//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: The B-Team // Story: The Anons of Equestria // by Bastinator //------------------------------// You file into the train, kissing Fluttershy goodbye. She’s staying behind with Rarity to take care of Flash and Anonymous for you all. Everyone else is heading with you to Canterlot to confront Luna. ”Promise to keep him safe, Pinkie.” ”Pinkie Promise,” she giggles, her careless joy welcoming. You could all use some of her happiness right now. The train roars to life and the doors close, Fluttershy putting her hoof to the glass.You do the same, “Stay safe.” “I will.” The train pulls away and Fluttershy’s image fades out of view. ”You really care for her don’t you?” Rainbow Dash asks. “More than the world, but I can’t just let that down.” You find your seat and plop down, Pinkie sitting across from you. She looks out the window and back to you, “Are we there yet?” This is going to be a fun trip. “No, we’re not.” You rest your head on the cushioned seat and try to relax, “How ‘bout now?” “No, we’re not.” Another silence. “No, we’re not.” ”But I didn’t say anything,” she pouts. “You were thinking it.” She giggles and bops you on the nose, “Well haha Mr. Smarty Pants.” “Don’t bring Twilight’s doll into this.” You steal a glance at Twilight who’s trying her best to ignore your comment. And she thought you wouldn’t notice that doll. Anon sees all. You rest your head against the glass as you’d done back on earth whenever on a trip. Your mind wanders as the terrain flashes by. At least before Pinkie drags you back to reality. ”Watcha thinking about?” “Nothing Pinkie.” ”Nothing? How can you think of nothing? I tried to think of nothing once, but then I thinked of everything.” “Thinked? I’m pretty sure that’s impossible.” ”Don’t even get me started,” Twilight adds from the other side. “Anyways…” you look back to the window. ”So how are things with Fluttershy going?” You pull your gaze away from the landscape once again with slight irritation. The same way a monkey flinging dung at you is slightly irritating. “They’re going fine.” ”Did ya take her out somewhere special?” “Yes, the Spa. She told you this.” ”How long have you been going out for?” She just never stops with the questions. “About a month, give or take a few days.” ”Got any plans for your anniversary?” “Actually, I do.” She gazes with interest, “I’m listening.” “I was thinking about taking her up to Neighagra Falls.” She gasps, swallowing in more air than humanly possible, “That is just so romantic.” You didn’t think it was all that great of an idea. It’s nice to see you were wrong. She continues to bombard you with questions regarding your relationship and its very tiring. Twilight and Applejack try to help you out a little, but even they cannot calm the storm that is the Pinkie Pie. And that’s when things get weird. She asks the one question that crosses all the lines. ”So have you guys done it yet?” NOPE! You stand up and walk to the other end of the cart and sit down, “So have ya?” “Jesus H Christ, do you just pop out of nowhere? Everyone answers in unison, “Yes.” ”So what’s the answer?” “That is a very private question that I do not believe is appropriate enough to deserve an answer.” ”So…” “I’m not telling.” ”Oh come on! Just a hint.” “How do you hint a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question?” ”I dunno.” That was helpful. “Can we just drop it?” ”Alright, but I’m watching you Mr. Cocoa.” Who the fuck is that? You know what, don’t even bother brain. It’s not worth it. Duff catches your attention with a motion of his hand. ”So have you?” You stare at him, your rage a fire pit of roasted rattlesnakes and marshmallows. “If my anger could be concentrated in a single mass I would become a black hole that sucks everything around in an act of destruction unknown to mankind.” ”Is that a yes?” “Fuck you Duff.” ~~~ After what feels like hours they finally put an end to the endless questions. Duff, being the most experienced strategist, calls a group huddle. ”Alright gang, if Luna’s going to put up a fight we’re all going to have to pitch in and concentrate our efforts. We stick in twos in case she tries anything funky. I’m taking Dash under my belt.” He points to Applejack, “You and Mous are together. Twilight, you and Mickey are together.” He finally gets to you, “And I’m sorry, but you and Pinkie are together.” Pinkie does a jig and sits down, “You’re going to answer my question sooner or later.” “Or never.” ”That too.” ”In any case, let’s be sure to stick together and-“ *Rumble, rumble* You all hold onto whatever you can as a shockwave courses through the train. ”What in Tartarus was that?” Twilight