//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Party Light // Story: The Anons of Equestria // by Bastinator //------------------------------// ¬More images swim through your mind. Not even in sleep can you find peace. It pisses you off to no end. All the teasing and pestering. Your own subconscious mind turns against you. ”You want to go home don’t you? And with the damn questions. It’s one after another after another. ”Your friends aren’t who they seem.” It whispers these fallacies into your ear. All your paranoid thoughts are brought back to the surface. ”They want you to accept this place. Don’t.” That- sounds reasonable. ”There’s always a way back. Find it Anon.” ~~~ You sip at your coffee in the kitchen, your new pants a nice fit. She certainly does good work. Mickey comes bounding downstairs with his construction hat and tool belt. “Off to work?” ”No I just like wearing this stuff,” he jokes. “Try not to get crushed under the supports.” ”Oh come on that was one time!” More sarcasm, though it does well to cut through his hard exterior. He leaves and once again you’re by yourself. Anonymous already left to run with Dash, you having to attend of course. Mickey couldn’t go all the time so he has you go for him. He thinks it’s because you respect his wishes. The truth? You’re lonely. Mous and the mayor are working hand in hand now so he’s mostly at the town hall. Right now he’s probably going over blueprints for the new section they’re putting up. Everyone else is busy and doing there thing and here you are, chilling. Its feels kinda good actually. Nope, that’s not a good sign. Come on feet we’re talking a walk. You head back into town, taking your allowance with you. You don’t usually accept charity, but the others were insistent. The markets are bustling as they usually are at this time. Everypony- oh damn did you just say that? Note to self, slap face when you get home. Everyone, that’s better, tries to get here early for the best produce and such. Applejack is over there doing what she does best, anything apple related. ”Howdy partner, care for some breakfast?” “Thanks but no thanks.” ”Shucks, your loss,” she makes a transaction with another customer, “What brings you out so early?” “I think this trend of laziness is getting to me. I thought it felt good not to do anything today.” ”That’s some serious stuff,” she says holding in a laugh. “It’s not funny. I have a problem.” Her cheeks expand and she has to hold her mouth shut. You scowl at her as another customer approaches. “You got a customer.” He catches her eye and she’s back to professionalism in a glance, “Mornin’ there partner! Ah sell apples and apple accessories, what can I get for ya?” You decide to leave her be as she conducts business. You’ll just get in the way. You bump into a pony by accident and their basket spills all over the ground. “Oh shoot, I’m sorry. Let me get that for you.” You kneel down to pick it up and finally get a look at her. “Fluttershy? I didn’t even see you there.” ”I-it’s okay,” she squeaks, “I wasn’t looking.” That’s just nonsense. You ran into her not the other way around. “Don’t be like that. I should’ve been paying attention.” You gather the spilled items and place it in the bag. “Let me make it up to you and carry your basket. I won’t take no for an answer.” “O-okay…” You stand together motionless for about a minute. Is she stuck? “So where we going?” “Oh, I’m sorry. I was waiting for you.” You chuckle as she gets into gear. ”Produce Parlor, what can I get for you,” the attendant says in a drab tone. ”Umm, two heads of lettuce, I mean, if that’s okay…” He rolls his eye, “Ten bits.” Fluttershy reaches into her bag, but you stop her. “I don’t know much about money here, but I do know that that price is outrageous. What was it yesterday?” ”Two bits, but it ain’t yesterday it’s today.” ”It’s alright Anon, I can pay.” Oh hell no, that’s bullshit. You flag down a customer you just saw leave. “Hello sir, how much did you pay for this lettuce.” ”A bit a head, per usual.” You glare back at the attendant, “Prices fluctuate all the time.” “Save it, you’re taking advantage of this ladies kindness and you know it. Two bits, that’s the deal.” ”Ten bits and you walk away before things get ugly.” This guy is fucking toast. ”Two bits,” a voice calls behind you, “and maybe I’ll open this can of whoop ass somewhere else.” Mous comes limping over in his cane, a fire in his eye. ”Who else happened to take advantage of this mare?” Silence. The stall boy walks out from behind his post, “I don’t know who you think you are, but you can’t just boss me-“ He gets in range and Mous thwacks him with his cane. ”Oww, what’s wrong with- *thwack* Gah! Fine! Take it for two bits!” He crawls back to his booth clutching to his new bruises. You toss him three bits of your own purse. “Keep the change.” You place them in Fluttershy’s basket and she whispers the words ‘Thank you.’ ”I’ll ask again, anyone else take advantage of this mare?” Half a dozen shop keepers toss a pile of bits on their stands, not wanting to feel of wrath of his mighty walking stick. He collects each pile, making cold frightening eye contact with each of them before placing them back with Fluttershy. ”You two finish up and skedaddle, I’ll have to give these colts a stern talking to.” She quickly finishes her shopping trip and you offer to walk her home, to which she accepts. She lives outside of Ponyville by the Everfree Forest where you appeared. Her cottage is filled to the brim with animals by what Mous has told you. ’Beware the smell’ he said. The entire way there Fluttershy was filled with energy. She couldn’t stop talking about what just happened. Every scene was reenacted, you standing up for her, the argument, Mous giving it to him. You just smiled and walked along while she tired herself out. It’s only when she finally reaches the crescendo of her story that she realizes just how loud she was. She swiftly apologizes and walks silent the rest of the way home. You couldn’t muster the courage to tell her that her act was rather adorable. When you reach the door she apologizes one more time and thanks you for your help. “Don’t mention it, here” you hand her the basket, “You’re going to want this.” ”Oh um, thanks.” An awkward silence ensues, Fluttershy fidgeting nervously. “I- I guess I should be going. See you around Fluttershy.” She waves shakily at you as you depart. Your time with her cut a small chunk out of your day at least. You really need to pick up a hobby. Been here for a week and a half and all you have to show for it is a house and some friends. Actually, that isn’t that bad in the grand scheme of things. You stop and take a deep breath of that spring scent, the flowers give off the best scent this time of year. You almost don’t notice the bump against your rump, almost. Out of fear you nearly jump out of your skin and look backwards, your offender cowering behind her mane. “Fluttershy? Thank god it’s just you. You almost gave me a heart attack.” She calms down with you, but why is she here at all? Why isn’t she back at her cottage? “Been following me for long?” you ask sarcastically. ”I just- well- I thought-“ she sighs, “Never mind…” She turns and walks away, the hint of sadness unmistakable. You’re about to turn when she stops abruptly, “Be assertive Fluttershy…” You didn’t hear her clearly. She rounds about and marches towards you. ”Anon, I’d like to invite you over to my cottage.” “Okay.” ”I won’t take no for an- Wait what?” Her forceful show fades away at your answer and you can’t help but grin. “You don’t need to act tough to get me to come over.” ”So… you do?” You smile and nod. “I’d love to.” ~~~ You open the door for her and instantly understand what Mous meant by the smell. It’s certainly bad, but you’ve had the unfortunate experience to witness a septic leak. This is nothing in comparison. She cleans up nice with all the animals that roam about, not a single piss-stained plank or dung pile in sight. The smell is the only part that permeates the atmosphere but you can get used to it. ”Can I get you something to drink? Tea or something if you want…” “Water will be fine thank you.” She flies over to the kitchen and gives you a chance to sit down. A white rabbit hops over by your leg and stares at you. You stare back. His eyes pierce the very essence of your being and wraps around your soul, entwining it with his fuzzy demeanor. The battle of wills engages for an eternity and when the ashes have settled only the two of you will remain. Oh come on, it’s a fucking rabbit. He reaches his tiny paw up towards you and swings it a few times. You meet him with your finger, the rabbit gripping it and giving a hearty shake. He doesn’t have a collar or anything. You wonder what his name is. ”I see you met Angel,” she says reading your mind, “He’s a good friend.” The little guy certainly seems nice enough. You talk with her a little bit, mainly about what she does for a living, though you didn’t have to ask. She takes care of animals big and small and she sells anything that they produce that would go to waste otherwise. You’re surprised to find out how wealthy she actually is with all the ingredients and business she gets. She didn’t even brag about it like Rarity did. That doesn’t surprise you coming from her though. That’s when she asked about back home. Now, you’re not sure why, but lying to her just felt… wrong. So you tell her the truth, about earth your family and friends. She takes it well but when she asks how you got here, it gets difficult. “I can’t give you an answer there as much as I’d like to know myself. I just kinda popped in here.” “And what about your friends?” “Before I say anything else you have to promise me you’ll keep it a secret.” ”Alright.” “If this gets out… I don’t know how ponies will react.” ”Okay.” “Can you promise me that you’ll keep it a secret?” She nods, “Pinkie Promise.” That’s good enough for you. So you tell her. Everything. She takes it all in, all the alternative universe jargon and