Valley Of Rainbows: Seeking Solutions

by Sparx

The Highland

The Highland

Rainbow Dash made her way to the front of the Gilded Rain where Grizelda and Lyra were. The sun was rising and she could see land approaching quickly. “Looks like we’re here,” she said.

Grizelda nodded. “Good thing too. Ship is gonna need some heavy repairs and I’m gonna have to find some new crew.” She looked towards Rainbow Dash with her hood hanging low. “Nice thinking back there by the way. I might not have a ship if you hadn’t come aboard.”

Dash shrugged and gave a grin. “Hey, you’re not too bad yourself, getting this thing to work for us after it kills most of the crew.”

Grizelda gave a quick laugh. “Bastard’s work is only part of how it’s gonna repay us! It’s fuckin’ calamari for everyone when we land!”

Dash gave a nervous smile before turning real quick to gag. She returned to Grizelda and asked, “Have you been here before?”

“Of course! It’s where I picked up Perfection after all,” Grizelda replied.

Dash noted the lack of care in her voice and made a mental note to seek out the old captain’s family if she could find them. She looked behind her and saw Rover, Spot, and Fido helping the remaining crew members finish mopping up the blood that the squid had sprayed across the deck. She let out a long sigh, thanking whatever power may be watching that she and her friends weren’t lost.

It didn’t take much longer for them to land, the squid unknowingly beaching itself to Lyra’s command. Lyra ceased her playing and returned her instrument to her bag. With no magic holding the squid over, it realized its fate and began to thrash about, but it was far too weak and weary to make a difference. Rainbow hated to admit it, but she found some satisfaction in watching the beast’s pathetic attempts to free itself.

On the beach there were various huts built as the group witnessed a group of minotaurs and goats making their way towards the squid with interest in their eyes. “Grizelda is back and she brought a fish fry!” Grizelda called out over the ship and earned a cheer from the minotaurs below.

Rainbow gathered her party and they readied themselves to get off the ship. She went over to Grizelda to give her final words of thanks. “We appreciate the ride, Griz. We’re gonna head out and do what we came here for.”

“Of course! I’ll be here when you get back,” Grizelda replied.

Rainbow Dash was confused. “Wait. How did you know we would–”

“Ponies don’t come to the minotaur lands to stay. Not often at least. You’re gonna want to go home,” Grizelda responded. “I’ll be here. No need to worry about future charges by the way. I don’t take money from friends.”

“We’ve only known each other for a few days,” Rainbow said.

“Oh, it feels like a lot longer than that,” Grizelda was quick to answer. “Besides, you helped save my ship. I’d say you’ve earned more than your share of rides aboard it. Find whatever you’re looking for and I should have the Rain all patched up for her next voyage when you return.”

Rainbow Dash smiled. “Thanks, Griz.” She turned back to Lyra and the dogs. “Alright guys, we’re going ashore. Lyra, I’d like to take a look through the scrying spell once again to make sure she’s still here. Grab something to focus the spell and find me at the home of this town’s leader, maybe he’ll know where to look.” Lyra gave a nod. “We’ll be asking around, see if we can find out a more concentrated area to look, not to mention a place to stay and eat for the night. I wanna see what minotaurs have before we start camping and using our own supplies.”

Lyra and the dogs gave a salute as Rainbow Dash floated down onto the beach. She watched as Grizelda landed atop the now dead squid and heard a gleeful cheer as she assumed Lyra had made her way among the minotaurs. The mental image of the minty unicorn tackling a full grown minotaur as she had done with Rover brought Rainbow Dash to a snicker.

She trekked through the sand, moving by the minotaur bulls and heifers and their various goat companions. She began to look around for someone who looked like they were in charge, looking to find a few answers to settle herself into the environment. She found a large hut further up the beach and walked up towards it, knocking at the door. She heard heavy footsteps approach before the door was pulled inward, giving way to the image of a tall and mighty looking bull. She felt overwhelmed as he looked down and spoke in a rumbling voice. “Ah! Traveler, welcome to Minotown!” He spread his large arms and gave a smile that grew just as wide.

