How to Bore a Commissioner

by Shieldheart204

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Shield continued scanning the four people, but failed to find someone that reached them to their knees. He walked over to Fire Storm, hoping to get some answers. "Fire Storm! What a surprise seeing you here!" he said as he opened his arms to hug his friend.

"Yeah sorry about coming here so suddenly, but Hawk Eye wanted to visit you." said the current commissioner of Vanhoover as he yawned loudly. "Speaking of which, where is she?"

"That's just what I was about to ask you." said Shield with a concerned look. "You haven't lost her, have you?"

Twilight looked at him in surprise. "She isn't here? I saw her sling herself with her bow." she turned to face Fire, whose face was imploring that she stop.

"You. WHAT?!" yelled Shield as he slapped his friend. "You lost her again?"

"She gave us the slip the moment that the train stopped. But she can't have gone far. I'm sure she saw the cloud." responded Fire as he nursed the attack.

"Miss Twilight, did you happen to see her?" Shield said as panic overcame him. "DID YOU SEE HER?!"

"Yes! She asked me if I knew where to find an arcade and I told her to ask around!" she shot out nervously. "Can you please not do that?"

"What? Panic?" he asked with a mocking look on his face. He pulled out his cellphone and began fiddling with it. In a couple of minutes he turned it off and put it back in its pocket. "Follow me." he declared as he began marching down the road, oblivious to the rest of the group.

"Where do you think you are going?" asked Twilight as she grabbed his arm to stop him.

"I'm going to see my sister, if you don't mind." he said as he shoved her hand away.

"She can't get lost, the town's too small." she replied as she tried to calm the soldier down.

'I'm not worried about her getting lost," he exclaimed furiously. "I'm worried about her getting in trouble!"

"And I suppose you've already tracked her down." said Fire as he yawned.

"Of course I did, I can find her anywhere." he said angrily as he vaulted himself over a fence without caring for the rest.

Twilight reached for his arm once more, immediately releasing it when she felt several slight lumps on his wrist. "What the..." she wondered to herself as she began scanning the skin. She stopped the commissioner, pulling him back as he tried to worm his way out. On the surface there was no problem, aside from the fact that the black tattoo didn't feel like a tattoo. But the real problem was beneath.

Further meticulous revealed that the veins on his forearm had received several bumps, and there was only one reason as to why it could occur. "Is this tattoo a summoning rune?" she asked with a confused look.

"It's not a tattoo, it's body art." he quickly shot. "But yeah, it's a rune."

"So these bumps mean that you used your body as a medium, but why?" she ended the question with a tone that discouraged an answer. It was a question for herself. And then she noticed it, the handle of Shield's sword was sticking out awkwardly behind his back. "How in Celestia's name did you get that sword? You didn't have it on when we left your house..." then it finally made sense, even if it was less logical than any of Star Swirl's untested experiments. "You linked your sword to this rune?"

"Smart girl, can't believe you got that so quickly." Shield replied dryly as he wiggled his hand.

"But why? You could easily transfer a rune to a piece of paper or a charm. Why do you need to risk your hand?"

"Because it's insane and no sane human being would think about trying something like it." he said casually. "That and the fact that you can't take it away when you capture me. Unless you cut my arm, but no one expects this."

"So you're happy with risking your hand just in case you get caught?" asked Twilight, baffled by his statement. Shield broke free of her grip and continued with his past objective, getting to his sister.

"So long as he's got a week's worth of rest he doesn't care." interrupted Fire as he battled with his tired eyes. "You might want to slow down when interrogating him, or consider using his sister as your source of information."

"Or you can stop the hostilities and spend some time with him." contradicted the seamstress as she brushed her hair. She looked at the group, who had been eyeing her with incredulous faces. "What is it? Did I say something wrong?"

"Since when can you talk to Shield in the same way as a regular adult?" asked Crystal.

"Since some time." replied the sapphire-eyed seamstress as she tried to remove their incredulous gazes. "Why do you continue looking at me as if I were some sort of freak."