scientific theory mumbo jumbo Twilight gave you, all of it. This was supposed to be a secret between the Anons and Twilight, but now she knows too. You feel regret for breaking that covenant, but also relief for talking to someone else about it. Someone who might understand how you felt. ”I’m sorry.” That’s all she says. And that’s all she needed to say. “Thank you for listening, it’s good to get this off my chest.” She does understand. She empathized with you, she could feel how you felt, that longing pain to return home. ”Why can’t Twilight send you back? She’s the most powerful unicorn in Ponyville.” “Teleportation is a dangerous art she said. Something about getting sucked into the vacuum of space.” ”So there’s no way back?” “No, but something brought me here. That thing can take me back.” She grows silent, your negativity killing the mood. “I’d have to find the thing first. I don’t even know where to look,” you say with a smile. ”I hope you find it Anon,” she replies, “You deserve to be happy.” You thank her and drink the last of your water. The sun begins its descent over the hills and only then do you realize how long you’d been talking. She notices too, “Will you look at the time, we’re late!” You raise an eyebrow questionably. “Late for what?” ”Didn’t your friends tell you? Pinkie’s hosting a party for you all tonight.” “I must’ve missed the memo.” You walk into the kitchen with her and grab the fruit platter for her. ”This might not be their first party, but it’s yours.” You open the door for her and the two of you make your way to Sugarcube Corner. ~~~ You find the oversized pastry of a building soon enough. By the crippling music and silhouettes cast upon the dim street you’d say you missed the intro. The door opens for the two of you, Mous seemingly in a good mood. ”Nice of you to drop by Anon. Fluttershy, it’s a pleasure to see you could make it.” She takes the platter off your hands and leaves the two of you alone. “Real nice thing they threw for us don’t you think?” ”Certainly, I wouldn’t expect anything less from Pinkie Pie,” he says counting down on his fingers. “What’s with the hands?” ”Oh, just trying to give you fair warning.” “Fair warning for what?” ”For this,” his last finger closes in. ”HIYA ANON!” Mous catches you as you stumble backwards from the startling bundle. ”Anon, this is Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie this is Anon.” ”I know that silly, you already told me.” He smiles, “That I did, that I did.” “So I have you to thank for this wondrous occasion?” ”Don’t you love it?! It is simply spectacular! Mous and I went over the plans again and again to get it just right.” “Is that so,” you say giving him a knowing look. “And what about work?” ”My recreational activities don’t interfere with my work, rest assured.” “Ahuh.” ”Hey Pinkie, why don’t you show Anon around. I don’t think he’s tried your cupcakes either.” She gasps, taking in more air than a pony should be able to. ”We have GOT to fix that.” She drags you away from Mous who rests on a stool waving you goodbye. ”Here try this one first,” she says shoving it into your mouth before you can protest. Oh. Oh my. Calm down Little Anon it’s only a cupcake. You swallow as much as you can, the strawberry-chocolate filling richer than anything you’ve had before. But holy fuck it’s goooood. ”Sooo?” she asks hanging on to your breath. “John 9:25. Whereas once I was blind, now I can see.” ”So you’re saying…” You grab another one and toss it up in the air a few times before taking a bite. “They’re delicious.” ”Now to try the rest of them,” you stop her before she can shove something else in your mouth. “Good things come to those who wait. Why don’t you keep Mous company? He’d really appreciate it.” ”Okie dokie lokie.” She hops on over and you can see him brighten as she approaches. What is up with these guys and mares? You take a slice of pie and find Anonymous, Mickey and Rainbow Dash in a three-way drinking contest. Fluttershy’s propped up nearby watching from the back and you move to join her. “So who’s winning?” ”I’m not sure, they all look tired.” “Yeah that’s called being hammered.” Rainbow Dash sees you and hollers, “Betcha can’t beat me!” “Do you mind?” you ask Fluttershy. ”Go ahead, it’s your party.” You pull up a chair, Duff plopping a shot in front of you. “Not going to join us?” ”As much as I’d like to run you all under the table, I have a shift later tonight.” You down it without a hitch, congratulating his forward thinking. ”Someone has to be responsible here. I’m just taking some of that off of good ol’ Mous.” Two more shots down the hatch and Duff says his farewell, hugging Pinkie for the party. ”I tol ya he wush a smrt one,” Mickey grumbles trying to pick up his shot glass. Rainbow Dash laughs and pushes him slightly, the drunk bastard falling out of his chair, which in turn makes her laugh harder. ”HA! Servisiss ‘im right. Tryin ta beat mi,” Anonymous joins in. You down more and more shots, images starting to blur together. “Hey