My Little Pony: The Entities of Emotion

by Michael_Ravencroft

Episode 12: Those Who Feed On Love...

Deep in the catacombs of the mountains, far from the prying eyes of the Royal Guards and Elements of Harmony Bearers, lived the Changelings, a race of insectoid creatures who had the ability to change their form at will. These pony-like creatures were a feared race, having come very close to taking over Equestria a couple of years ago. They were unique in more than appearance, these Changelings gained sustenance from the love energy of another living being, in this case, the pony race.

Ever since their debacle of a defeat in the royal capital of Canterlot, being blasted from the Royal Palace by a unicorn stallion and alicorn mare, and thrown into the wind like rag dolls, the Changelings had been keeping to a secret location within the mountain region, creating a hive as to live close to their main food source, although food was becoming a bit of a hard commodity to come by.

All of Equestria was on alert for the Changelings, although they were defeated, the Princesses did not wish a repeat of the infamous “Royal Wedding Incident,” so many ponies were warned about Changelings, how to spot one, how to break their hypnotic spells, almost everything. Needless to say this made it hard for them to get their food, having to sneak about and take it by sometimes unsavory means.

And all this was not lost on the ruler of the Changeling race, no indeed, in fact, this weighed heavily on her mind day in and day out. Even more so when she reached the Nursery, the Queen sighed heavily, more in mourning than disappointment. A female changeling, a nurse drone, stood beside Chrysalis. She had light pink eyes that matched her carapace. Her features weren’t as harsh as the Worker or Sentinel drones, they were softer, and, if she dare say, more feminine. They also lacked fangs, and their wings weren’t as jagged and torn like the others.

Chrysalis didn’t say it aloud, but she slightly despised the Nurse drones, they reminded her too much of what they once were, as if someone were playing a cruel joke whenever one of them hatched out of an egg. Plus, their demeanor was kinder, they had to be, they helped in the maintaining of the young, and often times the food.

“What’s the count, Murmur,” asked Chrysalis.

“Over one-hundred and fifty eggs have been lost, your highness. About eleven-hundred are iffy, and another two-thousand are showing signs of Creeping Death disease…”

Chrysalis did her best to stifle a growl of displeasure. “How many are still viable?”

“Three-thousand, but even they aren’t assured a safe hatching,” said Murmur.

“We can’t afford these loses…Quarantine the infected eggs, I want the Nurse drones to start picking through the eggs that appear
suspect and move them. Once you’ve done that, I want the infected and weaker eggs destroyed.”

Murmur stopped in her tracks and looked up at her Queen in horror. “My Queen, you can’t issue another Culling! Please, I know some of them can fight off the disease, we’ve seen it before! I beg of you…please don’t…!”

“If we don’t, they are liable to infect the other eggs, and soon the rest will die off. The weak ones that do hatch have less than a ten percent chance of living outside their shell after hatching. The Culling will save them a lot of pain, and ensure that remaining eggs survive.”

“Yes…as you command,” said Murmur.

The Queen watched as Murmur walked away, she stopped in front of an egg, casting a loving and kind gaze upon it. She rubbed her hoof against the side of the egg tenderly. Nurse drones were sometimes prone to adopting an egg as their own, even though Chrysalis was mother to all her Changelings. The Queen accessed the Hive Mind, peering into the thoughts of Murmur.

Do not worry little ones. I won’t let that cruel monster kill you. I’ll find a way to save you, even if…if it means defying her orders…even if…if…

You think me cruel, Murmur,” asked Chrysalis.
The Nurse drone went still, the Queen did not often use the Hive Mind to read minds, but when she did, there was no unhearing what has been heard, fear rose in her heart as she turned to the Queen. “N-No, my Queen, I don’t –!”

“You think it is easy for me to issue the death of thousands of un-hatched Changelings so easily!?”

“O-o-of course not –!”

“SILENCE!” The Queen used the Hive Mind to issue the command on both a verbal and telepathic level. Murmur went silent, making strained noise as if someone had her by the throat. “Do you think being the Queen is such an easy task!? The lives of every Changeling in this hive rest upon my back, and I must shoulder that burden with every decision I make, be it cruel, merciful, kind, or murderess!”

Chrysalis advanced on Murmur, towering over her. The Nurse Drone crouched low and averted her gaze to not have to look into her piercing green slit eyes.

Look upon me! Murmur felt the Hive Mind command, she tried to resist. LOOK UPON ME! Her head immediately snapped up as her eyes flew open. She was utterly powerless.

“If you want cruel, Murmur, I could command you to personally set forth the Culling Spell, it’s simple enough that even you can do it,” said Chrysalis menacingly.

“No…please…anything but that, I beg you! I can’t bear seeing it; to do it…I’d rather die!” Murmur cried as tears began to form in her.

“Don’t be so quick to ask for death, I need every able bodied Changeling I have, and you, unfortunately, are among my best Nurse drones. Still…do you thing you can do better?” Chrysalis stepped back a few feet from Murmur, she then turned around, her back facing the Nurse Drone. “You know the way to Ascend, don’t you? If you think you can do a better job as Queen of the Changelings then by all means, do.”

Chrysalis ended her Hive Mind control over Murmur, the Nurse Drone trembled. Yes she did know the way to ascend, but what good would that do her people, the unborn Changelings? They could not afford a civil war within the hive if did such a thing. As painful as it was to admit, Chrysalis was the only one capable of leading them, after all, she was the oldest of all the Changelings, around even during the Before Time.

“No…my Queen, forgive me, I was out of line,” said Murmur, bowing her head in defeat.

“During the Culling, I want you in the Food Chamber, surround yourself with the love they provide you, let it comfort you the best it can.” Murmur was surprised by this, but she did not let it show. Chrysalis glanced over her shoulder, a solemn look in her eyes, “I am cruel…but I do care…”

The rest of the hive was no better; many Changelings had to go into early hibernation in order to conserve love energy. The Worker drones were taken off Expansion duty; there was no point in expanding a hive when many of its populace was slowly dying. The Hunter-Gather drones were the elite of getting love energy, but with the new precautions in place, even they were having trouble infiltrating and gathering food.

Chrysalis stood at the center of her hive. A giant rotunda that extended many stories up, easily the height of one of the high mountain peaks. All around were different levels of ledges with doorways that led to different parts of the hive, the center of it all, the inner sanctum. Chrysalis looked upon this achievement of her Changelings, a hive hidden within Equestria, and away from the prying eyes of the Royal Sisters.

“But it is not enough…Lily…I’ve tried so hard to keep this going, our people…what more can I do…?”

“Yes, kckt, kckt, kckt, what more can you do?”

Chrysalis’ head shot up as she scanned the area for the voice. “Who is there, I demand you show yourself, now!?”

“Fear of loss, fear of loneliness, you remind me a lot of myself.”

SHOW YOURSELF, NOW!!! Chrysalis shouted through the Hive Mind. But she felt nothing, who or whatever was talking to her wasn’t a Changeling; otherwise the command would’ve been followed.

“No need to use the Hive Mind, Chrysalis. Kckt, kckt, here I am.” From the shadows of the tunnel across from the Queen, appeared a Changeling. It was stalky, yet tall. Not exactly her height, more like a head lower. It even had a mane and tail, dark shades giving way to golden yellow. On its head, instead a single horn, it had two sharp curved horns near its eyelids. And its eyes, large portals of yellow, with a black slit running down them. This Changeling wasn’t a female, it was definitely male, it was different then Worker, Hunter-Gatherers, or Sentinel drones.