Not exactly the most creative of names, but then again I come from Ponyville so… Rainbow returned the bull’s smile, though she wasn’t any calmer than before.

“Please, traveler, come in! Power Mettle is my name and I’ll gladly welcome you into my home!” He motioned for Rainbow Dash to follow him as he turned into his house. She hesitated at first but made her way inside. The house was cozy and warmed by a fireplace. Dash would almost feel comfortable if it weren’t for her heavyweight host. His fur was a coffee colored brown and he was much larger than any of the minotaurs outside. And yet… “Could I get you some tea? Maybe some cocoa or perhaps some biscuits? I assure you most everything I prepare is home grown and just magnificent!” He seemed a lot less intimidating with each word he spoke.

“Uh… sure. I guess a bit of tea would be nice,” Dash said. Mettle offered her a seat and she took it. He took only a few minutes before he returned with a cup and a pitcher. She nodded in thanks and took a sip. “Mmm! This is delicious!”

“It should be! Finest green in Minotown. By Tartarus, it was voted best in all of Minos itself! Twice!” Power Mettle stood proudly as he daintily picked up his own tea cup, extending his pinkie and taking a small sip.

“Congratulations,” Dash started. “So, do you always welcome travelers like this?” She was a bit taken aback by such welcoming treatment, it certainly wasn’t what she had expected from the burly minotaurs.

“Absolutely! I adore company and I wouldn’t be a very good mayor if I didn’t show guests some hospitality,” Power Mettle said as if it were obvious.

Well, it seems like I got the right guy at least. Dash thought. “Well that’s a pretty good mindset to have I guess.”

“It’s proven quite well so far!” Power took another sip from his cup. “It’s definitely built up quite an amount of return travelers from Minolympus.”

“Minolympus?” Dash asked.

“Yes, the city in the mountains. Capitol of Minos. It’s much like your Canterlot, except we hold different architecture… not too different from you pegasus ponies if what I hear of your Cloudsdale is correct.” Power gave a warm smile, his golden nose ring dangled in front of his glistening teeth.

“The mountains… you mean in the highland?” Dash felt some excitement that they may be pointed in the right direction.

“Of course! Most of our kind lives there. Beautiful green grass and rolling hills, it truly is a brilliant spot to raise children and live long. Whether you be taur or goat.” Power saw Dash begin to mouth her next question before he interrupted. “We’ve lived together for many years. We speak the goat language and see them as kin, just as much as one another. Even the satyr race that runs along our land are the children of goat and minotaur families.”

Dash looked surprised. She’d heard of the satyrs, came up with a few theories of her own, but she never thought she’d be right with any of them. “I guess that explains quite a bit,” she said. “But I was actually going to ask if you’d heard anything about a pony passing through that direction.”

“Ah. My apologies, Miss…uh…I don’t believe I asked your name,” Mettle said.

“Rainbow Dash,” she answered. “Just, Rainbow Dash.”

Mettle smiled once again. “Lovely name, Rainbow Dash. As for your question, I have indeed seen your friend.” Rainbow’s eyes widened when she heard this. “Yes, Miss Applejack wasn’t it? Now that you mention it, I remember her talking about you too. Yes, she said you were a dear friend of hers. Spoke very highly of you, my dear. Said that, in her travel, you were what she missed the most from her home.”

Rainbow Dash paused, looking into her tea and gazing into her reflection. “She said that, did she?” A small grin grew on her face.

“Yes. She did. She was a very sweet girl. Helped me with my garden before she left.” Mettle gave a little chuckle at the memory. “Headed towards Minolympus right after."

“How long ago did she leave?” Rainbow Dash was quick to ask.

Power Mettle took a few seconds to search his mind. “Oh… perhaps a month ago?”

Rainbow gave a sigh. So much for recent contact. She took an idle sip at her cup once again.

“Don’t look so defeated, honey.” The deep voice and powerful build brought Dash to chortle at the sentence.

