The Race for the Missing Powers

by Rainbow Dash 55


Soarin flew out of the water as Pinkie Pie and her friends gave Rainbow Dash a pep talk.
"What were you THINKING?!", Pinkie screamed at Rainbow, even though she was right in front of her. "You're supposed to be very relaxed and calm so you can get your super powers!" She shook her silly.
"Pinkie!" Twilight pulled her off of Rainbow Dash with her horn. "You're not helping her relax!"
"Super powers?", Spitfire asked.
"I say we teach her a lesson! Throw her back in the river! Here, I'll help." Applejack tried to pick Rainbow up, but she flew up.
"No!", Rainbow said. "Guys, I'm sorry, but--"
Pinkie cut in. "Do you want your powers or not?!"
Soarin stepped in between her and Rainbow Dash. "Guys, stop. This is my fault. I untied Dash and I brought her here. She didn't do anything."
Rainbow Dash loved the way he defended her.
Twilight stepped forward. "Maybe not, but she still went along with it. Come on, Rainbow. We're going home."
Rainbow hung her head and followed Twilight.
Just as Soarin was about to say something else, Spitfire said, "Soarin, you should be getting home too." She and Misty Fly flew away, but Soarin lingered there.