//------------------------------// // Book Two: Chapter Ten // Story: Wishing Well // by Nobrains //------------------------------// Book Two: Chapter Ten For the first time in a long while, you barely felt motivated. You had mentioned to the witchdoctor and Lamar of Saddleworth as being the only place you could all possibly go. Both were skeptical that this place would still be standing by the time you got there and also if they would even be tolerant of their presence. Ponies tended to fear the unknown and mysterious, and that's exactly what these zebras were. Still, you managed to convince them that this was your best shot at getting anywhere. You had left the fringe of the forest only a while ago, and you could see the walls of Saddleworth once more. The witchdoctor called it “false security” and shook his head when he first saw it, and Lamar just huffed. You knew walls were no sort of protection against things like the shadowy Kalahiri, but it was going to be as good a defense as any when life was being wiped out in the blink of an eye. You were at the gate now, and went through. The streets were barren, like usual. The snowfall leaving the streets thick with the white powder turning to slush on the hard to cool stone. You weren't sure where to go, since you didn't particularly feel like going to provoke an obvious confrontation with Twilight's brother. “Kuluu, you look unsure of yourself,” the witchdoctor pointed out to you, as you all stood there. “That's because I am,” you returned with monotone. You were baffled as to what to do, and you were afraid of talk to Shining Armor. If you did look unsure, then it was doing a good job at hiding your sheer near-panicked state. All that was keeping you from falling apart under the pressure was your weary soul and the thought of Twilight. But that was a double-edged sword, and it added further to your strain as well as your discomfort. Lamar came up, looking conflicted. “What are we to do, witchdoctor?” The zebra closed his eyes, his face looking dark. “I'm afraid there's little else we can do, besides warn the populous of their oncoming fate.” “That is your plan of action?” The war chief questioned. “We become little more than doomsayers?” “What else is there? The Kalahiri is free and has wiped our zebras off the face of this world. We stand behind walls now, but it is only a matter of time before the darkness heads in this direction, and then what?” Lamar grimaced and turned away from the only other survivor of his tribe. You couldn't imagine what it was like to lose your people to death in just one swift move. Sure, you had been strung out, and taken from your own world, but at least you knew your people were okay. Well... maybe you did. Anything could have happened and you wouldn't really have known. All you knew was that things seemed bleak here and answers were at a minimum amongst this dread. The war chief had began to leave you and the witchdoctor to yourselves, walking down the street. The spiritual zebra turned to you, his eyes near the ground. It was clear he had little hope that much could be done. “Kuluu, I would inform those close to you.” You almost laughed. Who was close to you that was here? Nobody, not anymore. She was in that darkness, and you still were unable to do anything about it except run. Not that you could do that anymore though. This city, and it's walls, would be the place where you ended this. Whether that be you, or this darkness, you didn't know, but you weren't feeling all that great about your chances. You didn't respond to the zebra, instead leaving him to stand on the cold street by himself. You felt like wandering. Anything to keep everyone away from you. You didn't need this, you didn't need any of this. You were just a big fuck up. You do something good, and unwittingly make a hell for the inhabitants in just a short while after. He didn't bother to follow you, instead going off in his own direction. Fine enough for you, but you couldn't wander off for too long. You couldn't just wander off until it was time to die, there was still things to do. Still, a bit of isolation could stabilize your strained mind right about now. Something caught your eye though as you walked ahead on the empty streets. On snow cluttered bench, there sat.... Blues? What was he doing out here? You could see the cast on his leg, and his look of bitter remorse. Perhaps he sensed the oncoming darkness... but where was Spry? This bothered you enough that you actually broke out of your lapse of sorrow to walk over to the distraught stallion. His empty eyes focused on you as you approached. They squinted and narrow, as if trying to recognize you for a second before realizing just who you were. He looked around you, and that's when you knew he was likely wondering where Twilight was with you, just as you wondered where his father had went. “Shouldn't you be in a bed?” You asked him. He gave out an audible grunt and looked away from you, angry. “I would be, if my father hadn't gone missing. Ever since I fell asleep in the medical center, my father has been nowhere to be seen. I just up and left after a talk with the doctor and now I'm stuck out here by myself.” You knew how he was feeling. A mix of anger, confusion and worry, you knew you were the same, but amplified more because you almost knew where your missing body was. You didn't really want to speak to him about any of your own troubles, but you knew it was inevitable that he ask the same question. “So where's your friend, huh?” You didn't answer immediately, and when you did, you tried to downplay, whether it be for yourself or for him, you didn't know. “Somewhere, and I'm worried.” Blues laughed. “You're telling me you don't know where she's at? That's insane, she wouldn't let you out of her sight I bet.” “Yeah, she wouldn't,” you were starting to get real sick of talking, but something was causing you to grow antsy. Ponies were starting to take to the streets, all whispering and scared. You didn't know why, but a crowd was beginning to form around you, and you could see the witchdoctor at the head of it. His reflected the darkness he likely felt about this matter. It wasn't something you were truly alien to at the moment yourself. Blues