//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Revelations // Story: Love's True Form // by Yosh-E-O //------------------------------// As Spike ran towards the Carousel Boutique, he came across Pinkie Pie and Rarity who were awaiting Rainbow Dash's return to Sugar Cube Corner. "Rarity!" cried Spike. "I'm so happy I found you!" "Spike?" wondered Rarity. "RAWRITY!" cried the dragon as it made its way deeper into Ponyville. "No time to explain!" stated Spike. "Every pony is gathering over at the Carousel Boutique to put an end to this terrible monster!" "The Carousel Boutique?" gasped Rarity. "Why there?" Spike took hold of Rarity's mane and yanked her onward. "Ow!" she cried. "Let go of me at once!" Spike ignored her pleas as he effortlessly hauled Rarity along until she just gave in and started to let him lead her. Pinkie Pie shrugged. "Okay!" she cried before bounding after Rarity and Spike. Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie all arrived in front of the Carousel Boutique just as Luna, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle had begun to strategize a plan in which would banish the dragon from Ponyville. "Spike!" cried Twilight. "I see you found Rarity and Pinkie Pie." "Sure did!" he stated proudly. "It's probably best you get inside, Spike," said Twilight. "I don't want you getting hurt." "What about Rarity?" asked Spike. "What about-" Rarity began to say as Spike pulled again on her mane. "I've promised to keep her safe and that is just what I'm going to do!" "Okay," said twilight. "You and Rarity take cover in the boutique while Luna, Celestia, and I handle the dragon." "Got it!" exclaimed Spike as he hauled Rarity past the group and into the Carousel Boutique. "RAWRITY!" cried the dragon as it made its way down the street that lead to the boutique. "I HOPE YOU HAVE A PLAN!" exclaimed Rainbow dash as she found herself dodging torrent-after-torrent of fire breath. "We shall assist!" cried Luna as she took to the air. "Sister!" cried Celestia. The dragon's attention was quickly pointed straight at Luna and he wasted no time in blanketing her in a torrent of green fire breath. "NO!" cried Celestia. "NOT AGAIN! " Celestia waited for her sister to teleport back in as she did earlier. However, this time, she did not. "NO!" she shouted while spreading her wings and gathering her magic. "I SHALL AVENGE YOU SISTER!" "Wait!" cried Twilight. "The time for waiting is over!" insisted Celestia as she began to glow an angelic white. "This ends now!" "Princess!" Twilight shouted. "Take that!" growled Rainbow Dash as she managed to give a hearty buck to the dragon's face. "RAWRITY!" he cried as he whipped his tail up, snared Rainbow Dash, and flung her fiercely to the ground. "Eeeyah!" cried Rainbow Dash as she hit the ground and eventually came to a bouncing stop near Twilight. Rainbow Dash growled as she picked herself out of the dirt and faced down the purple and green menace. "YOU WANT TO PLAY ROUGH, HUH?" she exclaimed. "I'M BRINGING YOU DOWN!" Twilight was at a loss as Celestia, aglow with the power she had harnessed from the sun, was waiting for the right opportunity to unleash her full fury upon the dragon who had put an end to her sister. "I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO HURT ANY PONY ELSE!" she proclaimed while effortlessly dodging a series of swipes, tail whips, and bursts of flame. "RAWRITY" boomed the dragon as he eyed up the Carousel Boutique. "RAWRITY!" "SONIC…" shouted Rainbow Dash as she flew at full force towards the dragon's face. "RAINBOOM!" "GRAH!" the dragon cried as the full, spectrum force of the Sonic Rainboom caused his head to cock fiercely to the side. Unfortunately, this also caused him to stumble and made Apple Jack and Big Macintosh have to run for their lives so that they didn't find themselves smashed beneath the dragon's, massive feet. "Twilight!" called Rarity as she and Spike returned to her side. "Rarity?" wondered Twilight. "I thought you were taking refuge with Spike?" "We're friends," stated Rarity. "And friends stand together!" "That's right!" added Spike as he put his arm around Rarity. "We're all in this together!" The dragon stopped and his face turned red with what could best be described as rage upon seeing Spike and Rarity