//------------------------------// // Author's Notes & Sequel Sneak Peek // Story: Treasured Moon and Stars: Vol. 1 Luna's Treasured Moon // by TigerSwirl448 //------------------------------// Author's Notes & Sequel Sneak Peek Well there you have it. Treasured Moon and Stars Vol. 1: Luna's Treasured Moon is completed. Wow, this story became a huge project for me in mid 2012. It all started one night with me laying in my bed and just thinking before sleeping. And the first thought that came to my mind, as I laid there listening to my music from my IPod, was Treasure Planet and how I haven't seen that movie in practically five years. Then as I listened to a particular song I started daydreaming. I started thinking about that one scene in the movie when Doctor Delbert told Jim that they "were off to the space port". At the end of that loop as I was thinking I ended up seeing Vinyl dressed in a cloak actually sneaking through the port city, almost dressed like Jim, trying to sneak onboard the ERS Cadenza. As I played the song on repeat, I started thinking. In the song there was a penny whistle being played and a violin. At the part of the violin I imagined Octavia with Vinyl. And the penny whistle (which Vinyl played in the story) was Vinyl. (Get the connection?) Then because of Treasure Planet, I started thinking about Castle in the Sky. (Because in the DVD which I own, it had a sneak peek of Castle in the Sky and that was how I got into Hayao Miyazaki's films.) Now I'm seeing Octavia as Sheeta and Vinyl as Patsu. Then both of these movies started colliding into a huge mess that I soon started creating as a story. Then after a week of constant thinking I finally began to write. And I thought up an interested title: Treasured Moon & Stars. Considering that Treasure Planet was basically a trip to find a treasure on a planet then Castle in Sky trying to find a floating city with treasure as well. But it was during the writing of this story that during free writing I started making a new story different than the idea I had by adding The Elements of Harmony and a huge, huge backstory to go with it that I know I can't just leave it as an OctaScratch story. I wanted it to be bigger and even cooler. (In my opinion that is.) I want to go ahead and thank all who gave this story a shot and enjoyed it. That is what I want to do in my future, write epic stories for people like you to enjoy. Thank you (you know who you are) that had viewed it, gave it a read, favorite it and enjoyed. Not to mention the people that gave me great comments that helped me and inspired me, I appreciate that. Now here is a special surprise for you guys. I mentioned a song that kind of helped in writing this story. It's practically the theme of the whole story to me. But the sad part is, that this particular song isn't on YouTube. But I did find it on Bing Music. It is called Dream Teller / Fantasy played by the Celtic Thunder Band. (The video is powered by Vimeo I think its called. So if you have tablets or smart phones reading this you won't see it. I tested it on my iPad tablet and it only shown YouTube videos.) On a normal computer or laptop: It's the first video titled Voyage II. I also got two other music video links for you guys. This first link is the replacement of the theme if I couldn't find the first one. The musical piece is from Epic Score: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 11 and this was a more epic sounding version than the other one. The song title is: Adventure of the Sky. This second one is actually the music I played when writing the last four chapters and it fit very well in the dramatic sort. It has this mysterious creepy vibe that matched the feeling in the chapters depicting the Moon yet it's pretty too. It is called: Hollow Light of the Sealed Land, it's a remixed theme of a video game piece of music from an album called Sora no Kiseki Zanmai. (The song is the theme of a major game from Japan.) Do those themes fit well to you. If you like them go on ITunes and pick them up. That is if you have ITunes then other than that go on Amazon or something or other to get the download or get the hard disc. After all that, Book 2 is completed on my hard drive it just needs heavy editing at the moment. The time period of when I'll put book 2 up might be in mid-January or early-February, I'm not sure yet. But that won't stop me in putting up a special Sneak Peek for you guys. It's a short one though and this might change when I fully edit the story later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vinyl groaned opening her eyes feeling the horrible numbness on her back. She opened her eyes seeing Sweetie Belle crying silently on her chest. “Sweetie Belle?” Vinyl whispered with