“Nah, I’m not defeated, just a little disappointed is all,” Rainbow insisted.

“Well she sounded quite interested in spending some time up there. I think she may still be there if you’re lucky,” Power Mettle said.

There was another knock at the door. “I guess we’ll see.” Dash grinned.

“Friends of yours?” Power asked.

“Most likely.” Dash watched as her host made his way to the door. Once he opened it she could see Lyra and the dogs staring up at Power as he invited them in. “Glad to see you found your way,” Rainbow called.

“Of course!” Lyra responded with a cheery look on her face. “And look at this! It’s a hand mirror!” She let out a small squeal of joy as she produced a small glass object from her bags. “I bought another one. To keep.”

“That is a very lovely looking piece I must agree,” Power added. “May I?”

“Of course!” Lyra allowed their host to take hold of her mirror as the dogs made their way through the door.

“Very good craftsmanship. I can see myself so clearly.” Mettle admired the mirror and himself, running his fingers along his lengthy horns with a smug grin across his face. “And it’s quite a wonderful image.”

“You won’t see me argue that point!” Lyra giggled.

“Don’t mean to interrupt,” Rainbow started. “But could we ask you a question, Power Mettle? It’ll just take a moment.”

“Oh, but of course.” Power Mettle returned Lyra’s mirror. “That is why you came here I assume. Please take a seat.” He motioned towards a couch which Lyra and the dogs sat. He took his own seat in an armchair that looked almost like a throne.

Rainbow Dash looked over towards Lyra and nodded. Lyra returned the motion and produced her mirror. “This should be a big enough surface for us to all get a good look,” Lyra said. “A shame. It’s truly quite beautiful.”

Rainbow then turned her attention back to Mettle. “Lyra here can perform a scrying spell. We want to figure out where Applejack is, and this will show us how. If you could tell us where we need to go by looking in the mirror we’d be very grateful,” she explained.

Power smiled. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks.” Rainbow motioned for Lyra to begin. She pulled her lyre once again and played the familiar melody, humming along. Power looked into the mirror with awe as it began to ripple and shimmer. Rainbow spoke, “Applejack…” and the reflection gave way to an image that Dash remembered the first time they performed the spell to locate her friend. Power took what time he had to look into the mirror, scratching at his chin in thought and recollection.

When the mirror shattered he was taken by surprise. “Sorry! I’ll clean it up!” Lyra offered.

“Oh, no trouble at all,” Power Mettle returned. “And yes, that is definitely the highland, just north of Minolympus. She’s gotten pretty far up there though. At least it seems so.” A worried expression befell him. “That far up, the land is not under the minotaur rule. There are creatures up there that may wish her harm if she isn’t careful.”

Rainbow’s eyes narrowed. “Then we have to be fast.” She grinned. “My specialty.” She stood and gathered her bags. “I’m really sorry we have to leave so soon, Power Mettle, but our friend needs us right now. Thank you for your hospitality.”

Lyra and the dogs stood as well, ready to go. Lyra lifted the broken glass from the floor and brought it above a trash bin, dropping it among the rest of the garbage.

“Of course, it is no trouble,” Power returned. “In fact, if you would allow me to walk you towards our train station, I can get you on your way lickety split!”

“No, I’m Lyra! Lickety is still in Ponyville,” Lyra laughed. “Sorry, just a bit of pony humor.”

Mettle didn’t seem to get it, but continued anyway. “You’ve proven grand guests so far, as well as friends to another guest I enjoyed. I’ll make sure your time in Minos is enjoyable.” He stood and led them to the door. Outside, Rainbow could see the other minotaurs at the shore as they cheered while they cooked up the squid that had caused such strife for their voyage over here. Despite her disgust, she felt some form of sadistic joy to see the creature being fried and fed to the minotaurs. Mettle urged them to follow as he made his way further up the beach.

