//------------------------------// // Part 3 // Story: Who are you? // by Rubycast //------------------------------// It wasn’t until I was alone in my darken home that my emotions cooled down until there wasn’t even a spark of anger left, which allowed my thoughts to slow down and organized themselves until I could think rationally, but I couldn’t. I wasn’t allowed to live in my peaceful state because of one single thought: ’What have I done?’ All at once my emotions rose up to their peak. My mind repeated the sentence over and over until that’s all I could think of. I could physically feel pain in my chest with each thought, as if they controlled my sensory nerve, making my brain believe I was getting hurt--despite the fact that I was safe at home. There was only one thing I could do in this madness: cry. I fell to the floor and covered my face as the warm tears fell from my eyes. My thoughts changed into my memories, but they weren’t heart warming ones. All I saw was Fluttershy crying, myself hitting one of my dear friends, but worst of all I saw the hate in Rainbow’s eyes--the same hate I saw in Applejack’s. Never have I seen them look at me like that, or had anypony look at me that way. Not even in the jealous eyes of Canterlot ponies. As Princess Celestia’s faithful student I was used to the look of anger, hate, and jealously that some ponies gave me when I was near--it was one of the reasons why I preferred my books over making friends--but the looks wasn’t really at me. They were mad that they--or their children--wasn’t the student of the princess. They didn’t hate me, but rather my position. But my friends looked as if they hated everything about me. My looks, my ways, and my soul. They couldn’t even remember me, which made it even worse. But could I really blame them? I had acted like a crazy mare who was demanding things they “had no knowledge of,” and when they didn’t delivery I threw a fit and hurt one of my dearest friends without a second thought. If I was in their shoes, would I forgive myself? I shook my head and wiped my tears away. Crying wouldn’t solve anything, even if it did make me feel better. There was only one thing I could do in this situation, and I’ve practiced it since fillyhood: lock myself in my room and study. Studying always helped me calm down, and find a solution to any problem. Perhaps I could find reason for all of this happening, or maybe a spell to fix all of this. Giggling with glee I ran over to the center of the room and used my magic to gather any books that I would need--all ready forgetting about my pervious episode. Ten hours later I finally found what I wanted! It wasn’t a new spell, but rather a spell I hadn’t used since Discord’s return: a memory spell. Why hadn’t I thought of it sooner? Perhaps it was because I hadn’t realized the problem they had, but I’d fix that. When I first used this spell it was to help my friends remember who they were, and our friendship. Hopefully one out of two would work. I just had to find them. I looked at a nearby clock to check the time and almost squeal with joy: It was eight-thirty! All of them would be at Pinkie’s party, dancing and laughing the night away. It was perfect! Of course when I use a spell on one of them, the rest would think it was some attack and stop me, but the one who regained their memories will stand up for me, thus allowing me to save my friends. It was prefect! Nothing could ruin it! As I walked through the dark streets of Ponyville--which was lit up with street lights--I allowed my mind to wander. I imagined what all of them would be doing at Pinkie’s party: I imagined Pinkie would be walking around to refresh our friends’ drinks, give them another cupcake, and making sure they had a good time. “Are you all liking my party?” said in my best intimation of Pinkie Pie. Nopony else was around, so I didn’t have to worry about receiving strange stares--no more than usual. “Darn tootin’ Pinkie Pie.” I replied in my best Applejack voice. I imagine her face was wet from ducking apples with Rainbow Dash. “Yfah. Is’t tfe bst!” Rainbow Dash replied while her mouth was full of food. Probably an apple from the ducking. “This is simply divine.” Rarity replied as she sipped on some punch. She probably made sure Gummy hadn’t been anywhere near it. “Yes, it’s lovely.” A timid Fluttershy replied while slowly dancing to a fast, upbeat tune--her own voice barely hearable over the music. “Aw, it’s nothing for my five best friends.” Pinkie