scanned the crowds that were forming. “What's the deal with this? I thought everypony was staying inside now.” “I don't know.” The witchdoctor came up to you and you asked the zebra the very same question, but he didn't say anything to you for a long moment. He simply waited for more ponies to come all around before he spoke to you. “I simply told them of what's coming. Apparently, due to my nature as a zebra, these ponies pay my words with heed.” “That's a bit surprising,” you noted, looking at all the ponies. Faces of grief, confusion, and uneasiness met you. They were scared, but they had no idea what was to come, it was all just words to them, but it wasn't everyday you had a zebra come into town and start saying you were doomed. “But, why bring them all out here?” “It is better to be with one another than in isolation when the time comes, Kuulu, don't you think?” You simply stared at him with weary eyes, and it seemed to unsettle him. All this hopelessness drained the spirit. You wanted to walk away once more, but just couldn't. Zebras getting ponies out of their houses to all join in on one big group scream when their death came. It made you grind your teeth. The human fire was coming back, and you felt your fingers grip tighter as your brained rushed, trying to think of one last ditch effort, but it was hard when your resourcefulness played little to no factor when your enemy wasn't so much as a figure more than an unavoidable entity. It was like a visible disease, growing and stretching across the land. A pony broke from the crowd, one that left a horrible taste in your mouth. Cadence came up to you, concern obvious with every step she took. “Where have you been?” She asked breathlessly. “I-” “You were nowhere to be found in the city. Shining's been up on the wall looking out for you and Twilight.... where's Twilight?” The second you were asked that question you turned and walked away towards the wall. If you were going to take the time to explain how you had ruined the promise you had kept, you might as well explain it to the one you had made the promise to. “W-wait! Where are you going?” She called out to you, but didn't follow. It was better this way. You weren't sure which wall it would be, but if you had to make a bet, it would likely be the one looking out into the forest you had went. You didn't know why, but it just made sense to you. If he was up on the wall, then there had to be some sort of way up there. You looked back to see if you were being followed by anyone at this point. You were relieved to find that they all stayed put where the witchdoctor was, all concentrated on the chatter between them all. You could see Cadence's eyes on you the whole way, the only pony watching you go. A small tower built into the wall made of the same material seemed to signal that this was the the way up. Likely a spiral set of stone steps would be the way up. You just hoped that the wooden door separating you from the interior of the tower wasn't locked, or you'd be running up and down the perimeter of the city until you were all dead. With a push, it flung open. You probably didn't need to put so much force under it, but you really weren't in the mood for all of this. The tower from the inside was about as unkempt as ever, no room for anything but the stairs before you that surprisingly went down as well as up. You knew which way you were going though and took the first step heading up the staircase that wrapped around an inner pillar. Up and up you went, a lingering pressure rising at the bottom of your stomach. It was closing in on the time where you would stop before those you had failed and spoke of your inability to do what you had sworn you would do above all else. Maybe you had not said it to them, but you knew it was implied. You reached the top, finding the door already open. You stepped out onto the ramparts that gave the view of the innards of Saddleworth and all that laid outside of it. There was a lot of land to be covered, but in your view, the forest dominated much of it. Or it was for the time being. From what you could see, the forest was slightly shrinking little by little from as far back that could be witnessed by the naked eye. It threatened to drain you and make you feel hopeless once again. Forcing yourself to look another way, you gazed down the ramparts you were about to walk across. There he was, a scarf wrapped around his neck and his fierce eyes never breaking from the shrinking forest. He appeared indifferent, as if he felt what you knew. How could he though? Perhaps the same reason you knew you could find him here. Just a bit longer. It was time to face your crimes. You strode over to him, each step filled with self inflicted strife. Now you stood there along with him, watching, waiting for his reaction. You no doubt knew he was aware of your presence now, but still he did not speak. It was okay, perhaps nothing would be said between you two before death overcame you all. But still... ...You had to say something. “I'm sorry,” you spoke it of your dry mouth. You could see the air come out of your mouth and quietly fade away, much like your hope. Nothing. He still remained silent. He had to have seen you escape the forest... without Twilight if he was up here. He had to have known what you were apologizing for. You knew it wasn't going to cut it, and honestly, to yourself it made you and the words you spoke worthless, yet, you still had said it. There was no other way to express it. Nothing that had to do with words at least. The air seemed to be growing colder before you two. You were almost going to turn and take shelter within the tower when he finally spoke with a hollow voice. “It's not your fault.” You nearly caught yourself on the wall after hearing that. Not your fault? Not even you agreed with him on that. This wasn't some broken toy you were speaking about here, it was this stallion's sister and your special somepony. To think that was the answer you had gotten almost made you mad. “And why would you say that?” You questioned back, throwing your arms out to the side. He coughed once, never turning to you. It seemed that your punishment was the implication that you were hardly worth his time. “I know