Love's True Form

by Yosh-E-O

Chapter 5: No Mercy!

Twilight and Celestia looked towards the Rarity who was standing alongside Chrysalis and to the one that had just emerged from the Carousel Boutique.

“Not this again,” stated Celestia.

“Oh,” said Twilight with a grin. “I’ve been studying diligently in preparation for when Queen Swiss Cheese and her army of clones might try another hostile takeover of Equestria.”

“Confident, are we?” cackled Chrysalis. “So long as my amulet is around your pet dragon’s neck, I shall have infinite power from which to feed!”

“What?” asked Twilight with a gasp.

“You heard me,” stated Chrysalis. “You see, tricking that whelp assistant of yours was too easy. And now, he is my slave to do with as I so please. As a matter of fact, you may even want to think twice before attacking me. For, if you do, I may very well just happen to accidentally sap every last ounce of love out of his precious, little heart!”

“You fiend!” cried Twilight.

“You monster!” shouted Rarity. “You’ll pay for what you’ve done to my precious, Spikey-Wikey!”

Chrysalis laughed.
“You only have yourself to blame,” she cackled. “It is his love for you in which has given me such strength.”

“This has gone on long enough!” cried Celestia. “What do you want?”

Chrysalis grew a sinister grin that ran from ear-to-ear as she narrowed her eyes.
“You know what?” she said. “I don’t even know why I’m wasting my time with such pointless negotiations when I can just take what I want right now!”

The giant, winged dragon roared in agony as his body glowed with an intense shade of green. He then lost his wings as he started to shrink back down to his normal size as Chrysalis gathered all the love in Spike’s heart and absorbed it into her tattered body.

“SPIKE!” cried Twilight.

Queen Chrysalis let out a hearty guffaw as she raised her front hooves and began to radiate with a green, ethereal light.
“This is it!” she stated. “The age of the changelings has begun!”
The queen of the changelings stomped her dark hoof upon the ground.

Dark figures quickly began to flood the streets as each began taking the form of any pony they possibly could.

“This is what we’ve been waiting for, princess,” stated Twilight.
Focusing her magic, Twilight cast a spell in which sent a wave of purple light outward that quickly enveloped all of Ponyville.

Chrysalis gasped as she watched all her changelings return to their true forms.
“What have you done?” she growled.

“A spell I’ve been working on ever since you nearly ruined my brother’s wedding,” replied Twilight. “It’s called The Spell of Unmasking.”

“No matter!” Chrysalis scoffed. “The upper-hoof is still mine and we have you all outnumbered!”

Following the lead of their queen, the changelings pressed onward to what they knew was certain victory.

The changeling army had surrounded Twilight, Rarity, and Celestia and were preparing to make their final strike against the trio.

“Together to the end,” stated Celestia.

“Oh,” said Twilight. “I actually have them all right where I want them.”

As the changelings dove in to finish off the princesses, Twilight concentrated her mystical powers into yet another, massive spell.
“Be, GONE!” she cried as light-purple colored beams fired from her horn at a most rapid pace. With each shot she fired, a changeling was hit, turned it to vapor, and sent wisping off towards the Everfree Forest.
“Ungh…” groaned Twilight as she focused on keeping the spell going off as much as possible without accidentally hitting one of her pony friends.

Celestia watched in awe as the changeling army diminished from thousands, to hundreds, to just Chrysalis herself.

“Ah!” yelped Twilight as she had completely depleted her mystical energies and fell to the ground.
“I’m sorry, princess,” she said as she passed out from exhaustion.

“You did well, Twilight,” stated Celestia. “Now it’s my turn.”

“Ooh!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie as she bounced out of the Carousel Boutique. “Where’d all the meanie-faced, toothy things go?”

“You have your friend, Twilight, to thank for that,” stated Celestia.

“Wow!” replied Pinkie Pie. “The way they disappeared reminded me a whole lot of that time I made too many mees and Twilight made us all watch paint dry and then she’d zap the ones that couldn’t be patient with this spell she learned to banish them all back to the Mirror Pool my mom told me about that was out in the Everfree Forest.”

Celestia couldn’t keep up with Pinkie’s pace of speech, but she did get the idea of how something they did before was what was aiding in their effots now.

“Pinkie Pie?” asked Celestia. “Could you keep watch over Princess Twilight while I rid Equestria of this menace once-and-for-all?”

“Okie-Dokie-Lokie!” replied Pinkie Pie as she gave a salute.

Celestia was just about to engage Chrysalis in combat when Rarity ran straight towards the Queen of the Changelings.