A Very Twily Chrystmas

by BlackWater

A Very Twily Chrystmas

The air was chilly. Some would even say it was cold, but Princess Twilight Sparkle wouldn't know about how extreme the temperature got because she was holed up inside her library. It wasn't unusual for her and anypony who knew her would say it was basically characteristic. Spike had started up a few space heaters throughout the treehouse to keep it warm. To be quite thorough, it would be important to point out that they were magical space heaters rated “Tree Safe” and were quite preferable to installing a fireplace in the natural wooden structure. After all, burning wood in a treehouse didn't exactly sound like the most intelligent plan and, when one thought about it, the concept was kind of morbid.
So the princess alicorn sat warmly next to one of the heaters in the library's main room. Books surrounded Twilight and that was what she loved. Well, she loved many other things but this particular holiday made it hard to overcome their sheer volume to list them all. That was saying a lot since she was all about lists. In fact, she was currently reading a book that went into great detail on them. It was one of her favorites titled The Art of the To-Do List.
Twilight took a deep breath and sighed happily as she came up on the next chapter. The scent of gingerbread and pinecones was strong in the air. Spike was whipping up some season-appropriate treat in the kitchen, which accounted for the former. A book that listed all the “necessities” for a complete holiday experience was responsible for the latter.
Two baskets of fresh pinecones sat in opposite corners of the library, giving it that unique aroma that, for some reason, was associated with this time of year. Twilight rather liked it but questioned why it was tradition only around Hearth's Warming Eve. It was just a pleasant scent that she wouldn't mind having in the library all year round. At the very least, it kept the place from smelling of stale paper. Personally, she loved the smell of an old book but understood that not everypony that visited the library shared her unique tastes.
“All done!” Spike shouted from the kitchen. “Come and get it!”
Twilight reluctantly put down the literary gold of the book she was reading and sat up from the spot at her desk. It was, perhaps, time for a snack break. Spike was always a master at making cookies and she couldn't deny the hunger she had started to feel the second the smell of the delicious gingerbread started wafting through the treehouse like some overly-skilled seductress.
When she walked into the room that usually stayed Spike's domain, she was greeted by one small purple and green dragon already scarfing down his own creations. “Better hurry,” he giggled merrily, “while supplies last.”
Typical Spike, Twilight shook her head and smiled. “You better be careful, little guy,” she warned jokingly. “There's somepony else who might hold you accountable if she doesn't get any.”
Owlowiscious, perched at the edge of the counter, turned his head ninety degrees to regard his owner. He took no interest in the delectable delights that the dragon had baked up in a frenzy, but he never lost the opportunity to use his one word as a lame joke against his own species. Call it a queer pastime. “Who?”
No sooner did the sound leave the bird's mouth than did that certain somepony appear. Of course, the exact definition of “pony” was only in the loose sense here. She was pony-like enough and it was more her buzzy voice and hole-filled hooves and wings that set her apart rather than the basics of her anatomy.
“Why should I?” that very voice hummed into the kitchen behind Twilight. She must have raced down from the second-story just as the alicorn left her book. “As good as they smell,” she smirked as she trotted over to Twilight, “it would be pointless for me to have any. I need something else...”
The changeling walked right up to her purple friend, towering over her. The height difference between them was substantial but Twilight never felt belittled. If anything, she was always the one in charge and never had reason for fear. “Chrysalis,” Twilight tutted intelligently as she waved a gingerbread cookie in her lavender magical grasp. “You told me yourself it was still enjoyable to eat snacks even though they weren't filling. It's the taste that counts.”
Spike stared on blankly. Or at least he appeared to do so because he was really making hidden claw gestures behind his back at Owlowiscious. A secret conversation was taking place and a bet was on.
“I did say that, didn't I?” Chrysalis smirked more conspiratorially than before as she leaned down so that her face was dead straight in front of Twilight's. She could feel the mare's breath as she whispered the rest. “But I wasn't talking about cookies or cupcakes.”
The owl, being ever so perceptive, heard the suggestive remark accompanied by one holey hoof caressing the princess' face and hence won himself a new perch for it. This was, of course, much to the dragon's dismay. Owlowiscious gave a little hoot of victory, which made the now-poor-by-several-gems Spike snap the cookie he was holding in two.
Twilight's face flushed but not as much as it used to. She had gotten more and more used to Chrysalis' little come-ons over time. She could even counter them now, Celestia forbid the notion that she enjoyed it. “Careful, Chrysy,” the purple alicorn jutted out a forehoof against the other's chest after nonchalantly taking a bite of her next cookie. “You don't want to end up on the naughty list before the big day.”
“About that,” the changeling straightened out her scheming face. She took a cookie from the counter as well and began munching on it merely to revel in the flavor. Nevermind what her taste buds were meant to accomplish without her actually needing that kind of food. “You told me about this whole 'Christmas' thing. I don't get it.”
“Well,” Twilight resumed her most intellectual tone of voice. “Lyra was talking to me about it a few days ago. She seemed quite excited about it.”
“Bon Bon sure wasn't,” Spike remarked coolly from the other side of the counter where he nibbled on a cookie bitterly. He had been beaten by an owl and would never live it down.
“Bon Bon is always skeptical of Lyra's little stories even though they're so close,” the princess disclaimed. “Personally, I find them to be very interesting whether or not they're true.”
“What's this deal with the list?” Chrysalis buzzed cheerily as she finished off her treat. Twilight had little reason to doubt that the changeling felt perfectly content to be on the naughty list. She could, after all, be overconfident enough at times to believe she'd get what she wanted no matter what Twilight said to the contrary. In some ways it was kind of true.