“Who are you…what are you,” she asked, prepared to attack the intruder.

“What I am…well, let us keep that under wraps for now. If it’s a name you’re looking for, you may call me, Parallax,” he said.

Something about this Changeling, Parallax, made Chrysalis very uneasy. It was as if he was radiating energy opposite to what they normally fed upon. “What do you want?”

“Merely to help in the restoration of the Changeling race,” he said.

“And what miracle do you bring to make this happen!?”

“The miracle known as Fear!” Chrysalis looked upon Parallax incredulously. “I understand your skepticism, but you must know that your talents are being vastly underutilized. With my solution, you’ll have all the power you need to ensure your race’s survival, and even take over Equestria while you’re at it.”

Chrysalis scoffed, “A bold claim, but I need no help in that department. I was close to doing that not too long ago.”

“Yes, a haphazard plan of impersonating a Princess without learning anything about her, and eventually being tossed out like trash, yes, you did come very close, bravo,” mocked Parallax.

Chrysalis did not take kindly to that. Her horn blazed with dark green mana, she then fired a single beam at Parallax, hoping to vaporize the unknown Changeling on the spot. However, when the beam reached him his body became incased in a yellow sphere of light. The beam smashed against the barrier and exploded. When the dust settled, Chrysalis gasped. Parallax was uninjured; the barrier had withstood her attack. His wings were unfurled, within their inner markings was a circular symbol at the center of his four translucent wings. Parallax’s eyes and even the symbols on his wings seemed to shine with this strange energy.

“Well that was rude.”

“What…what are you!?”

Parallax grinned, “I can be many things, an ally, a friend, an enemy, or even your worst nightmare. That all depends on you, Queen Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis didn’t know how to go about this peculiar Changeling. He was powerful, of that she had no doubt. One wrong move and he could easily kill her, but the fact that he hadn’t gave her little ease, it only made the tension greater.

“What you saw, Chrysalis, was a mere demonstration of the kind of power Fear can give you and your Changelings. I could show you how,” he offered.

“And what would you gain from this, surely you’re not doing this out of the kindness of your heart,” said Chrysalis.

“Hardly, no, but I gain an ally, and you gain power, beyond anything you could imagine. Not even the Princesses can stand against you. So what do you say, do we have a deal?”

Chrysalis contemplated his offer. A new source of power and nourishment of her subjects, a way to ensure that they would not starve to death or have to kill un-hatched younglings, could such an answer to her prayers truly be standing before her?

“Don’t do it…”


“Chrysie, please, you can’t stray from the path of love…”


Chrysalis swiveled her head around frantically, hearing the voice of someone from long, long ago. Parallax stood there and watched the strange behavior of the Changeling Queen, unsure of what to make of it.

Lily, big sister, I have to! I have to help our people! If this works then everything will be alright!

“We must never forget who we once were, no matter what…”

Chrysalis realized that the voice was nothing but a memory, an echo of her big sister’s words to her before she became the Queen. But why was she hearing her voice now of all times?

“Chrysie, we can’t ever stop loving, it will sustain us, and one day it will become our salvation…”

You always said that to me…but what did you mean!? We aren’t what we used to be, we must take love! You wouldn’t allow us to lose sight of what made us who we are, who we once were, our one link to that past life…! And neither will I!

“Leave my hive, Parallax! I have no need of your kind of help! I will be the one lead my Changelings through this crisis and see them thriving, by the sweat of my brow, and the strength of my back alone!” Chrysalis declared, stamping her hoof upon the ground for emphasis.

Parallax was disappointed, but only a little, allowing himself a sly smile. “Very well, if that is indeed your decision, oh wise Queen. But, if you ever change your mind, I’ll be close by…Kckt, kckt…Oh, if you’re intent on this path, you may want to make a quick stop to Canterlot, you might find something interesting there.”

Parallax turned around walked back into the shadows. Chrysalis snarled and charged for the male Changeling, but when she entered the same tunnel that Parallax had, she found nothing. There was no one there. She felt no change in the mana, so he didn’t teleport, and he couldn’t have flown or ran fast enough to not leave any trace of his whereabouts.


“I just don’t know what I’m going to do with you; first you try to make that colt try to kiss a filly …”

Predator looked a little miffed, “Now hold on! He loved her, I could sense it, kissing isn’t wrong especially when it’s between those who love each other!”

“They were eight, in elementary school, and the colt only had a crush,” said Cadance.

Predator was about to retort but stopped upon remembering the incident. The colt did express to her that he liked a certain filly in his class but wasn’t sure about how to tell her. Predator decided to burst into the classroom vacate all but the colt and filly, telling him to profess his love and kiss her, while she was still there even. Now in hindsight Predator might’ve gone overboard a little, but she was doing it in the name of love.

“And then you tried to get that pegasus mare and griffoness together…”

Predator looked confused.

“Are not interspecies relationships legal,” she asked.

“They are, but those two were having an affair, and now I have to play marriage counselor for the pegasus mare, her marefriend, and deal with an irate griffoness who apparently didn’t know about her partner’s wife,” groaned Cadance.

“I thought marriage between more than one was allowed?”

“Only with the knowing consent of all parties involved, Predator! And the word you’re looking for is herd, or polyamory,” she added.

Predator once again reflected on her actions, much to her displeasure. Yes she did recall that the griffoness seemed enraged and hurt by the pegasus mare’s lies, and the hurt she sensed in her wife when they were found out. She tried to have them all live in peace and form their own herd, but it didn’t seem to work considering that none of them knew about the other’s actions. The dark pink mare huffed in agitation.

“And then there was last week…”

“What about ‘last week?’”

Cadance blushed furiously, “You barged in on me and Shining Armor!”

“Sorry if I sensed an overabundance of love energy coming from your bedroom, I’m drawn to it, to you!” Predator stared out the window. “Plus it seemed as if the two of you were having fun…”

Cadance blushed furiously, diminishing the pink in her coat and changing it to a bright red. Her mind wandered as she stared at the scenery passing by.

Things had been somewhat different since Cadance and Predator’s last trip to Canterlot. During the festival, Cadance had noticed a change in Predator’s demeanor. She still acted in her usual reckless, unpredictable, and well-meaning self, but every now and then Cadance found that Predator would give her long sideways glances. A batting of the eyelashes, a blush when she commended her, a more pained look when she scolded her for doing something wrong, it was all so strange.

Cadance knew that Predator thought highly of her, since she was the only other being Predator knew that could wield love in almost the same manner. Maybe she was more sensitive than Cadance originally thought. Predator often times displayed her wisdom as an ancient being, but just as often she would also show how naïve she could be. It made Cadance worry, such a powerful entity, being manipulated for somepony else’s ambitions, mostly it was fear of her being taken advantage of. Cadance had more than her fair share of times, being overwhelmed with love energy, and almost letting herself steep herself into it, without regard for any consequences that may come after.

But that was long ago, she was older now, married to a wonderful husband, and had a sister-in-law who was practically a little sister to her before that. And she ruled over an Empire that both revered and worshiped her, her husband, and Spike, as saviors.

“Cadance, we’re here,” spoke Predator.

The pink alicorn snapped herself back to reality, remembering why the two of them were heading back to Canterlot. The train came to a screeching halt, steam hissing out of the stack and vents. The special train for the Crystal Empire wasn’t exactly easy to hide, decked out in shimmering crystals, so when it arrived it made quite an entrance.

Cadance and Predator stood side-by-side, her Adamant Royal Guard on standby for when she was ready to disembark. With a nod of
her head, the guards opened the door and quickly took their posts on either side to make way for the Princess and her protégé. Cadance and Predator casually strolled out of the train car and onto the platform.

