Moon Fall

by 007Delta

Dark Fantasies

The cold and bitter winds numbed Luna's face as she flew past the outskirts of Vanhoover. She had been airborne for about three hours now, and her wings were already weary. It would be a long time before she reached the Frozen North.

She watched the landscape below change gradually overtime. Out here, the snow piled up and hugged the gentle landscape, as pine trees began to litter the ground more frequently. Her destination was the Crystal Mountains, which acted as a natural demarcation between the territories of the Crystal Empire and the gentle hills of Southern Equestria. Once she arrived there, she planned on living off of the land before Nightmare Moon inevitably stole her body.

But for now, she needed to give her wings a break. She scanned the ground below and began to search for a place to rest, when she spotted a large log cabin situated against a small, lone mountain. She began descending towards it.

As she lowered in altitude, she could see in more detail, her surroundings. The mountain itself was tall and sharp, with the log cabin seemingly built right into the cliff face. She touched down a few hundred feet outside from the base of the mountain, her hooves digging gently into the snow... Before she fell face first into the deep, chilly quagmire of powdery white. Out here, the weather ponies didn't keep tabs on how high the snow piled up, and the result was a seemingly even surface with areas of varying depth. She took a gentle step out of the rather deep pitfall she had stumbled in and began to wade in the cold sea toward the cabin. She dreaded having landed so far away from it.

As she came near the wide front doors, a surprised looking doorpony quickly opened the door with his magic and with a shocked sputter, he managed to vocalize the word, "princess!" Before he was too dumbstruck to say anything else. Normally, Luna would have addressed her subject dutifully and systematically, but she was so tired from her flight, that she simply nodded at him and entered the structure.

Luna walked wearily toward what looked like the front desk to a hotel. There sat a bored looking, mint green mare with with a creamy white mane, who was buried in a stack of paperwork. She had a pencil in between her teeth as she scribbled on the paper's and moved them around her workspace with her hooves. As Luna reached the front desk, she looked up nonchalantly, before her ears folded back, her eyes widened, and her pencil fell to the floor unceremoniously. Her jaw hung half opened, as an exhausted Luna leaned against the desk tiredly.

"Hello," said the princess awkwardly.

It took a moment for the pony behind the desk to come back down to earth. "Uh-hello! Your highness," She stammered out quickly. Her voice was a high and a bit squeaky. "What brings you to the Cold Point Cabin?"

"I have been flying for ages,". She said a bit more dramatically than she had intended. "I just need a place to rest my wings for a few hours,"

In her exhaustion, she had dropped her typical usage of the royal we.

The pony at the desk was still a little star struck from having such a close and unexpected encounter with royalty. "Um, of course! My name is Windsong Chilliver!" She stammered out with her adorable squeak of a voice. "I'll guide you up to the penthouse! It's the nicest room we have here at Cold Point,"

Luna normally would have objected being given the best of the best, simply because she was a princess, but she was far too tired to resist. As Windsong jumped from behind the counter, she noticed her Cutie Mark. It was a fireplace with what looked like a blizzard surrounding it.

She guided the princess to what looked like an elevator. Two unicorns dressed in matching uniforms stood posted in front of the doors, and opened the sliding gates for the two ponies. They stepped inside and the doors closed, forcing Luna and Chilliver to stand uncomfortably close to each other, especially due the princess's rather towering height. Windsong forced a smile to her face as they magically ascended several floors.

Luna had only been awake for a few hours, but she felt like she had been up the whole day. Without her magic, Luna was using much more physical energy than she was used to. It would be a long time before her body became accustomed to the strain it was being introduced to. Normally, she could fuel her physical activities with her magic, simply converting the energy with her horn, but now that she didn't have that luxury, she tired easily. She looked over at Windsong, who had been staring at her intently as they slowly rode up the elevator. Luna couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

The wooden lift came to a stop, and the sliding doors opened once again. They stepped into a large ornate living room, with a lavish fire pit in the centre. Around the indoor fireplace was a long square sofa, the same color as Windsong's mane.

They both stepped out of the elevator and into the beautiful living room.

"Princess Luna,". Said the little mint mare, "you look exhausted, are you alright?"

Luna looked her way. "Yes, I'm fine."

Chilliver looked worried. "I don't mean any disrespect princess, but I know that's not true,". Her voice was gentle and kind. "What's wrong princess? Why have you come so far north all alone?"

Luna wanted to tell Windsong everything. She needed someone to keep her company, someone to help her deal with everything that has been happening to her... But Luna knew that it would only put her at risk.

"I'm just out here to enjoy the snow,". She reassured her through a false smile.

Windsong looked saddened. "Princess, I can see your pain. You may be trying to ignore it, but it's as clear as a frozen pond." She took a step toward the princess. "No one is hiding it from you but yourself, now please princess, get it off your mind." She smiled gently. "I'm all ears,"

Luna could tell that holding out any longer was useless.