“According to Lyra, Christmas is a special day in the year that is celebrated much like Hearth's Warming Eve. It's a time to be grateful and generous, sharing all sorts of traditions such as singing carols and baking certain varieties of food.” Twilight grabbed another cookie from the counter. “These are very good, Spike. I think you just keep getting better.”
“Ha,” the dragon puffed out his chest in pride, finally overcoming his earlier defeat. “I do have some talents.”
“And the list?” Chrysalis persisted.
“Yes, she said something about this thing called Santa Claus,” the mare shook her head. “Honestly, it's hard to hear her correctly when she gets talking so fast about those 'human' creatures.”
Owlowiscious fluttered over to the adjacent room and began looking over his perch for some ideas on what he wanted in the new one.
“There's this one human named Santa Claus,” Twilight continued. “He keeps a list of all the other humans to determine which are worthy of receiving his gifts on the night of Christmas Eve.”
“So he judges them once a year? Or more than that?” Spike asked in turn with his head propped on top of the counter lazily.
“All year,” the alicorn confirmed. “Though the presents are for one day.”
“Sounds dreadful,” Chrysalis murmured as Twilight shrugged.
“Yes. I can't imagine Princess Celestia or Princess Luna doing something like that,” the purple pony brought a hoof to her lip. “I'd be nervous the whole year...”
“I wouldn't be,” the changeling grinned as she inched closer to Twilight again. “That is, if you were the one watching me all year.”
Spike gave an “ahem” to let them know he was still standing there. Or rather, he was now hanging off the counter edge by his own head. Looked painful.
Twilight coughed a faint blush from her face again before speaking. Chrysalis really needed to stop being such a flirt. Sure she needed love to survive but there were such things as restraint, right? “Anyways,” she restored the conversation, “Santa Claus is supposed to go to every house in the middle of night before Christmas Day to deliver his presents. Human children look forward to seeing what they get.”
“There's a lot to this, isn't there?” Spike said, his voice mumbled because of his current position. Either it was a dragon thing or he was just really depressed. Probably the latter.
“You could say that,” Twilight remarked as she found herself a glass of milk to finish off her snack time. “Though Lyra gave me the express version, I think. Bon Bon was trying to get her to go with her on a shopping trip.”
“What else?” Chrysalis asked oddly enough as she waved off Twilight's offer of a glass of milk.
“Um,” the princess stammered. “I don't know. It looked like they might have been headed to the specialty clothing-”
“No, about Christmas,” Chrysalis corrected neutrally. “What else did she say about it?”
“A bunch of other stuff. I didn't think you'd find it interesting,” Twilight smiled faintly in that way she always did every time somepony expressed an interest in books. It was something of a prideful smile mixed with a pinch of creepy.
“I'm...in the market for ideas, so to speak,” the changeling explained mysteriously.
What that was supposed to mean Twilight hadn't a clue but had the feeling she'd discover it naturally soon enough. “Well then, this Santa Claus flies through the night on a sled pulled by eight flying reindeer. He leaves the presents under a tree that is placed inside each home. No, she didn't explain any of that. But human children often race to the tree in the morning to see what presents this Santa Claus left. It's tradition.”
“Hm,” the changeling buzzed to herself.
“And what about the ones that aren't worthy?” Spike queried dully as if he found the whole thing boring. Really he was just contemplating how his precious and delicious jewels were flying away on owl wings.
“Coal,” Twilight deadpanned. “He leaves them lumps of coal.”
Chrysalis started rolling backwards in a fit of laughter. The princess didn't see why she found it so funny but she had to admit that choosing to leave coal behind was a very odd thing to do. If it was supposed to be some kind of punishment then it was quite the bizarre one.
“Seriously?” Spike rose a brow.
Twilight shrugged and waited for Chrysalis to run herself out of air. Once that was good and done, she continued. “I don't get it myself but Lyra can get pretty weird with her ideas. The only thing that sounded reasonable about the whole thing was that ponies – I mean humans – also put presents under the tree for each other to find. That sounds like a very nice thing to do.”
A lightning bolt raced across the changeling's eyes. “Indeed,” she agreed as she picked herself up off the floor again. She had to flip aside her long mane because it tried to cover her face like a curtain. It certainly could be troublesome at times but she liked it the way it was.
“There's only one left,” the dragon commented absent-mindedly as he stared at the spot on the counter that he had set all of the cookies out to cool on. Of course, he had eaten most of them but he didn't want to go there without the owl around to try pushing the blame on.
Twilight looked over to Spike and then at the lone cookie. “Anyways,” she concluded. “That was about as far as she got before she had to go. She'll no doubt give me an earful of the stuff next time we meet. But I don't know how long that will be because Bon Bon mentioned something about an out-of-town trip for the two of them.”
“I never get to leave town...” Chrysalis commented dryly.
Twilight smiled sadly. “I know, Chrysalis. I just need you to stay here until I can get more ponies to open up to you. It's not easy.”
“I can't imagine why,” the changeling joked with a chipper voice and only the faint hint of dark sarcasm.
The alicorn of magic sighed and then grabbed the last cookie as Spike left the room to find Owlowiscious. “Catch,” she exclaimed with a challenge as she tossed the gingerbread treat with her levitation aura.
Chrysalis bolted sideways and caught the cookie effortlessly, two fangs latching into it like the hook of some expert fisher. A few crunches later saw the cookie consumed mercilessly. Once the changeling had swallowed it down, she grinned at Twilight. “Woof,” she barked playfully.
The purple pony couldn't help but giggle. “You want to be my pet, Chysy? You're pretty good at catch,” she joked.
The taller shape-shifter sauntered up to her princess with a purr. “I'll be your pet any day of the week...”
“Pfft,” Twilight couldn't help but make a raspberry. “You're nopony's pet,” she assured as she raised up a hoof to brush away the strand of blue mane that hung in front of the changeling's face defiantly.
