The Adventures of Grimley and Sktech

by Dorvarious

Prologue/ We're going where????

Several hours earlier…

It was a beautiful day at the Overlord’s Tower, the birds were singing and the cute little fuzzy animals were nuzzling each other affectionately. It made Gnarl sick to the stomach. Now Gnarl is the Overlord advisor, he was the same height as other minions, but was wiser than the rest and had been the advisor of the previous Overlord, but was defeated but the dastardly Seven Heroes. Gnarl had gray scaly skin, has white hair on his chin and on the sides of his head. The other minions do not have this because they don’t survive long enough to have any hair, due to the facts that they are either stomped on, stabbed, burned, melted, drowned, eaten, fall off a cliff, etc.

The tower resides in the middle of the earth hanging upside down surrounded by swirling vortex at the bottom of it where, of course is the center of the planet, but it also goes up to the top of the surface of the planet making it look like a huge mountain, but with a dark swirling cloud that emits electricity within it. Inside the tower resides the towers heart where the Overlord gains his mighty power. The heart can allow him to travel anywhere on earth to the Evernight Forest to the remains of the Roman Empire, to which he has crumbled beneath his mighty foot. The only to access the tower is through a huge cave guarded by the best of minions and luckily enough is guarded by Grimley and Sketch.
As Gnarl made his way from the balcony of the tower on the topside of the surface, he goes into one of the rooms where another Minion such as himself, though he is a lot smarter than other minions. Ever since he drank the Fountain of Knowledge in the Evernight Forest, he has been inventing things, from machinery to spells. Gnarl named him Gizmo, since he is now a wiz with gadgets and what not. As Gnarl entered the room he was surrounded by Gears, cogs, boilers, a weird looking machine with wheels on hit making a “veroom” sound. Gnarl didn’t know why but he felt like running over the humans with it. He then heard sounds of metal banging against metal and scurried his way towards the sound where he found Gizmo hammering his trusty mallet against a huge metal like ring structure.

“What in the Sceecher of Narnia is this thing?!” asked Gnarl staring at the huge structure on awe. Gizmo stopped what he was doing and turned towards the source of the new voice and was surprised to see Gnarl.

“Ah Gnarl it is so good to see you sir. This is going to help us conquer more land.” Said Gizmo, he skin was black as coal since we kept working a lot with oil that it now became part of him and he wore goggles over his eyes.

“How so?” asked Gnarl with interest in his voice

“Well this machine here is a portal that will allow our Lord and the Minions to go through into another universe and conquer their land.”

“Oh I know the Master will love this, soon he shall be the ruler of all realms” exclaimed Gnarl raising a fist in the air.

“…Though there is one problem” said Gizmo putting his head down and kicking a bolt away with his foot. “I haven’t tested it, so if we were all to go through there, we might be vaporized.”

“hmmm” Gnarl thought for a moment “perhaps some test subjects might do, but we’ll need to make them smart and powerful, so that whatever is there they can report to us back. Although I don’t want them to be too smart that will allow them to overthrow our lord.”

“But where are we going to get test subjects and who would fit the criteria?” asked Gizmo

As they were both thinking they heard a scream outside and rushed towards the window and looked down and saw two minions fighting at the entrance.

“Give me back my sandwich Sketch!” Shouted a brown minion, who was on top of a red minion hold what looked like a sandwich, but with a pigs head in the center of it.

“Never! Besides I don’t see your name on it Grimley!” shouted Sketch

As Gnarl and Gizmo looked at the scene below them Gnarl got an awful idea. “Gizmo, I think we just found our test subjects.” He said smiling evily, as did Gizmo.

Several minutes earlier….

Two minions stood at the entrance of the Overlords Tower. One was a brown minion who was scratching his ass, with his free hand while his other hand held a spear that was bigger than him, He wore roman armor that he stole from the victim he killed. The other one was a red minion shooting fireballs at birds and he wore roman chest plate since he couldn’t wear anything on his head since he had ram horns. (Information time!!! Brown Minions do not have powers and are only good at using any weapon they find and using it to kill their opponents, while the red minions have the power to summon fire balls. They have red skin that allows them to walk through fire without getting injured. They can suck up all the fire and allow their comrades to go through. They have horns on their head to show that they are little devils). Anyway he was busy shooting birds down with a fireballs.

“Hey Sketch” said the brown minion looking over towards the red minion.

“Yeah Grimley?”

“Ever wonder why we’re here?”