"Nightmare Moon". She said sadly. "She still lives within me. She haunts me in my sleep and has taken residence in my mind. I suspect that she will retake control within the next few days." She looked up at the sky. "Now I am unable to move the moon, as she steals all of the magic my body can generate, and my sister will be forced to banish me once again..." She turned her head sadly to the floor. "But I doubt Nightmare Moon will be contained... She has freed herself from that prison once before." She turned directly toward Windsong, who had her hooves over her mouth. "My only option left is to flee. The farther I get from civilization, the more time I can give my sister to figure this whole mess out. That's why I've come so far north all alone."

Chilliver said nothing for a few moments. She only stared at the wooden floor and thought about everything Luna had said.

"Wow,". She finally said distantly. "I'm... Sorry,"

"It's alright,". Said Luna. "Thank you for showing such genuine concern, most ponies tend to avoid me due to my rather... Checkered past. It's not often I have someone to talk to."

"Your welcome princess. I'll leave you to rest, you have a rough few days ahead of you." Windsong put her hoof on her shoulder. "Stay strong, Luna"

She walked back to elevator and gave her a gentle smile as the two doors closed.

Luna didn't have enough energy to walk over to the bedroom. She instead fell over onto the couch and landed on her back, falling asleep shortly after.

In the darkness of her mind, Nightmare Moon appeared. But instead of insulting or berating her like usual, she greeted her.

"Good evening Luna,". She cooed

Luna was taken aback. "Good evening to you as well,".

Nightmare moon smiled at her devilishly. "Making friends? A little late for that I'd say. You don't have nearly as much time as you think you do."

Luna looked at her strangely

"A couple days? Ha! Have a little more faith in me than that princess, I have enough power to take control of you now."

"I don't believe you. You would have taken over the moment you were able." Luna scoffed

Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes. "I've had plenty of time to think this out. I would rather wait and make sure I have enough energy to take control of you permanently. Should I try anything before I am ready there is a good chance that I will not succeed, and it may be another thousand years before I have this opportunity again. I learned that the hard way during the Summer Sun Celebration."

She began to pace around in the darkness. "Fortunately for me, the elements failed to eliminate my presence within your body, and I have been graced with a second chance. This time, I won't fail."

As Nightmare Moon spoke, Luna hatched a plan. If what she said was true, then perhaps Luna could trick her into assuming control prematurely. That way she could at least buy her sister some time, as Nightmare Moon would certainly have to replenish the energy she would no doubt expend.

Luna looked at her with a confident smirk. "Lies. You speak only to get under my skin, and I will not let your hollow words breach my conscious. Take your threats and eat them like a rotten apple"

Nightmare mooned turned to Luna with an offended look.

"What did you say, you little insignificant whelp?"

"Go to hell, Nightmare Moon. Sombra will be happy to welcome you."

Nightmare moon's eye twitched. "Perhaps you could do with a lesson,". Her eyes flashed purple and her horn flared a deep lavender. "I will prove to you that I am more than capable of control now!" She exploded into wicked laughter.

Nightmare moon disappeared in a purple whirlwind which knocked Luna off of her feet, and onto her side. She woke abruptly and tumbled off of her couch. The side of her face smashed into the cold wooden floor, as she began to hyperventilate. Her lungs burned for oxygen, but no matter how hard she breathed, she couldn't satiate the feeling. Her heart rate began to spasm like a vibrating flesh balloon, as her mouth began to salivate profusely. Then there was a loud pop, and suddenly she couldn't hear anything but a faint high pitched ringing noise. Just as abruptly as her hearing vanished, there were no more scents in the air, and her tongue could no longer taste the roof her mouth. Her vision began to get thinner and thinner until it was no bigger than a golden bit, before she stopped perceiving color and the little pinprick of vision disappeared.

She had lost all of her senses except for one... And she could already feel herself losing it. Her entire body felt as if it were being stripped of it's skin, Like some force was simply ripping it away in all directions. She could no longer hear, but she was sure that she was screaming. Then the pain faded away completely, and her entire body was numbed. Except that it wasn't her body anymore, it was Nightmare Moon's.

Suddenly, a dark spatial mane spilled from royal blue pony's skull, as her coat began to stain itself black. She let out a loud, triumphant laugh as she stretched her muscles.

It had been so long since she was able to experience life again, and she knew that it would have to be short lived. She only wanted to teach that insufferable princess a lesson she would never forget, then she could live with the carnage that Nightmare Moon will have created. With a jet black glow of her horn, Nightmare Moon sent a black, pulsing wave of energy that ripped through the floor of the penthouse, before crashing through the subsequent floors below. Each time the black bolt touched the wood, it would explode violently, sending razor sharp shards of wood flying like shrapnel in every direction. Nightmare Moon jumped down the enormous hole in the penthouse and down into the floor below her.