what happened, and it wasn't you fault.” “How? How would you know?” Even now, everything was a riddle. Everyone left you to wonder. “A strange stallion came up on the wall long ago and told me of what had happened. Everything.” “Strange stallion...” Was he speaking about Spry? Or that pony from within the estate? You had been watched the entire time you had been out there with Twilight, it seemed. Someone knew, someone had been there with you. Shining stepped back, finally breaking the seemingly never-ending watch of the forest. He looked as weary as he had ever been, but you knew he had not cried or even broke in emotion once. This was likely why he looked the way he did. It took a toll on him, taxed his strength to remain like this. You knew it from experience. “He... he was quick to leave after the tale. He said he had pressing matters elsewhere and that he was being called away,” Shining Armor sat down, slumping. “I didn't know whether or not to believe him until I saw you emerge with those two... zebras.” That sounded like that Baroque character, and here you had thought that he wouldn't be a factor once again, after speaking about how he had done too much already in simply coming into contact with you. Had he really now, or perhaps he had not been ready to tell you of all this. “I think I know who you're talking about,” you spoke quietly, still trying to wrap your mind around all this. Things came back once again as your mind latched on to your impending doom, and you spoke the only words you could say. “I wish I could have done more...” “So do I...” He seemed to finally appear pained, his eyes drifting off to the side. “You've done a lot more than I did for all the ponies back in Canterlot.” You shook your head. “It wasn't enough.” “Nothing's ever enough,” he snapped back at you. “A lot of ponies were saved though because of what you did, while I staggered away. I ran back to the Crystal Kingdom like some sort of coward, afraid of what was plaguing the capital... I knew we had to be there for the Crystal Kingdom as well... we said we would... but coming back to Canterlot... it deserved better than what I had to offer.” What was transpiring you could barely believe. Here you had thought you would be bickering under anger fueled voices instead of recollecting past actions. This didn't seem to be going anything like what you had prepared yourself for. Before you could say anything though, you noticed Shining's eyes narrow and his ears begin to perk. “Do you hear that...” he asked. The time was upon you now. You could hear trees cracking and falling. You stood on the edge of the wall now, watching the darkness seep in through the ground and beginning to form off the ground. The forest was nothing but patches of trees now, and in the back, you could see the large hill that held the ruins atop it, a marker for where this horrible thing began. It was faster than you remembered, closing in on the walls at nearly an unbelievable speed. If this was what was coming, would anyone down there know before it was over for them? Perhaps it would be better for them. “What do we do?” Shining asked, his voice breaking. You swallowed hard, still watching the Kalahiri, the end of all things. “I don't know if we can do anything.” The stallion bumped his hoof against his chest. “There has to be something. We can't just stand here and let ourselves be overtaken.” You didn't respond this time, instead continuing to just watch the doom ahead forming in front of you. It bubbled and formed all sorts of twisted shapes, but.... it stopped in front of the walls of Saddleworth, as if it had been stifled. It only made you feel worse. “What is it...” It grew in height, all on top of itself. It was like a dark cloud now, a cloud of destruction. It was growing to envelope the entire city of Saddleworth in one fell swoop. All you would see in the end was the darkness. Then something even more disconcerting happened. It grew to the height of the wall and stopped, slowly shifting over to where you and Shining stood. The top of the cloud began to twist and twirl, creating abstract shapes in front of you two. Something else was at work here. The shapes began to curve, mix together. They seemed to be forming one shape... a... figure. What was it doing? What could it be doing? You watched in horror as the Kalahiri put on this strange spectacle. And you began to recognize certain features. There was a shape for an equine head, there was a hoof... another hoof. That was when you knew what the darkness was toting before you. It was the shape of Twlight. It was... mocking you for your failure, putting her out there before you. A feeling of rage began to built up within you. You took a step forward, onto the edge of the wall. Shining pulled you back. “Are you crazy?! I have to put a shield up over the city right now!” “You don't see her?!” You asked him back. “She's right there!” You gestured angrily to the darkness that was still waiting before you. “I don't see anything! It's just standing there! I have to put up something to protect this city!” Were you hearing this right? You were the only one that could see Twilight in the darkness. The only one that had a shot at saving her. A crazy thought began to take form within your mind. You took a step back towards the Kalahiri. Shining growled at you this time. “You're going to get yourself killed! Just hold on until I can get my shield spell ready!” His horn began to crackle with life from the peripheral of your vision. You knew it wouldn't help now. You had no options at this point. You were going to make one, though. “Don't stop me,” you called back to him. “What are you doing?! I'm going to need to get this shield up!” He was wincing from the energy he was beginning to exert. “Don't worry about me, you just get that shield up,” you waved your hand to him as you took another step forward. The darkness was beckoning you, and you were going to answer its call straight on. You stared at the figure of Twilight as you took one last breath of air, and leaped forward from the wall. “Stop!” Was the last thing you heard before you were overtaken. No more running away. The world around you went black. Blacker than any black you could ever imagine.