Chrysalis leaned in and pressed her nose against Twilight's. “I'm whatever you want me to be, Twily.”
The princess blushed. “Maybe Santa Claus isn't such a ridiculous idea if it keeps ponies in line,” she stuttered only for a second. “We should have one here in Equestria.”
“Aw,” the changeling cooed as she drew her face back. Twilight wasn't caving this time, which meant the mare wouldn't budge if pushed. Chrysalis could get her companion's feathers ruffled but never really controlled the princess. “Who could possibly fill in for that myth?” she asked, disappointed that she was being forced to wait for love.
Something came to mind. To be more specific, two ponies came to mind and the idea was anything but dignified. The image, however, had been placed now in her mind and refused to retreat. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were wearing little Santa Claus hats of their own, flying from rooftop to rooftop with bags of presents slung over their shoulders. The thought only escaped once she burst out laughing.
“I'm sorry,” Twilight felt apologetic even as she bust a gut. “It's just so ridiculous.”
“What?” Chrysalis scrunched her face in confusion.
“Princess Celestia,” Twilight practically shouted with her tone being warped by her laughing. “And Princess Luna!”
Chrysalis' expression turned thoughtful. Pictures of those two flying around in the night delivering gifts was hardly dignified but it did suite the abilities of the alicorns. It might just have been possible with those two.
Twilight finished her own merriment and, now that both had finished the cookies and experienced a good laugh, it was time to get back to urgent matters. Namely the book she had been engrossed in prior and the checklist she had put together the previous day. “You're not busy are you?” the princess asked her changeling.
Chrysalis gave one short laugh of denial. “Does it look like I am?”
Twilight shook her head and trotted past the other. “I've got something for you to do. We each have to do our part if this holiday season is going to go well.”
It seemed the purple pony's obsession with perfection was rearing its head again. There had definitely been the tick of craziness in her eyes when she mentioned things having to go well. “What is it?” Chrysalis asked cautiously as she followed Twilight back to her desk in the library's main room.
Once the alicorn was standing before her desk and moving papers around, she found what she was looking for and levitated it to the changeling behind her. “This,” she began as she let the other take the document in her own green magic, “is a blank list.”
“I can see that,” Chrysalis deadpanned.
“What you don't see is what it's for, right?”
The changeling stared at the royal. “You said that just to be right, didn't you?”
Twilight giggled. The sound always invited butterflies into Chrysalis' heart. “Maybe,” the Element of Magic admitted meekly. “You're going to write some things on that list. Things that you want. I also gave one to Spike and I'm thinking of giving one to the girls too.”
“What for?” the changeling asked as she sat down and began thinking of ideas for the list. It wasn't hard.
“I thought it would be nice to do something a little different this Hearth's Warming,” she explained as she retrieved her book on to-do lists. “Lyra's story gave me an idea. I just thought it would be nice to give everypony something this year.”
“Hm,” Chrysalis mumbled as she nodded and stared at the blank piece of paper.
“Set the list on my desk when you're done and I'll look at it later,” Twilight ordered. She was already sitting down with The Art of the To-Do List open before her. The current chapter was incredibly engaging. In fact, it was so much so that she once more failed to realize how much time past by. A list was sat down next to her book at some point by a green aura that she failed to notice.
It was hours later that Twilight finished the entirety of the book and breathed a deep lungful of happiness. It was always such a satisfying read. But with the book going back to its place on the shelves, she realized that Spike and Owlowiscious had been missing. It must have been for a while because she hadn't heard anything from either for a long time. She turned to spy Chrysalis casually walking back from the bedroom with some kind of clothing magazine levitating in front of her.
“What's that?” Twilight called out to her simply.
Chrysalis stopped cold as if she had been caught with her hoof in a metaphorical cookie jar. “Just an apparel catalog,” she answered honestly. “I was...curious. It was on the magazine rack, you know.”
“Oh,” Twilight pressed her lips together, not seeing any reason to push the matter. Why hadn't she noticed it before? Probably because she read less magazines than she did books. “Where's Spike and Owlowiscious?”
“I think they left to get something. Spike didn't look very happy about it,” Chrysalis answered with indifference.
Twilight looked down at the floor in thought and eventually shrugged it off as she looked back up. “Did you finish that list?” she decided to ask instead.
“I aced that thing hours ago,” the changeling widened her eyes. “You must have been really out of it if you didn't see it. I put it right next to that book you were reading.”
“Oh,” Twilight found herself saying for the second time. “I guess I was a little distracted,” she blushed lightly as she smiled faintly. “I'll go look it over now.”
When the princess returned to her desk and started going over the document, Chrysalis decided it was best to stay where she was to see what the alicorn thought. Quietly, she tread closer and peered over the pony's shoulder. But Twilight didn't spend any more time analyzing the paper.
The mare spun around, her cheeks puffed out in indignation. “Chrysalis!”
“What?” the changeling smiled innocently.
“This,” she hovered the list over to show the black being. “This is not a want list!”
“Yes it is!” Chrysalis argued quickly. “I put everything I want on it.”
“Love, snuggling, kisses,” Twilight began naming off the items, a blush growing in intensity with each one. “Hugs, caresses, love bites....”
“Okay,” the former changeling queen hung her head in embarrassment. “I'll admit I missed 'ear nibbling.'”
Twilight's face turned to stone. Could Chrysalis be any less remorseful for turning her list into such a shameless creation? Apparently so.
“But I put 'socks' on there...” Chrysalis offered gently.
The princess did a double take, turning the page back to herself and reading it over. Socks was indeed an item on the list. It even had a footnote marker, which Twilight trailed down to the bottom of the list to read. It was in tiny writing that she was surprised Chrysalis had pulled off.