"Because he's not a grown-up." declared the green-winged Seraph. "How in Celestia's name did you manage to talk to him like an adult? He's usually either playing with Hawk or acting like a prepubescent gun nut."

"I do not think I follow. Shield Heart has acted a little immature..." said Rarity as she paused to think about the incident a few days back.

"If you're referring to the day we forced him out of his room after his three days of lock-down..." interrupted Twilight. "then we have seen him act immaturely."

"Three-day lock-down? This I gotta hear." said Fire as he slapped himself to get some adrenaline.

"If you don't mind I have to go pick up my sister from school, I will see you later." and so the seamstress departed, waving her hand as she disappeared.

"it was a couple of days ago, he confined himself to his room with nothing but his video games and a mysterious supply of soda, pizzas and milkshakes." said the librarian as she chuckled at the memory. "Cadence was trying to get him out of his room, but becoming frustrated decided to give me a call so that I could unlock the door. At first I tried a simple lock-picking spell," she paused for a moment.

"Which no doubt backfired horribly." added the soldier.

"Yes, I then had to resort to drawing a spell-symbol in the air."

"Ah, the Symbols, I'm surprised you actually pulled it off. Did you use a spell book in hand?"

"That's right, I usually have a copy of The Standard Book of Spells in case of an emergency."

"I don't suppose you have it with you right now?" he asked with an innocent grin, as if he wasn't expecting her to have it.

"I don't need to, All I have to do is summon it and it'll come flying toward me." she replied as she tapped her holstered aspen wand.

"A plan befitting your position, I suppose." said the commissioner with a tone that suggested that he wasn't fully convinced. "Only flaw would be if they took your wand away you'd be helpless."

"But I'm rarely in a situation where I'm captured, and I doubt I'll ever be in a situation in which I can't find an answer." she declared proudly. "I have even enchanted my wand so that it will always appear in its holster no matter how far it goes."

"Yep, that sounds like Shining's Control Freak all right." he replied.

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry, I was just remembering what your brother used to tell us back when we were Auxiliaries for Canterlot. He would always brag about how his little sister was capable of putting together a thousand plans, and had everything under control." he chuckled.

"You were Auxiliaries in Canterlot? When?" asked the azure-haired librarian. "I thought that you just became commissioners just because you were good enough."

"Actually, most commissioners spend a year or two as an Auxiliary before they get the job. I actually spent eight years as a Second in Command, and the first three years were under the command of the great Lord Marshal Brave Heart the Third." he said as he stared into the distance. "Wow, it's been a while since I've had to say all of that." he then coughed, before wheezing loudly, then culminating in a loud burp. The burp materialized blue flames, which manifested two envelopes.

"You can use floo fire?" asked Twilight with surprise and disgust. As far as she had known, only drakes had this ability, but apparently she was wrong. He couldn't respond, as his throat was still fighting the coughing. after ten seconds of repeated chest-beating he managed to regain his breath.

"Yeah, but I hate it when they force it down my throat. I usually get a warning or something." he replied as he looked at the envelopes. One had a crimson wax seal, which Twilight managed to recognized as the royal seal, the other had another wax seal which she couldn't recognize. It was a sword pointing downwards, with feathery wings emerging from below the crossguard. "Wow, a letter from the Princesses and one from the Commission. This is bound to be interesting."

As he turned the envelope around they could all see the large red sign stamped to the front:

"I don't think that can be good."

"I agree with you. Because our orders are supposed to come from the Equestrian Royal Guard, not the Commission itself." he said as he looked at the other envelope, which, to their horror, was labeled with the same stencil ink. "Oh blitznak" muttered Fire.


Shield paced around the school's backyard, occasionally glancing at his cellphone to confirm his position. The bell rang and out poured several children, forcing Shield to take cover behind the nearby shed. Peeking out again he noticed that there were four girls in the swing, and surprisingly enough he recognized all four of them. Three were locals, one of them he managed to identify as Sweetie Bell. Kind of hard not, with her peculiar hair. The other two girls he had only seen once, back in his welcome party the day he woke up. The last one was a little blond girl, about half a head smaller than the rest.

