Ab Initio-From the Start-Al Principio.

by Daxn

E' accaduto il (non)imprevedibile/ Something happened.

Three hours later, in Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle was in her bedroom in bed, taking a nap enforced by Velvet, who claimed that, as little filly, she had to sleep for one hour after having lunch.

Despite the clear indication that Twilight was not in physical need of a nap, she did not refuse, assuming that compared to the the dress-up, the stroll in the (thankfully deserted) park, and the dish arrangement of the lunch taking an enforced nap was not so bad, since it would let her relax and be alone for a while.

During the hour of break, Twilight let her mind wander, letting thoughts on various topics and subjects stop and pass in a whim. Then she focused on a topic in particular: her friends in Ponyville.

"What are they doing right now? Are they thinking about me? I mean, I know that they are not pulling out their manes in desperation. Maybe Rarity is doing that, but that's besides the point. Anyway, they are still going on with their lives; but do they miss me? Or don’t they? I mean, if a big threat to the State presents itself and said threat cannot be solved by Celestia, if they stop care about me, it's up to me and the others to fix it. But if they stop caring about me, our efforts are also hindered..."

Twilight smacked herself with her left hoof, leaving a red mark on her face.

"Stop worrying! They DO care about you, it's just a bit hard to trace your position! Stay sure that as soon as you come back from the Kindergarten, they are going to greatly celebrate your return! After all, if they don't care about you, how..."

She sighed, and let her head sink in the pillow before the other part of her mind could finish its sentence.

"And thinking that until few months ago, you would have never imagined having such kind of dilemmas..."

Then an approaching sound of hooves reached Twilight's ears. Soon after that, the door opened, showering the bedroom with light, and revealing the thin silhouette of Sedula Serva.

"Twilight, there are five mares and three fillies outside the gate, claiming to be your friends. Shall I let them come in?"

Twilight sprang up, throwing the blankets up in the air, and said in surprise.

"They are really here?"

Sedula replied calmly.

"I don't know, I have never seen them come here. To tell the truth, I thought they were kidding at first."

As Sedula said that, Twilight was pulling out her diaper with pure glee to get it off and ignoring the harsh comment from her valet. Once she had done that, Twilight asked Sedula to lead the way towards the gate, all the while trembling and hopping at the same time.

When Twilight was finally in the garden, she saw her five friends, wearing pink smocks and carrying eight green boxes, and three fillies waiting outside for her to open the gate. With even more joy, Twilight Sparkle ran to the gate, and unlocked it. As soon as she moved one of the gate's doors, she was trampled by the weight of three eight-years-olds and two mares, all trying to hug her, while the others showed their joy in other, more platonic, ways.

Despite the pressure applied by the bodies of some of her companions, Twilight appreciated the manifestation of interest that her friends gave to her.

When the hug finally terminated, Twilight said.

"Uoho, thank you for your remembrance. Anyway, why you are wearing smocks?"

Rarity, after stepping in and giving a prideful head shaking, answered Twilight's question.

"It was Applejack's idea. As a way to show our interest towards you and our consternation towards your situation, w... she decided to make us wear smocks similar to the ones you would wear while in the Kindergarten."

Twilight nodded and smiled.

"If you thought it would have served, well, guess what, it did. Now..." Twilight saw that the CMC were not wearing the smocks "why Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Applebloom don't wear those smocks?"

Sweetie Belle answered before her older sister could.

"Because I and my two friends," Applebloom and Scootaloo also stepped in, "thought that to apologize to you would be the right thing to do." The three fillies immediately bowed and started to chant a litany that expressed their contrition, contrition that baffled Twilight, since she didn't see any kind of reason for an apology, since she was the one that exploited them for her ends. However, Twilight decided to let the litany go on and not question the logic that Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had applied to draw a conclusion that they needed to apologize to her.

When the monotonous chant ended, there was a brief awkward silence, quickly filled with Pinkie's request to get in Twilight's house. Since she didn't see any issues with letting them in, Twilight consented to her friends to receive xenià.