“With you in them,” Twilight read the footnote aloud, squinting to be able to do so.
Chrysalis grinned like an idiot.
In one effortless microsecond, the list was magically incinerated where its only end destination would be the blazing sun. And that did not mean Princess Celestia.
“Hey,” the changeling suddenly frowned. “That wasn't easy to make.”
“I was being serious, Chrysalis,” Twilight argued with an even voice.
“So was I,” the taller one countered. “I'm starving here!”
“No, you're not,” the royal denied calmly with no measure of self-doubt. “I've been careful in tracking your emotional diet. You're fine.”
“Well,” the shape-shifter continued weekly, “I thought you...wanted me...”
Twilight sighed and leaned in, hugging the changeling unexpectedly. “Of course I want you. What would make you think otherwise?”
“You never let me doing anything with you,” Chrysalis replied.
Twilight laughed softly, but only in her mind. She pulled back from her dark-colored changeling. “That's just because I thought you weren't really being serious. I mean,” she finally gave one laugh aloud, “you're always so direct and obvious. I didn't think you really meant it.”
“I always mean it!” Chrysalis responded swiftly with wide-eyes.
“Even that list?”
“Even that list.”
Both females stood for a second and then Twilight broke the moment with a growing smile. “Socks?”
Chrysalis smiled as well. “Socks,” she parroted simply, feeling better already.
“Where'd you put that catalog?” Twilight inquired as she made up her mind.
Suddenly the chill of the room, held barely at bay by the space heaters, had lost all bite. Chrysalis felt her cheeks warm almost as much as her heart. She felt a sharp feeling start to electrify, making her horn begin illuminating automatically. “You mean...?”
“Your's might just be the cheapest gift,” Princess Sparkle only half-joked. She didn't want to think how much she might spend if she got all of her friends gifts as well.
“No,” Chrysalis disagreed cheerfully. “Anything you give me will be priceless.”
“You really mean that do you?” the alicorn questioned as she raised a brow and tiled her head suggestively.
Chrysalis levitated the apparel catalog over easily since she still had it in a levitational grasp. It was only then that Twilight saw that it was for specialty clothing. “I always mean it,” Chrysalis' buzzy voice repeated and turned sultry as the item passed magical grips and the princess opened it up.
“Then you've got to wait,” Twilight stated. She saw several things circled in red ink, which made it clear that Chrysalis had been leafing through the thing for a while now. It obviously wasn't something that would have been on the library racks because Twilight didn't stock hard commercial catalogs and Chrysalis would never mark library material like this thing had been. That sort of made the changeling's earlier statement a lie but that was likely because she wanted to keep it secret. Even now Chrysalis was blushing at what Twilight was finding marked, which was notable considering she was hard to embarrass.
“Wow,” the Element of Magic commented again as she came across a circle on page fifty-five. “That's really bold...”
“But you'll consider it?” Chrysalis practically whispered.
Twilight grabbed her quill with more of her levitation magic and turned to set the catalog against her desk. An order form was in the back of it, which she began filling in. “Shoo,” she commanded her changeling.
“Why?” Chrysalis pouted while easily looking over the other because of the difference in their height.
“It's not Christmas yet.”

Christmas Morning did eventually come. It was precisely the following day after Hearth's Warming Eve, which turned out to be a bit of a problem. Twilight and her closest friends were thankfully out of doing another play as they had done last year, but Pinkie Pie was never one to let up the opportunity to churn out a big holiday party.
The previous evening, Hearth's Warming Eve, had been a big get-together for the Elements of Harmony. It was bucket-loads of fun as Pinkie Pie did not fail in truthfully describing it. Twilight had taken the opportunity to give her gifts to the girls then rather than the following day since they were all together anyways. The heart-wracking experience had been monumental indeed since Twilight was terrified to death of a single one of the presents not being to her friends' liking. Even the wrapping had been made perfect by overzealous obsession with preventing the very idea of sub-par execution.
All presents, however, had been well received. Rainbow Dash had been oddly enthralled with her own, thanking Twilight more than any of the others had. The early giving was also a saving grace for her to enjoy now on the morning of Christmas Day, as Lyra had explained to her. No worries of gift-giving or possible disappointments thereof were available to haunt her.
Simply put, Pinkie Pie's parties were fun but very exhausting. There was never any room afterwards for additional events because one was always too tired to be involved in them. Twilight vaguely recalled that she was supposed to have gotten up early, but she was still feeling tired even after her sleep. Perhaps some caffeinated tea would do her some good in that area even if it couldn't solve the dull ache in her hooves. Pinkie had them all dancing along with the Eve's carols. What a night that had been...
Something rattled downstairs in the library's main room and the front door opened and closed. As if it was obligatory to do so, the howl of a winter wind whipped through in the short period that the door had been opened. Whoever it was had either entered to avoid the terrible cold outside or had left to face it for reasons greater than any windigo's punishment could discourage.
It couldn't have been the mailpony delivering her order from that specialty apparel catalog. She had come with that delivery a solid week ago. Chrysalis had not been in the know about that one and Twilight was good and fine with keeping it that way since she didn't want her changeling to get into any of it before Christmas Day. The order had been Twilight's present to her, which she had dutifully wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree using what little strength she had left after returning from the Eve party. That was a solid lesson in the importance of getting things done earlier than last minute.
The tree had been a great deal to manage all by itself. It wasn't every day that somepony went looking for a small enough pine tree in the Canterlot mountains for temporary use inside of a home. It was even harder to dig up and transport the tree without harming it so that she could return it safely to the woods afterwards. And that was including Applejack's advice and assistance! Twilight also found the matter to feel strangely taboo. She was putting a tree inside of a treehouse. There was just something off about that. Not that she ever did anything unconventional, such as save a changeling queen and live together with her.
