//------------------------------// // Flame Mammoth // Story: Mega Mare Dash // by Shazam 25 //------------------------------// Two days pass since Rainbow free Cloudsdale and the loss of a friend she never met before. She thought the Storm Tornado she got from him was a gift to think her and remind her of him. "Hey! Rainbow Dash!" shouted a voice. Rainbow turns and saw her biggest fan along with her friends run-up to her. "Hey, Scoots," Rainbow said as they caught up with her. "Did you hear the news!? Cloudsdale was freed by the Blue armor Pony!" Scootaloo said. Rainbow smile, they didn't know she saves Cloudsdale. "I still don't get why the Armor Pony appears out of the blue?" Apple Bloom asks. "Rarity said it appears at the same time as those creatures and thinks it came with them." Sweetie Belle said. "You saying that Rarity thinks the Blue Armor Pony is with them? No way, she's cool but not as cool as Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo said. Rainbow smile a little. She was both cool and not one of the creatures that attack. Still, she was wondering why her great-great-grandfather asked her to do this. Sure she lives for Adventures, but is she the one to fight this threat? She didn't have any more time to think about when she spotted something walking into Ponyville. It looks big and seems to have a long nose and big ears. "So this is the place the Master wants? HA! I can burn this place to the ground!" It said and Rainbow knew that this was one of the creatures that were attacking Equestria. "Girls get behind me." She told the three fillies and readies herself to get them to safety. Everypony saw and heard the creature and froze in fear. "However I want to meet this Mega Mare Dash, She better show herself." It said again. No pony move, they were too scared. "Come on out Mega Mare Dash! Or I'll burn this place to the ground!" It shouted. Rainbow growl, she knew it was trying to force her out into the open but she couldn't do that, or she may not use the armor ever again. "Hm, All right then, she has 24 hours to appear and fight me before I burn this place, so enjoy your last day while you can. HAHAHAHAHA!" The Creature laughs and walks away. "Oh, and if she wants to meet me, she can find me near the hottest place that feels like flames." It said then walks away again. Sweetie knew where it was heading. "It going to the Ponyville Spa!" She shouted. "THE SPA!" Her friends yell. "You three get somewhere safe," Rainbow spoke up. "What are you going to do?" Scootaloo asks hope to see her idol in action. "To find Mega Mare Dash," Rainbow said and flew off, in truth she was just getting her armor, leaving the three confused. Incoming Mission...Stop the Creature from burning Ponyville to the ground. Ready? Start! Rainbow appears in front of the spa in her armor. She was mad that this one threat try to force her out in the open. But she relaxes and walks into the spa. She was surprised that the inside was changed. Instead of a nice relaxing spa, it was now like a factory of some sort. She looks around and the two Spa ponies tried up at the counter well other ponies check-in. She walks up to them and frees them. The two spa ponies look at Rainbow in fear. "Listen, you two need to get out of here. I can take care or the one that did this." Rainbow said trying to ease their fears. "Who are you?" One of them asks. "I'm a friend," Rainbow said and started to walk away. "Wait!" Rainbow stops and turns back to them. "Would you like to enjoy your time here, after the spa is back to normal?" One asks. "I'll think about it." Rainbow answers and walk on. As she walks on she saw more of the place that changes. It saddened her heart that the one relaxing place she can enjoy every once in a while was turned into a dangerous factory. She walks some more and saw that the floor had lava on it. She knew her armor was heatproof, not lava proof. So she jumps on strange moving floors, that she had no idea what they are. She even had to get rid of some creatures that were on the floors as well that move towards her as she runs and dashes across it. She jumps from a moving floor to a moving floor until she reaches a solid floor and found Rarity and Fluttershy tried up. 'It must be their meeting day today!' Rainbow thought as she untied them. "Oh thank you, Darling.” Rarity said as she shook her mane free, "Being tried up that long would my fur coat to stain." "Oh! You're that Pony in the blue armor." Fluttershy said once she saw Rainbow's armor. Rarity looks and saw Rainbow's armor as well. "What up with the white on your back legs and head?" Rarity asks. "They are upgrades that help me move quickly across the place." Rainbow answers masking her voice. "Well, I hope you can stop that thing that did this to the Spa." Rarity said not wanting to hurt these pony feelings because she thought the mixer of white and blue didn't go well together. "You know the thunderbolts rainbows remind me of a friend," Fluttershy said looking away hope she didn't make her angry. "You mean Rainbow Dash?" Rainbow asks still play along with her mind. Fluttershy nods and Rarity look surprise. "Look I don't have time to talk.” Rainbow said, "The one behind this is going to burn Ponyville to the ground if I don't stop it." Fluttershy and Rarity look at Rainbow in surprise. "WHAT?!" Rarity shouted. Fluttershy just 'epp' and hind behind Rarity. "Don't worry I can stop it, you two need to get out of here and watch out for the lava on the floor," Rainbow said and warns. Rarity took one good look and nods. "Thank you." Fluttershy meekly and she and Rarity ran/flew to the exit. Rainbow smile as she watches her friends escape and turn to move on. As she walks down the hallway she couldn't shake the feeling something was missing. She stops and looks around and soon looks above her. There were some of the same blocks that she saw back at Cloudsdale. Jumping on the floor over the lava then jump to the blocks, she destroys one and was quick enough to get under it and break more as she wall jump up. After reaching the top she saw Chaser ready for her. "Rainbow, I'm sorry for what happened to this place. This