My Little Fairy:Equestria's Guild

by k0k0t0

Christmas Special

Location: Ponyville,Ponyville meadow

The first snow had just Dash,Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie were just passing through a field talking to each other,when suddenly a black,purple and pink blur passed them,making dash spin in the air comically

"What was THAT?" Twilight asked

"Beats me" Rainbow answered

"Who cares what it was,did you see how fast it was going,it was even as fast as Dashy" Pinkie statement made Dash jump up .

"What?Fast as me,no way,there's nopony faster" she said as her eyes suddenly widen and she shot off

"Rainbow wait,where are you going?" Twilight asked her.

"To catch her" Rainbow answered

"HER?" both Pinkie and Twilight asked in unison looking at each other before following her in t he direction.

Location: Ponyville,Town square

Above Ponyville two blurs could be seen.Walking trough town you can see a farmiliar pony with a big red stallion next to her and a small human girl, next to her walking a white cat.

"Wow,Rainbow's as quick as ever,aint she Big Mac" Applejack said

"Eeyup" Bug Mac agreed

"But who is that other one?" Wendy asked confused

"Ah aint got the smallest idea sugercube,but who ever it is,sure is giving Rainbow there a run fe'hr bits!" AJ pointed out as the figures in the sky were doing all sorts of stunts,from barrel rolls and loopty loops,to advanced 360 buckaneer blitz.

"Heh,you've actually gotten better" Rainbow said with a taunting voice.

"Yeah" the black blur replied "Even better then you!"

"HAH,doubt it!" Dash said with a taunting laugh

"Oh yeah?" The dark one replied "Check this out" And with that she shot as she was almoast out of sight she shot down with incredible Rainbow Dash noticed something

"NO WAY" Rainbow mumbled to herself in disbelief .It was a mach cone forming in-front of the blur "When did she-" Dash started to ask herself but was interrupted by what appeared to be

"A sonic rainboom?" Twilight gasped,and panting now exhausted and below Rainbow "But it...looks...different" true to that it looked more like a tricolor aurora with Pink,Blue and Indigo colors.

As the lights dissipated the black blur halted above Ponyville so it could be clearly was a Pegasus mare,whose coat was black,her wings were tainted purple and her mane and tail was a combo of three top one being hot pink,middle Indigo and last Aqua cutie mark was a butterfly with sharp looking squared wings with a detailed array of swirls on started from blue and faded to then when everypony,Wendy and Carla had just made out most of her details,when she was tackled down in a pile of snow by none-other than Rainbow Dash.

"Ahaha,get of me Dash!" The tackled down pony said.

"No way,not until you tell me how you learned to do that" Rainbow demanded with a playful voice

"NEVER" the black Pegasus yelled cheerfully as she managed to slip one of Rainbows hooves knocking her out of balance, the two were a big ball of an array of colors,but soon stopped with Rainbow tackling down the black pony again

"Alright cousin,SPILL,or else" Dash said with a huge grin on her face as she lowered her head close to the black mare's

Suddenly "Cousin?" Behind them in unison asked shockingly Applejack,Twilight and Pinkie,while Wendy and Carla were wondering why they were so surprised and Big Mac just siting there watching,being the quiet type and all.

Near the entrance of the Everfree forest there was a cottage were Lucy,Derpy and Fluttershy

"Wow,i sitll you have so many animals here" Lucy said in amazement looking at all the animals 'ill never get bored of seeing them all,even the bear',yep the bear.The first time she saw the bear she instinctively summoned Horologium to hide in him,but the bare only stared in confusion.Then Lucy remembered where she was so the bear was most likely friendly,true to that it was.He gave her a 'Bear' hug Lucy would never forget.

"Thank you" Fluttershy said "This puppy here is new,i found him wondering lost near town square!" She showed Lucy and derpy the little puppy,which was a small brown Grate Dane with brown to black eyes and a blue collar that had a tile with 'SD' on it.

