The CMC Defense of Equestria

by Dark Colt Sabata

The Fall Of Mare Do Well

A celebration, unique unto itself, was being held in the Ponyville town plaza at midday. Over the past few days a new pony called Mare Do Well was being a heroine to the town and a celebration or parade of some kind was being held in honor of her. This was different because the only thing any really knew about her/it was that the odd pony always wore a mask and had been rumored to use both pegasus wings and unicorn magic.

The mayor introduced the town’s heroine and stepped off the stage to go take her place in the seats below, at the same time a cyan pegasus was about to go up on the stage until...

FIRAGA!” Was spoken in a voice so loud it overwhelmed all other noises in the area and brought everyone’s attention to the giant fireball that was approaching the stage at an incredible speed.The masked pony jumped high off the stage seconds, before it was blown sky high.

As the masked pony looked up, she saw a bipedal cloaked figure along with four ponies and some kind of dragon descending to the ground.There was a black Pegasus stallion with a white and grey mane, a unicorn mare with a clear blue coat and a red and white mane, another had a tan coat with large forest green splotches and a chestnut mane with dark green highlights,the last one was a unicorn stallion with coat that looked as dark as the night sky with grey spots all over him and a mane that looked like fire itself.

“The Mysterious Mare Do Well I suppose?” The cloaked one said, “Let’s see how mysterious you are under that mask of yours!”

Everypony panicked and all chaos broke out as the crowd split up and ran off in different directions, trying to get as far away from the fire throwing creature as possible. At the same time Mare Do Well had managed to recover her senses after the fireball had sent her sprawling, with a look around the masked pony decided that now was as good a time as any to run away as well and made a break for one of the alleys.

“Fools!”The cloaked figure said with a smirk, ”Spread out and find them.”

“Right!” The group responded simultaneously to him as the four ponies and dragon spread out around the alleys to surround the masked pony.

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash had been confused. She hadn’t expected others wanted to expose Mare Do Well, but they looked like they wanted to kill her. Dash hated Mare Do Well for making her look ridiculous but she hated more when something tried to kill somepony else. She rose up from her hiding spot and flew to the alleys to save Mare Do Well, she didn’t like working with her but it appeared she had no choice.

The masked pony was running as fast as she could as she was being chased by the tan and green pony that was catching up with the masked pony as she tried to find some sort of exit but she got caught in a dead end.

“You have run out of options Mare-Do-Well,” the mare said with a wide, twisted smile, “Since you are about to die I see no reason why you can’t learn the name of your killer.”

“Herbtail!” Came an indignant cry.

“Why Fleetrain, how nice of you to interrupt,” Herbtail said as she looked up at the pegasus.

“You know the boss’ orders: no killing them,” Fleetrain said with a stern look.

“Fine I won’t kill her,” Herbtail said with a frown on her face, greatly disappointed by the lack of killing she would be allowed. She turned back to where Mare-Do-Well was supposed to be, but saw only a wall. “Great, you let another one escape, Fleetrain,” Herbtail said as she ran out of the dead-end alley.

Meanwhile two other masked ponies reunited and took off their masks to reveal an orange earth pony, and a lavender unicorn.

“What was that?” The lavender pony asked.

“Ah’ Don’t know Twilight, but those guys looked dangerous if ya’ ask me,” the orange pony said.

An alabaster unicorn with purple mane and a light yellow Pegasus joined them to plan what they were going to do against these new enemies.

“Wait, where’s Pinkie?”

“You’re looking for this pony?” Asked a new voice which none of the ponies were familiar with.

Turning around they saw the cloaked creature holding the unconscious Pinkie. He threw her to the ground in front of the group of ponies.

“PINKIE PIE!!” They all yelled as they ran to help her friend. Even from the distance they had been at it was obvious she had been hurt, but as they approached they could see that it wasn’t a lethal wound. After they realized that their pink-maned friend was fine the group turned to face the creature once again.