They were greeted by a contingent Royal Guards, one of which Shining Armor had told her about and another she didn’t recognize. The first was an old and gruff looking Earth Pony stallion, with a brown coat, intelligent gray eyes, a weathered black mane, and a rather large build. His armor had red tints to it, much like Shining Armor when he was once captain, except his were a dark purple.

Beside him was a rare sight, a pegasus mare garbed in Royal Guard armor, although it seemed more tailored to her sleek and lean physique. She had dingy yellow eyes, a navy blue coat, and a windswept black mane. She seemed fierce and intimidating, but younger looking, possibly Twilight’s age. Both the mare and stallion saluted Cadance in almost perfect sync.

“Greetings your highness, I am Major – ahem – sorry, Captain Broadside of the Royal Guard,” said the stallion.

“And I am Lieutenant Ballista, welcome back to Canterlot,” she said.

“At ease, and it’s nice to be back.” Cadance took a moment to look over the platform. There were many Royal Guards, at least ten on the right and left. “Is all this really necessary? Princess Celestia doesn’t usually send this many for a simple pick up.”

Both the stallion and mare glanced at each other. “It was her idea ma’am,” spoke Ballista, “She believed, given the strange nature of the incident, that you might require additional security during transport to the Royal Palace.”

Both Cadance and Predator shrugged, not really seeing a way around the increased security. “Alright, then let’s be off.”

“Yes your highness. We’re moving out! Bring the chariot around,” shouted Broadside.

Cadance and Predator both entered the chariot and soon were off to the palace. Ballista flew overhead, watching the convoy from a bird’s eye view. Advance Royal Guard troops had cleared the roads leading to the castle, allowing them to move quickly through the city. Predator leaned over to Cadance.

“Who are these two? I didn’t see them when we were last here,” asked Predator.

“Broadside is the pony who trained Shining Armor during his time in the Royal Guard. He served on border patrol at Stalliongrad and has seen many battles against griffons, dragons, and other things I can’t imagine. After Shiny left, Princess Celestia brought him back to Canterlot to serve as the new captain. Shiny said they called him the ‘Warhorse’.”

Predator gazed up ahead at the stallion riding in the chariot ahead of them, looking upon the stallion with intrigue. “And what about her, Ballista?”

“Well…I don’t really know, Shining Armor never mentioned anything about her, she must be a new recruit or a transfer from another division,” said Cadance.

“She’s rather cute, in a tomcoltish sort of way, wouldn’t you agree,” asked Predator.

“Star, I’m happily married, and yes, she is.”

Predator was sort of caught off guard by how frank she was with that last part, making her raise an eyebrow in curiosity. “So, you like mares too, I didn’t know that.”

Cadance sighed and then smiled, “What did I teach you on the first day? Love has no boundaries. Gender, tribe, or species doesn’t matter, so long as there is love, and it’s genuine, then that’s all that matters.”

“So Shining Armor doesn’t mind if you ogle a mare or stallion?”

“If he did and I did the same to him, we’d be arguing almost every other day. Besides…we often find ourselves ogling the same mare…”
Cadance felt her cheeks warming just a tad.

Predator began to form a sly smile, “Interesting…”

Soon the chariot pulled in front of the palace. The contingent of Royal Guards all took positions around Cadance and Predator, walking on either side in a sort of phalanx maneuver to keep them safe. Once they were inside, the Guards were dismissed by Broadside, with him and Ballista leading the rest of the way to the throne room. After a long walk through the halls of the castle, Cadance and Predator arrived within the throne room. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sat near the throne as they awaited her arrival.

“Aunty Luna, Aunty Tia!” Cadance separated herself from the group and galloped up to her aunts.

The alabaster alicorn nuzzled her niece, with the midnight blue alicorn doing the same after her.

“It is good to see you again, Niece,” said Luna.

“Though, we wish it were under better circumstances,” added Celestia.

“Yeah, you weren’t exactly clear on those ‘circumstances’. But whatever it is I’ll be glad to help,” said Cadance.

The two Royal Sisters nodded. Celestia turned her gaze onto unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony. “Captain Broadside, would you accompany us?” The stallion nodded. “Lieutenant, I would like you and Star Sapphire to remain here while we conduct our business.”

Cadance watched as Predator made a face that conveyed her displeasure about being left out like this. “Star, it’s probably nothing. Why don’t you and Ballista have a walk around so you don’t get bored? I know you’re not one to sit still for too long.”

Predator was about to open her mouth in protest, but cut herself off. Reluctantly she agreed to do just that. The three Princesses and the guard captain watched as Ballista and Predator left the throne room. The doors closing behind them, and their privacy assured.

“So, what’s going on,” asked Cadance.

“Captain, if you please,” said Luna.

“Yes your highness. Approximately five days ago, a routine patrol was sent into the mines under Canterlot at 0600. When the patrol entered they found that the mine had been stripped clean, no sign of the crystals that once made up the walls, ceiling, or floor.”

“You can’t be serious, the mines that were sealed off, the same ones that Twilight and I were trapped in, those mines,” asked Cadance incredulously.

“It would appear so,” said Luna.

“But how!?”

“That’s why we summoned you. We’ve kept the mine off limits to everypony, Royal Guard or otherwise. We wanted the chance to inspect it ourselves before launching a full scale investigation,” said Celestia.

“Well…shouldn’t we wait for Twilight, she might have a better insight to this than us,” suggested Cadance.

“Twilight is…well…we don’t wish to burden her with this, given what has occurred at her home in Ponyville. We did not want this to intrude upon her happiness,” said Luna.

Cadance knew what she was talking about. Twilight had sent her and Shining Armor a letter stating that she had taken in an orphan foal, and the Entity of Hope, Adara. To top it all off she announced that she was bisexual (something that Cadance had waited forever for her to admit) and was dating one of her best friends, Rainbow Dash. Needless to say that this came as a shock to Shining Armor, learning that your little sister swung ways both and adopted two foals was a little overwhelming. So basically, Twilight had inadvertently become a mother, before her, the Princess of Love, it was kind of annoying.

Oh we are SO getting busy, Shining Armor! The moment I get back to the Empire – oh-ho-oh-ho-oh nelly – you are going to give me so many –!


Cadance was brought out of her internal dialogue and found that both her aunts were giving her knowing looks. Even Broadside seemed to be a little on edge for some reason. Now she was wondering if she had voiced those thoughts aloud, or that maybe the look on her face was a dead giveaway and they pretty much discerned what was going on in her head.

“Anyway…Let us head down to the mine, and have a look around,” said Luna.
Princess Celestia’s horn flared with her sun-yellow mana. All at once, the four of them were gone in a flash of magical light. When next they appeared, the four ponies were at the main entrance to the mine. Cadance gasped when she saw the condition of the mine. Indeed it had been stripped clean. Carefully and quickly, the crystals were removed from the entirety of the mine, as far as the eye could see.

Although it wasn’t a pleasant memory, Cadance remembered how vast and large the crystals were, stretching as far as they eye could see. Some of the mine carts that were filled with dug up crystals were also empty, almost everything was gone, leaving behind a hollow, empty cavern underneath the city of Canterlot.

“How in the world…This isn’t possible…”

“Agreed, but the evidence is before us and it cannot be ignored. Someone or something has completely taken everything out of this mine, down to the last particles of dust,” said Luna.