After only a few minutes of walking they stood before the train station. “Stay here just a moment.” Mettle made his way up to the station and began speaking to the goat that stood in the booth. It was odd for them to hear the bull speak in bleats and baas, stirring a giggle among the dogs. When Power Mettle returned, he held out five tickets for them. “When you get to Minolympus, look for a place called Pan’s Pipe. Tell the owner that your stay is on me.”

“Mettle, we can’t do that. We’ve only known you for about an hour,” Rainbow Dash insisted.

“But Applejack knew me for days. Her friends are my friends,” Mettle returned. “If you’re going to help her, I’m going to offer my help where I can.”

Dash couldn’t help but smile. “Kinda glad she came through this way now. Thanks for all your help, Power. I’ll make it up to you somehow.”

Power Mettle let out a guffaw. “If you all come to visit every now and again, we can discuss that. So make sure you do.”

Rainbow smiled. Her new friend was not as intimidating as she had first thought. She pulled herself back onto her hind legs and gave the big guy a hug. “Thanks again. We’ll hit you up on our way back.” She smiled as he returned her hug. She dropped back to all fours and watched as Lyra gave him a hug as well. “Hey, if you’re ever in Ponyville, give us a holler!”

He chuckled. “I’ll do that.” He waved as the five of them boarded their train. “Tell Applejack that I await her return!”

Rainbow turned in the doorway of the train and called back. “I’ll do you one better! I’ll have her return with me!” She smiled and waved back to her new friend as his own smile grew. She made her way into the train as it began to leave the station and watched the lands pass by.

The train was a much larger vehicle than the ones in Equestria, so Dash found them to be more spacious than she was used to. Lyra spent their time by playing on her lyre, singing songs of tales she had heard or even experienced herself. Dash enjoyed these songs and they seemed to even calm the dogs as well.

Hours passed and the sun dipped under the horizon before the party arrived at their destination. They stepped off the oversized train and onto the ground of Minolympus. The buildings were built with elegance and artistry, with the buildings that seemed most important standing on top of the hills above the homes for all to see. Resting upon columns, the structures looked like temples and did in fact remind Rainbow Dash of pegasus architecture. Minotaurs walked about in great numbers alongside goats and the occasional satyr; many adorned in togas and robes. Lyra gave another of her happy cries when she witnessed one of the goat-folk walking about on cloven feet, running over and forcing one to the ground to witness its hands. Dash rolled her eyes at the act and made her way into the city with the dogs following close at her side. She called Lyra to her side as they passed and she obeyed, apologizing to the satyr and helping him up to his hooves once again.

“Such fascinating creatures!” Lyra was still looking back at the satyr, it looked back to her with a frightened expression in its eyes. “They have a natural talent at music you know.”

“So do you Lyra.” Rainbow Dash pointed to Lyra’s flank. The image of a lyre emblazoned on her coat.

“Well yes, but this talent lies within every satyr!” Lyra explained. “Even from a young age they can play the panpipes and enchant a full grown stallion!”

“I thought they were notorious lady lovers,” Rainbow said in minor confusion. “They’re all male aren’t they?”

“Well, mostly yes, but you act like somepony’s sex would stop such a hedonistic creature.” A sinister smirk grew on Lyra’s face. “Many an embarrassing explanation has been forced due to the actions of a satyr, dear Rainbow Dash. Mind your ears or you may have to give one yourself. I’m not so sure your special pony would feel so great about raising a satyr child.” She let loose a loud laugh. “Oh I do love the satyrs! Music, wine, sex and joy! Viva Minolympus!”

Rainbow couldn’t help but chuckle along with Lyra. “Sounds like Pinkie Pie would really enjoy this place.”

“Ah, yes she would!” Lyra returned. “The pink party pony in the home of the satyrs, that situation could only be fun. I’ve been here once before, during a great feasting celebration, she would have adored it! Luckily I was able to keep my wits after my... indulgence, and returned to Bon Bon happy and unspoiled.”

Dash shook her head. “You know Lyra, I never took you to be as wild as that. I thought you just told weird stories and read about bipeds all day.”

