with Rainbow during the war as a Wonderbolt. During the rebellion, the poor pegasus was found hanged in the streets with her wings cut off and the words, Earth Pony Lover was branded on her bare chest. Which was true, she was in love with an earth pony stallion who was a soldier. “Tell me, Blossomforth,” Rainbow asked. Blossom looked up at her with a gulp. “Do you feel loyalty in your ranks?” One of the guards a unicorn snarled. “Shut up traitor.” Rainbow held up her hands. “Hey, I was just asking a simple innocent question.” Blossom gulped seeing the two guards glaring at her as she thought for her answer. She stared into Rainbow’s eyes and glared. “I do and I’m loyal to them!” She said with a sniff turning away. Rainbow blinked at that a little disappointed, even the ones she trained in the early years were against her. “Alright, whatever you say.” Rainbow turned away to sit back down with Applejack and Tick Tock. Blossomforth turned back forward to look at Rainbow, she sighed turning away from the older pegasus, returning to parade rest. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia peeked out of the bushes a third time to see the unicorn guards still standing guard at the entrance to the castle. She hid back into the bushes and crawled back to the others. Sweetie Belle woke up a few minutes ago rubbing her arm as Apple Bloom sat next to her. Twilight was meditating with her eyes closed concentrating, trying to heal herself. She opened her eyes as Octavia crawled over. “Anything?” Twilight asked canceling her magic. Octavia nodded. “There are a few guards going in and out of that castle ruins and from the ruins next to the castle. The village ruins are probably where the pirates and the guards made camp.” Twilight nodded thinking rubbing her chin. “This could be difficult. Any sign of our friends?” Octavia shook her head. “No, but they must be here somewhere. I can see our ship with two of theirs above us.” She said pointing up. Through the break in the trees the four ponies can see the tiny Fancy Flute being guarded by two of the Royal Guards’ Brigantines Twilight nodded and started crawling past Octavia. “Let’s continue to watch.” The other three followed Twilight back to the bushes to keep watch. Twilight looked up and ducked as pegasi flew overhead in golden armor. Twilight cursed. “They have this whole place surrounded.” Octavia nodded thinking then gasped seeing Blueblood walking out of the castle ruins looking around. “That's Uncle Blueblood!” She whispered pointing. Twilight and the fillies looked out of the bush to see Blueblood talking to some guards and pointing away. The guards saluted and ran off toward the forest. Blueblood pulled out his pocket watch checking the time then walked to the village ruins, probably to go and speak to his soldiers. Twilight thought for a moment. “No doubt, if Blueblood was in there so were the others.” “What?” Apple Bloom asked. “That means our friends are in that castle. But we have to find a way to distract the guards.” “How?” Sweetie Belle asked with fear. “There are too many of them.” Twilight sighed. “I hate to do this but we have to split up.” “What?” Octavia asked. Twilight nodded. “Alright, here’s the plan. I’ll make a distraction at first then go inside. Octavia, I want you to use the Luna’s Tear to communicate with me. Let me know if Blueblood or the guards come back into the castle while I’m in there.” Octavia blinked thinking as Twilight turned to the fillies. “Apple Bloom, I’ll need you to stay with Sweetie Belle and hide yourselves away from the guards. You two are too young to be around.” “But-” Apple Bloom began but Twilight shook her head. “No, you must stay with Sweetie Belle and out of trouble.” Twilight turned back to Octavia as Apple Bloom pouted as she crossed her arms across her chest. “Did you get what I said?” Twilight asked quickly. Octavia looked up her. “But Twilight, I can help,” “No,” Twilight stated firmly. “You are way too important. If Blueblood or the pirates get you we are lost because they will kill you and nopony can go against the Queen. Please, stay here.” Octavia nodded glaring at the floor not likening the idea. Twilight sighed in relief. “Thank you. Remember, I want you to use your magical link with me.” Octavia nodded. “I’ll try.” Twilight smiled then turned back to look out. She peeked out of the bushes again and looked around. Once she was sure it was safe, Twilight leapt out of the bushes and took off to another bush near the village ruins to hide. Octavia stayed still watching the entrance to the castle with her hand clenching Luna’s Tear. Something in her mind was telling her to go into the castle and feeling of magic was very persistent. The jewel was vibrating hard in her hand by just thinking about the crystal castle. Her body feebly followed the magic’s command. She turned to see Twilight ready to cause a distraction. The unicorn held out her hand concentrating with difficulty, her hand and wrapped horn started to glow in a magenta-pink glow “Octavia?” Apple Bloom asked tugging her vest. “Hmm?” Octavia answered staring at the castle entrance. The magic was getting stronger. “I want to go and help Scootaloo.” “I know.” Octavia whispered. Twilight made a loud sound into the camp with her magic causing soldiers to yell out in alarm. The two guards that were standing at the door to the castle heard the sound too. They ran called out into the castle doorway and started running to the village. Three more guards came out moments later running for the camp. Octavia took her chance and bursted out of the bushes running to the castle in a sprint. Apple Bloom gasped and without thinking she ran after Octavia. Twilight stood up to make a dash for the door then cursed at what she saw. Octavia and Apple Bloom were already running into the castle. “Dammit!” Twilight said out loud, she covered her mouth in surprise looking around hoping she wasn’t caught. She quickly ran for cover in the bushes as more guards ran past her hiding spot to go check out the situation. Twilight cursed silently to herself and looked to the doorway. She gulped