asks. You spot Canterlot in the distance, a smoking pillar rising from the city. “Holy shit, Canterlot got smashed by something powerful.” Mickey closes his eyes, “I can’t sense any spike in Chaos. Discord couldn’t have done it.” ”Helping out for once I see,” Rainbow stabs him with scorn. Mickey quiets down and avoids eye contact. Applejack speaks up, “Well we ain’t just waltzing in there now.” ”Alright, new plan,” Duff takes command again, “Same teams, we move up through the city section by section.” “That’ll take too long. If Canterlot’s under attack we need to get to the Princess as fast as possible.” ”Solid point Anon. We get to the city as fast as possible, helping who we’re able to along the way. Fair enough?” “Works for me.” Duff looks to Twilight, “Alright Twi, what’s the fastest way to the castle?” She thinks for a minute, “The city’s central market.” ”What about the back alleys or walls?” Mickey asks. “I made great time going that way.” ”It’d be hard to get us all through either of those places with a group of our size, even if we split.” “So how do we go about this?” ”We’ll have to see when we get there. There’s no telling how much damage has been done to the structures.” ”Let’s get to the Markets and we’ll see what we can do from there.” You watch as you get closer and closer to Canterlot. The fire spreads throughout the city, but there’s no sign of an exterior threat. Duff concludes that this is most likely an inside job, and by the way it’s spreading, they aren’t done yet. You keep your hand on your pistol. Your palms grow greasy and an uncomfortable heat seizes you. Just think of Fluttershy, think of her smiling face as you return home. You’ll sit out by the river with her and watch the clouds. She’ll scoot closer and nuzzle your neck as her heart throbs against you. Together you’ll your eyes and fall asleep as one. It’ll be nice, but you have to fight for it first. The train slows to a halt, the lot of you fidgeting nervously. Duff whips the flame thrower off his back and hands it to Mickey, “Don’t make me regret putting this in your hands.” ”You won’t.” Duff hands out his ammo for the three of you and takes hold of the door handle. ”When I open these doors, get to cover. Am I clear?” ”Yes sir.” He smiles, “Hooah.” The door’s pulled open, “GO GO GO!” You charge into the city, or rather what’s left. You’re temporarily stunned as the fires rage through the debris ridden streets. Whole buildings are just gone, nothing but a few stones to commemorate their existence. Pinkie pulls you down to cover with the others. You grab hold of your gun and hold it firmly, Duff peeking over the debris. ”Let’s keep this clean. Hold your fire unless they’re a confirmed hostile.” “And how do we know when they’re confirmed?” ”They’ll try to kill you.” “Oh… ok…” ”Let’s go, and try to keep low to avoid the smoke. The last thing we want is your coughing to give away our position.” Duff heads up first with his Pulse Rifle at the ready. You vault over the wreckage and get behind a wall, the others moving up. Your group moves up through the desolate street, screaming echoing from further up. You swallow hard and keep your gun up. Duff holds his fist up to his side and you all freeze. He presses his finger to his lips and holsters his rifle. He draws an exotic looking knife from his leg and crouches forwards. You quietly follow to get a peek at what he’s doing. You turn the corner as Duff sneaks up behind some black insect thing. He grabs him by the mouth and slits his throat in a single fluid motion. Note to self, don’t piss off Duff. He gives a come hither motion with the back of his hand and you crouch beside him. ”When I give the order to freeze, you do so. Am I understood?” “Yes sir.” ”I understand the curiosity, but do you know who killed the cat?” “Curiosity?” ”No, I did. Scratching at my door one too many times,” he jokes, “Let’s move up.” You follow Duff side by side, “That was a Changeling by the way. Surprising how all the big baddies are black and have odd colored blood.” “I’m sure fighting Xenos is a bit easier than these guys.” ”Xenos can’t turn into one of your friends, these guys can.” “But still…” A group of ponies darts down the street towards your group, two more bug things at their tail. Duff fires off a shot connecting with one of their heads. You take aim and fire. It hits the changeling’s wing and he crashes down into the dirt. Dash and the others calm down the fleeing group of ponies and directs them indoors. Duff walks over to the wounded changeling and curb stomps him, “You missed.” “Just barely.” You regroup with Twilight who’s flagging you both down. ”This is it, just about forty yards north and we’ll hit