"Fluttershy is the best at what she does,like me delivering mail" she said proudly at herself,and then remembered some miss delivered mail,which brought a little giggle to her "But what does 'SD' stand for" she then asked.

"I dont know ..."Fluttershy said and then looked at the small critter "...Scooby Doo?"

The puppy soon barked with joy,his tail wiggling around and licking Fluttershy with excitement.

"I think he likes it" Lucy said giggling,and soon was joined by Derpy,Fluttershy and Scooby 'He can laugh?' Lucy thought to herself confused but then shrugs it off seeing as she is a parallel dimension with talking ponies

Back in town "Rainbow why dint dint ya'll tell us ya had a cousin?" AJ asked

"You guys never asked!" Dash quickly replied.

"I don't think we needed to ask for such thing!" Twilight glared momentarily but then turned to Rainbows cousin"Hello,my name is Twilight Sparkle"She introduced herself and then pointeed at the rest "and this is Applejack" "

Nice to meet ya'll" Aj greeted

"Big Macintosh, AJ's big brother" Twilight continued

"Howdy" Mac said

"And Pinkie Pie" The alicorn saidsaid pointing at the pink mare who was suddenly appeared in front of the new pony

"OH MY CELESTIA,I HAVE TO THROW YOU A 'WELCOME TO PONYVILLE PARTY" Pinkie started to speak with a high pitched voice and suddenly started to spill out words faster than the two pegasi could fly then she gasped loudly jumping into the air as she blasted of into a random that could be heard is "DONT FOrget to come..."

"Well that was random" Aurora said with smile and some giggling.

"Yeah, that Pinkie Pie for ya," Dash said "well now its your turn" she added.

"Huh?" is all Wing could say before she realised "Oooh right,introduction." she realized "Hi there,names Aurora Wing,Fastest flyer in Equestria"

"You wish" Dash suddenly said which made everyone laugh.

Just then Aurora noticed the two out of place there "Hey,who or what in Equestria are you two" Carla 'humpf'd at that remark wile Wendy just smiled

"Hello,my name is Wendy Marvell,pleased to meet you Aurora" Wendy had learned to drop the formal talk like 'san or kun' in this world

"Gotta say,never met anything like you two" Aurora paused to look at them more carefully "I think this winter will be interesting" she suddenly stopped and shot in front of Rainbow Dash "Which reminds remember our little agreement from last year?"

Dash nodded and with a big smile on her face answered "You think id forget something like that?" This made everyone and everybody else there curious

"Uuhm Ranbow," Applejack started to speak "mind telling us what that agreement is that's so important?".

Both Pegasi shot a glance at each others eyes and then said in Unison "A RACE"

Location: Canterlot,Canterlot Station

"We just went there for an hour to see why Princess Luna wanted to see us,and someHOW you managed to destroy 3 buildings." Erza was lecturing Natsu on their way back from Canterlot

"It wasn't my fault,that purpleblood or whatever his name is started it,saying our marks were stupid!" Natsu said at his defense

"As much as i admire you defending our guild,Natsu,you cant just go around destroying building,just to get your hands on that 'coward'!" Erza added added

"Maybe it was not the correct thing to do,but for as long as i live,i will never forget the face on that ill-mannered ruffian" Rarity added which made Natsu wonder was she complementing or insulting. The others shared a small laugh when they heard "All aboard,all aboard.The train for Ponyville will be departing in 10 minutes!"

"Awesome just in time" said Spike,who was their escort with Rarity.

"No not a train,anything but a train" Natsu yelled in fear as he was trying to run away but was being held by Erza

"Oh,don't worry Darling, its only a 30 min ride back" Rarity tried to calm down the fire wizard

"30 MINUTES,that's like an eternity listening to Grey's yapping" Natsu replied shouting with fear of the train

"What'd you just say pink boy?" Grey asked already steaming at Natsu's comment

"You heard me,your annoying to listen to" Natsu shot up as if he had forgotten about the train.Grey was about to insult him back but both were hit on the head by Erza putting them on the ground unconscious.