Broadside examined the area, his mind already at work at trying to come up with possible reasons or suspects responsible for the theft of the crystal mines. “Did the crystals have any special properties, Princess Celesita?”

“Not particularly. The crystals were orichalcum, the rare metal that is nearly indestructible, but it can only be created by heating the crystal ore to an absurd temperature and maintaining it to keep the metal from solidifying,” said Celestia.

“That is why it was often deemed the Metal of the Goddesses, since it would take so much power and skill to craft anything from them, a simple shield and sword were the only things one could make from it, but once made, they were mighty weapons,” said Luna.

Cadance raised an eyebrow at that. “You…seem to know a lot about how to make use of it…”

“Of course, Niece, it is the same metal my scimitar, Midnight Crescent, is made of.”

“And my halberd, Daylight Glare,” added Celestia.

Cadance couldn’t help her left eye from twitching a bit. She knew her Aunts were powerful, but knowing that dangerous weapons like that in their secret arsenal made her just a bit uneasy, and ticked that she didn’t have her own cool sounding weapon.

“So, other than monetary value, there really isn’t much one could do with them,” said Broadside. “These markings are intriguing though.”

“What markings,” asked Cadance.

Broadside pointed to the almost smoothed out surface the crystals were once attached to. There were deep grooves in the rock, as if something had raked the crystals from the rock with its bare claws.

“I would’ve thought it might be Chrysalis and the Changelings, sense they are among the few who know about this place, outside us, the guards, and Twilight. Now I’m not so sure,” said Cadance.

“Broadside, I want you to assemble a team of geologists, cave divers, and miners to help in stabilizing this mine. We need to make sure that it doesn’t cause any harm to the city above now that most of its support has been taken.”

“As you command!” Broadside saluted and galloped up the entrance back to the castle to assemble the ponies needed.

“Let us investigate a little further, flying would be more appropriate, seeing as the area might be unstable,” said Celestia.

The younger alicorns agreed and took flight, soaring through the large cavern to find out the truth of what took the orichalcum crystals.
Not noticing that a pair of orange eyes smiled at their ignorance and faded into the shadows.

Meanwhile, Ballista was starting to regret not going with the Princesses and the captain. The whole time they were walking around the castle, Predator wouldn’t stop asking her questions about the palace or random things in general. Ballista had to admit, for a protégé of the Princess, she was acting like a schoolfilly on a fieldtrip, although, a schoolfilly wouldn’t be asking her the sort of questions she was.

“So do you have a coltfriend,” asked Predator.


“A marefriend?”


“Do you like mares or stallions?”

“I swung both ways.”

“Ever kissed a stallion?”


“Ever kissed a mare?”


“Do you want to make out?”

“Yes. Wait – What!?”


Ballista facehoofed herself, she couldn’t believe she got tricked like that. She slowly composed herself, trying very hard to restrain her angry tone before she somehow offended the apprentice to Princess Cadance.

“Miss Sapphire –”

“Oh no, no ‘Miss’, just call me Star,” interrupted Predator.

“Star then, could you please refrain from asking such personal questions, or better yet, ask me something that isn’t about my love life,” asked Ballista in a calm even tone.

“Oh, why not,” asked Predator with a pouty face.

“Because, for one: I am a Royal Guard, my duty is to protect and serve the people and Princesses, and by extension, their protégés. So being flirty as you are is fraternizing and is strictly prohibited.”

Predator looked at the mare incredulously. “So…you don’t find me attractive, at all?”

“What, no, that’s not – UGH!” Ballista took off her helm and rubbed the temples of her head, trying to stave off a migraine. “Look, you are a very attractive mare, Star, alright? But, you’re an apprentice, and I’m a guard, we can’t be flirting like this.”

Predator started to grin a bit as an idea formed in her head. “So, you’re saying that if I wasn’t a protégé of Princess Cadance, that you’d – oh I don’t know – drag me into the nearest empty room and do unimaginable things to me?”

“In a heartbeat,” muttered Ballista in low tone of voice. “But that’s not the point!”

“Ballista, you really need unwind.” Predator began to stalk towards Ballista. Her gaze was half lidded and sultry. The dark pink mare passed by Ballista, swishing her tail under the lieutenant’s chin, allowing her a whiff of the scent of the pleasant fragrance of her tail.

She then leaned against Ballista’s right side, nuzzling against her neck and making the soldiermare moan softly. “I can help…”

Ballista gulped, this was a major breach in conduct. Allowing it to go further would mean her job and career. She looked down to tell Predator no, but one look into those violet-pink eyes sparked something, Ballista swore she saw a violet twinkle in her eyes.

“I-If I decided to…what uh…what did you have in mind,” asked Ballista nervously.

Predator hummed as if thinking hard about the question. “Well… how about you and me, an empty room, and maybe a stallion, sound like fun?”

Ballista’s ears perked up as a crimson blush began to form. “A little fun…yeah…”

“Good, maybe we can have the Captain join in.”

And that’s where it all came crashing down. Ballista’s face went from blushing red to a sickening green color. Predator separated herself from Ballista and looked upon the mare worryingly.

“Ballista, are you alright?”

The pegasus mare had no time to answer, her cheeks puffed out as her eyes went wide. She quickly looked around till she spotted her helmet on the ground. Grabbing it with both hooves, Ballista held the helm over her face and then…well…


“Oh my…”


“Ballista do you need a doctor!?”

The mare held up one hoof as if to say “One minute please”.


Ballista set down her helmet, which was now heavy and filled with most of her lunch. She wiped her mouth and spat out the vile taste.

“Well, you just shot that fantasy to Tartarus,” said Ballista in a strained voice.

“Why, I sensed that you loved the Captain, I just thought that –!”

“Yeah, I do love him! I love him because he’s my FATHER!”

Silence reigned in that empty hallway. Predator facehoofed herself as hard as she could, berating herself for not being able to tell the difference between familial and romantic love.

“I am so sorry, Ballista! I-I didn’t know, I swear I didn’t! I was just trying to…”

Ballista raised her hoof up again, prompting Predator to be silent.

“Look, I’m going to go and, ugh, clean my helmet…actually, forget it, I’m getting a new one. Just…I don’t know…”

Ballista grabbed her helmet with her hooves and began to fly down the hallway to dispose of the ruined helm. Predator groaned and yelled in frustration. She couldn’t believe that she had just done that to her. The dark pink mare then faced a wall and began to smack her face against it.

“Why! Do! You! Always! Mess! Up! Like! That!?”

If there was one flaw that Predator would admit to, it would be what just happened. Being the Entity of Love, Predator could sense the different kinds of love within an individual. Who they love, who loves them, how they want to be loved, all of these are laid bare before Predator’s power. And sometimes she acts upon instinct, seeking to fill that void in their heart. For Ballista, she could sense that she wanted to be loved, to be treated like a mare. The insecurities she held inside of her, fearing that no pony, mare of stallion, would want to be with her because of how intimidating she was. The only one that Predator saw who loved her unconditionally was Captain Broadside, and somehow she had mixed the two up and greatly offended Ballista.

“I…I really am a screw up…”

“On the contrary, I think you’re wonderful.”

Predator turned her head and spotted a maid standing a few feet away. It was an earth pony, with a light orange coat, dark violet hair, and magenta eyes. Predator stepped back from the wall.

“Who are you…?”

