The CMC Defense of Equestria

by Dark Colt Sabata

The Dream

Darkness, that's all there was. Only darkness could be seen as an orange filly descended into the abyss. Eventually she gently landed on a platform that looked a little less than solid but proved to be more than capable of holding her weight. She got to her hooves and looked around the platform. Two ponies were depicted on the surface. A cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and herself were immortalized in the center of the platform. After a minute or two she finally spoke up.

“Hello?” she asked, her voice projecting into the void.

“Rainbow Dash? Girls? Anypony?”

She desperately called out into the empty air, hoping that one of her friends would arrive to save her from this dark and scary world where she now found herself. Unfortunately her calls were answered by an unfamiliar voice that did nothing to reassure the confused filly.

“You’re here,” a voice said in a distinctly masculine tone. The filly looked around nervously trying to locate who was talking to her, but despite looking around the entire platform, she could not find the source of the mysterious voice.

“Huh? Who are you? Where are you? More importantly, where am I?” She called out, desperate to know what’s going on. “You better get me back or I’ll be forced to beat you up!”

“There’s no time left,” He said in response, showing no reaction to the filly’s warning, “You must awaken the power within you for the tragedy that will come to Equestria.”

“Tragedy?” She said in a confused tone.The filly did not understand what was going on, but those words alone were enough to keep her interested and scare her at the same time. This combination allowed the voice a chance to speak while she was quiet.

“Don’t be afraid,” He said, “you hold the most important key deep within.”

“Within where?” Just then a light shone from above and illuminated the area in front of the orange filly. In the beam of light she saw herself with her two friends.

“There is still time... The door to the darkness is closed on Equestria, for now...” the voice said with a tone that held both importance and indifference.

“Huh?” The filly was confused by the words of this voice. The light faded and a door appeared in front of her.

“Proceed forward,” The voice said.

The door opened. The filly saw this as an opportunity to maybe get out of here. As she stepped forward a light surrounded her. It died down to reveal some kind of weapon on the ground in front of her. The pommel was decorated with an orange wing and near the tip of the blade. The blade itself looked like it was made of glass with curved, orange and black strips of metal running through it.

Before she could ask what she was looking at, the voice spoke. “This is a Keyblade.”

“A what?” She said confusion loud in her voice. Scootaloo wasn’t as good with words as her friends were but she knew what a blade was, despite the rarity of a weapon in Equestria. What she did not understand was why she would need a weapon. “Why are you giving me this?” She asked the voice.

“You and your friends are the only ones who can stop this threat,” the voice responded.

“You mean Applebloom and Sweetie Belle? Awesome! We get to save the world!” The filly’s mind suddenly became filled with what a ‘saving the world’ Cutie Mark would look like.

“Be careful. Your enemy will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. There will be all kinds of obstacles on your journey to save Equestria from its ultimate doom.”

Suddenly, something tried to attack her. She dodged and turned around, the Keyblade somehow in her mouth. The thing was black and had yellow eyes. It was about the same size as she.The filly didn’t have time to think, as the creature lunged for her, she swung her weapon immediately vanquishing it.

As the filly pondered about how she had wielded the weapon with such skill another one of the dark creatures was sneaking behind her before the creature could attack the filly it was hit by a fireball.The filly staggered to her hooves and turned around to see a silhouette of a bipedal creature, completely covered in shadows. Before she could identify the creature it spoke.

“You’re ready,” he said in the same mysterious voice that had been talking to the filly while she had been in this odd realm, ”Remember you are your friends’ power and they are yours.”

“That’s kind of cheesy but I’ll keep that in mind,” The filly responded, unsure of what else to say.

“Stay strong... Scootaloo” The figure said with a pause in his voice before he disappeared.

“Wait, what?” Scootaloo managed to say before her vision faded to black and she fell to the ground.

Scootaloo woke up in cold sweat as she just realised that she was in Apple Bloom’s room. Her mind tried several attempts to make sense of the situation before she remembered that she and her friends were having a sleepover at Sweet Apple Acres after a long night of crusading. It was at this point that Scootaloo noticed that Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom woke up at the same time as herself.

“Did you have a nightmare?” Scootaloo asked.

“ was scary,” Sweetie Belle responded.

The fillies decided to share the nightmares that each of them had been in. Much to the collective shock and surprise of the group each of the dreams had been exactly the same in regards to events and occurrences.

“What do you think this means?” Scootaloo said to her friends.

“’s just a dream,” Applebloom said, “Prob’ly means nothin’,”

“I don’t know... it felt pretty real,” Sweetie Belle said, uncertain.

“Well, worryin’ about it ain’t gonna get us nowhere, let’s just go back to sleep,” Applebloom said. The others nodded in agreement. In a short while they were all asleep, tomorrow is going to be a tough day for the fillies.


In a dark world a figure was standing in a tower of white stone. The man was wearing a black coat, the coat was adorned with a hood and two white drawstrings. The hood was pulled over his head and blocked his face from view.

“The time is near,” he said. “The time for Equestria to fall to Darkness.”

He jumped off the tower and flew to the top of the castle, the moon was close to the top of the castle. He opened up a portal and in there he saw a pegasus with a rainbow colored mane saving a baby, everypony was cheering for the hero, everypony bar the mare’s five closest friends who stood off to the side, less than impressed at the amount of selfish pride the athlete was showing.

“I can see where this is going.” The figure said.