Princess Sparkle had afterwards sworn never to do this whole Christmas thing again. The logistics were beyond exhausting to deal with. She had only continued with it because she had already started into the whole thing and hated to give up on anything just because it got a little challenging in the process. Pulling it off once in her life was now officially a matter of pride.
Of course, keeping enough of the tree roots in tact so that the plant didn't die also meant that she had to set up a complicated means of potting it inside the library. There was no room for anything under the branches. That, however, was a detail she couldn't compromise on for the sake of adhering to Lyra's legend. Twilight refused to kill a tree just so that she could place a few gifts under it for one day.
Chrysalis had helped her by no small amount on maneuvering the plant in. Spike had been summarily banned from being too close to it after an incoming message from Princess Celestia almost caused collateral damage. Silently, Twilight was thankful she had as few problems as she did with the dragon's flame.
In the present morning, the changeling was probably up to deal with the possible visitor downstairs if it hadn't instead been her leaving. Why she would do that would have to remain a mystery until the princess got up and found out. Fat chance of that happening any time soon. Twilight couldn't bear to leave the warm snuggly blankets of her bed to dare the chill that hung in the treehouse like some old recluse. The space heaters were turned off for safety in the night, which meant anywhere outside of her blankets would be ice cold save any spots warmed by heaters the others might have turned on somewhere while she slept in. Forget windigos because they weren't apparently necessary for one to pray desperately for summer.
With determination that took many long minutes to muster up, Twilight groggily lifted her head far enough up from her pillow to peer around the room. Chrysalis was indeed missing from the guest bed that sat opposite of hers. Spike was likewise gone from his own basket nestled next to her bed's legs. The changeling was an early riser but the dragon could be described as anything but that. Now she had an interesting enough reason to get up and quench her thirst for answers.
Owlowiscious was resting peacefully on his new perch that Spike had bought and set up in the bedroom. It had been there for some days now, much to the bird's enjoyment and the dragon's annoyance. He still hadn't really let the matter go since he had been forced to use one of his finer gems to pay for the thing. The owl, however, gave a little quiver on his stand as if the movement might keep him warm as much as the two-toned purple scarf that bound around the space just below his beak. Twilight might have offered him a space heater of his own but he was too smart to stay where it was cold when there was warmth to be had elsewhere. Clearly, he was fine where he was.
Several failed attempts later to convince herself it was a good idea to get up out of bed, Twilight managed to actually do it. Success was only a loose term since she only got up for the fact that her last attempt had her fall unceremoniously out of the safe haven of her sheets. Instantly she regretted it as an icy chill ran up her spine like some specter of death, courtesy of the cold and unfeeling floor.
“Goodness sakes!” she cried out bitterly.
That was when Chrysalis poked her head into the bedroom. “Finally,” she remarked pointedly at Twilight. “Come downstairs. I've got one of the heaters on and Spike's gone out to Rarity's.”
“What?” the alicorn asked as her teeth chattered together. “Why?”
“She asked him to at that party last night. He told me. Didn't he mention it to you?” Chrysalis said with her head still poking through the doorway and the rest of her body outside the room. “And I wanted us to have some time alone so it worked out nicely.”
Twilight didn't remember being told about it but she did remember that Rarity said she was going to work on some special winter clothing orders the following day. Perhaps she had recruited Spike for that. In any case, the dragon would never miss an opportunity to be with the unicorn of his dreams even if he had to walk barefoot a mile in the snow and uphill both ways.
“Now hurry up,” Chrysalis urged as her head popped back out and her hooves made clopping sounds as she made her way back down the stairs. “Your present is waiting,” she called back.
Twilight certainly wasn't going to waste time standing around in the cold even if she had no recollection of any present intended for her. But she did have to trot up to her dresser and fix the frizz of her mane before going on. It never ceased to amaze her how it could get so wild after one night against the pillow. It was as if it had a party of its own and enforced no limits of the number of allowed drinks.
With that small matter dealt with, Twilight Sparkle eagerly made her way downstairs to join her changeling and the promise of better temperature. The aroma of pinecones came at her again, stronger than it had been in her bedroom and reinforced with the fresh pine scent that radiated from the Christmas tree itself. They hadn't decked it out with any gaudy decorations since the alicorn princess wasn't too extravagant in those ministrations and she already loved the tree for its natural beauty. Pines had always seemed a bit on the majestic side for her.
The main library room was indeed warmer than her bedroom and got warmer the closer Twilight got to the heater situated between her desk and the specially-potted tree. Near that same tree were an assortment of previously wrapped packages that had been unceremoniously ripped open. The ones to Spike and Owlowiscious had been long opened and left mere shells without content. Much the same could be said of the ones Twilight had packed for Chrysalis, who was even now lounging in front of the conifer with a tempting look upon her face.
The winter chill escaped the shivering purple mare much faster upon beholding her changeling. If anypony or anyone could be described as subtle then it certainly wasn't Chrysalis. Neither was the large blue-maned shape-shifter of any mind of restraint when it came to making a pass at her host. She had acquired a large red ribbon, Celestia only knew where, and tied it enticingly around her neck. On her hooves were the socks Twilight had ordered some time ago, already removed from their wrapped boxes.
“What do you think?” Chrysalis asked as she waved her forehooves up in delight. The dark red and green of her socks seemed warm colors compared to those of the tree skirt that she was laying upon, which was decorated in wintry blue and white. Twilight had resolved to having Rarity make a large disk of fabric to surround the available space around the tree only to have the white unicorn go on one of her sprees of inspiration and create something far larger than they had any need of. It seemed Chrysalis was now taking advantage of that to keep herself from touching the otherwise cold bare floor.
