The Race for the Missing Powers

by Rainbow Dash 55


"There. All better, Brownie."
Fluttershy carefully tended the beaver's injured paw.
"But no building dams for two months."
Brownie chirped in understanding.
"Good. Now, I'll just--" Fluttershy was immediately interupted by a rainbow-colored blur that crashed in through a window in the cottage. It knocked over more than half of the bookshelf, a bird cage, and a lamp. Then, it tried to get up, and Fluttershy could just make out a sonic rainboom cutie mark.
"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy cried in alarm. "You have to be more careful! Are you hurt?"
Rainbow picked up her head from a large pile of books. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, Fluttershy. We were just practicing."
Then, Princess Twilight entered the cabin. "Goodness! Is everything all right in here?"
Fluttershy immediatley bowed before the alicorn. "Oh, your highness! Did we disturb you?!"
The princess giggled. "No, Fluttershy. And I told you, call me Twilight!"
Fluttershy got back to all four hooves. "Sorry...What were you two practicing, anyway?"
Rainbow started to put the books back on the shelf. "I was trying to do a sonic rainboom so I can get my powers."
"Powers?" Fluttershy asked. "No pony has EVER got powers before, other then the spells you do, Twilight."
"Well, Rainbow Dash is gonna be the first, then," Twilight declared.
"Twilight put a spell on me, so I'll get powers," said Rainbow.
Fluttershy looked at the alicorn.
Twilight said, "Well, it IS a little more complicated than that, but that's pretty much right. It's a spell I just discovered. It can, in occasion, give a pony powers. It's mainly to help the Wonderbolts with their training and missions."
"That's very clever," Fluttershy said thoughtfully.
"Yeah, but it's pretty hard to do a sonic rainboom. Isn't there anything else we can try that will make my powers appear, Twilight?" Rainbow asked.
"Well, we could try training in a couple other ways. But they're very tiresome," Twilight added.
"Let's do it!" Rainbow charged out the door.