Pie giggled. “Darn tootin.” Applejack said. “Us five friends have been through thick and thin.” “Oh yes.” Rarity said. “I couldn’t imagine beings friends with another pony. Especially not a beautiful, purple-maned unicorn with amazing magic, and who‘s hairstyle is fabulous despite what I said last week.” “And the princess’s student.” Fluttershy said, joining in their conversation. “We’d be lucky to meet somepony like her.” “Too bad we haven’t met one like that.” Rainbow Dash said. “But us five are doing just fine without her. Even if she taught each us about friendship.” “While learning it herself.” Pinkie Pie opened her mouth to speak, but instead of her silly, high voice a rough stallion’s voice came out. “Are you alright, ma’am?” I shook my head and looked at the voice. It was a grey stallion with a black mane. His cutie mark was a three four leave clovers. I think his name was Lucky Clover. I smiled awkwardly--never was big on talking to the opposite sex--and said, “um, yes. I’m fine.” “Are you sure?” He asked. His eyebrows were knotted together in worry. “You were muttering to yourself. You sounded angry. You were also moving your head and body a lot. It looked like you were fighting something.” I blushed and quickly chuckled. I had allowed myself to fall deep into my daydream that I hadn’t realized that it was a daydream. It seemed more like a memory. “Um, yes.” I said again. “Just some food poisoning.” I gagged as if I was physically sick. Hopefully he didn’t know that food poisoning didn’t cause such behaviour. The stallion stared at me for a moment before giving a satisfied nod. “Did you have a hay sandwich from Hay Shack?” Hay Shack was a restaurant that just set up in Ponyville last week. I hadn’t been there yet, but Fluttershy and I were to have lunch there earlier. I just nodded to his question in hopes he’d leave and I could go back to my mission. He sadly shook his head and let out a sigh. “That’s place been nothing but trouble since it set up here. Everypony that goes has complained of food poisoning, but strangely those ponies had eaten the hay sandwiches, while the health ones ate everything else.” He shrugged. “Either way I hope they can get it shut down. It’s bad for business.” Normally I would have questioned him about his statement. I was unsure what he did in Ponyville, but I never took him as a restaurant worker. I couldn’t see how the Hay Shack would affect non-food businesses, unless they sold other goods--like a few shops did in Canterlot. I shook my head. ‘I can not get side-tracked.’ I told myself. ‘There will be a time for this later. Right now you have to save your friends.’ I gave him another awkward smile. “Well, thank you for your concern.” I said as I begun to sneak around him. “But I have to get goin-” I turned and smacked into what I thought was a piece of wood. I groaned and fell to my flank as stars danced around my vision. I held a hoof to my head and groaned. I felt a migraine forming from not only hitting the object, but from all of the days events. I jumped when I felt a hoof on my shoulder. I quickly looked over my shoulder, only to groan again in pain. Unfortunately Lucky Clover was still there, and he looked even more worried. “Are-” I quickly jump up to my hooves before he could ask me the same question again. “Yes, I’m fine!” I said quickly, trying to ignore the migraine that had my head feeling like a pounding drum. “Well, I have to get going!” Quickly I turned to see what I had bumped into--and thank Celestia--I had knocked into the door of SugarCube Corner. I had no idea I had walked this far in such a short period of time--well, it seemed short to me. Before Lucky Clover could speak again, I ran into the bakery and closed the door behind me. I waited until he left before I made my way to the party. All the lights were on, despite the fact that the Cakes were not there--probably asleep or on a date. Pinkie Pie must have forgotten to turn them off while she partied upstairs in her room. I quickly casted a healing spell on myself as I walked up the stairs. Instantly my head was clear, and any pain I had felt was gone. I could now focus on my target without worrying about my health. Now, who would be the best to target first? Rainbow Dash was quick and could tackle me with no problem, but Applejack could buck me hard enough to knock me out. Rarity would try to use her magic, but she wouldn’t try to interpret the spell. She knew what affect that could have on not only a unicorn, but on the target as well. Fluttershy would probably hide, and Pinkie…well I was unsure sure what she would do, due to her being Pinkie Pie, but hopefully, Rarity would stop her before she did anything. After analysing further I decided Applejack would be the best to target first. When she would regain her memories, the others would have to believe her, since she’s the Element of Honesty. I stopped once I arrived at Pinkie’s bedroom. I could hear the music blasting on the other side, and the girls giggling. ‘It’s now or never.’ I assured myself. Taking a deep breath I pushed the door open. When the door swung open, the girls stopped their activities and looked at me, all expect for Pinkie Pie who continued to dance. It wasn’t until Rarity turned the record player off that Pinkie froze and drew her attention to me. I was faced with a range expressions being casted upon me: Applejack glared at me, while Rarity looked at me in shock, but that soon transformed into pity. Rainbow Dash also glared at me, but she had her teeth clenched hard together, like she had to fight herself to stand still. Fluttershy’s eyes started to water at the sight of me, but before they could spill she ducked behind the table putting herself out of sight. Pinkie Pie stared at me with a forced smile. Perhaps it was because of her friendly nature, and desire to be friends with everypony, but the memory of what I had done to Dash made it hard to maintain. I was prepared for them to yell at me, I was then going to tackle Applejack to use the spell, before using it on the others, to end this nightmare. The silence made me lose all ability to move, despite my mind screaming at me to do so. Never had I felt this way before--not even when I went into the dragon’s lair to convince him to stop snoring. Before I could remember how to move--or even talk--Rainbow Dash trotted over to me. “Here for round two, punk?” She said with a growl. “You better not teleport this time like a coward.” Instantly I covered my mouth with my hoof. I didn’t want to lose another tooth, or cause a deeper rift between my friends. I wasn’t even sure if I could fight once more. My anger was the source of our last fight, but now I felt calm, and a bit scared. Before she could raise a hoof to strike, she was suddenly dragged away to the other side of the room. I had expected it to be Applejack, who had a habit of biting Dash’s tail and stopping her, but instead it was Rarity. She had used her magic to grab Dash’s tail to pull her away. Dash opened her mouth to voice her opinion, but Rarity raised her hoof to silence her. With grace and ease she walked over to me, and stood before me. “Dear,” she began, “I know you’re confused, and a bit frightened, but this is soiree just for friends.” I opened my mouth to insist I was her friend, but she held up her hoof to stop me. “Now, while none of us remember you ever being our companion, I’m positive you’ve got something important to tell us. I can’t imagine a sensible-looking mare such as yourself to run around town picking random ponies as your friends, then contending with them when they refuse.” I blushed brightly and lowered my ears. Dash and Pinkie must have told them, but I can’t say I’m surprised. What kind of pony would get into a fight with a strange pony and not warn their friends? “Now, while I am a bit apprehensive at your behaviour,” she continued “I am willing to give you a chance to explain yourself. As are the others I’m sure.” She glanced at the other ponies over her shoulder. Pinkie Pie happily nodded, while Applejack nodded with a sigh. Rainbow Dash snorted, but agreed. Fluttershy--who came out from behind the table--nodded gently. Rarity smiled at me. “Well, dear, let’s go sit down and get comfortable. You are also welcome to the food, since none of us will be able to finish it.” She paused. “Well, except for Pinkie Pie.” The pink mare had filled her cheeks with a plate full of cupcakes, but was still able to smile. This was not how I had planned it, but perhaps talking would be better than using force. It would certainly be easier, and communicating was always the best way to settle a disagreement. I had never known civilized talk to fail--except if the other parties refused to talk civil--but the girls seemed for an explanation. Even Rainbow Dash who slumped down on to her haunches and angrily munched on a cupcake. I followed Rarity to the table and took a seat between Pinkie and her. This would work. I could feel it.