upgrade was the one to be found easily but I had no idea it will change, but this is a buster upgrade. You can now charge a third level charge shot and charge the weapons you get from the enemies you defeated. Please know that the third charge level can be a bit too powerful and might do more than stop the threat." Chaser said. Rainbow nods, She knew that in the wrong hoofs this armor can be dangerous. After Chaser disappears, Rainbow stood in his place once again and like the last two times she was surrounded by light and a bright light appear on her front hooves. She lifts up her hoofs and saw they were now white with red gloves. She forms her buster and saw it was also white, but had a black line in the middle and, once again, had the thunderbolt shape mark of Red, Yellow, and Blue on both sides. A red jewel covers part of the yellow and blue marks on both sides as well. Her buster end was bigger and had blue on it. Then she started to charge her shot. First, the first level charge shot was powered, then the second level, she kept the shot in longer before her whole body started to glow pink, signing that it was ready. She releases it and her eyes widen in awe. Instead of a blue charge shot, a pink wave shot appears out of her buster. It even threw her back a bit. Wow! I ready should be careful with this charge level! Rainbow thought as she watches the shot hit the wall ahead of her making a dent in it. After shaking it off, she drops down and moves on. After getting past two tricky rooms she reaches the door that she saw back when she fought Chill Penguin. Knowing that the one behind this was there she checks her energy. She took almost half damage during the whole trip but still had lots left. She even saw her weapons were list with her energy. 'Wow didn't know that. Hm, it seems that I have limited energy for my weapons, better use them wisely.' She thought and walks through the other door. She drops down and fell on the moving floor in the room. Her mind shouted, 'WARNING! WARING!’ telling she’s not alone. "So this is the Pony that calls herself Mega Mare Dash? HA! I crush like a bug." The creature said. "Size isn't everything fatso." Rainbow said cheesy. "Grr! How dare you can me, Flame Mammoth, fat!", He said angrily, "For that, I'll crush you and throw you in the lava that will burn your remains!" Rainbow ready her buster and Flame Mammoth jump in the air. Rainbow dash away from her spot causing him to miss. But just as he lands, a shock wave knocks Rainbow down. What in Celestia's name was that? Rainbow asks herself. She almost didn't see Flame Mammoth shot out a five-wave at her before she rolls forward. She turns and releases the second level charge shot. Flame Mammoth took the shot but due that he was bigger the shot didn't hurt him all that much. He let out a loud sound that made the floor change way it was moving. Rainbow felt herself head to Flame Mammoth, who shot something from his nose. Rainbow knew that smell anywhere, it was oil! But it lands so far from her, so why did he do that. Once again, He made that loud sound, and the floor changes ways again. Then he shot another fire wave and it lands on the oil and releases a huge flame that blocks her way. Rainbow then felt her back hit a wall and saw the flames coming close to her. Acting fast she wall jump over the wall and dash jump over the flames charging her shot during the whole thing. Once she lands again she releases the third level charge shot. This time Flame Mammoth flinches at the attack but still stood. Blast! My normal buster won't cut it! Better use one of my weapons! Rainbow thought as she looks at her buster. She only had two weapons so she chose Storm Tornado and all the blue that was on her turn dark pink, minus the blue rainbow color on her buster, legs, and helmet. She raised her buster and shot the weapon. The tornado flew across from her and with though Flame Mammoth hurting him. Whoa! Did it just hurt him, when it only pushes me away?! Rainbow thought in awe. "Grr! You'll pay for that!" Flame Mammoth said and jump in the air again. This time, Rainbow dash then jump in the air as Flame Mammoth slams back on the ground. Rainbow land after the shock wave passes under her and turn a fire another Storm Tornado. Flame Mammoth was even madder and made the floor change ways again. Rainbow decided to charge her weapon and waited for him to jump. She didn't wait long before he did. Once he was under her, Rainbow releases the charge Storm Tornado and dash out of her spot quickly. The charge Storm Tornado went up and down instead of from her. Unable to dodge Flame Mammoth was hit again. He turns to Rainbow who was now back at her normal colors and her up her buster smiling and fire. Flame Mammoth felt his body stop moving as Rainbow lower her buster. "How did I lose to a small bug-like you?" he asks. "I told you, Size isn't everything Fatso.” Rainbow answer, "You may be bigger than me but I was faster." "This is not over you stupid pony, our master will have this place!" Flame Mammoth shouted as his body explodes. Rainbow hears beeping on her buster again and saw the words, 'Weapon Get! Fire Wave!' appears. Then look at the Storm Tornado weapon that helps her in the fight. Thank you, Storm Eagle. Rainbow thought as he can hear her. Then a bright light covers the area and Rainbow covers her eyes. When she opens them again she saw that the spa was back to normal. She smiles and walks to the exit. Outside the Spa ponies, Rarity and Fluttershy waiting for Mega Mare Dash to come out hopefully with good news. Then the spa door opens and Rainbow steps out still in her Armor. "I don't believe it, you won?" Rarity asks in shock. Rainbow nods and said, "The Spa is back to normal too." Fluttershy flew up and hug her saying, "Thank you Mega Mare Dash for everything." Rainbow smile and hug back. "I don't think this is over, not by a long shot," Rainbow said and let Fluttershy go. "What now?" Fluttershy asks her. "I'm going home to rest, the fight took a lot out of me," Rainbow said turning away from them. Maybe after I took off the armor I'll hit the spa. Rainbow thought as she walks.