My Little Human

by XyroX

Chapter 3

Fluttershy used the time to make her house a bit more baby-fitting. She placed everything that could hurt Olu on the higher shelves, covered the edges of the table and everything else with rounded pieces of wood and upholstered them, she installed a little fence in front of the stairs, and so on. When she was done with this she actually wanted to have a quick rest, but Olu had other plans. He woke up and started crying, so Fluttershy rushed by his side instantly.

“Olu, what’s wrong? Are you hungry again?” She took a bottle she had found during her rearranging and filled it with milk. With the bottle it was much easier to feed him, and it even had two little handles for him to grab. After he finished, she tapped his back like last time, and like last time he let out a little burp. Olu giggled and tried reaching her nose with his tiny hands.

“Hey, you want to play? I’m sure we have some toys for you! Angel, could you please take a look in the box over there?”

The bunny came back after a few seconds, bringing a rattle and handing it to Olu. The boy watched it curious, then he started shaking it and was totally excited when he heard the rattling sound.

“I think it’s time to get you a real bed, not just this basket. Angel, could you go to Applejack and ask her to come here? I’m sure she’ll be able to built a bed for little Olu. I could just buy a crib, but… I don’t want to cause a stir. This one situation with Lyra was enough for me. We have to keep this down, at least until the princess shows up.”

Angel nodded quick and ran out. Fluttershy was just about to continue playing with Olu when she heard somepony knocking on her door.

“Fluttershy, it’s me, Twilight! Open the door!”

The pegasus turned around and did as the alicorn said, then locking the door behind her friend.

“Listen, I reported to Princess Celestia, and she will come here any moment. Did anypony see him till now, besides of you and me?”

“No, but I’m not sure if it’s good that the princess is coming right now, I just sent Angel to Applejack to bring her here, I need somepony to make a crib for Olu, he can’t just lie in this basket all the time.”

“That’s no problem, AJ won’t tell anypony, I’m sure about that. Actually, I had in mind to tell our friends anyway, as the Elements of Harmony we’re the best role models for him, I’m sure.”

Fluttershy didn’t like this idea. Maybe it was a bit selfish, but she felt like Olu’s mother and she didn’t want anypony to take away this role from her. As usual, she didn’t say a word about her worries.

“So, when is the princess going to come? I should clean up a bit before she arrives…”

“That’s not necessary, Fluttershy.”

All out of sudden the Princess of the Day stood in the middle of the room, smiling at Fluttershy.

“Oh, Princess! I-, I’m sorry for the mess, and I’m overwhelmed of meeting you again!”

She bowed as deep as she could, almost touching the bottom with her nose.

“You don’t have to bow every time we meet, young pegasus.” The princess laughed friendly and made Fluttershy raise her head. “I think we’ve met often enough to omit these formalities. I see you already made your house baby-proofed, that’s good. So where is your little friend? I already heard a lot about Olu!”

Fluttershy led the alicorns into the living room where Olu was sitting on the carpet with the rattle half inside his mouth. When he saw the tall alicorn enter, he pulled out the rattle and tried crawling towards her with big, curious eyes.

“This is Olu. I found him during the storm last night, but I’m sure Twilight already told you. I have no idea where he came from, he just lay in front of my door when I opened it.”

“I’ve never seen a creature like him before, that’s really interesting. I thought I’d know every living being in Equestria, but obviously I was wrong. Now, I want you to tell me everything that happened since you found him.”

Fluttershy started telling her everything, and the princess listened attentive. She threw in a question a few times, but most of the time she just remained silent. After Fluttershy finished, Celestia nodded and smiled at Olu.

“I’m sure you’re the right person to take care of him. You’ve proven your selfless commitment many times, and this time it’s even more important than ever before that you’re just yourself, helping this little boy and introducing Equestria to him. But that will have to wait until he grew up a bit. If you need anything, just go to Twilight and she’ll send a letter to me. I’ll make sure you get everything you need to give Olu a good home, though I’m sure you’re already able to do so.”

“Actually, I could really need a few things. A bed for example. I sent Angel to Applejack to bring her here, I thought she could build one for me, and I’m sure she’ll make a beautiful one, but I don’t want to stop her from doing something important on the farm, so I’d be happy if you could instruct a carpenter to build one. And I need proper diapers, I only have some for baby dragons, and… well, they have a hole one the back, that’s not really what I’m looking for. Olu doesn’t have a tail, you see, so this hole isn’t necessary.”

“No problem, I’ll take care of this. You’ll have the diapers by this evening, and the bed should be done by tomorrow, I’ll make sure that this is the next thing my royal carpenters will build. Anything else? Money to buy food, a nanny?”