"Come on, enter," said Twilight, while moving her right hoof backwards and forwards. The eight ponies entered in the garden of the villa and while walking towards the door they looked around them. In a few seconds, they reached the door. Twilight lowered the handle, revealing an upset Velvet behind the door.

"Twily! You were not supposed to exit from your bedroom until half past three! And you got off your diaper! Now com..."

Velvet stopped dead in her tracks.

"Oh, I see, some of your friends have arrived. Well, next time you should warn me... but, anyway, they can come in." Having said that, Velvet ran upstairs.

Velvet's daughter was going to just shrug it away, before realizing something.

Her friends were wearing smocks, and Velvet recognized the five mares as Twilight's friends. This meant that, as Twilight's friends, they were also three years old fillies and, maybe, the CMC were either barely newborn, or just months old anyway.

The realization froze Twilight in panic. Twilight's friends didn't hesitate to accidentally make the situation worse.

"Twilight, darling, why this sudden mood shift?" Rarity got no response.

Rainbow Dash was a bit more direct, with a shake and her question asked with stronger concern: "What's the matter, Twi?"

"It's... it's..."


"M-my mother..."

Rainbow Dash pressed her face on Twilight's.

"Your mother? Come on!"

Twilight moved her mouth, but to Rainbow's frustration and dismay no sound came out of it.

Rainbow Dash got more aggressive with her questioning "Tell me! Tell me! TELL ME!" but she got no response from Twilight, who was altering between twitching on the floor and standing, as if she was possessed by an evil spirit. Or poisoned by a tarantula.

Rarity intervened with Fluttershy's help.

"Extracting information from Twilight with this rude and aggressive method won't bring you to anything." Rarity motioned to Fluttershy. "Come over here, Fluttershy. We are going to need your diplomatic abilities."

Fluttershy reluctantly walked towards Twilight, unsettled by the rather concentrated looks of the CMC and of the other four friends on hers. She lightly touched the frantic Twilight, as to get her attention, and when Twilight stopped twitching to focus on Fluttershy, the latter said.

"Twilight, could you please..."

The phrase was not finished, because a loud crash was heard from the stairs, followed by a laughter that sounded manic. While the other seven ponies just went on lookout after those two noises, Fluttershy froze, and created a puddle of a liquid of the same color as her coat but more smelly on the marble floor of the room and causing Fluttershy to blush until she turned beet-red.

Fluttershy's accident was overshadowed by the return of Velvet levitating a changing mat, a pack of diapers and a can of powder.

"So, could you excuse me for a..." Velvet saw Fluttershy standing over the puddle of her own urine. A sinister shimmer appeared in her eyes. "I see that Twily is not the only one prone to 'accidents' here..." Velvet rolled out the changing mat in the middle of the big entrance hall of the house, and grabbed both her daughter and Fluttershy in the hallway.

Rainbow Dash instinctively sprang towards Twilight Velvet to stop her, but Applejack held her tail in her mouth, saying that trying to do something would be risky. Rarity just stared at the scene going on in front of her eyes, unsure whether to laugh, be disgusted, or call the guards. Pinkie Pie, seemingly unaware of the situation, gladly handled Fluttershy's diaper box to Velvet. As for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they just watched, too confused and afraid to help.

Twilight, still trying to process what to do or say to her friends, didn't react at all when Velvet forcefully put her on her back. Fluttershy tried to verbally object, but the sudden attack of insanity by Velvet caused her to just cower and look at Velvet with fearful eyes, wishing to say something, but incapable of doing so.

Velvet terminated the diapering of Twilight in few seconds, thanks to the lack of reaction from her daughter.

"You are free, Twily! Up next!"

Twilight, back in her senses, fed up and sure that she was going to do the right thing, came back on her legs, and, after that, she quickly tried to dissuade her mother from inflicting the same humiliation she had suffered in the past days. Twilight lit her horn, and blocked Velvet's hooves.

