//------------------------------// // Aura Theory // Story: SCP-1946 "The Stable Door" // by BetaGravGear //------------------------------// Foundation File Archive Comm Record Of: MSB X173 Location: Site 19 Unit Comm: ARRTF Xi-13 Squad 4; Consists of the following personnel Sara Tain (Lead), Paul Serai, Harry Polks, Maxwell Dieir, and Terry Slate Time: [Redacted] Tain: Keep moving forward, I don’t care if you can’t see anything in front of you. That is what flashlights were made for. Polks: Ma’am, I believe we do have some merit to being a little more cautious than usual. Tain: And what would that exactly be Polks? Serai: I believe it might have to do with the fact that we are currently in Site 19 after a massive breakout, one of which is in fact The Statue. Tain: And that is why we are here, to secure it and make sure it doesn’t kill anything, or worse. Slate: I am more worried about what else might have escaped; I think I heard that some pretty crazy shit has been kept in the location. Dieir: Geez, as long as we have all our sides covered we have nothing to be worried about. The Statue can’t move while it is being observed. Tain: Now that is the response I like Dieir. The rest of you could learn a thing or two from him. Serai: Sure, compare us to the army veteran again. You know, we don’t like it when you… did you hear that? Small scrapping noises can be faintly heard. Polks: What the hell is that? Tain: Damn it Polks, keep your cool and stay in formation. Dieir: Come on Polks, this is your job. Keep your cool or we will all get killed. Polks: Fuck no! This is not what I signed up for. Overlapping arguing is heard followed by a loud scream from one of the members. Polks: SHIT RUN! Dieir: Damn it Polks, come back here now or else it will… Gunfire is heard followed by a loud snapping sound. Tain: Polks… Serai: Fucking idiot, he should have listened. Slate: We can talk about his insolence later, just keep watch on it. Unknown sounds can barely be heard in the background. Tain: Slate, turn around and check what the hell is making that sound. Dieir: This is more of a priority right now, if we both blink… Tain: I care about a damn rear as well, Slate check the rear while we keep this one right here. Slate: I don’t see anything… Wait, it’s another team. Tain: That’s good news; we can join up with them and try to get this thing back where it belongs. Dieir: Ma’am, I don’t think that is another team. Tain: What do you mean Dieir? Dieir: We are the only ones in this whole section of the site… Serai: Then what the fuck is that light coming toward us then? Dieir: Ma’am, I think we should go, now. The Statue can be captured again. Tain: No! We are going to wait here and join up with that other unit. I am getting friendly lights from them. Dieir: It can’t be another unit ma’am; I already told you that we are the only ones here. Slate: Well I can see them now… wait why are they pointing their rifles at… SHIT! Gunfire fire can be heard for the next few moments, during which a loud cracking sound is heard. Heavy panting is soon followed as the gunfire gets farther away. Slate: Damn it… both of them… Dieir: I tried to tell her… I knew it couldn’t be another squad… Slate: I hope we lost them… what do we do now? We are down three people, one of which was our lead… Dieir: We retreat and let a bigger group come in. I knew five wouldn’t be enough for this part, but she just had to try and show off that she was better. Slate: How can we even be sure we will make it? Dieir: Because, I will make sure we will make it. I am going to promise you something right here Terry, no one else is going to fall under my watch… no matter what happens. Slate: … Thanks Max, you don’t know how much that calmed me down. End Recording “Trench, are you okay?” Pulse asked as he shook Trench awake, a worried look decorating his features. Trench quickly shook his head as he regained awareness of where he was. He has nodded off while everyone was discussing the possible meanings of the recent discovery of a weird jewel formation overhead, which seemed to still be going on though it had died down. Trench looked up at Pulse from his sitting position before getting up and answering the other lead. “Yeah, just a little exhausted I guess.” He stated with a sigh as he tried to shake the bad memory from his thoughts as he looked toward the group discussing the current problem. Shaking his head one more time, Trench looked again toward Pulse as he asked “How long was I out?” Pulse got a confused look in his eyes as he answered. “You didn’t really fall asleep, was more like you were in a deep thought. Exactly what were you thinking about; you had a pretty grave expression on your face.” Pulse finished the worried expression still present. Trench just looked towards the others again as he answered, his grave look returning. “I would rather not think about it again. For now, I would like to know if any progress was made on finding out what the hell is above us right now.” Trench specified as he started moving toward the group, their discussion starting to attack his ears. It seemed that Chrono was currently talking, an air of confidence currently surrounding him. “… So that is the most likely answer?” Was the first thing Trench heard from Chrono, his tone just as confident. “What else could it possibly be, that crazy ass theory that Ore tried to pitch or better yet, Sandy’s’ ‘pink fluffy unicorns’ theory? I think that this is the only…” Chrono stopped talking as he noticed both leads joining the group, his assured grin getting wider as he acknowledged them. “Well, you two finally decided to check on us. Guessing you want to know how we are doing with the research of whatever is