“Well that’s all that Ponyville ever really sees of me. I’ve traveled a lot though and had my fun. What fascinated me most though, in this world, were the bipeds! They’re what inspired me to come up with the idea of humans in the first place!”

“Why bipeds?” Rainbow asked. “Why the fascination with hands and not tentacles and cephalopods like the fucker we took out on the ship? What about something like Discord or a chimera with all sorts of parts?”

Lyra shrugged. “Honestly, I couldn’t tell you. Not directly anyway. I could tell you about how I’d love to pluck at the strings of my lyre with fingers, or the magnificent dexterity I’ve seen those appendages show, or perhaps one of the more… perverse uses for them.” She gave that same smirk as before. “But in truth, my interest simply comes from fascination itself. We don’t always pick what interests us in life. We can, but it doesn’t turn out that way all the time. I’ll be the first to admit it’s a bit of a strange obsession to have, but if passion is a crime then there are folk out there guiltier than I am,” she finished with a prideful smile on her face. “Like you for example.”

“Me?” Dash asked.

“Of course, Miss ‘fastest flier in all of Equestria,’” Lyra chuckled.

Rainbow Dash thought about it as they walked along and gave a smile. “You know… I never thought about it like that,” she giggled. “You make a good point, Lyra.”

“I know I do,” Lyra returned.

“Yes! Dogs know what you speak of Mrs. Lyra! We feel the same way about gems!” Rover added from behind, almost taking the two ponies by surprise. “Dogs dig all day and night to find the gems inside. We pay with gems, we work for gems and we live for the gems! Our species is named after gems! We know of this passion well!” Fido and Spot nodded as Rover spoke. “We are all truly kindred spirits!” He brought his arms around the necks of Rainbow and Lyra with a beam on his face.

Dash and Lyra looked at one another and nodded in agreement. “I guess we are, Rover,” Dash said.

The five of them continued through the town with the moon overhead illuminating their path. Eventually Spot pointed out the inn they had been searching for on top of one of the higher hills. They marched up with Dash fluttering ahead. When they entered, they were slightly surprised to see many different creatures eating, speaking, and singing with one another. Not only satyrs, minotaurs and goats, but they could also identify other ponies and dogs, as well as a griffon, an independent changeling and most surprising of all, a dragon.

The dragon sat at a table with the griffon and changeling, along with a unicorn. Its scales were an ash black with eyes that glowed like fire, not too different from his mouth and what Dash assumed was his saliva that flew from his mouth as he laughed. He took up the entire corner of the tavern where he sat, laughing loudly with the music that echoed along the walls. She looked to him in interest.

“A scaly one of the earth itself, born from magma,” Rover spoke. “Diamond dogs speak of such a creature. We have come across them whenever we dig too deep, or near the fiery mountains.” He noticed Dash looking at him. “Not us specifically, but dogs. There is no need to worry if it is here though, they are not hateful creatures, quick to anger, but not evil. Insanity is a plague to their kind, but to be here among us, he must have taken some control of his mind,” he explained. “Perhaps with the help of the horned po-nee?”

Dash’s attention turned to the unicorn sitting across from the dragon. They didn’t seem too remarkable, blue coat with white mane, male, possibly middle aged, but she saw what Rover meant. The unicorn spoke with the dragon like a friend, much like Rainbow remembered Twilight and Spike’s relationship being. Perhaps this dragon was the assistant to this unicorn? What had brought them here then? Judging by their rather strange companions, she could only assume that they were adventuring, same as her.

The five of them took a seat at a nearby table. A few seconds afterwards, they were approached by a shaggy satyr with black fur and large horns like a ram’s. “Welcome to Pan’s Pipe friends, the hub for adventures from around the globe,” he welcomed them. His eyes dragged along Lyra and Rainbow Dash, his eyes drooping and lips curling with a pleased look. “Well hello ladies.” He gave a deep bow. “If I’d known that such lovely creatures would pass through those doors on this day, I would have taken a greater effort in my appearance this morning. I hardly feel worthy of waiting for you.”