Location: Ponyville,Ponyville public library

"What happened" Natsu was shaking his head awake. "GREY" he suddenly yelled and got up to see that he was in a room with a shelf of books and the walls were made out of one big peace of he got out of the bed he saw stairs leading down.

"So you finally decided to wake up?" He looked down to see Lucy being the one who asked him,next to her Twilight,Rarity,Fluttershy,Derpy and Erza.

"What happened,last thing i remember is about to knock the living daylight out of that icecube"

"In your dreams Flame Brain" a chuckling voice called out which made him turn his head around to see Grey sitting on the floor near a table.

"What'd you say?" Natsu shouted angered.

"STOP IT" Erza yelled in a sturdy "All you do is fight like little children,if you don't get along ill be forced to punish you both!" She said.

"Your in trouble,Natsu" Happy said as he was flying out the kitchen with both his paws on top of his mouth as if he was trying to keep the laughter back which he was.

"Hey where's Wendy" Natsu asked now sitting on the table across from Grey and Derpy next to him

"Muffin?" she asked

"Thanks" he accepted the muffin.

"Shes out with Applejack,Rainbow and Aurora" Twilight answered.

"Oh,i just cant believe she's here." Fluttershy said with excitement " I haven't seen her since me and dash were in the junior speedster academy"

The name 'Aurora' made him curious "Aurora,who's that?" Natsu asked.

"Oh she's Dashies cousin" Pinkie Pie said jumping out of nowhere

"What the...where'd you come from?" Grey asked surprised

"Outside silly" Pinkie answered as she giggle. "Not only am i gonna make a Heart's war...i mean Christmass Party,but i get to do a Welcome to Ponyville party as im so excited" She jumped up and down with joy.

"Your not the only one!" she turned at Lucy "The one you made for us was incredible" she complimented

"AAw thanks" was all Pinkie could say before she remembered she wasn't done with the preparations,as she shot out of the door

"Thats one weird pony" Happy said which brought laughter to all of them.

Location: Ponyville Town Square

"So Aurora" Wendy asked "When is the big race going to be?"

"After Hearts Warmig Eve" Aurora replied.

"Not this year" said Dash getting Aurora's attention.

"What you sacred Rainbow?"Wing asked "Never took you for a chicken"

"No way" Rainbow Dash said.

"What Dash here means t'say is that this here year in Ponyville its not gonna be a Hearts Warming Eve,but a Christams!" Applejack added.

"Christmas?" Aurora asked "Whats that?" .

Wendy spoke up "Well Christamss is the Hearts Warming Eve in my world,its similar but there are some things that are different,like decorations,music and more."

"The princess thought it might be interesting to see how well the Ponyvillians react to Christmas" Carla pointed out,Aurora though shook her head still not used to seing a talking and flying cat,which was weird and AWESOME at the same time.

"Sound cool" AW said "Cant wait,even more after it,THE race!" Rainbow decided to play a last taunt

"Yeah?Just don't come crying back to me when you loose!" Dash said as she sped of leaving the others behind.

"You two remind me of Natsu and Grey" Wendy said,Aurora looked at her not knowing who she was talking about "Oh right they are other 'people' like me." she added

"But unlike her they are idiots and fight 24/7" Carla added

"Hey are you calling me an idiot" Wing snapped at Wendy

"What?No id never do that,i meant that you love to have a friendly struggle between the two of you " Wendy quickly defended herself.

"Oh?Sorry for bursting out like that" Aurora apologized "No hard feelings, how about about we go and introduce you to them" the young Dragon Slayer just a nod from the black pegasus,the headed for the Library.

Location: Ponyville public library

Just when the four were about to go inside the library,a pink blur shot out the door "Was that..Pinkie?" AJ asked out loud shaking her head and entering with a small smile.