"Mother, you are taking this sham too far, and it's time to stop," said Twilight sternly.

"Come on Twilight, let me walk," Velvet demanded with an extremely irritated voice.

"Not until you end this insanity." Twilight's tone got sterner.

Velvet, still maintaining a serene and yet insanity-telling face, answered back.

"But you are my little filly, and so are your friends."

Losing every hope to diplomatically end that, Twilight charged her horn to stun Velvet, and try to end it. However, from behind she felt a tickle; a tickle that caused her to lose concentration, and both let Velvet loose and uncharging her horn.

When Twilight looked for the source of the tickling, she saw Pinkie Pie flat on her back rubbing her stomach. While Velvet immediately ran towards the scared Fluttershy, Twilight asked with bloodshot eyes to Pinkie.

"PINKIE! Why did you sabotage my attempt to stop my mother?"

Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Because you and me don't want to see anybody hurt, silly."

"And how am I supposed to prevent such humiliation to you, then? She isn't exactly a pony that listens to me."

Pinkie Pie crawled at a fast pace under Twilight.

"Humiliation? This isn't a humiliation, this is a very good thing!"

Twilight raised one of her eyebrows.

"A good thing?" Twilight pointed at diapered and blushing Fluttershy, and Velvet putting a white, lace-and-plissets decorated diaper on a whining Rarity. "Fluttershy and the others say otherwise."

"It's because they never tried it!"

Twilight sighed in frustration.

"I don't know what you are trying to do, but if this is your fetish or whatever, it's okay with me, Pinkie Pie. However, this is not enjoyable for me, and therefore I am trying to get rid of her since I came back home."

Pinkie pulled a pipe out of nowhere that created soap bubbles, as to pose as an intellectual.

"A complicated case indeed..."

Twilight took a look once again at the ongoing diapering of her friends. Now Rainbow Dash was pouting while wearing a blue diaper with her cutie mark on the front, Rarity was trying to make Fluttershy relax in that stressful situation, and Applejack was flat on her back with her hooves tied together by Velvet's magic.

"Be quick to find a solution. I am not certain when the others are going to forgive me for this."

Pinkie Pie threw the pipe away.

"I don't know... I like this kind of thing. I also know few ponies in Ponyville that would love to do something like this, and who knows, maybe one of us starts to enjoy this too. Maybe I can convince her to come with me to Ponyville? I have an empty house where she could stay and indulge her craving."

Twilight pondered it for a few seconds, before replying.

"It's a deal that would benefit all three sides if my mother accepts. If she does, I am also for this idea. Now let's get back to our friends."

The two mares did just that.

On the left side of the hall, now each and everyone of the seven visiting ponies had a diaper on them. Applejack had an orange diaper with a green apple on the front, Scootaloo's one was also orange, but had a black question mark in front of a scooter's wheel as the frontal image, Applebloom had a yellow diaper with a pattern of apple shapes and, finally, Sweetie Belle had a white diaper with truly foalish designs.

Now finally reunited, the four mares glanced at Twilight.

“Twi… was this the thing you wanted to communicate to us before?”

“Yes, it was.”

Rainbow Dash replied with acidity.

“Then next time BE FASTER WHEN TALKING!”

Rarity put a hoof over Rainbow Dash’s shoulder.

“I think we lack context here. Twilight, was this… sham staged?”

“Yes… I mean, for me, not for you.” Twilight sat on her padded bottom. “You see, my mother is delusional, and thinks that I am a three years old filly. I don’t like it in the slightest, but since I have my salary suspended for a while, and my only option is to live over my mother’s wage and my father’s pension, I thought that doing whatever she wished to do with me was a wise, if ugly, choice to make. I also tried to make a pact between my father and my mother to divide the day in two parts, one where I live like an adult, and one where I live like a filly. Of course, the catch was that I acted like a filly only during the morning, when I was at Kindergarten and my mother could not interfere, while I acted like an adult during the afternoon, when I was at home. Alas, this pact was soon broken by my father’s departure for Romea. My mother saw it as a golden opportunity, and apparently fell in delusion even more, since she is seeing you all as fillies.”