Lyra giggled and gave a wink to Rainbow dash. “We’re flattered, but we’re not interested. Already have somepony back home for us,” she explained.

The satyr dipped his head and smiled. “Understood madam. I can respect that.”

Those three on the other hoof…” Lyra pointed a hoof towards the dogs as they scratched absently at themselves. She whispered into the satyr’s ear before pulling away and giggling some more.

The satyr joined her. “I’ll keep that in mind dear lady. Now, how might I help you tonight?”

The gang each gave their orders for the night and were served their meals. As they ate, they shared a few stories and told a few jokes. The dogs found themselves perplexed whenever their waiter would move in close to them or offer to scratch behind their ears. They didn’t seem to mind though, enjoying whenever he managed to find the spot they could never find. The girls chortled at their oblivious behavior. When they finished up and the satyr returned once more for their pay, they explained that they were sent by Power Mettle. The satyr understood and even bit at his lip with the look of pleasant memories on his face. He took their cleaned plates and returned with two room keys, dangling the one for the dogs teasingly on a finger. Each time they would reach for it he would pull it away.

“Allow me to guide you to your room, my precious guests,” he cooed. The three dogs looked to one another and all shrugged, nodding to their host as he smiled. “Excellent.”

Lyra and Dash kept giggling as they watched their companions walk away with their waiter. “Should we let this go on?” Rainbow asked with tears in her eyes.

“Of course! I only told him to tease them a bit,” Lyra returned. “At the very least we should wait for them to realize what’s happening.”

“At this point I don’t think that will happen even if they wake up with him,” Rainbow said through her laughter.

After they collected themselves, they grabbed their key and went to their room. They set their bags next to their beds as Rainbow began her nightly ritual. Lyra watched as Dash summoned power and light into the necklace. When she finished, she crawled into her bed with the element still on her neck.

“Thing has a lot of potential behind it,” Lyra said. Dash looked a little confused. “Your jewelry. Loyalty right?” Dash nodded. “Lots of different things can be seen as an act of loyalty. You’ve rescued the dogs with a desire to save them. Seems if you feel a strong enough desire to protect or aid one you’re loyal to, its power will kick in. I’m only guessing from what I’ve seen and you’ve told me though.”

“Yeah,” Dash looked to the ceiling. “I’ve gathered that much… you have any other ideas about this thing?”

Lyra crawled into her own bed as well. “I have some theories. For one, I’m unsure how effective it will be if you were to try and protect someone you barely met. For instance, I don’t know how much distance you’ll get trying to use its power to help Power Mettle or Grizelda,” she explained. “Also, acts of loyalty. Aside from protection, it has other actions that we’ve yet to see… or had to see you perform.”

“Like what?” Rainbow asked.

Lyra let out a sigh. “Like vengeance.” Her voice sounded grim as she spoke. Rainbow thought about that. She’d never considered the elements holding much offensive capability, except perhaps Twilight’s. Lyra began to chortle to herself, recapturing Rainbow’s attention. “Now that I think a bit deeper, perhaps you could enhance the pleasure of a partner you were loyal to?”

Dash chuckled. “I swear, ever since we came to this place your mind has been stuck on fucking.”

“Can you blame me? All the wine and satyrs and music, it’s hard not to let your mind wander into some of the more primal desires,” Lyra returned. The two of them heard three screams come from the room next to them, distinctive of Rover, Spot and Fido. They began laughing hard once again. “See what I mean?”

The morning came after sleep and the five gathered once again, though the dogs’ faces seemed a bit more red than usual. They gave thanks to the satyr who helped them in the previous night before heading out the doors. As they began to walk their way north, they noticed the same group from last night with the dragon pass them by.

Dash took another look at the dragon as he stepped by. Something in its eyes showed worry, despite its smile. It looked down to the unicorn with its anxiety hidden behind a smile. He worried for the old pony, but for what reason Dash didn’t know.

She put it out of her mind as they came to the edge of the city, stepping out into the highlands they had come to explore. Hang tight Applejack. We’re almost there.