Chunk the Ghoul

by 16BitHeros

Chalres Morrison Personal Inbox. Unread (1)

To: Charles Morrison

Hey Charles, I heard you got rejected by Vault-Tec, man tough luck. I hate to add insult to injury, but I just wanted to tell you that I got in! Vault 87, can you believe it? I don't even have to relocate! Me and the Mrs. have already taken the tour and I must say it is amazing! Again, I’m really sorry about your rejection, but that doesn’t mean you’re doomed, just try not to get hit by a nuke and I’m sure you’ll be fine. Try not to get blown up, or mutated, I want to recognize you when I get out. Maybe we can enjoy a nice drink together like old times, eh?

It’s a shame really, my sister submitted for a spot and she and my nephew couldn’t get in. All I can do now is hope they make it on the list somehow, but I don't think that's going to happen.

Best of luck to you, Leonard Philips