“That’s one of life’s biggest mystery isn’t it? I mean is there really a god or is there some other cosmic being in the universe. Why are we born from the essence of dead creatures and what does the Overlord look like without his helmet? I don’t know Grimley…I do not know…” said Sketch eating a sandwich with a big head in the middle of the bread.
They both stood there looking at each other for a good two minutes until Grimler said, “I meant why the fuck are stuck on guarding the door.”


“Is that my sandwich?”


“It is isn't it!” Yelled Grimley looking a bit angry at Sketch for eating his sandwich.

“well if it is your sandwich, and I’m not saying it is, then it would probably have your name on it, now wouldn't it?” explained Sketch taking another bite.

Grimley stood there gawking at Sketch while he eats the sandwich. He dropped his spear and lunged at Sketch tackling him to the ground.

“GIVE ME BACK MY SANDWICH!!” shouted Grimley on top of the red minion while trying to reach for his sandwich.
As they were both arguing about whose sandwich, they suddenly heard a shout from somewhere.

“GRIMLEY! SKETCH! STOP FIGHTING YOU IGNORING BUFFOONS AND GET YOUR TINY ASSES UP HERE BEFORE I CHOP THEM OFF AND PUT THEM ON THE FIREPLACE MANTEL!!” They both stopped what they were doing and looked to where the voice was. Sketch looked under a small rock, grimley looked under his helmet.

“Hello? Anyone there?”


While Grimley scratched his head thinking where the voice came from, Sketch looked in a rabbit hole to see if the voice came from there.

“Excuse me badger, but what do you want from us?” asked sketch, who was then attacked by the badger as he pulled his head out of the hole. He ran around Grimley screaming his head off while the badger clung to his face, while grimley laughed his ass off. Sketch then pulled the mangy badger off of his face and then threw him off the cliff, he then punch Grimley in the face.


They both stopped what they were doing and looked up to see an enraged Gnarl glaring at them. “Oh hey Gnarl…what’s ya doing up there?” asked Grimley

“OH YOU KNOW ENJOYING THE FUCKING SCENERY AND TAKING THE FRESH BEAUTIFUL AIR AND GETTING A TAN!” shouted Gnarl putting sarcasm in his voice, though Grimley and Sketch didn’t notice at all.

“Aren’t you too told be getting a tan?” Asked Sketch


“Ok Ok don’t get your undies in a knot…..Are you wearing undies?” asked Grimley, trying to look closely at Gnarl…until an anvil fell on him crushing him but leaving a leg sticking out with a foot twitching.

“Welcome Grimley and Sketch. I have a special assignment for you both. While our lord is away ravaging a town and getting their goods. I want you two to explore a new world for our master to conquer.” Said Gnarl as he looked at two minions that stood before him. Both of them looked interested in this assignment, anything that had to do with the Overlord was a big honor for them.

“WHEN DO WE GO? WHEN DO WE GO? WHEN DO WE GO?” they both said in unison.

“Calm your horses you two. I need to give you each different powers so that you can protect yourselves from whatever’s over there” said Gizmo walking over to the group carrying two metal helmets that were connected to weird machine.

“What’s with those weird helmets Gizmo?” asked Gnarl eyes the helmets with interests

“These helmets will put on the heads of our subje- I mean recon team. They will injest them with the essence of our fallen brothers and they gain their powers, for instance, they will have the greens ability to walk through poison and turn invisible. Same thing with the blues and the reds.” Explained Gizmo putting the helmets on top of Grimley and Sketch.


“Ready.” they both said. Gizmo pulled the switch on the big machine and it roared to life and electricity shot out of the machine and went through the wires and connected to the helmets shocking both the test subjects. Causing them both to light up like a Christmas light.

“AAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” they screamed in pain while laughing maniacally.

The shock therapy lasted for five minutes and when the process was done both the minions were smoking like literally. Grimley’s skin color changed from brown to green with a bit of blue, and Sketch’s skin was turned from red to purple and black. They were both dizzy from the shock that their new powers were going haywire. Grimley kept puking poisonous gas, while Sketch kept reappearing and disappearing.

“Now I have brought you both a pack that is filled with goodies, like weapons, and food. Grimley I have given you a map to navigate your way through the portal, it might take you a while to get to a new area, but I’m sure your tiny brains can find it. NOW GET GOING!” said Gnarl handing them both their packs and kicking them through the portal. Where their new adventure began.