He got out of cover to get a better look, and he was surprised to see that the little blond girl turned her head to meet him. She immediately jumped from the swing she was in and ran toward Shield shrieking: "BIG BRO!" she then lunged herself at him, tightly wrapping her arms around him and locking her feet on his back.

"Puppy! Oh thank Luna you're okay!" he replied as his lungs exhaled and his arms embraced the little girl. After a spin or two he finally set her down. "How dare you disappear from Fire's watch?!" he scolded as he hugged her once more. "You know better than to wander alone."

The little girl wriggled her way out of the death-grip, and slapped him. "And you know better than to get killed! How do you think I felt when they said that you were hospitalized?And you know what Doc said about using your runes!" she scolded as she gave him a stern look. Shield immediately winced at the sight of anger. "What do you have to say for yourself mister?"

"I'm sorry?" he said coyly as he tried to give her an innocent look. "How did you find out?"

"We got a letter from the General saying that the mission had gone wrong." she replied dryly. a millisecond later she launched another slap. "How did a bunch of trolls get you?"

"It wasn't just them! There were also changelings and goblins!" he retorted.

"Yet you don't get scratched when you fight ogres, right? You should have brought backup and you know it." she said with a serious tone.

Shield was about to respond, but lost his breath as he failed to come up with an answer. Shield looked up and was surprised to see a certain seamstress behind his sister. "Miss Rarity! What a surprise to see you here." he quickly said before his sister could speak.

"Why hello Shield. And you know you don't have to call me miss. We're friends, aren't we?" answered the fashionista with a smile, earning her a glare from the little blond girl.

"Bro, why's this woman being so kind?" asked the archer as she grabbed her white staff, pointing one end toward the woman in question. "Did you seek to replace me so quickly? Is this why you never called? Talk or the pretty woman gets it!"

"Pup, will you relax?" he chuckled "I'm not replacing you! How can I replace the Legion's Pup? Huh?" he added. "Now please, put the staff down before someone gets hurt." His sister obeyed, slinging the staff back to its original place. "Miss... I mean, Rarity. Please meet my sister Hawk Eye. Hawk Eye, meet Rarity. She's the town's fashion designer and also a wonderful person. She's been helping me decorate our new house."

"Did she include a slide in my room?" asked the girl with sudden enthusiasm.

"Nope, In fact I don't think she did decorate your room. I think she decorated all rooms except the spare bedrooms." he pondered to himself.

" I could always help you dear, I'd do anything for a friend." replied Rarity quickly to avoid seeing the girl sad.

"Nah, it's okay." she replied. "C'mon big bro, we should go home. Crystal's not gonna let me hear the end of it if we don't hurry." she turned to the group of girls she had just met. "Bye! See you later!" she said as she began skipping toward her brother, signaling him to turn around. She jumped onto his back and gripped his throat tightly.

"Goodbye Rarity, training begins tomorrow at seventeen hundred. Don't be late." said the commissioner before heading out. He noticed that Fire was running toward him, holding two envelopes in his hand. He handed them over and paused to catch his breath for the second time that day.

"We have to get to your home, now." said the blue-haired man. Shield looked at the envelopes and nodded.


Twilight was sitting in the living room opposite to Shield, his hands tearing open the Princesses' envelope first. Three minutes later he put the letter down and looked at the librarian. "What was the name of your assistant again?"

Twilight paused for a moment. the question seemed to have come out of the blue. "Spike, why?" Shield's eyes widened at the sound.

"Eh, nothing. It just came up as a random thought. The letter is just a mission we have in three weeks." he said dismissively as he put the letter back in its place and opened the next letter.

"We? As in you and I." she asked, her bewilderment clear.

"I meant my team, but you can come if you want. That is, if you can get through basic training." he said as he opened the letter. Two minutes later his eyes widened in horror, his face constantly moved back and forth throughout the letter as if he was hoping that he had misread something.

"What is it? Is it some sort of bad news?" asked Fire as he put his mug of coffee down.

"The worst there is." responded the blond soldier as he searched inside the envelope and pulled out seven golden tickets labeled:

Grand Galloping Gala

Admit One