the courtyard.” ”Alright, how’s it look?” ”Not great,” Twilight says, “But enough for us to work with.” ”Then let’s get to it,” Duff says anxious to see this mission through. ”Duff I want you on the rooftops. My team will go around and secure the exit, while Anon and Mous head through either side of the courtyard.” “Sounds like a plan to me.” Duff stands up, “You heard the lady, we have our orders now move out.” He holsters his rifle and begins to climb, Dash helping him reach the top. Mickey and Twilight head left down the alleyway, leaving the main road to Mous’s team and yours. “Ready to kick some flank?” ”Just make sure Pinkie’s safe okay?” ”He will.” They share a hug and you proceed into the yard. You hide behind an overturned cart with the others and peek over. ”Watcha see Anon?” Applejack asks quietly. “I see more Changelings and some ponies in weird armor.” ”Are they fighting?” asks Mous. “No but…” you see another pony in golden armor charge into the field before getting overwhelmed by the two forces. “They’re definitely not our allies.” Pinkie joins you too, “OH! Those are the-“ You pull Pinkie down before they see her. ”Night… guard…” she whispers. You take another look and see a half dozen guards and bugs coming your way. They step over the corpses of their fellows, eyes fixated on you. “Fuck. Fuck. Alright, when I give the signal head along the western side.” This is a terrible idea. But you weren’t born with an abundance of brains. You take a few breathes and roll to the side behind a nearby pillar. The changelings begin to chatter in their tongue and you take the opportunity to let off a few rounds. The first hits a changeling right in the head and you quickly fire at their peers. You get another changeling in the torso before he and his friends can get into cover. “Roll out!” The rest of their group acknowledges your position and begin shooting of bolts of energy towards your position. You fire off a few more rounds, but are ultimately pinned down by their bombardment. A shattering boom comes from your left and three of the attackers are covered in some yellow substance. ”Dangit, I accidently filled it with cheese, let’s try again.” Pinkie fires another blast off of her cannon, and you can’t help but wonder where the hell she pulled that out of. You keep moving further up the east wall. As you’re switching sides you notice a Night Guard charging towards the cart Pinkie’s entrenched in. “Get out of there!” You move to take him down, but another hail of lightning bolts keeps you effectively pinned. A shot rings out from above and the guard plummets to the ground. You look up through the smoke, and see Dash landing next to Duff, his barrel smoking. You give him a salute and crawl back over to Pinkie amidst the rubble. She lets loose one more blast, knocking a changeling into unconsciousness with a concentrated confetti attack. It does double damage if the target is a big meanie apparently. You pull her with you along the archway. Two more guards block off the path and you’re forced to get into cover. A few potshots do little do slow them down and one manages to throw your cover away leaving you open. As he lunges you quickly switch it to burst fire and lay six rounds into his chest. He collapses atop you lifeless and you quickly finish off his companion. A fierce explosion rocks the building in front of you and forces you to stay back. Further up, a changeling is fortified and charging another blast. You spot a pillar up ahead and sprint towards it, an explosion meeting you. Everything turns white and the next thing you know you’re on your back and you can’t feel your legs. You look down, your legs still intact, but the explosion knocked a lot out of you. Pulse Rifle fire rains down from above, the changeling shielded by one of his comrades. Pinkie… Where’s Pinkie? The changeling’s horn grows a glimmering green as he finishes it up, a pink ninja popping out behind him. She gives him a swift chop to the neck and pointblank cannons another. They both go down and the next thing you know she’s helping you to your feet. “You’re fast like a freak you know that.” ”Yep!” “No time to celebrate. Mous and Applejack look like they’re getting hit hard.” Duff picks off another two, but they just keep coming. “What do you say we lend them a hoof?” She smiles, “Okie Dokie Lokie.” You swap mags and strip the old one before looking to Pinkie. She nods and the two of you head out to give them a taste of your own medicine. You break through one of the fruit stands and tackle the guard. Two squeezes of the triggers and not even his armor can protect him from death. A changeling brings his hooves atop your ribs and you sweep