above us right?” Chrono ended is statement with a knowing grin, which caused Pulse to shoot him a look which before Trench started his reply. “Yes,” he began as Chrono got the message from Pulse and adopted a more serious face, “from what I heard it seems you might have a good estimate on what exactly we might be dealing with in terms of the yin-yang gems overhead.” Everyone started nodding as Trench completed his sentence. Chrono got up from his current seated position as he pointed up toward the subject of the conversation while he began his report. “Well after a lot of discussion,” he opened the report with, “we have decided on a few things. First of all, the green gem most likely represents us which would mean the lavender one represents another world… most likely the one that Portal and his team were sent to.” Chrono started to point at each thing he was talking about as he got more in depth, not stopping for any questions that he knew the leads had for them. “Next thing, the aura mist thing probably means the portal is currently connected to these two worlds, one being our own, of course, and the other this other one we have yet know only one thing about. Lastly, this other world must be based around magic in some way, shape, or form.” Chrono ended as he sat back down and waited for the leads to start asking the questions. Pulse was the first one, with the exact question Chrono knew they would ask. “How can you be so sure that is based around magic?” Pulse asked, a wondering expression forming. Chrono stretched his arms out as he answered his tone as confident as before. “Because, it makes sense, if the green means adaption and lavender means magic, then surely we are the green. We already know this is a portal, which means that the lavender has to be the other side of the portal right now, and judging from what we have gathered so far, it must be magical in some way.” Chrono finished with a smile as the other question he knew would come up came out of Trench, who was now inspecting the subject in question. “So if that is what you have gathered, does that mean there are actually six worlds connected to this arch?” Trenched asked, an attitude of bewilderment present as Chrono nodded and commenced in his explanation. “Yup. Believe it or not, there are six worlds connected to this very spot. One of which is ours, which means five other worlds. It is currently just a theory, but it is the best one we have so far.” Chrono finished as the leads started to process the new information they have just received. Trench nodded as he looked at the rest of the team, each of them deep in thought, most likely about this information as well. “So, we might have actually found a useable portal that might go to complete worlds… that might be a first in Foundation history.” Trench stated, a small smile finding its way to his features. The rest of the group lightened up at the comment, but Trench could tell they were nervous. When it came to other worlds and the Foundation, it always seemed to end in a bloody mess. Hopefully, this world that Portal and the rest of his group got sent too isn’t too dangerous… but no matter what, they would all come back. He knew they would, because they had to. They had to all come back or else. It had been a while since Grave had gotten angry enough to actually release it. The rest of the members of Zeta-9 adopted small smiles as they started to taunt their captors, who seemed to have gotten worried at the sudden blocking of their ‘ruler’. Picks was the first to talk, which came after a small chuckle. “You all have just gone done fucked up now. Not even Mario could save that princess now.” Picks started to laugh as Mirage looked toward the fog encasing their security lead. “Guess the princess is going to meet the Guardian of Lavender Town… I hope she has an heir, one that is not as aggressive.” Mirage Indicated as he looked toward the weird pony like beings. They all seemed to be staring in fear at the fog, the words they were hearing seeming to really catch their nerves. One of them, a rainbow maned Pegasus quickly flew up in front of the team and told them to shut up. Picks, on hearing this scoffed and started to laugh. He stared right at the multi-colored maned Pegasus as he started to ‘explain’ what was happening to her in-between giggles. “Trust me here you gay colored freak,” Picks initiated as he stopped laughing and adopted a serious look on his face, “what is behind that fog is something that even the devil himself fears. The Guardian of Lavender Town… something that not even the Overseers dare try to touch.” Picks, for once, had and expression that seemed as cold as artic ice as he said his last line to the now semi shaking mare floating in front of him. “You better pray now to whatever fucking gods or goddess you believe in, because nothing has ever survived an encounter with that thing… even The Doctor knows to stay away from that thing.” Picks ended as the multi-colored Pegasus started to back away, a look of fear apparent in her eyes, though she was still trying to put up a tough front. “Oh… oh yeah,” she said, her voice faulting greatly as she tried to stop trembling and apparently intimidate the group in front of her, “well Celestia ca… can handle an… anything. You gu… guys don… don’t scare us…” she was breaking, they could all see it. Even if these foolish equines did believe this princess winged pony horse thing with a horn was some kind of super hero, they seemed to still be worried about her. Mirage just started to shake his head. It seemed they had high regard for this ‘Celestia’, was a real shame that their whole view on her was about to be shattered into an infinite number of micro bits.