Chrysalis didn’t know what she would expect to find back in Canterlot, the sight of her biggest blunder. Being in this city did not bring back fond memories, it only filled her with a bitterness that teetered on the edge of rage. The Changeling Queen had taken a disguise, knowing that taking on the exact likeness of somepony might be risky, she decided to mix mash the forms she already knew of and create an original body. She choose Applejack’s earth pony body and coat color, albeit a shade lighter and no freckles. She then used Rainbow Dash’s mane style and colored it the same as Rarity’s mane. To finish it off, she colored her eyes the same as Celestia’s. It wasn’t the most creative, or possibly best of disguises she used in the past, but given the heightened alertness of Canterlot, she didn’t have many options.

Chrysalis then began her jaunt about the city. Not knowing where to start looking or even if there was something worth looking for in this forsaken city. She had made it all the way to the even more ritzy part of Canterlot, but was stopped from going any further. Apparently so was everypony.

“What’s going on, is there a parade or something,” she asked.

“No, it’s Princess Cadance and her protégé, Star Sapphire, they’re in Canterlot,” said a mare.

Chrysalis scowled hearing that name. Between her and Twilight, they were the source of her downfall. She’d try something if she wasn’t sure she’d get spotted. Just then the chariots whizzed by, the first had a stallion, and right behind it, came Cadance’s chariot. Chrysalis almost turned around when she sensed something. Like a great surge of power had been awakened inside of her. When the chariot containing the Princess drove by, she spotted the second mare sitting next to Cadance.

Chrysalis could see it, love energy was pouring out of this unknown mare’s body like an endless wellspring of power. She knew it wasn’t from Cadance, she never emitted love energy, at least not in the volumes that the mare next to her did. It was almost too much; Chrysalis could feel herself sway as if drunk. But just as fast as it arrived, the energy dissipated when the chariot kept on driving towards the palace.

The Changeling Queen felt energized beyond her wildest dreams! I could march into castle right now and take that mare! Not even Celestia and Luna combined could stop me! It was a musing thought, and as powerful as she felt, Chrysalis knew she could do it. But, that’s not her now. She may be desperate to find a source of food for her Changelings, but repeating the mistakes of the past wouldn’t do her or them any good. No, calm down. Think this through. I have to get her away from everypony. Lure her to someplace I can teleport us both away without anypony knowing.

The hard part was getting the mare to come with her, willingly would be easy, but if it came to using force a simple sleeping spell would hopefully suffice in subduing her.

And so, Chrysalis made her way to Canterlot Castle. Luckily, not all of her secret entrances into the castle had been found out. Chrysalis slipped into the palace, finding the maids quarters. Hurriedly, she found a maid outfit, it was beneath her, but it had to be done. When she put it on, Chrysalis found it a bit too tight in the flank region, and this uniform’s skirt, in particular, was notoriously short. Upon further inspection of the locker Chrysalis quickly slammed it shut. She then glanced into one or two more and blushed.

What do they have these maids doing here?

After resizing her form, Chrysalis went about her search of the castle, being extremely careful not to run into too many ponies, lest they ask questions. After about thirty minutes of searching Chrysalis was beginning to wonder if they even arrived at the palace at all. It was then that she heard a strange noise coming from around the corner.

Chrysalis peeked around the corner and gasped. There she was, the mare with the great amount of love energy. She cursed when she saw a Royal Guard pony there, but that mare seemed busy spewing into her helmet. She then returned to hiding behind the corner. Okay, she’s right there, and the guard is apparently sick for some reason. I can take care of the guard easily enough, but I might lose my chance to take her. I need to get rid of her before I can make my move.

As if fate was on her side, Chrysalis heard the wing beats of a pegasus. The guard mare had turned the corner opposite hers and kept on flying down the hallway. When Chrysalis turned to look at the mare, she was banging her head against the wall. Thinking this her perfect opportunity, Chrysalis strode out from behind the corner and casually walked up to the mare.

“I…I really am a screw up…”

Oh no you’re not…

“On the contrary, I think you’re wonderful.”

The dark pink mare looked at Chrysalis.

“Who are you…?”

“I’m Chrysalis, a maid here in the castle. And you are?”

“Star Sapphire…”

“Forgive me, but what troubles you, you seem to be upset,” asked Chrysalis.

Her prey sighed heavily. “I just messed up, again. I tried to help somepony, but I ended up offending her, rather than helping her. My special talent often leads me astray, I just…”

Chrysalis trotted closer to this mare and placed a comforting hoof upon her shoulder. The moment she did, Chrysalis felt a surge of power coursing through her; it was almost like touching fire, or a drug you couldn’t get enough of. She had to concentrate to keep herself from ravaging this young mare and draining her till there was nothing left.

“You meant well, Star, and that’s what mattered. Yes, she may’ve been ‘offended’ as you might say. But that doesn’t mean that your intentions towards her were born of ill will.”

Chrysalis found that she was surprising herself with how comforting her words were. The image of her sister, Lilianna, flashed through her head. How her elder sister would comfort her whenever she messed up or got in trouble. She didn’t like it, but Chrysalis channeled those memories and used them as a guide to help coax her prey back to the hive.

“Thank you, Chrysalis,” she said with a sad yet happy tone in her voice.

“You know, there might be way for you to help using that power of yours,” said Chrysalis.

Star’s ears perked up, “Really, how!?”

Chrysalis scanned the area, making sure that they were alone. Once sure that there was no pony in sight, the Queen set her plan into motion.

“I am not really an Earth Pony, in fact, this isn’t my real form.” Please be as naïve as you look. “I am a Changeling, a creature that can take on the form of any other pony or being we so choose.”

Star’s eyes widened with surprise. “I’ve never heard of you’re kind, and you can really change your form!? Please show me!”

“Yes, I can. But…what you might see could frighten you. We are not the most pleasant of creatures to behold,” said Chrysalis feigning shame.

“Please, whatever form you take won’t scare me,” said Star with confidence.

“Very well…” Chrysalis’s body began to change. Green flame like mana began to burn away at her form. She grew taller, her coat changing into a black as night carapace. Jagged insectoid wings protruded from her back. Her neck elongated as her teeth bore sharp fangs. And finally, a long horn shot forth from her forehead. “This is my true form. I am Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings.”

Star just shrugged at the true form of the Queen. “That was interesting, but I’ve seen scarier things.”

For once, Chrysalis was actually surprised that she didn’t scream or run away upon gazing at her true form. In some way it made her feel happy, but then she remembered that Star was to be food.

“Star, I want – no – I need your help.”

“What can I do?”

“My Changelings, we survive on the energy and power of love. We can’t live without it, and right now, my people starve to death, and my unborn hatchlings might die,” said Chrysalis. “Because of our appearance, ponies and others hate us, fear us. We could survive on the ambient love energy that they provide, but all we receive is scorning hatred and it kills us, literally.”

A look of horror fell upon Star’s face. “That’s terrible! You and your people shouldn’t have to suffer just because of how you look! I know, we can talk to the Princesses, with me there they’ll listen and won’t shun you I promise!”

Crap, no!

“You can’t! My Changelings are dying right now, I’ve tried every avenue to help them but nothing worked! But when I saw you, felt your power, I knew you could be our savior! If there is any chance of saving them it has to be now! Will you come with me…?”

Funny thing is part of what Chrysalis was saying was true. Star was the only hope her Changelings had of surviving at all. This was the Queen’s last shot at saving them, and one way or another, either willingly or forcefully, she was going to bring Star Sapphire to her hive and save them all! Imagine her surprise when Star answered her.

“Yes! I’ll go with you!”

“You’ve done a great thing here today,” said Chrysalis.

The Changeling Queen’s horn glowed, a ring of green mana formed around them, shooting up like fire.