“You know,” Twilight began as she walked over to her like a moth to the flame. The space heater had been directed towards the changeling, which was an extra enticement that was not entirely necessary at this point. “I've never tried them myself but they look good on you.”
Chrysalis snickered. “Thank you. And thank you for getting them as well. They're very comfy.”
The princess laid into her changeling's side and enjoyed the feel of the heater's draft warm the feathers of her wings. The heat from Chrysalis' body was a nice compliment even though it was not as intense as that from the magical appliance. “Don't mention it. The others enjoyed their presents just as much,” she remarked as she looked over to the windows and saw the drifting snow. “Even an owl would need a new scarf with the way the snow has been falling these last few days.”
The changeling fiddled with her sock-covered hooves.
After zoning out a bit and being tempted ever so sneakily by the sandpony, Twilight noticed that something was bothering her companion. “Something the matter?” she asked, some of the words being warped by a yawn she couldn't prevent.
Chrysalis was done with what restraint she still had and now decided she was also done with the waiting. It was time she got her next present and so, with not the least amount of pouncing, she tackled her purple princess to the floor in an embrace. It wasn't hard to overcome the sleepy pony since she had been laying against her side in the first place.
“Chrysalis!” Twilight exclaimed in surprise. “What-”
The changeling wasted no movement, her hooves wrapping around her prize as she leaned her face down to the smaller pony's head. She immediately began where Twilight would cave the fastest. That being, of course, the backside of her ear.
Twilight gasped not the first millisecond that Chrysalis started nibbling lovingly on her left ear. It was a gasp of mere sensation and not so much one of shock. In any case, it was just the kind of thing that egged her companion on. “Wait,” she tried to come off as commanding but sounded anything but. The plushness of the changeling's socks around her midsection was lulling her into a strange euphoria. If she had any idea they might feel this good then she would have gotten herself a pair long ago.
“Spike won't be back for a long while,” Chrysalis breathed heavily into her ear, sending shivers down the alicorn's spine. Her voice was the only sound in the entire treehouse other than their breathing, which had gotten a little louder between the two of them. The ambiance of the small heater and the snowfall outside were a minor hum and whisper of air that were lost to them in the moment. “Just relax...”
“I...can't...” Twilight tried to say, but her love-obsessed changeling was making it impossible not to go with the flow. Those two fangs were trailing behind her ear in that slow agonizing tease that Chrysalis had learned was effective on the mare. She had, in fact, learned many such effective things over her stay and it had become clear many moons ago that she wasn't going to let such opportunities whither without care. Anything that Twilight might imply to others and even herself as to the pure platonic nature of their relationship was mixed in half-truth and dipped in little white lies.
Chrysalis rolled onto her side with her princess wrapped in her holey but covered hooves, the position more comfortable for her to feed with. In an effort to prevent the high likelihood of unintentional interruption from the mare's new and mostly untrained means of flight, she held Twilight's wings against her body with her hooves. The changeling's jagged horn was already alight with a dull glow, love sprinkling between the two like some mystical fountain of life.
Any other time of the year would have seen the purple pony herding her more-than-friend upstairs to the bedroom, where a mattress more comfortable than the floor awaited. But where they were would suffice this time. The cottony padding of the Rarity-made tree skirt combined with the warmth radiating from the space heater made it seem almost as comfortable. If it wasn't for the smell of fresh pine, Twilight might have even mistaken herself as being wrapped in her changeling's comfortable hold while under the protection of her old bed sheets.
However, those bed sheets were long since infected with the clean mountain stream scent that came from the shampoo Chrysalis often used. It had become clear after a few months that it was an impossible smell to be rid of no matter the number of times the sheets were washed. Twilight had never taken to being upset about it because the scent wasn't bad and was, in fact, quite close to that of the laundry detergent she used on those rare occasions where she actually had need to wash a garment. It didn't happen often since she wore clothes at an inverted ratio of frequency in relation to Rarity. In any case, that fresh water scent was starting to come back to Twilight now that the changeling female's mane was so close.
“You always enjoyed it,” Chrysalis purred merrily into her alicorn's ear once more. “Since day one, you emitted love when I held you.”
Twilight was done for. She couldn't resist this whether because of some unknown changeling ability to weaken her will or her own desire that told her this was all she wanted on this very special day. The latter was the inevitable truth. “Okay,” she admitted smartly if not with the least bit of bubbly humor. “Maybe I did...”
Chrysalis happily nibbled on the other ear, much to the mare's pleasure. “You've always enjoyed coming up with excuses for me to spoil you.”
“Spoil me?” Twilight barely voiced correctly as her voice stuttered under Chrysalis' assault. “I...I've been the one s-spoiling you. You're the o-one that uses love for f-food.”
The former hive queen was getting aroused by Twilight's overwhelmed voice, but she wouldn't pass up this chance to have her mare come clean with the honest truth. “Please, Twilight,” Chrysalis joked as she blew some warm air into Twilight's ear to elicit another positive shudder. “Lyra talks all the time about things even I find a bit weird. You only wanted to do the whole Christmas thing because you wanted this.”
“No...” Twilight countered weekly, her moans getting sultry as Chrysalis started teasing her by licking the sensitive spots lower down on her neck.
“Where's your list then?” Chrysalis giggled as she teased. “You never made one and it wasn't because you didn't want others to give you anything. You already knew you'd get what you wanted. From me.”
“Chrysy,” Twilight moaned into the other's chest, her face now pressed firmly into it to hide her embarrassment. It was cute how she still got this way even after becoming royalty.