“Oh, princess, you’re too friendly, but I can’t take your money. Everything I need to feed him is here, by now he actually just drinks milk, and once he grew some proper teethes I will make him a nice salad, some apples or maybe a pie, and I have enough for everyone here. Thanks for the offer, but I don’t want to make any circumstances. A nanny isn’t needed, too, as I don’t want to leave Olu alone anyway, and I have Angel to help me with any errands while I’m here.”

“You don’t have to do this alone, Flutters. The princess and I will do whatever is necessary to support you.”

“That’s right. If you need anything, just let me know and I’ll take care of it.”

“I’m really thankful for your help, but I think for the moment I have everything I need. If I have any troubles, I’ll contact you, your highness.”

“Alright then. I’ll get now back to Canterlot. I wish you the best luck, Fluttershy and Olu!”

Celestia’s horn began to glow and she disappeared.

“I’ll go now, too. I’m sure you can take care of Olu better than anypony else, and maybe we should postpone the meeting with the other elements until he is older.”

Twilight left the house and Fluttershy was alone with her son again. She started playing with him, and she was happier than ever before. Olu wasn’t the first infant she raised, but somehow this time it was different. She could feel that he was special, not just because he was the first one of his species anypony had ever seen, but also because he actually acted like a pony, making Fluttershy feel like she was his real mother. There were so many commonalities between him and a little filly that made their relationship feel like a real family.

Just when Olu seemed to get tired and Fluttershy lied him back into a provisional bed she made for him with hay, a pillowcase, a cushion, a new, clean blanket and the biggest box she could find, she heard somepony knocking on the door.

“Hello? Flutters, are ya here? It’s me, Applejack! Angel came and wanted me to take a visit, so here I am!”

The pegasus opened the door and answered quite, so she won’t wake up Olu.

“Hi, Applejack. Could you please be a bit more quite? Someone is sleeping back there. Yes, I sent Angel to take you here, please, come in.”

The pony entered the house and Fluttershy closed the door behind her without a sound.

“Listen, I’ve picked up a little infant-”

“Again? Seriously, you should stop raising every baby you can get your hooves on, Flutters. I’m seriously worried you’ll overwork some day.”

“Thanks, but I can’t just let a little, helpless creature be alone in this big world. You know I have to help them! So anyway, I actually wanted to ask you if you could built a little crib for him, but that has been settled in the meantime. I’m sorry I wasted your time.”

“That’s no problem, you know I’m always glad if I can help somepony! But since I’m here anyway, would you let me take a look at your newest friend?”

“Actually, he’s sleeping, and I really don’t want to wake him up, so…”

“That’s alright, I’ll be the slightest pony ever!”

Applejack grinned expectantly, and Fluttershy sighed. Why had every pony in this town to be so curious about everything?

“Fine, but you must promise me to never talk to anypony about what you’re about to see!”

Applejack grinned even wider. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

“Alright… but be really quite, ok?”

She slowly led Applejack into her living room and over to the table on which Olu’s bed was placed. The earth pony glazed inside it and backed up immediately, she was totally confused.

“Fluttershy! What is this? I’ve never seen something like it before!”

“Please don’t call him an it. His name is Olu, and to be honest I have no idea what exactly he is, neither have Twilight or Princess Celestia. I think he’s some kind of new species. And just look how cute he is, sucking on his tiny thumb!”

“Are you sure you want to keep your.. Olu? I don’t have to remind you of last time you-”

“Yes, I know, the parasprites, Twilight said that, too. But be honest, what harm could a little infant cause? He can’t even eat without my help! There is no way I’ll stop taking care for him.”

Applejack looked at Fluttershy and knew immediately that she would do everything to protect her little foundling. The pegasus was the calmest and nicest pony in Equestria, but if someone tried hurting an animal, or even a baby in this case, she could turn into the worst nightmare to guard her protégé.

“Just… be careful, alright? If you need any help, I’ll be there for you.”

“I know, and I can’t thank you enough for being the friend you are. But now I really have to ask you to go, I’m sorry, but Olu needs his sleep, and I could take a little nap, too. It all was a bit stressful since he appeared.”

“Good idea, you really look a bit exhausted, and I have some work to do on the farm. I’ll catch you up later, you have to tell me everything about your new friend!”

“I will. See you later!”

Fluttershy placed a big pile of hay right next to the table on which Olu was still sleeping and lied down, the box always in range. Angel popped in through the window and jumped right into the box, curling up next to Olu. The pegasus sighed and fell asleep almost the same second.