It wasn't as well designed as the luxurious penthouse, but that didn't matter to Nightmare. Her only focus was three cowering ponies who only stared at her from the corner. It was a chestnut colored Pegasus and her two fillies, but Nightmare Moon only saw three targets, and with a blast of black electricity from her horn, one of the fillies was reduced to nothing but a charred skeleton. The mother looked on in horror as the black heap of bones clattered to the ground, becoming nothing more than a mess of marrow and ash. Nightmare Moon didn't stop there, she blasted the other filly with a bolt of black lightning as it stood up defiantly to protect it's mother. The little filly's coat turned grey, as his skin began to wrinkle and fall apart. She was rotting and decaying at an advanced rate, and soon, she was nothing more than a pile of furry gel in front of her mother, who was now crying in shock as her foal turned into a fetid liquid. Nightmare Moon strutted blissfully to the massacre and stood over the mother, who stared up at her distantly. Nightmare Moon beamed evilly as she took some of the disintegrated foal and wiped it into her face, making sure to drip as much of the rotted liquid into her mouth as she could manage, before she walked away and jumped down to the next floor.

Nightmare Moon committed murder after murder, each as horrific as the last while she progressed down Cold Point Cabin. Among the deceased were, an elderly stallion, who only stared sadly at Nightmare Moon as she flayed him magically, a lone colt who soiled himself as he died, two adolescent mares, whom she gutted and fed to each other, and a small newborn pony, who's mother died of a heart attack as Nightmare Moon set it ablaze.

Joy and happiness rippled through Nightmare's body as she heard the sweet harmonies of screams echo though her conscious. The pleasure she received from the death that littered the hotel made her spine shiver with lust and her mouth drip with saliva. She stepped down to what would be the final floor of her killing spree.

The Lobby.

As she landed, she noticed that the spacious entrance area was eerily empty. The only sound that could be heard was the screaming brown Pegasus somewhere in the uppermost floors floor. She walked around slowly, searching for any signs of the one pony she yearned to kill most.

"Luna?" Called a frightened high pitched voice from behind the front desk. Nightmare Moon turned around abruptly, smiling distantly as she fantasized about the many brutal deaths she could inflict upon the pony.

But this death had to be subtle. It had to be a reminder to Luna that Nightmare Moon was not to be wronged. Never again would the princess insult her so casually.

She strutted toward front desk and made it evaporate with her magic. Out from the mist of evanescing wood tumbled a mint green mare, who had been leaning against the inside as a hiding spot. Nightmare Moon stopped in front of her and pinned her down with a hoof. Windsong struggled under her immense strength, but she could not escape.

Nightmare Moon used her magic to flip her onto her back, before she laid down on top of the pony, putting her face dangerously close to Chilliver's.

"Good evening Windsong,". Crooned Nightmare Moon as she began to nibble on her ear. Windsong shuttered and tried to move away, but Nightmare moon had her pinned. "Where are you running off to my little pony? You should stay awhile." Windsong felt a tongue snake it's way from her chin, over her lips, and onto her forehead. "The weather outside is frightful dear, I'd rather you stay and keep me company." Windsong began to scream and sob at the same time, while Nightmare Moon pushed her muzzle to Windsong's neck.

"Luna!" Windsong screamed through tears. "Wake up!" Windsong took in a shaky breath as Nightmare Moon lustfully humiliated her. "This isn't you! This isn't you!" She repeated as she felt an unwanted hoof rub up her side and swirl on her chest. "This isn't you..." She let her head rest against the ground as she finally gave up.

As soon as Nightmare Moon realized Windsong was no longer resisting, she put her two hooves on her neck, and choked her. She watched as Windsong barely fought her attempt on her life, and simply closed her eyes and let the tears come rolling down her face. They only stopped when she finally went limp after about a minute, and Nightmare Moon stepped back to appreciate her handiwork.

Luna would absolutely love the gift that she had left her. She watched as an orange glow began to illuminate the lobby. The fire from the baby had begun to spread, and was now consuming the upper layers of the large cottage. Soon, Cold Point Cabin would be nothing but a charcoal foundation. Nightmare Moon stepped outside of the collapsing structure and turned around to witness the grand finale. As she waited for the cabin to collapse, she saw a brown figure fall from the hole in the Lobby ceiling. The Pegasus mother had jumped to her own death, landing in a limp pile on the floor. Finally, the top of the cabin began to slide off, as the penthouse and about 4 floors beneath it disconnected itself from the rest of the building, causing it to fall into the snow and extinguish most of the flames. Nightmare Moon smiled and laughed softly as she looked at the morbid piece of art she had created. Today was a good day, and now it was time for Luna to experience her joy.

She relaxed her body and allowed herself to slip back into a memory, pushing Luna into control. However, Luna's body was so physically exhausted, that she regained control and immediately went to sleep. Nightmare Moon didn't even disturb Luna's dreams that night.

She wouldn't want to spoil the surprise.