After the introductions were done came the questions "So why are you here?" Aurora asked

"We were called here by the Princess to help fend off a dragon attack." Erza explained

"But we don't know how to send them back,and they are staying with us here in Ponyville until the princess' can figure a way back for them" Twilight added,making the 7 outworkers shake their heads in agreement.

"WOW,a different world?Whats it like?"Aurora asked with excitement in her voice.

"Its kinda like yours With Magic and all that,but instead of pony folk being the sentient creatures,we Humans are" Lucy explained.

"Magic?What kind?" Aurora asked as she tried to figure out how the can use magic without horns"

"How about a demonstration?"Natsu asked already half way out!Everypony's eyes shot open with excitement,especially Twilights,it was a chance to learn something big. Wing shot out of the door followed by rainbow an the other ponies.

"Looks like we don't have a choice" Erza said getting up and signaling for her team to go out an do the demonstration.

Everypony was excited to see the magic that they asked the mages to wait for an hour so that they could round up an audience to which they agreed.The ponies went around talking to ponies to convince them to watch the 'spectacle' .The Mane 6,Derpy and spike were now at the side with their friends waiting

"They explained their powers but we never actually got a chance to see them in close up" Twilight said,her eyes glittering with enthusiasm,and mind you she wasn't the only one.

First up was Grey "Ice make:..uhm"he paused and thought a bit,then an idea popped up "Pony Garden" As he said that he slammed his hands down making the circle that had already appeared in his palm expand and from the ground arose many pony statues in all shapes and watched in 'awe' and interest as the statues reflected the sun but didn't melt.

Second came time to Erza "Requip:Ceremonial Armor" (its actually Farewell Fairy Tail armor Its too detailed to explain so go check it in wiki)
All of them stranded there mouths a gap at the sight of her beginning to glow a brilliant white and then her clothes shifting to become the armor that she currently was really stricken by the beauty of the armor that her eyes widen to the size of dinner plates.

Third was thought for a minute 'Taurus is too big of a pervert to summon,but how about' "Gate of the Twins,Open" When she said that a dingdong could be heard and a golden circle appeared at the tip of the an instant a small puff of smoke appeared and when it vanished 2 identical creatures were standing was the one interested this time as she ran up to them to meet them but was frightened and surprised to see a copy of herself standing in front of her.

All ponies watched as the 2 creatures changed into many ponies and some variations of Lucy,some of which made her face go as red as Natsus most interesting one was when they turned into original and the copy mimicked their moves as if one was staring at a was doing some crazy stuff to try and brake the copy's out of imitating her but all it did was bring laughter to everyone.

Pre-last were Wendy and soon as Carla garbed Wendy and lifted here she cast "Vernier" on her friend which made her go in amazing speed that could challenge before landing Wendy shot down "Sky Dragon's Roar" and made a small tornado swirl around them masking their landing and after it dissipated both stood there with a snow pony next to them.

"Can you use that venrer spell on me?" Rainbow asked Wendy

"Its Vernier and i don't see why not!" Wendy replied with a smile on her face

"Oh no your not cheating in the race Dash" Aurora said overhearing them

"What?Cheat?You know i NEVER cheat!"she paused to put the proper expression "I dont need to cheat,i can beat you with both wings tied behind my back"She finished.

"We'll see about that"Aurora laughed in disbelief

As the two continued arguing the last performers where taking center.

As soon as they were in the center Happy grabbed Natsu and started to lift "Fire Dragon's Sword Horn" when he said that both of them were covered in fire as they sped to the they halted the fire dispersed "Secret Dragon Slayer art - Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade". Both began to spin in mid air a as lines of fire appeared on his hands,after which covering them both in a ball of fire,and then the fire dispersed in lines throughout the sky as if an aurora of fire was there.
As they began to descend Natsu got an idea and whispered something to Happy who said "Aye Aye,Sir"

.Natsu signaled everybody and pony to make more room,which made the other guild members nervous as to what he had planned. "Fire Dragon's Wing Attack" with that lines again formed from Natsu's hands but this time happy was speeding down for the ground,he then let go of Natsu who arched his hands back and shot the lines at the he landed and happy on his shoulder in front of them was the Fairy Tail insignia.