thinking about Sweetie Belle, she couldn't be left alone in her state. Twilight waited then started sprinting to her original hiding spot and jumped into the bushes, panting hard. “Sweetie Belle?” Twilight panted looking around for the unicorn filly. Suddenly she felt a hand grab her mouth and held her fast as she struggled in the hands of a unicorn guard. She opened her eyes to see Sweetie Belle being held by a pegasus guard. She was struggling in his grip. “Well, well, well,” Twilight froze then turned to see Blueblood looking at his gold watch, checking the time. All around him were unicorn guards and they’re all smiling at her. “A little late but in perfect timing, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight glared at him trying to pull away from her captor. “It is a pleasure in seeing you, again, Ms. Sparkle. Now answer me this one question.” Twilight growled behind the guard’s hand. “Where’s Princess Octavia?” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Octavia and Apple Bloom stayed close together as they traveled through the halls. When they entered the castle Octavia followed the magical feeling to a large doorway and took the stairs down to the dungeon level. Down the stairs lead them to a small hall with many doorways and more halls. As the two kept going through the dungeon halls Octavia would look past every corner before she continued to run through the halls. Octavia panted, hiding by an alcove with Apple Bloom by her waist. Octavia could care less at the moment when Apple Bloom followed her. The magic she can feel in her mind was pulling her further into the castle dungeons. For some odd reason, the idea of finding Vinyl and the crew was pushed away by the thought of finding the entrance to the temple which was somewhere in this castle. The magic was getting stronger and stronger as she kept thinking about it. Octavia continued carefully down the hall checking past corners to find everything strangely empty and quiet. Apple Bloom had to keep a hold on Octavia’s tail to keep up with the princess as she looked into the rooms for Scootaloo or anyone she knew. Octavia followed the magic to a door at the end of the hall. The magic was pulsing through the Luna’s Tear, telling her to get through the door. Octavia followed the command as she tried to open it and growled. It was locked. “Octavia,” Octavia blinked out of her stupor and turned to see Apple Bloom with her back against the wall looking into a room with fear on her face. “What is it?” Octavia whispered rubbing her temples for a moment. The pulsing magic seem to have faded when the idea of the temple left her mind. Apple Bloom pointed into the room. Octavia walked over to the filly and turned to find a small room with a slit window at the top of the far wall. The light shining into the room revealed what was inside. Octavia’s mouth dropped open and the remaining thoughts of the temple were replaced with true horror. Sitting in a chair bloody and bruised and chained with her arms to the back of the chair was Vinyl. Octavia ran into the room to kneel down before the captive unicorn. Apple Bloom slowly followed her inside shaking with fear. She had never seen so much blood on a pony before. “Vinyl?” Octavia whispered holding up Vinyl’s face to find her lip busted, her left eye was black from being punched, blood flowing from a large gash on her forehead. Octavia stared noticing that Vinyl was practically naked and parts of her clothes were still hanging around her arms, it looked like her clothes were ripped apart. Octavia covered her mouth shaking her head feeling tears flow from her eyes. “Vinyl, please, wake up.” She whimpered patting Vinyl’s cheek lightly trying to rouse her awake. Vinyl let out a moan, her good eye squeezed shut. Apple Bloom walked over closer to see Vinyl’s bloody back and gulped back nausea seeing the whip marks and whip scars even a strange black mark on Vinyl’s shoulder. “Octavia?” “What?” Octavia whispered looking at Apple Bloom to see her pointing at Vinyl’s back. “What that mark on Vinyl’s back?” She asked with a tremor in her voice. Octavia slowly stood up and walked over and about got sick by the sight of Vinyl’s back. Her eyes roved to parts of Vinyl’s back where she can see actual old whip scars through the old drying blood on her back. Then her eyes spotted the black tattoo on Vinyl’s shoulder blade area. Octavia stared at the marker interested. The marker was a circle with a strange X in the circle with two letters that resemble the letter F. “Princess?” Octavia gasped hearing Vinyl’s voice and quickly went in front of her to see her good eye opening up. “Vinyl, I’m here,” she said soothingly with tears as she stroked Vinyl’s face. “What are you doing here?” Vinyl asked. She winced gritting her teeth from the pain of moving a few muscles in her back. “Shh, don’t worry I’m getting you out of here.” She said quickly moving back to Vinyl’s back. Vinyl shook her head. “You have to leave.” She whispered. “I’ll leave once I get you and the others out of here.” Vinyl shook her head again. “No, you don’t understand you can’t be here.” She moaned out louder. “Run away, forget about me!” “Shut up, and stay still.” Octavia ordered looking down at Vinyl’s bound hands to see that the ropes were colored red from Vinyl’s blood. Her wrists looked horrible too. Octavia then started uniting the ropes. Apple Bloom reached into her pocket and removed a screwdriver. She was ready to help cut the rope when she was covered in blue-purple magic and started to float to the ceiling. “Octavia!” Apple Bloom screamed out in panic dropping the screwdriver hearing it clatter to the floor. Octavia jumped hearing Apple Bloom’s scream. She turned around and gasped to see pirates entering the room laughing and surrounding her, carrying knives and swords. Octavia looked down to see the screwdriver. She quickly grabbed the screwdriver and held it out like a knife as the pirates laughed at her pathetic excuse of defense. “Give it up, Princess.” Octavia turned to see Nightmare Moon walking into the room. Octavia gasped at the realization. It was a trap!