//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: My Little Human // by XyroX //------------------------------// It was a rainy night. Fluttershy was lying in her bed, but she couldn’t sleep. With every thunder she winced, not even Angel was able to calm her down. This storm was heavier than any other storm she had seen in her life. The pegasus trembled horrified as the next lightning drew though the sky and let it lighten up like it was day. “Oh, Angel, what is going on there? You must be terribly frightened, poor bunny!” Angel looked at her with a skeptical glaze. He raised an eyebrow, but he knew Fluttershy said this only to make herself believe she’d be the one who tried to comfort him, not the other way around. Suddenly, it seemed like the storm was gone from one second to the next. It was still raining and windy, but not far as heavy as just a moment ago. Fluttershy looked carefully around, holding her blanket up like a shield to defend herself from the weather, though she still lied in her bed. It was completely silent, but slowly a weird noise raised. It sounded like a whining foal, right in front of her door. “Oh, my, is there somepony out there? During this storm? Come on, Angel, we’ll take a look.” She slowly stood up and went to the front door, the whining grew louder and louder as she came nearer. She opened the door a crack and looked around. On the ground, right before her door on the small carpet was a tiny basket with a little white blanket in it. And something was under this blanket, it was… moving. Fluttershy opened the door wider and took a look into the basket. There was this tiny, pink creature, sucking on its thumb and somehow crying at the same time. It had blue eyes and not a single hair on its entire body. The blanket was a bit out of place and Fluttershy noticed it was wearing a diaper. Right after it spotted her above it, it stopped crying and watched her curious. Fluttershy was in shock, this little thing looked like a shaved ape! What in the hay was that? It was an infant, obviously, but that was about everything she could tell. What species is it? What gender? And where comes it from? “No matter what it is, I can’t just leave it out here in the cold. Come on, we’ll find you some warm place to stay the night.” She grabbed the basket and turned around, entering her house and heading right to the fireplace. After she started a little fire she placed the basket a few steps away from it, getting sure it wasn’t too hot in it and covered the strange creature with its blanket. Angel seemed to like this tiny thing right away, he jumped into the basket and cuddled himself next to it. Fluttershy looked at him, a bit confused, and smiled. Tomorrow she’ll ask Twilight if she knew what this could be, and where it belongs to. Somepony certainly was looking for it already!