your legs, giving him a taste of gun barrel. “Pinkie! Covering fire!” She slides beside you and begins firing into the crowd. Mous steps out of cover as a foolish guard advances and fills him with lead. “How many of these guys are there?” ”Too many.” The main force is fortified in a fountain in the center of the marketplace. Dash makes a sweep surveying the field and gives Duff the information. ”GRENADE OUT!” you hear him shout. ”What’s a-” You cover her as another explosion pierces the air of the courtyard. Water and debris fall atop your back as you shield Pinkie. The fountain’s effectively demolished along with those who hide inside it. A changeling struggles to escape and you end him with one motion. Pinkie’s still in shock from the explosion and you hoist her over your shoulder. You sprint to where Mous is holding out and call out so he doesn’t accidently blow you away. Mous steps out and fires both barrels beside you. You get behind cover as Mous nudges the corpse he just made. You set Pinkie down, Mous quickly checking on her. “She’s fine. The explosion shook her up pretty good though.” He holds her with care, “We’ll make it through this don’t you worry.” ”That there was awesome!” Applejack cheers still in awe over Duff’s work. Movement catches your eye behind Applejack. “AJ behind!” She raises her rear and bucks, her attacker falling to the floor with a beautiful snap. ”Like bucking apples back home.” “Apple trees don’t buck back.” ”True.” ”If you two are done we should get moving before reinforcements show up.” “Agreed.” The two of you reload and Applejack carries Pinkie. Both changelings and the night guards take their loses and start pulling out… Right into the cone of flame. The smell of burnt flesh permeates the air as they scramble away from the scorching flames…. Right into the hail of bullets. There’s just no winning for the bad guys. You finish off one last guard with a bullet to the head before filling up your current mag. “About time you two got here.” ”Sorry,” Twilight apologizes, “We ran into some trouble ourselves.” ”Better late than never,” Dash says coming in for a swift landing. Duff hits the ground in a cloud of dust, his gun at the ready. ”Did you miss me?” “How did we get so far without you?” ”Meh, I was just up there anyways. I have that aura of victory.” “Yeah I’m sure. Nice aim by the way.” He nods. “Thank the corps,” he looks to the castle, “Let’s get up there. There’s no time to waste.” A member of the night guard shouts towards the castle, “They’re here! Send all rein- hguhg” You lower your gun and roll behind one of the many bushes in the garden. Hooves approach your location and you look to Duff for your order. Duff gives you the signal and you take ‘em. Bashing the first one over the head the second guard pummels your face and gets you on your back. Dash tackles him and AJ finishes him off with a stern kick to the head. “Teamwork at its finest right here.” You push open the castle doors and check your corners. “Clear here.” The others file in behind you and Twilight gives the room a onceover, “Alright, let’s find the Princess before Luna can get her.” “Flavus too. We can’t let either of them get away.” Duff kicks open the door as a luminescent blue shines off his face. ”What in Celestia’s name…” You push through the door and towards the light, an alicorn as black as the darkest night and with a mane of the stars conjuring some sort of spell. The target? Celestia and a single unicorn in armor. The unicorn seems to be holding up a protective barrier with Celestia’s assistance, but it’s waning. ”Shining Armor! Princess!” Twilight cries out. Luna looks towards your group and ceases her spell. ”At last you’ve arrived. You have to get me out of here. He’s out of-“ A swish sounds out and the alicorn drops to the floor, a dart sticking out of her neck. “It’s about time you showed up. I was afraid the prince would’ve passed on his trip, but fate has proven otherwise.” The man hits the floor without so much as a sound. He stands up, the full length of his coat flowing down. ”I missed you all so much.” You’re about to take aim when he interrupts, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You’re an alright shot I’ll admit, but not good enough to hit me.” “You don’t know that.” ”Oh but I do. I overlooked your whole battle in the markets, shame about the fountain. I really liked it.” Duff is about as flustered as you, “Look Flavus, I don’t know what’s happened to you, but there are bigger problems out there. We can’t be fighting-“ “Ah yes, Discord am I correct? Shame that. He’s reached a level that even I cannot defeat, at least not alone.” ”His power’s already corrupted us,” Mickey says in sorrow, “I know what it feels like.” Flavus raises his brow, “So you think- Oh my lord. You think Discord did this to me? Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re looking at me in my purest form. Nothing more than a mindless psychopath, you could say. You’d be wrong, but…” “I don’t care what you are. We can’t let you harm Celestia.” He chuckles, “Take Celestia, I have no quarrel with her. It is you, who should be concerned.” “We’ll see about that.” He grins as you raise your gun. You fire three rounds at him, his coat falling to the floor ridden with holes. ”As I said, you’re good, just not great.” Where the hell did he- “Behind you.” A swift kick to the back of your head and he’s once again vanished into the shadows. Mous shouts for him to reveal himself, earning a chilling laugh in return. You get up as Twilight and Applejack fall down, two more darts sticking out of their necks. “What did you do to them!?” ”Nothing compared to what I’ll do to you.” You roll out of the way as his knee smacks into the floor where your back used to be. He grins, “That’s the spirit.” Mickey jabs at Flavus who easily dodges every attack, even getting in a playful smack or two. Duff tries to aim, but can’t get a shot without risking to hit Mickey. ”You’re hesitation will be your downfall against Discord.” Flavus kicks Mickey away and into Duff, leaving only Mous left standing. ”Ah, the old adventurer. Tell me, what odds do you think you have against me.” Celestia and her guard watch in horror as Flavus approaches him. ”I think you loathe the idea of being used. You want our help, even if it means having to put up with… lesser beings, you might say. Am I wrong?” Flavus is taken aback, “I must say that you’re quite the artifact. Not many know of my methods.” ”What can I say? I used to have the mind of a monster myself.” Flavus nods cheerfully, “You never did answer my question though.” A pink dot moves in the background as Mous gives him an answer, “This much. Anon?” You fire a burst at Flavus who dodges the attack, but is placed in an awkward position. Mous smacks his head with the barrel of his gun and sends him rolling back before he gets to a knee. On cue, Pinkie gives him a shot of her party cannon and forces him to dodge once again, which gives Mickey more than enough time to focus his magic and hold Flavus down. When Flavus overcomes the bonds of his restraints he stares back at the barrels of three guns, each trained on his head. ”Where Discord and his changeling allies fear you, I do not.” He throws his arm up, knocking away each of your barrels and pounds his fist into your chest. You’re thrown backwards as he quickly disarms Duff and Mous and sends a knife into Mickey’s gut. He stand there triumphant, staring down at those he’s defeated, each of your friends unconscious. He’ll- he’ll kill you all… Not on your watch. “What hope do you have against Discord, when you lack the conviction to even fir- *Bang* Your hands shake as smoke rises from your pistol. Flavus looks at you quizzically and then to the hole in his shoulder. He flinches as he dips his finger inside and licks off the blood. ”Hmm, could use a bit more flavoring,” he looks to you and marches forwards. You squeeze the trigger again- *click* “Oh… Fuck me.” ”I didn’t expect this from you, you know.” You flinch as he shoots his hands towards you. But the attack never comes. And when you open your eyes his hand stayed extended towards you. He grabs hold of your hand and pulls you up when you refuse to meet him. ”There’s a fire in your eyes. You’re willing to do whatever it takes to stop Discord, even if it means killing a potential ally?” “Yes.” His smile is disheartening, “Then we are more alike than I thought. Come Anon, let us help the others. We’re going to need them if we’re to strike our next target.” “Next?” ”But of course, the changeling’s hive.” ~~~ Meanwhile off in the Hive… Discord scratches his chin in anger, his connection with Anon severed, and his forces in Canterlot all but destroyed. “Even as the lord of chaos, I do not appreciate it when others bring it to my own plans.” Chrysalis looks down upon her captive, the muscled being working out. “You worry too much my lord. Nightmare Moon was destined to fail, you told me this yourself.” “Yes, but not so soon. This strength they’ve gathered has consequences. I will not be cast in stone once more.” “And you won’t. Our tool is more than enough to handle all of them.” “He cannot overcome their will. With the mane 6 at their side I’m not sure he can withstand them.” She smiles and waves to the man down below, “When the time comes and they assault these walls, Light will strike back from the darkness.”