The Race for the Missing Powers

by Rainbow Dash 55

The Salon

Twilight and Rainbow Dash entered a salon.
"Girls! Come in, come in!"
"Hi, Rarity!" Twilight said politely.
"What brings you two here on this wonderful day?" Rarity inquired.
"Yeah! What DOES bring you here?" Pinky Pie said, popping down from the ceiling. She gasped. "Are you two spies?! Hyah!" She pinned Rainbow Dash to the ground, and bended one of her legs back.
Twilight magically picked Pinkie up with a spell from her horn. "Pinkie! We're not spies! We came here to train."
"Train? For what? To be SPIES?!" Pinkie yelled. She pawed at the ground once. "Rarity, you call the cops. I'll get the rope and frosting." And with that, Pinkie Pie galloped up the stairs.
"So sorry, Princess Twilight. Is there anything I can get you two?" Rarity opened her fridge.
"No, that's fine. But there is something else we came here for," Twilight grinned. "Your favorite word."
Rarity gasped. "Princess Twilight, I have been waiting my entire life for you to say that. I am HONORED! Now, is it for you or Dashy?"
"Is what for her or Dashy?" Rainbow became suspicious.
"It's for Dash," Twilight answered. "Actually, I could use one too."
"Use WHAT?!"
"Splended!" Rarity exclaimed. "What kind?"
"What kind of WHAT?!"
"The most glamorous thing you've got!" Twilight said happily.
Rarity began to cry. "Princess, this is truely the happiest day of my life...AAAAAHHHH! This is so exciting! I'll get the supplies!" She cantered to the back room.
"Twilight! If you don't tell me what's going on right now, I'll--"
"Rainbow, this might be hard for you to hear, but you see...Well, I sort of--"
"Hyah!" Pinkie Pie fell out of the ceiling (again) on top of Twilight, and tied her up with the rope she'd gotten from upstairs.
"Pinkie!" Twilight said angrily. "Untie me!"
"Not a chance!", Pinkie refused.
"Fine." Twilight's horn glowed, and the ropes that held her appeared on Pinkie Pie.
"Hey!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.
"Now," Twilight said, "Rainbow, I have to tell you...You're getting a--"
"Okay! I'm ready for the makeover!", Rarity sang.
Twilight closed her eyes, ready for Rainbow's outburst.
Rainbow's eyes were as big as bowling balls as she said, "M-m-m-makeover?!"

"Now, Rainbow, it's okay. Remember what this is for. This might be the only way to get your powers," Twilight reminded her.
Rainbow darted to the door.
"Pinkie, now!", Twilight shouted.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Pinkie slipped out of the ropes and bolted Rainbow to the door.
"Pinkie! Let go of me!" Rainbow struggled against Pinkie's grasp.
"No! You will get this makeover that Rarity so graciously decided to give you and you are going to love it!", Pinkie yelled as she shook Rainbow like a bell.
Rarity emerged from the shadows. "Dashy, it's time."
Pinkie Pie started to lead Rainbow to the fitting room.
They entered the fitting room.