Rarity, Rainbow Dash and an eaversdropping Applejack nodded in understanding.

“So, what shall we do? Shall we stop Velvet, and thus free you from this sticky situation?” asked Applejack, while slightly shaking her rear hooves, as to get them ready to kick.

“Pinkie Pie has a plan how to free me from this predicament…”

Pinkie Pie appeared behind Twilight. “My plan is to enjoy this opportunity together and, at the end of our visit to bring Velvet to Ponyville.”

Rarity stared bewildered at Pinkie, as if she had put out the Sun with a whisper, while Rainbow Dash and Applejack asked in unison.


“Are you nuts, Pinks? Enjoy this? How can I enjoy something like being diapered by an old harpy and being treated like a filly, in the ill and in the good?”

“Pinkie, I think that your basket lacks some apples… there is no chance in the Heavens, in Tartarus, in the Limbo or in Equestria, that we are going to stick with this plan, not at least with our minds still standing in our skulls!”

Pinkie Pie lowered her ears, scrunched her face, and widened her pupils, as to get her friends to do her bidding. It didn’t work.

“Pinks, no matter what faces you make, I am not going to do this. I simply won’t.”

Applejack shrugged, while Rarity exited from her trance.

“Er… Pinkie Pie’s idea IS actually a good idea, since I am not eager to knock out Twilight’s mother, even if she is insane, because she didn’t warrant knocking down for me.”

Applejack pressed her nuzzle on Rarity’s, and asked with a voice close to desperation.

“And what is the correct thing to do then, besides to do what she wants, Rarity?”

Rarity shrugged.

“That’s the only measured solution. Knocking down the host is rude and excessive.”

Applejack sighed.

“Always put manners first to your friend’s needs and sometimes safety.”

Rarity drunk her gall, and answered.

“That’s not true. But ok, if you think so, I have nothing against it. However, if we want to take a decision, we shall consult everypony.”

Applejack agreed silently, and so did Twilight.

Rarity proceeded to call the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who were trying to calm down Fluttershy (and surprisingly doing it perfectly) and Fluttershy herself. Once all the ponies were gathered, Rarity gently asked Velvet to let them have few minutes alone. Velvet let them gather.

Having done that, Rarity proclaimed.

“Alright everypony, we have a decision to do. As you have noticed, Velvet has decided to put us in diapers, thinking we are foals. Our friend, Twilight, told us that Velvet is, in fact, delusional. She has been treating Twilight like a filly since the latter has come back home.

Now, Twilight was going to just stun her mother, bring her to the asylum, and set us free, but Pinkie Pie proposed another solution for this issue: let Velvet treat us like foals, and then bring her to Ponyville, so to free Twilight once and for all from her mother.”

Rarity sniffed.

“So, raise your right hoof if you want to stun Velvet and avoid being treated like a foal.”

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Applebloom, and Scootaloo raised their right hoof.

“Now, the ones that want to bring Velvet to Ponyville must raise their left hoof.”

Pinkie Pie, Sweetie Belle, Rarity and Fluttershy raised their left hoof.

Surprisingly, the only one that did not raise a hoof was Twilight Sparkle herself. Curious, Rarity asked.

“What happened, Twilight? Weren’t you the one that wanted to make Velvet unconscious in the first place?”

Twilight sighed.

“I’m unsure. Shall I send my mother to the asylum and free you without further fuss, but basically spitting in the place where I eat; or send my mother to Ponyville, letting her vent out her delusion without causing harm to anybody, but forcing you to endure some forced regression.”

Pinkie Pie extracted a coin from nowhere.

“Waste time no further! Flip this coin, and choose on the side it comes out!”

Twilight, even though unsure about using a completely random system for choose what to do next in that situation, did not decline.

“Heads, stun, tail, regression” Twilight picked up the coin with her magic. “Ok, let’s do this.”

Then Twilight threw the coin in the air...