Both Chrysalis and Star looked down the hallway and saw Ballista hovering at the other end, a look of disbelief and shock present upon her face.

“It’s okay Ballista, I’ll explain it to Cadance and the Princesses, you won’t get in trouble, I promise. And I’m sorry, again!”


Ballista shot forth like an arrow in their direction, hoping to grab Star or to cancel whatever magic the Changeling Queen was performing. But it was too late. The green mana fire engulfed the two mares and in the next instant, they were gone. Ballista flew through the flames, wincing from the stinging sensation they caused. The pegasus mare came to a screeching halt as she landed on her hooves. Ballista looked back at the scorch marks left on the floor where Star Sapphire and Chrysalis once stood.


The Princesses had teleported back to the throne room, having done as thorough an inspection of the mine as possible. They weren’t able to find any magical or physical evidence as to what took all the orichalcum, for now they would have to leave that mystery to the investigation team.

“But really, you think Twilight is ready to be a mother,” asked Luna.

“Of course she is Aunty, I’d trust her with my newborn, if I had one that is,” said Cadance.

“Do I detect a bit of jealousy, Cadance,” asked Celestia.

The pink alicorn huffed. “Well…It’s not like Shining and I haven’t been trying, Faust knows we have. I’m starting to wonder if I might be…”

Celestia used her right wing to left her niece’s chin up to meet her gaze. “You will have a child, Cadance. I know you will,” said Celestia.

“Thank you Aunt Tia.”

“If the traditional method doesn’t work, you could always go with a surrogate,” said Luna. “Oh, you could use me or Tia!”

Cadance and Celestia halted and stared at Luna with wide eyed disbelief, crying in unison, “WHAT!!?”

“Well, it makes sense. A normal mare would be able to carry the child of an alicorn, so logically; Tia and I are the perfect candidates.”
Luna paused as she thought for a moment. “Then again, maybe Twilight would make for a better–”

“YOUR HIGHNESSES!!!” a Royal Guard cried out.

Oh thank you merciful Faust I did not need that image in my head, thought Cadance.

“What’s wrong,” asked Celestaia.

“I am sorry Princess Cadance, but your apprentice, Star Sapphire, has been kidnapped by the Changeling Queen!”

Time ground to a halt for Cadance. Her mind was doing the math of what the implications that this turn of events has possibly brought about. The Entity of Love, the source of all love energy in the universe, was now a prisoner of the Changeling Queen, Chrysalis. A race of creatures that fed on love, and now they had a being that’s the ever abundant source of it right in their hive. This was beyond disastrous. This was a: “Equestria will burn and the Changelings shall inherit the world” kind of apocalyptic scenario.

“How did this happen!? The Royal Guard received ample training on how to spot a Changeling! We know for a fact that she was not alone when we left her,” said Luna.

Before the guard could say anything, Ballista flew into the throne room. She bowed before the Princesses in shame.

“It was my fault your majesties! I…I left her alone! There’s no excuse for what I’ve done…”


“I-I’m sorry, Princess…I…” There was no real way to say why she abandoned Star to the Queen. How was she going to tell the
Princess that she left because of what Star said about her and her father, and that she threw up in her helmet and left her in the hallway to find a new one?


ENOUGH!!!” roared the combined Royal Voice of Celestia and Luna.

“Blaming will get no pony anywhere, Cadance. Ballista, we will discuss this matter at another time, but for now, we need every Royal Guard to search for Star Sapphire and Queen Chrysalis,” said Celestia.

“That won’t work.” Everypony looked to Cadance. “If she was able to hide this long, under our noses, then there’s little chance that we’ll find them now.”

“Then what do you suggest, Niece!? Negativity isn’t going to help us right now,” scolded Luna.

“You’re right, which why I’m going to bring Star back!”

“How,” asked Celestia.

Cadance rushed out of the throne room, she dashed quickly as she made her way to the landing platform. Luna, Celestia, and Ballista had all gathered outside.

“Pre – Star gives off a lot of love based energy. I’ve had to lower my own ability to sense it because it was so overwhelming at times. But now, I shall open my senses to it!”

Cadance’s horn glowed with royal blue mana. The energy shined brightly, blinding many who looked directly at the Princess of Love. Cadance could feel the power of love; it was everywhere, and nowhere. Young couples enjoying a day out, two foals who have crushes on each other, unrequited love from others, but none of them was the source. She needed to follow the trail of light, the violet light of Love that was the source of all love energy. Cadance probed further into the ether of mana and light. That’s when she saw it, or rather felt it, a star like beacon that connected all the lines of love, no, it was the connection.

“I found her!”

With a flash of light, Cadance teleported from the platform, leaving all left behind to wait and hope that both love wielders would return safely.

(Changeling Hive)

Chrysalis was happy, truly happy. The hive had come alive the moment she and Star stepped hoof into it. The drones could already feel the love energy flow through them. It was amazing; it was as if Star Sapphire had breathed new life into the Changeling hive. She had to use her Hive Mind to instruct the Changelings not to harm Star or make her suspicious about them. As long as she was fooled into thinking that they were friends, the more power should would willing give up.

Chrysalis made a trip to the Nursery, where all the un-hatched Changeling eggs resided. Star was at her side at all times, making sure to keep the unicorn mare far from the Food Chamber. The Nurse drone, Murmur, had bounded to her Queen as excited as can be.

“My Queen, the eggs are making a miraculous recovery! They’re fighting off the Creeping Death and the weaker ones are becoming stronger!” Murmur looked up at Star. “You are the one who made this possible?”

Star smiled a bit, she found this particular Changeling’s appearance to be cute. “I am, I guess.”

Murmur grasped Star’s right hoof and held onto it tight, bringing it to touch her forehead. “Thank you, thank you so much…these little ones will have a chance, thanks to you…!”

The Nurse drone was bold to say such things in front of her Queen, if it wasn’t for her risking her life, then none of this would be possible. But, this was the one time where she agreed with Murmur.

“You’re welcome, um…?”

“Murmur, my name is Murmur,” she answered.

“You’re welcome, Murmur.” The Nurse Drone released her hoof and bowed before her Queen, silently thanking her as well. “Chrysalis, can you show me the rest of your hive?”

“Sure, follow me.” As Chrysalis and Star began to walk, the Changeling Queen accessed the Hive Mind. Murmur, release the ones kept in the Food Chamber.

Are you sure my Queen?

You felt it did you not? She has enough power to keep us thriving for many generations. Plus, when this ruse is over and she gets wise, we’ll need everything in there to make sure she stays alive and nourished. For the sake of those hatchlings, you will do this.

Yes, my Queen, it will be done.

The two continued their tour of the hive, Chrysalis watched how fascinated Star was as she observed some Worker drones expanding the hive. Cutting new tunnels and using a special secretion to keep the walls fortified and sturdy. Their tour ended when Chrysalis brought the teenage mare to her chambers, it was as lavish as she could make it. A large bed, a vanity mirror, and other things that made Chrysalis hurry up and hide them.

Years ago she and her kind were driven underground, long after, they tried to take over Canterlot, for the sake of survival and the continuation of their forgotten race. They’ve faced many challenges, some won, some lost, others ending bittersweet. That was in the past though, here, and now, in the present, all that was going to change.

Today was different; today was the day the Changeling’s mighty Queen Chrysalis had triumphed, succeeding in obtaining a near endless amount of love energy for them to feed on. The hive was all abuzz, both literally and figuratively speaking. Workers expanded the hive, driven by the newfound energy that dwelled inside.