Chrysalis couldn't have smiled more because her princess was mere putty in her hooves. The love now caused little sparks to dance across her black spire of a horn. “We're already to the nicknames, Twily?” she asked elated. Twilight only called her “Chrysy” when she was getting into her playful mood. Had it already been over a week now since she had used it?
The larger of the two let the room become quiet until her purple love finally admitted defeat. “I did want this...I wanted some special time with you...”
Chrysalis made the other pull back so their faces could become fully level. She looked deep into her majestic eyes so that no hint of insincerity could exist. “I love you, Twilight Sparkle. I couldn't live without you.”
“That goes without saying,” the alicorn said with a more sturdy voice and a clipped giggle.
“Fill me up again, my princess,” Chrysalis soothed romantically as she brought her lips forward to meet Twilight's.
No complaint of over-dramatic antics came from the royal then or the dozens of times they had kissed before. This one was, however, a bit more passionate than those other times when they had been chaste or otherwise initiated more for Chrysalis' health than any fiery relationship. No such restraint held guard in this one so full of resolve and empty of concern.
Twilight's lips held firmly against Chrysalis until the changeling started taking the move into new territory. Such territory being, namely, the inside of Twilight's mouth. The small princess moaned with contentment as she felt the changeling's tongue work its way in as if it was a casual thing. Her own tongue extended, writhed by the other, and could feel across the curves of the opposing fangs. That only encouraged further heated reaction from Chrysalis.
It was such an unusual but welcome feeling for the two of them. They were free to explore with this new kiss but were restricted at the same time by their own zeal which had prepared neither for an extended time without oxygen. Their lips had to break since neither apparently knew how to breathe at the same time. Perhaps they would learn at some point in the future.
When both alicorn and changeling reluctantly parted mouths, they were panting for air they had recklessly starved themselves of in the interest of the exchange lasting as long as possible. Both were also adorned with the smallest amount of drool around the lips, Twilight's dripping down heartily since she still had her mouth open wide in the heat of the moment.
Chrysalis solved that problem with a deft lick of her tongue on the other's face. “My,” she breathed heavily and laughed. “You're more hungry than I am.”
“I love you,” Twilight said huskily but with every bit of honesty she had.
The changeling's heart kindled the way it always did when she heard those words, more from Twilight than any she had ever heard from when she had stolen the love of others in the past. Twilight meant it and she meant that she loved Chrysalis as herself and not some fake pony imitation the changeling could transform into.
“I can never believe it when you say it,” Chrysalis whispered emotionally. “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle...”
More to her senses again, the purple pony managed to smirk and wrap her forehooves around her love's neck. “You can thank me by saying you love me back.”
“You always wanted that, didn't you?” Chrysalis smiled in return and the alicorn gave a tiny nod. “Yes. I love you.”
Twilight closed her eyes and sighed happily. She had somepony – someone – that truly loved her. Not as family. Not as a friend. As an important somepony that cared for her on that deep level no other relationship experienced. “Maybe I should have gotten you the purple ones,” she commented off-sides as she glanced at the sock-covered hooves that were wrapped around her.
“I like green and red,” Chrysalis stuck her tongue out playfully. “Now can I have another kiss?”
Twilight giggled lightly. “You can have as many as you want, whenever you want,” the mare replied just before she locked lips with the other.
There was little more to be said of the time the two shared together that morning and, indeed, for much of the day. While others were obsessed with parties or entranced in the day-to-day work that resumed after Hearth's Warming Eve, one changeling and alicorn found it preferable to relax and enjoy each other's company to the fullest. Perhaps some would see it as boring or a waste of time, but the opinions of others did not matter to the two who found everything they ever wanted with each other.
Needless to say, Chrysalis did end up getting everything she had wanted on her original wish list, minus Twilight in a pair of socks since she was instead the one wearing them. She offered to have the princess try them on but the sizes were so different that Twilight found her legs drowning in them. It was a wholly ridiculous sight that elicited a laugh from both.
After they had cuddled on the tree skirt for some time extra, the library around them became of interest once again. The afternoon brought the peek of the temperature that would be had that day, which ultimately wasn't much. Heat was, however, on Chrysalis' mind since she had gotten fired up with Twilight in front of a space heater while wearing apparel that entrapped temperature a bit too efficiently.
The space heater was turned off on occasion when the cold was left so far behind that the two started to grow uncomfortable. Their own heat flared at times, such as when Twilight removed the ribbon around the changeling's neck with only her bare teeth and slow alluring movements. It was all Chrysalis could do not to die of fulfillment when her princess proceeded to return with love bites upon her neck.
The quiet day of love they shared might have blossomed into something more involved if only Twilight hadn't expected Spike back at some point before dark. She hardly wanted to give her baby dragon a first row ticket to anything “untoward.” Chrysalis had already subjected him enough to such things with her ceaseless alicorn-directed flirting.
It was late afternoon and after another jubilant attempt from the changeling to last longer than Twilight in a breathless kiss that the library's front door opened to let in a small snow covered reptilian. He did not enter in time to see the fiery exchange disengage in haste but he was quick enough to observe the sparkle of a thread of saliva break between the two mouths. The two females were trying and failing miserably to stand up from their embrace on the floor.
Spike closed the door behind him before the snow could rage into the otherwise snowless interior of the treehouse. A claw started making its way up to his mouth so he could express his distaste but that motion was stopped as he realized something important. What he would give to do that with Rarity. The claw dropped respectfully back to his side.
“How'd everything go?” Twilight asked awkwardly as she finally got to her hooves. Chrysalis reached out and smartly wiped the remaining saliva off of the princess' face.
Spike raised a brow and undid the scarf from around his neck, promptly disregarding the sight of the changeling's festive socks. What snow remained on him was brushed off easily and would be taken care of by the library's number one janitor as soon as he got the mop to take care of the melting remains. “Rarity takes on way too many orders. I told her to try taking it easy for once. Probably won't listen to me, though.”
