The Stallion in the Library

by leonidas701


        Between the sudden compliment and the green pony’s knowledge that Brick was there, Applejack was thrown for a little bit.

        “Wha’ was that?” she asked.

        “Oh sorry, I think I mumbled,” the green pony said. “I said, ‘Dear giants you’re gorgeous,’ and, ‘Do you know where Brick Bones is?’ I also told you my name was Audacity, but you can call me Odd. Most ponies do.”

        “Oh. Uh, well, thank you.” Applejack was no stranger to compliments, after all she was a rather comely young mare with legs toned by a life of farm work, but something about that one just struck her strangely. She couldn’t quite pin it down. Then the rest of the sentence caught up with her. “Brick should be over by th’ fields.”

        “Thank you.” And with that, Odd walked off.

        Applejack shook the strange encounter off and got back to apple bucking. Just as she was about to turn around to hit the first tree, she got another tap on the shoulder. Odd had returned, this time with a quite sheepish expression.

        “I’m sorry, but could you please show me where the fields are?” Odd said as he rubbed the back of his head.

        “Sorry, but Ah’ve gotta get back to work. They’re just behin’ the barn.”

        “Thank you. Oh wait, before I go. What’s your name?”

        “Applejack. Why’d ya wanna know?”

        “I make it a policy to learn the names of every pretty mare I meet. See you around.” Odd walked away.

        Now Applejack was free to buck in peace, and had something to think about beyond just Brick.

        Eventually she finished bucking and, after making sure that all of the apples were put away, went back to the house to have a little lunch. Went she got there, she was surprised to find that Odd was sitting at the table, talking with Applebloom and Brick.

        “So, why do ya have that thang around yer hoof?” Applebloom asked.

        “What, you mean my chain?” Odd held up the chain in question. “Isn’t it obvious? I have it so that I can do this!” Odd quickly whipped a small part of his chain straight at Brick’s head. Instead of smashing into Brick’s face, the chain wrapped around his hat. With a quick flick of Odd’s wrist, the hat was now flying through the air, straight into his outstretched hoof.

        “How did ya do that?” Applebloom said in awe.

        “With a lot of practice.” Odd placed the trilby on his head.

        “Why did ya even learn how ta do that?”

        “To impress mares.”

        “Really?” Applejack said, using skepticism to mask the brief heart attack she had at seeing the chain flying straight for Brick’s head. “And ya expect that ta work?”

        “Are you impressed?” Odd asked.

        “mmm… A lil’ bit.”

        “Then it was all worth it.” Odd tipped the hat in Applejack’s direction.

        “A-hem,” Brick cleared his throat.

        Odd sighed and gave his hat back.

        Applejack went to the fridge and started putting together a sandwich.

        “So, where are ya staying?” she asked, trying to make small talk.

        “We’re staying at a friend’s house,” Odd said. “Maybe you know him. Little taller then me, earth pony, big brown jacket,”

        “Are ya talking ‘bout Card?”

        “Yeah. We’re staying at his place. Actually,” Odd looked like an idea had just struck him, “he’s throwing a New Year’s party. Why don’t you guys come over?”

        “You guys?”

        “Yeah, the whole Apple family. I mean, it is the whole reason we came to this town. Might as well try to liven it up a little.”

        “Oh wow, a big party! Can we, A.J.?” Applebloom begged her sister. “Please?”

        “Ask Granny Smith about that.” Applejack was somewhat distracted. She put down her sandwich and got up from the table. “Ah’ve gotta go set up the stand.”

        “Was it something I said?” Odd asked the room after Applejack had left.

        From when she got out the cart, to loading it up, to setting the stand up, Applejack had one sentence repeating throughout her head.

        ‘It is the whole reason we came to this town.’ So he didn’t come back for us. We were just on the way. Seven years and we’re just second priority. Applejack thought as she arranged her goods, putting them into place with more force than necessary. Apparently her anger and sorrow showed, because everypony passed by her stall once they got a look at her face. At one point she started crying. She didn’t even notice, she was too deep in her thoughts to care.

        Then, she heard a clanking coming up the street. The same one that she had heard when she was bucking apples.

        “Yo!” Odd said as he came up to the stall.

        “Why are you here?” Applejack asked, annoyed at being snapped out of her self-pity.

        “I’m here to help you out. Thought you might want a little company out here.”

        “Why do ya wanna help me?”

        “Because I find you immensely attractive.”

        Odd said this in such a matter-of-fact way that, even with her sorrow and her anger, Applejack couldn’t help but laugh a little bit. She then became aware of the tears on her face.

        “Ah’m afraid now might not be the best tah admire me. Ah must look a fright.”

        “So much the better! If I can see you at your worst, then your best can only impress me more.”

        Applejack laughed a little more, and her bad thoughts were slightly pushed away.

        “Oh great, now I have two goals to deal with!” Odd said in mock anger.

        “What do ya mean?”

        “I already had to focus on making you talk as much as possible, but your laugh is really cute too. So, now I’m torn between hearing your amazing voice, or listening to your adorable laugh. Truly, this is a hard decision to make!”

        After another small bout of giggling, Applejack decided to take him up on his offer to help. The rest of their day was dominated by Odd asking Applejack questions to hear her speak, and making a fool out of hisself to make her laugh, until all thoughts of being sad and angry left her mind completely. Eventually however, time came for Odd to leave.

        “I’ve gotta go, sorry.”

        “Ah well. See ya.”

        “Yeah, see ya. Actually, I never got an answer.”

        “To wha’?”

        “Are you going to come to the New Year’s party? I would really like it, and I know Bones would too.”

        Applejack mulled it over. On the one hand, it did still sting a little bit that Brick didn’t come back for her, but on the other, he still came back, and the first thing he did was come visit them.

        “Sure. Ah’d be happy to come.”

        “Great!” and with that, Odd walked off into the dusk.

-----Next Time-----

        Rarity was bored out of her mind. Being the first snow day, most ponies were out playing as opposed to buying clothes, and so she was left with nothing to do. She was considering just closing up shop for the day when the chimes over her door rang.

        She rushed to the greeting area, and saw a silver unicorn with white hair standing there. Not gray, but shiny, almost reflective, silver.