strain. Sweetie Belle gasped sitting up seeing Vinyl smiling at her. “Hey, squirt.” Sweetie Belle smiled with joy. “Oh thank, Luna, you’re alright! I thought you were really hurt, Vinyl!” Vinyl sighed patting her on the head. “I’m fine, oooh man.” Vinyl groaned slowly sitting up with Sweetie Belle sitting in her lap hugging her. Sweetie Belle opened her eyes feeling something against Vinyl’s back as Vinyl stretched her arms in the air groaning from the pain in her back. “V-vinyl.” “What?” Vinyl groaned out. “What’s this?” Sweetie Belle pulled off something from Vinyl’s back to find a tannish brown colored fragment. Vinyl thought a moment then felt something weird. She placed her hand on the ground and heard a small splash. “Huh?” Vinyl looked down but saw one thing before another. One was a floating skull and two was water! “Shit!” Vinyl screamed out grabbing Sweetie Belle in her arms standing up seeing that there were broken bones impacted from Vinyl’s fall and the water was already rushing in from grated holes at the bottom of the circular wall around her. Sweetie Belle saw the skull and screamed hugging Vinyl tighter with her arms around her neck. “Where are we? Why are there bones?” She squeaked watching the skull bob a touch from the rising water. Vinyl watched and felt the water entering her boots. “An execution chamber no doubt . . . so this was what that bitch meant.” Vinyl scowled looking around to see her surroundings and try to make a plan. Of course the cell was about the shape of a cylinder. About a thirty feet deep from the grate above and the ground under her feet. There were bones here so they didn’t clean up after the last use. And now the water is rising up to the top of her ankles. “What was that?” Sweetie Belle asked crying looking around. Vinyl looked around too hearing the sounds of water through an empty pipe. She looked up seeing a strange changeling gargoyle head, five feet above Vinyl’s head. Vinyl stared at the gargoyle’s agonized eyes then gaped. Suddenly water spat into her face causing Vinyl to back into the wall screaming out from the pain in her back. Sweetie Belle gasped seeing blood on the wall where Vinyl slammed against. “Vinyl, you’re bleeding!” Sweetie Belle screamed out when another stream of water splashes her. Vinyl gasped feeling the water now reaching her knees. She moved her leg and heard the sound of chains. She looked down through the hazy water to see dark chains. Vinyl reached down with difficulty and pulled the chain. She felt the tug on her leg and her eyes went wide. “Fuck my life!” She snapped looking around then up. She looked down at the chain. Sure enough she had twenty feet length of chain but there was only thirty feet from the ground to the grate. “Vinyl?” Sweetie Belle asked sniffling. “Are we going to die?” Vinyl opened her mouth to answer but closed it instead staring at the chain then at the water then up at the grate. She gulped feeling herself start to float to her toes. “It’s going to be fine.” Vinyl said reassuringly hugging Sweetie Belle to her praying for help but it’s probably possible that help might not come this time. She can feel Sweetie Belle cry into her neck. Vinyl couldn’t blame the poor kid. Vinyl might not make it out but she’s sure as hell and by her family’s graves that Sweetie Belle will get out of this alive and get back to her sister Rarity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There you go, you're sneak peek into Vol. 2 hope this gets you guys pumped up for more. Oh and one other thing before I let you go. There is another story already up right now that can use your attention. TMS Side story: Treasured Sweetheart is up and competed since it's a one-shot story. I would like you guys that have read TMS to read it (Or read it if you want to read more on TMS). At least give me an idea on what you think. Because I was planning on writing a one-shot story about Daring or Spitfire or even some other character, I don't know yet. It depends on what you guys think. Well now that part is out of the way. Thank you so much for reading this and for reading my story. Spread it out, tell people about it, for my first story I think I did very well. Oh yes and one last teaser for you guys. There is one other thing I want to tell you. In the next book, the Crossover tag will be removed because the first book was heavily influenced by Treasure Planet & Castle in the Sky so the first book would start rolling. There might be tiny references but nothing as major as the first book. The next book will also get very dark. (At least it's very dark to me.) This last link will probably give you an idea on what big event might happen. I'll let the song tell you. A well-known character will unleash her beast.