standing so closely together. "RAWRITY!" he boomed so loudly that it sent every pony flying or stumbling backwards. "Nice try!" stated Spike firmly. "But our love will end your mindless rampage once-and-for-all!" The dragon roared as he tilted his head back and outstretched his wings. His mouth was now foaming with an even brighter shade of green flame as he eyed up Spike and Rarity who were defiantly facing him down. Seeing her opportunity, Celestia unleashed the full force of her magic against the dragon. The blinding light it gave off made it so no pony could see what was happening. However, when the light subsided, the dragon was clearly on its knees and gasping for breath. "Oh, yeah!" cheered Rainbow Dash as she blazed past the dragon and unleashed her Buccaneer Blaze right against its left cheek. Once the explosion cleared, he was lying in defeat upon the ground. "Rawrity…" he moaned as he found himself unable to bring himself back to his feet. "This is it, Twilight!" cried Celestia. "Let us combine our powers together and banish this dragon from Equestria once-and-for-all!" Just then, Princess Luna appeared in a flash of blue light. "Sister?" Celestia said. "I can't allow you to banish this dragon," replied Luna as she fired a magical attack towards Celestia and Twilight. "What?" wondered Twilight. Green fire enveloped Luna in which soon gave way to showing that Luna wasn't really Luna. Rather, she was Queen Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, in disguise. "You!" exclaimed Celestia. "You act surprised," replied Chrysalis. "Do you really think being sent beyond Equestria's borders would really keep us from coming back better and stronger than ever?" Every pony was awe struck upon seeing the vile queen stand guard over the defeated dragon. "His lust has given me strength beyond that in which even Shining Armor had given me prior to my banishment." She said. "And, so long as he is driven by lust, I will have an infinite source of energy in which to tap from and conquer this country in the name of the Changelings!" The Changeling Queen used her magic to enchant and attract both Rarity and Spike to her side. "Now," she said with a smile. "Where were we?" "Yeowch!" cried Rainbow dash as she was zapped out of the sky and brought to the ground. "Ah!" screamed Apple Jack as she was blasted and sent flying into Rarity's flower garden. "Oof!" moaned Big Macintosh as he was sent through the front door of the Carousel Boutique. "Nope." It was now down to Celestia and Twilight. "Oh, how I've waited for this for so long," stated Chrysalis as she gathered all the lust in which the dragon was giving off. "Not this time!" proclaimed Celestia. "It's a one way trip to the sun for you!" Spike and Rarity stood almost lifeless alongside Chrysalis as she focused her mystical energy. "I'm with you, Princess," stated Twilight. "I owe her for what she did to Cadence and for taking advantage of my brother." There was a slight pause as Chrysalis faced down twilight and Celestia. They then released their respective, mystical energies. "Eep!" cried Fluttershy as she suddenly flew in. "Oh, my!" she cried with fright. "It's… her." Seeing as Chrysalis' magical force was starting to win against Celestia and Twilight, Fluttrshy knew what she had to do. "Oh, no!" she cried while dashing to intercept Chrysalis. "Pest!" cried Chrysalis as she put up a green-tinted shield to keep Fluttershy out as she continued her assault. "Dispose of her." Rarity used her magic to take hold of Fluttershy and tossed her in front of the downed dragon. "You're finished!" proclaimed Chrysalis as she continued to press back the mystical force of Twilight and Celestia. "Now stop, right, there!" cried a voice from the Carousel Boutique. Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack were surprised to see Rarity stomping out of the Carousel Boutique. Her eyes almost burning with anger as she approached the scene of the battle. "HOW, DARE, YOU!" growled Rarity as she began to summon more mystical energy than she had ever mustered before. "I'LL NOT FORGIVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" she boomed as her massing of mystical power caused her mane and tail to flow in an ethereal wind that was basked in light blue. "IT, IS, ON!"