The performances brought applause and cheers from all the pony.Suddenly though two figures appeared in the direction of the setting sun.A few moments later everyone could see who these figures were "Princess Celestia,Princess Luna " Twilight yelled happy as she ran to greet them "Im so happy to see you two,but why are you here?" she asked

"You did not thing we would miss an event like this did thou?" Luna said in a mix between modern and royal speech

"Luna is right, we wouldn't miss this 'Christmas Eve' the mages were so proudly speaking of. "Celestia added as she turned to the group of mages and gave a warm smile,which they replied with smiles of their own. "And besides,we could see the show halfway from here to Canterlot" she added with a little laugh,which made everyone attending there laugh a little.

Location: Ponyville,SugerCube Corner

It was already time for the party and as the group walked to SugarCube corner,Pinkie was jumping up and down but with more excitement than usual,which brought a smile on everypony and everybody's faces. "Whoah Pinkie calm down or your gonna end up on the moon!" Grey joked,but everypony froze to that and looked at Celestia and Luna "What?Did i say something wrong?" he asked quickly as he saw the change in their expression.

"A story for another time" the sun princess quickly told and pulled their attention to the building across them "for now,let us enjoy ourselves." Everyone nodded,and soon were inside SCC.

Inside were all kinds of ponies,earth ponies,pegasi and unicorns.One perticular was a white unicorn with a two-tone light and dark blue mane and a shorter than any mare tail in the same colors.She same was behind the turntable playing on wicked music,which sounded awesome thanks to some magic which Lucy and Wendy lend to her so she could learn it .

Beiside the left and right of the stage were two Christmass trees decorated.One in White and yellow decorations honoring princess Celestia,the other in Dark and light blue honoring princess Luna.Behind the stage was third tree decorated with all sorts of stuff from each pony in Ponyville.Some of the decorations were from diamonds,thanks to Rarity to and 'Muffins?' thanks to Derpy.

"Muffins?" Lucy asked looking at Derpy

"Yeah,but don't worry those aren't real" Derpy answered

"Like the trees" Twilight added making everybody raise an eyebrow except Wendy and Carla

"What,how?" Erza asked

"Unicorn magic,darling" Rarity pointed out.

"We just took an item that was the same weight and transformed it into a decorative tree" Twilight added "If you go up to them they will feel real" she continued.

"AND since we used a rock as the mass they are mainly fire proof" Rarity said looking at a certain individual

"What?" was all Natsu could say confused but the others got the hint and laughed!

In the middle there was a group of filly's of all 3 races.A white unicorn with a two-tone mane and tail,with white and pink colors,a yellow earth pony with a red mane and tail and a huge reddish-pink bow in her third was an orange pegasus filly with pink mane and they shouted "Cutie Mark Crusaders Scavengers,YAY".

"Who are those three" Natsu asked

"The white one is Sweetie Belle,my sister" Rarity pointed out a little worried at what she just heard "The yellow one with tha bow is mah sister,Applebloom"

"So then is the orange pegasus is your sister Rainbow" Lucy asked.

"No" Dash said with sadness on her face.

"Then,Fluttershy?" Lucy continued.

"Im sorry but no." Fluttershy answered.

"Then who is her sister" Erza suddenly joined to conversation curious.

"She doesn't have a sister,or a family"Rainbow said now sitting on the ground.

"Oh my" Wendy gasped "then she is an orphan" she continued.

"Not for long" suddenly Dash shot up "Tonight im gonna give her the best present she's ever gonna get 'ME'." Everyone stared at her in confusion "Ugh,im gonna adopt her as my little sister" She said annoyed they didn't get it.All except Celestia and Luan who were busy admiring the party at the other end,shouted in unison,drawing the attention of many ponies.