While the drones were busy doing their Queens will, Chrysalis was busy “entertaining,” her “guest.” Chrysalis was setting on her lavish bed. Across from Star, looking positively giddy. It amazed Chrysalis, no matter how much power she syphoned from this mare, she still showed no signs of weakening. The Changeling Queen contemplated what kind of unicorn could produce this much power, an alicorn she could understand, but just a simple teenage unicorn, such a thing was uncanny.

“You’re hive is beautiful, Chrysalis. And your Changelings, so nice and caring, I especially like that one, Murmur, she’s cute,” said Star.

“Yes, she is the best of my Nurse drones, kind, caring, and loving. Were she born a pony instead of a Changeling she would’ve made a good mother to some foals,” commented Chrysalis.

“What’s stopping her from doing that? There are orphan foals that require good homes and loving parents, I would think she’d be perfect. Also, can you show me more of your transformations!? I want see who else you can imitated!” Star said excitedly.

Such a fool, you don’t understand the precarious situation you find yourself in. You naïve little thing, I almost feel bad about not telling you that you’ll be the instrument of Equestria’s downfall. Oh well, best to indulge her now, when the fireworks start I’ll miss that cute expression of yours.

Chrysalis’ body was engulfed in green fire-like mana, her insect body quickly shifting to that of another. In mere seconds she had taken the form a lavender alicorn mare, the form of Princess Twilight Sparkle. The unicorn clapped her hooves excitedly.

“What an ability, I knew the magic of this world gave certain wielders special abilities as your own. But yours is a part of you! Such a natural ability is quite extrodinary!” The unicorn mare started to examine her own body and blew raspberry, “Not like me, wish I could change my form into something older or even more appealing.”

“Oh don’t worry, you’re a lovely young mare, and you’re easy on the eyes if you don’t mind me saying,” spoke Chrysalis in Twilight’s voice.

The unicorn snorted, “Well, I can’t complain too much, my body is attractive, at least by this worlds standards. And I’m coming to enjoy Princess Cadance’s body as well.”

At this Chrysalis changed her form yet again, becoming Princess Cadance, believing that this would make the love energy coming from her become more powerful.

“Is this more to your liking,” asked Chrysalis in Cadance’s voice.

“You can even change into Cadance!?”

Chrysalis immediately felt a stronger surge radiate outwards. Oh my, that caused a spike. My Changelings and I are going to drain you for all your worth till your just a mere husk of your former self!

Just then a loud explosion could be heard raging from the inner sanctum of the hive. Chrysalis returned to her normal form and quickly rose to her hooves. The unicorn mare, also curious, followed the Changeling Queen. The two galloped into the center of the hive, looking around for the source of the explosions. Dust fell from up above them, prompting them to look towards the ceiling. Immediately they saw a wall burst open as a beam of royal blue mana shot through it. Changeling drones were thrown out from the force of the shockwave, along with some debris.

Chrysalis watched as a figure flew out from the hole, a scowl forming on her face. It was her arch nemesis, the pony whom she trapped and impersonated years ago, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Cadance!

The Princess of Love hovered in the air for a few seconds before spotting her targets down below. She quickly angled herself downwards, folded her wings, and dove. After about ten seconds of nose diving, she flared her wings and gently landed on the ground floor of the hive. Her eyes met Chrysalis’ eyes, the two holding a stare down as sparks flew between them. It was then that a voice broke the intensity of their little stare down.

“Hi Cadance,” said the mare.

“Predator what are you doing here,” she asked.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to tell you sooner, but Queen Chrysalis needed my help desperately! Her people were going to die, they needed love energy to survive and so I’m providing it for them! I finally did something right, Cadance,” explained Star in a giddy happy tone. “Plus this Queen and her ‘drones’ can change into any pony they see, I couldn’t pass up a chance to see that.”

Cadance had to resist the urge to facehoof herself, especially in front of her enemy, but that didn’t stop her from doing in mentally over and over again.

“Predator she’s a Changeling, they are not our friends or allies! They can change like that because it’s how they operate, they become the pony you most love and they feed off that love energy! They even use a spell to brainwash the victim into believing it, no matter if they act out of character! They feed and feed until the pony they fed upon is either a withered husk, dead, or kept alive to continue feeding on them!”

Predator raised an eyebrow in both confusion and shock at the Princesses’ statement. She then turned to Queen Chrysalis, looking to see if she would refute her friend’s claims. Unfortunately, Chrysalis showed no signs that what Cadance had said was wrong or insulting.

“Is this true…It can’t be, Murmur, the other Changelings…It can’t be?’

“…Well, I guess the fun couldn’t last forever,” said Chrysalis. “Yes ‘Predator,’ ‘Star Sapphire,’ or whatever your name is, it is true! My race feeds on love, and you’ve been supplying us with more power than we could ever dream of!”

Predator retreated back towards Cadance in disbelief; the alicorn of love placed herself in front of her charge and glared at Chrysalis.

“We’re leaving, now!”

“Sorry, but that’s not going to happen.”

A loud buzzing sound resounded within the Hive. Hundreds of Changelings had flooded into the inner sanctum, floating in the air while others blocked any ground based escape routes. The two ponies were effectively trapped.

“I’ve been feeding on her love energy so long that I feel I could move the very sun and moon myself! Now, we’ll cocoon you both, and you’ll both feed my Changelings for the rest of your lives!”

Chrysalis let out a wicked, evil laugh. The Changelings also snickered and chuckled at the helpless duo, knowing just how strong they
had become thanks to Predator’s power, nothing could stand in their way, nothing.

“You…you tricked me…” All eyes shifted to Predator. “What’s worse…you feed on love…by tricking others! You lied to me, you made me feel as if I was doing something righteous, when instead I was helping you wicked and selfish creatures! Using love to harm others, is unacceptable!”

Predator stepped from behind Cadance, glaring daggers at Chrysalis for her trickery. The dark pink mare’s body flared up with violet energy, her eyes filling with the light of her power. At that moment her body erupted into a pillar of violet light, causing many of the airborne Changelings to clear away, and making the others take a few cautious steps back. The pillar broke away, revealing Predator’s true form! She roared loudly into the hive, echoing throughout the mountain.

Predator growled as she scanned over all the Changelings, noting the fear she had instilled in them. Cadance watched as the Changelings, and Chrysalis, all began to flare with green mana energy. Chrysalis stared at the mighty beast, unafraid.

“Predator, stop, you’re only making them stronger in your true form!!!”

Cadance, do not presume that these creatures hold sway over me, their power originated from me!” Predator widened her stance, the ground shaking from the impact of her stomps. “All that I have given freely, I can take back!

Predator’s body glowed brightly, her violet light radiating from her crystalline exoskeleton. Violet light began to stream out of the bodies of the Changelings, the effects were immediate. The ones floating in the air had dropped like flies; the ones on the ground had collapsed onto the floor, their boundless energy now sapped from their bodies. Chrysalis tried to hold onto her power, she even fired a few mana beams at the giant beast, but to little success, she was, in that moment, nothing more than a mere fly compared to this creature before her. The Queen of the Changelings had never felt so powerless, so small, she was at this beast’s mercy. This creature was truly…a predator.

“That’s enough, Predator!” Cadance shouted, noticing the state of the Changelings.

Predator looked down at her fellow love wielder, “Why, are they not your enemies! I merely have to take back a little more and then they will never harm another living creature again! No more will they make a mockery of the power of love or corrupt its meaning!

“I know, but this isn’t right! It’s not my place, nor yours, to condemn an entire race to genocide! Stop this now or you’ll kill them! Please Predator!?”

