//------------------------------// // Story 10 // Story: THIS IS A STORY // by _NAME_ //------------------------------// The stallion was the happiest he had been in his life, despite the fact it was a dark and stormy evening. He strolled through the streets, pressed up against his new fiancée, both of their bodies pelted by the falling rain, and they couldn’t care less. Beside him, levitated by his magic, were two shopping bags that were thoroughly soaked through and filled with items that didn’t seem all that important any longer. On his other side, the mare smiled brightly, a beacon in the dreary night. On her horn, she was proudly wearing a small, delicate ring, which had hardly been there for an hour since the stallion placed it there when she accepted his proposal. The new couple walked down the streets, their love for each other radiating outwards, on display for any passerby to see. As they passed by a small restaurant, the stallion abruptly stopped walking, slipping away from his partner’s warmth, and made for the entrance. The mare, who took a few seconds to register that the stallion was gone, soon followed, asking what he was doing. The stallion merely grinned and gestured inside, holding the door open for his mare. She walked into the restaurant and froze in shock as she realized that they had entered one of the fanciest restaurants in town. She turned to the stallion, who was just entering, and squealed in delight, thanking him over and over. Chuckling, the stallion walked up to the hostess stand, after drying himself and his mare off, and requested the reservations he had made months prior. The hostess smiled, noticing the ring on the mare’s horn and led the couple over to their table and gave them their menus. The mare sat down, still in awe over how the evening had gone. The stallion took his place across from her, reaching over to hold her hooves in his, content to just sit there with her. She smiled, tears of joy forming in her eyes, and broke free from her future husband’s grasp to dab at the corners of her eyes with the restaurant napkin. He stared at her for a few moments, entranced by her beauty, and then turned his attention to the menu in front of him, wincing inwardly at the lack of prices next to the food. The waiter sauntered over and introduced himself, telling the two about the specials of the day, getting their drink orders and congratulating them on their upcoming marriage before leaving. The two ponies at the table returned their attention to their respective menus, both stealing glances over the top of the menus when they thought the other wasn’t looking and blushing furiously when they caught each other. And they were happy. To them, they knew that, however the rest of their lives went, nothing could ruin their feelings for each other, nothing could spoil that moment when the stallion bent down and held out a ring, nothing could destroy their bond, for they loved each other, and that was all that mattered to either of them. By the time the waiter came back to their table with their drinks, the two had decided on their meals and placed their orders. With minutes to kill before their food arrived, the mare and the stallion began to talk excitedly about their future, about their wedding, and about notifying all their families and friends. They held hooves over the table again, lost in each other. The waiter returned several minutes later, pushing a small cart with their meals on it. The couple broke off their conversation, receiving their food with a chorus of thanks to their waiter, who nodded in appreciation and walked away. They ate quickly, eager to get home and spend their first night together as an engaged couple. Finishing soon after, the stallion paid the bill, cringing at the price, and the two left and headed home in the still pouring rain to enjoy a life together as husband and wife.