"Adopt?But Rainbow are you sure!" Twilight asked worried

"Sure, im sure" Dash responded "she deserves a family doesn't she"

"Yes,yes she does" Twilight finally calm and able to see the big picture

"And ahm sure yer gonna make a swell sister Rainbow" Applejack cheered on her friend

"And if you ever need someone to foalsit,ill be happy to,i mean if thats okay with you that is " Fluttershy also cheered on her childhood friend

"And Rainbow,darling if you ever need advice feel free to ask either me or Applejack here."Rarity pointed that moment Rainbow Dash had the biggest smile in the room,or even all of Equestria.

"Thansk girls, i knew i could count on ya,besides,ive had more than enough training being Wing's big sis!" Dash joked

"Hey" was all Aurora could say as Dash turned around

"Now lets get this party really started" she yell which was followed by a number of agreements one of which was the trademark.

"Aye,aye sir" Happy shouted while in the air with one paw pointing up.

Just then a song started playing that nopony recognized,and a voice could be heard loud and clear

"Alright everyPONY,this is your frindly neighbourhood DJ-Pon3,bringing you the latest from ponyvilles best,ENJOY"

Play Music: Train - Shake up Christmas

When she heard the son, Lucy remembered one of her Christmas night with her family still together and happy,she was opening a present from her parents as the watched her happiness.

At one point Pinkie latterly shook up everyone for happiness

The song made a smile appear on the Fariry Tail guild's members they all joined in on the exceptions.

Erza then suddenly remembered her kiss with Jelal at the beach,and blushed like crazy!

Twilight was now interested in the these lyrics 'is this that 'Santa' that was mentioned earlier?' she thought to herslef

Aurora now was flying trought the air leaving awesome light that really made the party liven up even more!

At this moment even the Princesses were dancing and enjoying them self!

As the song was coming to an end all that could be seen now were the CMC dancing to the song while the rest were going either to talk to others or the buffet.The little fillies really enjoy that song.

DJ-Pon3 spoke up again "Alright everypony,im gonna leave ya for a bit to catch my breat but heres some cool sound to keep ya going" .She walked down and to the group "Hey Wendy,Carla how's it going,liking the part so far?" She asked looking at Wendy,Carla and Derpy and everyone else.

"Its Incredible Vinyl." Wendy said

"Yeah that song was really grate" Derpy added they paused looking at her friends

"Ooh right,Vinyl theses are our frind from Fairy tail" Wendy said

"From left to right" Derpy said as she started the introductions,but made a little mistake and began in reverse,but was corrected by at Erza "This is Erza" she said

"Hello" Erza greated her

Then Wendy continued "Lucy"

"Hello" Lucy said waving to her

"Grey" Wendy continued

"Hey" he said while he was half way undresed

"GREY" Lucy then shouted

"What" he asked as he looked down "Again?" .Wendy,Vinyl and Derpy chuckled.

Derpy then continued "And last but not least Natsu and Happy" she said pointing at Happy who was on Natsu's shoulder

"HI,cool music your playing,right Happy" Natsu said

"Sure is" The blue exceed agreed with a big smile.

Then Wendy reverse introduced them "Guys this is Vinyl Scratch" She said

"Or better yet DJ-Pon3(Pony)" Derpy added

"Glad i could finally meet ya,these 3 were talking alot about you." Vinyl said.

"How did you know all that about Santa and stuff?" Lucy asked

"Wendy here told me and the band the other day, and we finished the song just this morning" Pon3 replied which brought awe out of everyone. "Yeah i know im pretty awesome" the DJ braged about herself

"I'll say,Just like me" Rainbow shot up and landed next to her,

"Uhm,dont you mean me?" Aurora landed next to Dash with a smirk.

After that dance the rest of the night everypony and everybody enjoyed the party.The princesses were socializing with the other ponies,which was really enjoyable for Luna and for Twilight and Celestia to watch.