Predator didn’t want to stop; these Changelings were the enemies of love. Feeding off it like parasites. That’s when it struck her; they reminded her of someone she knew all too well, another parasite that fed on something else, Fear. They were no better, and needed to be ended. But she did not wish to disappoint Cadance. Love and tolerance, which was what Predator was taught by Cadance since she came to live with the alicorn, and she wanted to show that she had learned both. Yet still, these creatures knew nothing of either, as far as she was concerned, it was a public service to exterminate them. At least, that was what Predator thought until she saw her. The crystal raptor’s eyes gazed out and spotted the pink Nurse drone known as Murmur. Her eyes were fixated on Predator, where once there was hope in her eyes, now there was only fear.

Predator roared once again, ceasing the syphon. Chrysalis was weak kneed; she could barely keep herself from collapsing with the rest her Changelings. Predator leaned in close, allowing the Queen to get a good look at the razor sharp rows of teeth.

Heed my words Queen Chrysalis; it is by Princess Cadance’s good grace that I spare you and your Changeling race. But should you ever threaten her, or the love of the pony race, I will return…And devour you.

The Queen of the Changelings didn’t make eye contact with this beast, not wanting to show just how fearful she was of the Entity of Love. With a simple weak nod from the Queen, Predator drew back from Chrysalis and stared up at the ceiling. She then released a blast of violet light from her maw that punched a hole in the roof of the hive, vaporizing any debris that had broken off. Predator began to ascend, covered in the violet aura as she rose high above them all.

Cadance flared her wings and was prepared to fly, but the pink alicorn spared the Changeling Queen a passing glance. Her nemesis was weak, so too were her Changelings. A small part of her felt sorry for them. Cadance looked up and saw that Predator was waiting for her; she then turned back to Chrysalis who was now glaring at her from the corners of her eyes. Cadance’s horn glowed brightly, creating an energy bubble in the shape of a heart. The heart shaped energy floated between them, hovering in place.

“What’s this,” asked Chrysalis.

“It’s food for you and your Changelings,” said Cadance.

“I don’t need your damn pity or your mercy,” she scoffed.

“I do not pity you, nor am I showing you mercy. All I’m doing is making sure that Predator doesn’t accidentally kill you all. There should be enough condensed in there to sustain you for the next forty-eight hours, longer if you ration it, after that…you’re on your own.”

Cadance flapped her wings and took off into the air, rising to meet Predator at the newly created entrance. The two love wielders then flew away, leaving the Changelings and their Queen alone with the love energy.

One of the drones dared to approach his Queen, both afraid and concerned.

“My Queen, what do you wish to do,” he asked.

“Nothing…” Chrysalis rose up shakily to her hooves and started to walk off.

“My Queen, what do you want to do with the love energy,” asked another drone.

Chrysalis stopped, she turned and glared daggers at the floating pink heart.

“Absorb it, all of you…”

“You do not wish to partake first?”

“I don’t want any of it, it will last you all longer if I don’t take any, and I am not as weak as the rest of you. No more questions, do as I
command,” ordered Chrysalis.

With that Chrysalis returned to her chambers without ever taking any of the love energy provided by Princess Cadance. She plopped onto her bed and curled up into a fetal position. Chrysalis had never experienced fear and terror like that before, the feeling of being regarded as nothing more than a mere insect by a being more powerful than any mortal being she’d encountered. She dare say, Predator may’ve even been more powerful than Celestia and Luna combined. This being, this entity, who was like a god and a demon, who could save her race and provide them with unlimited amounts of nourishment was also one who could wipe them out on a whim.

“How could I be so weak,” whispered Chrysalis, cursing herself.

As she lay there, the Changeling Queen had no idea that she was being watched from the shadows, by a pair of yellow, menacing eyes.

You’re ready, kckt, kckt…

(3 Hours Later)

Cadance was frustrated and angry. The two of them had landed somewhere out of the range of the hive, yet far enough in the woods as to not be spotted by any passerby ponies. Predator had reassumed her pony form, sitting on her haunches and looking downcast, Cadance sat some distance from her, catching her breath, and trying to come down off the powerful, euphoric love high from opening up her senses in order to track down Predator.

Predator didn’t like it that she disappointed Cadance, again. More than that, she hated that she was so easily tricked into being taken away by Chrysalis.

“C-Cadance, I am sorry that I was foolish enough to go to the Changeling hive, and believe me I hate it that I let myself be taken in by that creature’s words! Please, forgive me,” said Predator.

The Princess of Love finally looked at Predator and yet again sighed.

“It’s fine Predator, I never told you about the Changelings so you didn’t know they were our enemies. This is my fault, I should’ve told you about them when you arrived in Equestria. I never thought that Chrysalis would catch wind of your power. One of the advantages of living in the Crystal Empire, the Changelings don’t seem to like the cold of the Frozen North, so they pretty much stay away from there. So it never seemed like that big a problem to tell you about, well that, and the fact that I thought that Shining Armor and I had gotten rid of them a long time ago,” said Cadance.

Predator’s ears flattened against her skull in slight shame. “I also want to apologize; this wouldn’t have happened had I not made Lieutenant Ballista leave me…”

Cadance quirked an eyebrow at that, “What do you mean?”

“I said some…things, to Ballista…and ended up making her leave my side. So, you are still in the right for blaming me for this. I almost caused your enemies to gain great power! I would never forgive myself if they harmed you…or any other living thing in this world!”
Predator cried. “All I seem to do is mess up! I try to learn what you teach me, but every time I think I understand I end up doing something stupid! I’m nothing but a burden on you Cadance!” Predator began to sob, her tears falling to the ground in large drops.

Cadance trotted up to Predator, she then brought the unicorn close to her chest, wrapping them both in her soft wings. “You have a big heart, Predator. I know you wish to bring love to all, and sometimes you cause trouble while doing so. You aren’t stupid, you’re strong, fierce, and sometimes a little airheaded, and that’s just who you are. But I never once thought of you as a burden, I care about you,
Predator, I really do.”


“Of course…”

Predator looked up at Cadance, and their eyes met. For a brief moment there was something. The violet light of Love was flowing between them, making Cadance’s head feel fuzzy and strangely happy. Predator had the same feeling, except for the fuzziness in her mind, hers was clear, she could see the forgiveness and love in her equal’s eyes. Before either of them realized it, their lips met each other. Kissing each other as if they were they other’s long lost love. It took a few moments, but Cadance finally regained her senses. The pink alicorn broke the kiss and separated herself from Predator. Cadance looked away from Predator, embarrassed that she had done something like that to her.

“I-I-I’m sorry…I didn’t mean for that happen! I’m still feeling the effects of your light,” she explained.

“It’s fine, really. I didn’t mind.” Predator looked to Cadance and gave a small smile. “You weren’t bad at it, kissing I mean.”

Cadance cleared her throat and recomposed herself. “Well…that’s natural. I am the Princess of Love after all.”

Both mares began to giggle a little, the first real laughter they’ve had sense escaping the hive.

“Let’s head back to the castle. You aren’t the only one who needs to apologize to Ballista.”

Predator quirked an eyebrow at that remark, “What do you mean?”

“I’ll explain when we get there, stay close.”

Predator moved closer to Cadance. The pink alicorn’s horn glowed with royal blue light. The energy surrounded them in a sphere of mana. In the next moment there was a bright flash of light and they were gone. Unknown to either of them, and many others within Equestria, a low rumbling echoed through the ground. Its resonance was the subtle heralding of something to come. Something that was sure to change the face of Equus and every living thing in it.
