//------------------------------// // Moving on(e) // Story: Rap, Pain, and Friendship // by Twilight Best Pony //------------------------------// *DING DING DING DING DING!!!* Lyrical woke up to the sound of his clock -- the damn thing scaring him shitless. He looked over to his clock and checked the time, his eyes widened. "Damn!" Lyrical shouted out loud. "I'm going to be late for the bucking train!!!" He got up from his bed, tumbling around his messy floor. He ran to his bathroom and quickly brushed his teeth. His hair was a spiky mess, but he didn't care, he never cared about how his mane looked anyways. Rushing to his closet, he pulled out all of his hoodies. There were some all black ones, white ones, one black with white, blue, dark green, orange, and his personal favorite, a brown hoodie with a logo on the chest. It was the Mexicolt eagle standing on a cactus with the national flag as the background. He smiled at the hoodie, and quickly placed it on himself with the help of his magic. He then threw all the remaining hoodies in a suitcase, locked it, and swung it over his back, securing it with the help of a strap, of course. He took one last look in the mirror and smiled at himself. His coat was a light caramel brown and both his mane and tail were spiky with white lines at the tips. His eyes were a grayish white, glistening with determination. He turned around and took one last look at his cutie mark, before he turned around. His mark was a microphone with the cord wrapped around itself. Behind the mic on the left and right sides were two writing quills. "I got you so long ago," Lyrical muttered. "Still can't believe I got you that way." His sad expression was quickly washed away when his mother spoke. "Lirico, you're going to be late!" his mother shouted, snapping his mind out of his thoughts as he quickly ran outside the door. "I'm leaving, ma! I'll see you soon!" Lyrical shouted, galloping out of the house and closing the door behind him. 'All I’ve got to do now is get Shadow, and then we're out of this hell hole!' Lyrical thought. He made a few left turns down the street and, in a few seconds, he was in front of his boy Shadow's house. He knocked as hard as he could on the door, hoping Shadow would answer. "SHADOW!!" Lyrical shouted, "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR! WE'RE BUCKING LATE!!! SHADOW?!?!" Shadow Breeze woke up to the sound of somepony shouting. He quickly flew over to the window and noticed his bro, Lyrical, shouting at the top of his lungs "SHADOW!!" Lyrical shouted, "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR! WE'RE BUCKING LATE!!! SHADOW?!?!" Shadow looked at the time on his nearby clock which read: 8:30. He got up to his mirror and examined his looks. He had an ice and black mane and tail; his eyes were brown and his coat was a shaded gray. He turned around to check out his cutie mark. He and Lyrical never liked calling them “Cutie Marks” so they called them “Bro Marks”. Yea, very Stallion-ly. His “Bro Mark” was a black heart with a white dove in the middle. He shook his head, remembering the bad times he had as a colt. Luckily, Lyrical grew up with him, so they both knew what poverty was like. Their parents struggled everyday to make ends meet, trying to raise enough money to feed their families. Shadow was broken out of his trance by Lyrical’s shouting. "SHADOW, IF YOU DON'T GET DOWN HERE, THEN I WILL BREAK THOSE WINGS OFF SO YOU'LL NEVER HAVE THE JOY OF WINGBONERS AGAIN!" Shadow just shook his head and glanced at his clock. His eyes widened as the time struck 8:35. "SHIT!" shouted Shadow, " WE'RE SO BUCKING LATE!!!" He quickly flew by his mom, gave her a loving hug, then opened the door. There he saw his best friend, knocking on the air, still shouting. "SHADOW YOU GOT ‘TILL THE COUNT OF THREE! ONE...TWO...!" Lyrical looked down to see Shadow with an annoyed look in his eyes. Lyrical smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his mane with his hoof. "Oh, there you are… Come on, we're bucking late and we only got, like, five minutes!" Shadow closed the door behind him and lightly punched Lyrical in the foreleg. "Come on, bro, just teleport us over there and we'll be on time!"  Lyrical just shook his head, saying: “no”. "I wish it were that easy, but my magic only knows things about my Bro Mark. If we're lucky, there might be somepony in the park that can help me with my magic… Let’s just quickly gallop over there-" Lyrical was cut off mid sentence by a certain dark grey hoof. He spat out his buddies hoof from his mouth, releasing his tongue. "Bro! Don't do that! For all I know, you could have been clo-" "Shut up and grab my tail!" Shadow shouted with a look of determination in his eyes. "What...?" Lyrical said plainly. Shadow just shoved his tail at him. "I know it sounds weird," Shadow began, "But it’s the only way we can make it to the train station! Now… GRAB. MY. TAIL!!!" Without hesitation, Lyrical bit his tail, and Shadow flew quickly into the sky. Lyrical and Shadow could have sworn they heard some pony shout out "ADVENTURE!!!" but they decided it was only in the back of their heads. "WE'RE GONNA MAKE IT!!" shouted Shadow. Behind him, Lyrical was pulling out two train tickets from his invisible pocket. Even he doesn't know how that happens. They quickly flew pass other ponies. Shadow was flying with such speed and agility, zigzagging through any pony in his way. Lyrical on the other hoof was crashing into every pony because he was biting Shadow's tail loosely. "MPH ALMOST DER!" Lyrical said through clenched teeth. "HUH?" Shadow questioned, he was flying so fast that he couldn't understand a word his boy was saying. "I SAID… oh shit," Lyrical realized as he opened his mouth, sending him crashing into the ground. Shadow stopped and turned around, checking to see if his bro was all good. "You all right, bro?" Shadow asked. Lyrical nodded and and glanced at the nearest clock. "Dude, we only got ten seconds left!" shouted Lyrical. Shadow knew what he had to do. He grabbed Lyrical by the left foreleg, and dashed towards the train. "LYRICAL!" "YEA, SHADOW?" “ATTACK MOVE ALPHA: T.S.F!" Lyrical nodded as Shadow, along with himself, threw themselves at the entrance of the train. Everything was quiet, as if time was moving in slow motion. Lyrical slowly made it to the entrance of the train, pulled out the two tickets, and slowly, yet dramatically, gave them to the conductor. He was followed shortly by Shadow. The boys quickly crashed into the two seats on the left side of the train. Lyrical and Shadow simultaneously got up, shaking their heads. "Bro, we did it," said Shadow, "we made it. Our new life shall start in Ponyville." Lyrical nodded. "Yea, and we entered the train," Lyrical pulled out a pair of sunglasses out of seemingly nowhere, "like a boss." "...Where did you get those shades?" asked Shadow. Lyrical just chuckled nervously. "Uh....Found ‘em?" Suddenly, Lyrical was turned around by a grey maned, blue coated earth pony. "Give me my glasses back," he said with an annoyed look. Not wanting to start any problems, Lyrical gave them back, and made his way to sit down on a nearby seat. In front of him sat Shadow; a big ass grin on his face.   "Well, here we are, on our way to Ponyville," he said, grinning. Lyrical only nodded back with a small smile. "Yea! We'll start new there. Forget everything from our past…" Lyrical's smile turned into a sad gesture. Frowning, Shadow said, "Dude, we're out of there. We'll start new… don't worry, I'm sure there will be someplace where you can rap at," Shadow finished with a smile. "Now, come on, get some rest. We'll be there by the ‘morrow." "Yeah," Lyrical said glumly, "..Hopefully." With that Lyrical closed his eyes, awaiting the next day.