“What IS that thing?” The white unicorn asked slightly repulsed by the appearance of the creature, “And why is it wearing such a horrible looking coat, honestly, black was so last season.”.

“I don’t know, but if he did this to Pinkie it must be powerful,” Twilight responded as she and her friends got into a battle position around the wounded pink earth pony.

“How cute. You actually think that you can beat me,” He said laughing. “You’re nothing compared to me!”

A green energy was forming around the area the figure was about to make his move.

“LUMINAIRE!!” He yelled as the area around the ponies shone and a big green explosion overtook them.The explosion could be heard across all of ponyville. The cyan pony saw where it came from and decided to fly to the source.

After the smoke cleared the five ponies were all lying unconscious, Pinkie much worse for the wear then she had been prior to it although her earth pony genetics allowed her to take a lot more punishment then her pegasus and unicorn friends. The remainder of the group were knocked unconscious after receiving the Luminaire attack, including Applejack who had been at the center of the explosion.The cyan Pegasus arrived at the scene and what she saw gave her a major shock.

“Wha-what’s going on?” She asked. On the ground she saw her friends in their Mare Do Well costumes unconscious. She then noticed the two-legged creature crouching at the edge of a nearby roof. The pegasus was stunned at the sight of this foe that had easily decimated almost the entirety of the elements of harmony.

The creature was unaware of the rainbow mare’s presence as it let loose a short, hearty laugh. “Success in every degree, almost too easy.” He said as he disappeared into a dark torrent that had suddenly surrounded him. The torrent dropped away a second or two later to reveal an empty rooftop.

“Wait!” The pegasus tried to call to the creature but it had already disappeared, unaware of the cyan pegasus who was at the scene.

Though her consciousness yelled at her to do something in regards to the escaping entity. Her loyalty to her friends came first, the mare quickly dove towards her friends to check if they were ok. They were not. The mysterious and powerful attack had left them gravely injured. They weren’t gonna make it if they didn’t get to the hospital fast. The Pegasus carried her friends as fast as she could to the hospital. At the speed she was travelling she easily missed the fact that one of the costumes slipped out of her grip and fell into the lonely, empty street.


The three fillies were on their way to the Mare Do Well parade that was being held in town. The reason for the late arrival was due to the fact Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had both had a large amount of chores they needed to do before they were able to go to the event. The three fillies had opted to use a scooter and wagon combo rather than go on foot, because of this they were moving at quite a fast speed through the streets in hopes of making it to the event before it was over.

As they entered the town they noticed that everypony was panicking and running around wildly with little thought but to get away from something. It appeared that they were all running away from something.

“Why is everypony in such a hurry? It’s not like something horrible has happened,right?” Sweetie Belle said with a confused form of doubt clear as day in her voice.

“Watch out!” they heard somepony yell.

Scootaloo barely had enough time to stop both the scoot and wagon, this was only possible because both of the fillies in the wagon applied their hooves to the wheels to try and stop it. With a sigh of relief they fillies looked towards where the cry had come from and realized they had almost ran into Ms. Cheerilee, who looked as scared as if she just seen a ghost.

“Oh hay Ms. Cheerilee, what’s going on?” Applebloom said. This was certainly a new side to their teacher they hadn’t seen in the classroom.

“oh, it’s you, Girls, I have something I need to tell you.” Cheerilee said in a tone that sent a small shiver up each of the filly’s spines.

“W-what is it?” Scootaloo asked, not sure if she wanted to know what news could make their teacher act like this.

“How should I put this,” Cheerilee said slowly as she carefully choose her next words. ”Applebloom, Sweetie Belle?”

“Yes?” The two fillies answered looking at the purple earth pony mare with tilted heads.

“Your sisters.....are in the hospital.” Cheerilee finally said.

The three fillies had shocked looks as they wondered what could have possibly happened to put both Rarity, who was better at fighting then she first appeared, and Applejack, who had more endurance than just about any other pony in the town, into the hospital.