“You'd rather she have some free time to spend with you?” Chrysalis buzzed merrily and without any regard for tact.
Spike blushed. “Hey,” he countered as he made his way to the kitchen. “I just don't want her to kill herself over her work.”
Twilight nudged her changeling to take a hint and then followed Spike to where he retrieved a mop and bucket from the kitchen's equipment pantry. “Did you two finish everything?”
Spike rolled his eyes and huffed. “Hardly. I think we're close to half done. I'm going over tomorrow to help her again.”
“Now there's dedication,” Chrysalis smiled only to receive another nudge from the royal mare.
“She said she liked the scarf...” Spike added thoughtfully. “Thanks, Twilight.”
“Don't mention it,” Twilight replied simply but cheerfully.
“Now if you'll excuse me,” the dragon stated as he made his way around the others, “I've got to clean up and make dinner. You two go...somewhere private. I'll call you when it's ready.”
The knowing hint was not lost upon a Twilight who had been giving some herself to one intentionally aloof Chrysalis. “Got it,” the alicorn laughed.
Spike continued to clean up the melted mess that had already begun near the front door. It seemed snow was forced to devolve once more into water upon entering the library. Hardly a convenient thing considering the books held therein. Twilight and Chrysalis retreated to the bedroom where the princess attempted and only succeeded by half to prevent further fiery exchanges. She didn't want to get too wrapped up with a real meal close at hoof but was also less than firm in abstaining from things both she and her love enjoyed.
When dinner came, Twilight took her first chance of the day to get actual food since she had neglected to get any earlier. The snacks she had preyed upon throughout her alone time with her changeling hardly counted as proper sustenance. She was certainly a hopeless romantic if she so easily forgot basic hunger amidst her interactions with Chrysalis. It was only left to the imagination how full the changeling had to be now with an entire day's worth of playful and sometimes saucy antics.
Twilight praised Spike during dinner on his labored efforts. “You've been doing a lot of work lately,” she remarked when they were all once more assembled at the kitchen table. The meal he had cooked up was exquisite as always. It was a tossed salad of gourmet flowers and a side of warm toasted grains that tasted delightful in contrast to the cool temperature that the coming of night brought in strength to the semi-heated library.
Spike shrugged. “What's a number one assistant to do?” he joked as he looked over a small ruby. The gem sparkled solemnly in the low moody lighting of the kitchen, not the slightest amount of light coming from the pitch blackness that hovered creepily outside of the windows. It seemed he was appraising it for further aging or immediate consumption. Eventually he chose the latter by tossing it into his mouth.
“I think,” Chrysalis commented as she finished off her complimentary meal, “that little Spike was the only one of us that did any real work today.”
“I don't know,” Twilight narrowed her eyes suggestively at her love. “You've been working pretty hard ever since morning...”
“Now who's being a flirt?” Chrysalis asked with a smirk. The day had gone flawlessly as far as she was concerned and that always deserved a smirk. Heck, she smirked even when things were going badly just to get under Twilight's skin.
“Ahem,” Spike huffed. “I think I've had all I can for one day...and night.”
The dragon actually began walking off towards his basket in the bedroom. No more effort was required on his part for anything in the library. Thank Celestia for that.
“Don't forget to say good night to Owlowiscious,” Twilight called back to him as he disappeared from the kitchen.
“We're not on speaking terms right now,” Spike called back just the same as he made his way up the stairs.
Chrysalis shook her head. “That bird better be careful not to win any more bets.”
“Huh?” the princess titled her head.
The two fought for a second about who would clean up the dinner dishes, but Chrysalis won that fight and made the mare retreat to the main room and read books to pass the time. The changeling joined her later after the chore was done but neither continued the love-play from earlier and opted for reading a fictional book together as the snowfall outside continued with a gentle beat of wind bringing it in waves. Not that it was currently recognizable in the moonless dark of the wintry outdoors.
All good things had to come to an end. Chrysalis never would have thought a year ago that she'd ever enjoy simply reading a book with a pony princess but life was funny that way. If anypony could make reading fun then it was Twilight Sparkle. Of course, the love they shared and the peace of the moment probably helped to that end but any further analysis of her and the alicorn's contentment would have to be left to more qualified individuals.
A purple magic closed the book as they completed a chapter detailing Daring Do's escape from the wicked windigos of the frozen North. The princess put the intriguing tale upon her desk and led the shape-shifter back to the bedroom where they passed a fast asleep dragon and an owl that was still restful but also inevitably awake for his nocturnal nature.
This time, however, Twilight and Chrysalis did not go to their respective beds. They both got under the sheets of the alicorn's bed and cuddled together to start warming up the fabric that had grown lifelessly cold even in the early night. “Don't get frisky,” the pony whispered into the changeling's ear so as not to disturb the other two inhabitants of the room.
“I'd never dream of it,” Chrysalis joked lightly just as quietly as she pulled Twilight against her chest and rested her head atop the other's. By the tone of her voice, one might be led to believe she would be the last to sleep after her princess. In truth, she was drifting off almost as fast as Spike had. Probably had her full stomach to blame for the drowsiness.
Twilight smiled warmly at Chrysalis in that way that only love could encourage and nuzzled her affectionately from her position below. She felt something wet drip down on her face and realized that her companion had a few tears trailing across her cheeks. It was not something to expect from the way Chrysalis carried herself so flippantly around her princess but it was still testament to the way she truly felt. She was smiling and happy to the point of tears because she had something now that she never would have dreamed possible in all the years of her long and troubled life. Twilight's last words were barely out before the changeling was fast asleep.
“Merry Christmas, Chrysalis.”