Anonymiss? Hey. Hey. Hey. Aninimous hey.” You pick his head off the table, a line of drool escaping his mouth. Gross. Rainbow Dash isn’t far behind him and excuses herself only to trip on air and fall off the chair. She looks to you before she blacks out, “Lucky I wint e z on ya.” The crowd applauds and you take a bow, careful not to tip over accidently. Don’t want to make a fool out of yourself. When you try to find Fluttershy she vanishes into thin air leaving you scratching your head. You ask around, no one having seen her leave. She’s quiet so most people probably overlooked her. You find Twilight, the observant one of her group of friends. She says that Fluttershy went outside to catch some fresh air. You find her outside sitting on a bench. You join her. “Beautiful night wouldn’t you say?” ”If you think so…” “You can never truly appreciate the dark if you’ve never seen the light. Works vice versa too.” You close your eyes and let the nightly sounds conduct their symphony of peace. “When I was a boy my mother told me not to look into the sun, so I didn’t, but one day I took a glance, just one little glance.” You sigh and put your arm on the bench. “The pain taught me just how cruel and beautiful life can be. I learned just how thin that line was.” You look to the moon and smile. “The night dims all around it, but in the end, the sun still shines through. Dang, this is some philosophical stuff right here.” ”But you said the night was beautiful, how can it be if it also dims all those around it.” “Because it casts aside the material and shows the true beauty of things. The moon is my compass and it directs me to such sights.” She smiles, “That’s nice.” “I surprise even myself sometimes,” you chuckle. Your arm finds its way around her and you subconsciously pull her close. “It’s nice to share a night like this with a friend.” Her body’s like a miniature heater next to you. She rests her head against you and drifts off. This should be romantic, but… it just won’t work. She’s a mare, you’re a man. Maybe if things were different. Another time in another place. “I guess we’d better get going then huh Fluttershy?” She doesn’t respond. “Fluttershy?” You look down, her chest rising and falling in slumber. The cuteness has been officially doubled. You lay her down on the bench and quickly run inside, saying your goodbyes and grabbing her empty platter. You ease her into your arms and cradle her like you would a small child. She nuzzles and retreats further into your arms as you move off to her cottage. ~~~ You open the door home, Angel waiting for you. He takes the platter and points you to her room upstairs while he runs off into the kitchen. He sure is a helpful fella, smart too. You push open the door and set her down on the bed, Fluttershy sinking into the soft material. Gently, you pull her sheets over her until she’s nice and comfortable. With the light shining down on her she looks positively serene. With a smile you prepare to walk out and back home. “Anon?” “Yeah Fluttershy.” ”Do… do you mind staying, just for the night?” This rubs you the wrong kind of way, even with the alcohol in your system. ”It’s just- I have trouble falling asleep, and… I feel better if you’re here.” Anon you are such a sucker. “Sure,” you say sitting back down. ”The whole night?” “The whole night.” She takes a deep breath and looks up at you with moonlit eyes, and you’re not sure why, but you decided to do it. “Hush little pony, don’t say a word. Anon’s gonna buy you a mocking bird. And if that mockingbird don't sing, Anon's gonna buy you a diamond ring.” She yawns and grins at you. “And if that diamond ring turns to brass, Anon’s gonna buy you a looking glass.” “And if that looking glass gets broke, Anon's gonna buy you a billy-goat.” She closes her eyes and nuzzles into the pillow, holding it tight. “And if that billy-goat won't pull, Anon's gonna buy you a cart and bull.” Her breathing slows as she reaches a peaceful slumber. “And if that cart and bull falls down, you’ll be the sweetest little pony in town.” You brush the hair over her hair, earning a full view of her adorable face. “Goodnight Fluttershy.” ~~~ Meanwhile at the eastern port… ”Sorry Flash, but I’ve never heard of any Erreda. How about you boys?” The tavern erupts with a chorus of ‘nopes.’ “Well, thanks for your time then.” Six taverns, four ports, no mention of Erreda. They’ve sailed these seas, they know what’s out there. Nothing. Both homes are gone, now all you have left is this one. At least you know Twilight’s safe. She’s in good hands with Duff. But she’ll never be yours again. It just won’t happen. Now that you have nothing left to live for, why do it? ”Excuse me sir, but are you Anon?” You look up to the pony, hidden beneath his robe. “It’s Flash now.” ”Ah good,” a green burst of light hits you in the chest knocking you to the floor. His cowl glows as he prepares another blast, “I’d hate to kill the wrong man.” You thought he felt familiar, that aura they give off is distinct. Changelings…