Spike to took the initiative and asked Rarity to a slow dance,witch she accepted rather quickly and with great enthusiasm.

Rainbow,Aurora and Fluttershy were at a table recalling old memories. Like when Fluttershy fell of that cloud when Dash had her race against the two bullies,or the race afterwords against was chowing down on whatever he could,including the fire in the fireplace,which caught the attention of many ponies,who wondered "Is he alright" a mint green one, who they knew as Lyra thanks to Derpy introducing them to her and her flatmate Bon Bon,asked

"Im afraid not" Lucy said with a little worried and look on her face as she let her hands fall lower and arched her back a little ahead.

"Hes an idiot" Grey added,making some of the ponies worried but brought a chuckle at the same time

"I suppose that's why you two get along then" Erza suddenly proclaimed with a small grin

"Yeah,i gues...HEY,WAIT A MINUTE" This brought laughter to all that were there to hear to the buffet table Happy asked Carla to a
rejected the first six times but then decided "Why not,lets go" which was greeted by Happy's trademark words .

Wendy could only giggle at that wile she was enjoying the sweets,along with Pinkie eating everything she can next to Natsu,and Derpy who was eating mostly Blueberry Muffins with a little melted butter. Next to her was Time Turner,the brown earth pony they met in the hospital. Apparently he was her 'Date' for the night.

he party went on until the clock struck at 12:00.That is when fireworks started to spread in the clear night sky.Everyone went outside to enjoy the view.Suddenly Twilight went over to Grey and Natsu and whispered something to them.

"Cool idea"They both replied .Then the Alicorn motioned everyone to back off as the 3
took the center of the clearing.

"Ice Make:Statue Garden" Grey yelled then slammed his hand in t he ground,to witch many statues arose,some being of ponies of all 3
races,others of humans he knew and of course the fairy tail guild mark.Two special ones being of the Princesses.After that he nodded to Twilight and Natsu.

With that twilight shot multiple energy blast's at the statues,lighting them up like a jewel in sunlight.

"Fire Dragon's Fang Flare" With that Natsu's hand started to glow with a
brilliant flame,which he passed on the the other hand as than began to spin around,his fire taking the form of lines,which when they hit a statue,light it up in a beautiful golden and crimson light.The reaction of the crowd was 'Awe' and 'ooh' while their eyes grew the size of dinner plates.
Especially Rarity's when she saw the display of the ice she went up to Grey "So if i recall correctly" She started to ask "your ice cannot melt unless you wish it so or somepony else stronger brakes

Grey looked at her with a questioning look "Yeah?"

She immediately jumped up with excitement "Wonderful,darling,simply you help me with some work later then" She asked him straight,to witch he answered with an even more questionable face

"Sure why not" As soon as he said that he remembered what her work was "oh crap,what did i get myself into" He said to himself leaving Natsu to laugh his head off,but not without receiving a cold glare form Grey.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration if i were to say that everypony in Ponyville enjoyed that night the best of each in this time of the part,then the fireworks and lastly the ice statues that were made to princesses were so happy with the result that they decided each year 30 days before this date they would have a vote for each town that asked weather they wished to have a Christmas or Hearts and Hooves to say the Ponyvillians wished for another Christmas straight away.

Near the end of the light show which Natsu,Twilight and Grey made Derpy got a little too excited and started buzzing left and incidentally flew into the statue of princess Luna and shattered it leaving one very stunned ice wizard,while Natsu could be heard laughing his head of.

"Well Grey." Lucy started to speak "Looks like Derpy's..'rump' is stronger than your ice" as she finished she and everyone else couldn't help but laugh as his chin literately hit the ground with a surprised and 'What the hell' in his mind and on his face.

With the party and celebrations over the town folk bid the princesses farewell,and each of the mane six went to their designated homes accompanied by one of the wizards seeing as they were still building they'r place to stay.But not before they all shouted to each other and the town:

"Merry Christmas"