//------------------------------// // Give Her the Powers, or Have Him Die // Story: The Race for the Missing Powers // by Rainbow Dash 55 //------------------------------// A few minutes later, the door opened, and Rainbow was almost blinded once again. She wasn't surprised to see Spitfire and Misty. Spitfire noticed she was awake, and Rainbow noticed the others were too. "Well, you guys are finally up. I hope you slept well," Spitfire said. "Now, unto other business. Dash, I'm giving you one last chance to give me your powers. What do you say?" "I don't even know what they are. How would I give them to you?", Rainbow stalled. "I would simply extract your powers from you, but that would require you to help me do it." "Never." Spitfire looked slightly surprised to hear this, so she scowled and said, "Very well. We'll do it the hard way." She charged over to Soarin, and burned him with her fire hooves. He yelped. Rainbow screamed, "No! Don't! Stop, Spitfire, please!" Twilight cried, then tried to throw Spitfire into the ocean with her horn, but it didn't work. Her horn didn't even glow. "Rainbow! My horn! It's broken!" But Rainbow ignored her, and focused on Soarin. She used telepathy she discovered she can use a few days ago. Soarin!, she yelled to him with her mind. I'm here, Dash. Hang on! I'll get us through this! No! Don't give her your powers! Spitfire stopped firebending him, and looked between him and Dash. "You two are being awfully quiet. What are you doing?" But if I don't, you'll die. I'm willing to sacrifice that. Spitfire said that, once she gets your powers, she'll be the most invincible pony in the world. She's going to kill all of the princesses, including Twilight, to make herself the queen. "HEL-LO! I asked you a question!", Spitfire told Rainbow. "Oh. Sorry, Spitfire. I just feel a little lightheaded," she faked. "Well, you better get used to it. 'Cause I'm not done. You surrender or he dies!" She continued to lash out at Soarin, and Rainbow and Twilight continued to try to get free. Dash? Soarin! I'm right here! Don't leave me! I think I have to. I just wanted to ask you...Do you love me? Rainbow paused. Yes, Soarin. I love you with all my heart. He gave her a small smile. I love you too, Dash. He looked so tired, and it made Rainbow Dash so angry. Soon enough, the color in his cheeks faded, and he relaxed.