The Tale of Two Suns

by CroakerGamer

Caught in the Crossfire

When Sunset became conscious, she found herself laying on a cold stone floor. Her snout faced a stone wall. In fact, there was a stone wall to her left and right as well. She tried to stand but was too weak and collapsed suddenly. She managed to turn to look behind her. A grid of iron bars separated her from a royal guard. Great, she thought, looks like Reggie was wrong for once.
She was in a prison. She took another look around the small cell. No windows, no toilet, no bed. That was a good sign. This meant they didn’t plan to keep her here very long.
Sunset trotted over to the guard, “Hey, what’s the deal. When can I talk to Princess Celestia?”
The guard didn’t answer. Looks like she wasn’t going to learn anything from this guy. All she could do now was wait.
As she went to sit down another guard entered the room. Sunset stared at the royal guards, but neither one said a word. The one guarding Sunset’s cell nodded at the other and opened the door.
“You will follow us to the princess’s chambers.” The guard spoke in a very rough tone.
Sunset was escorted by four guards to the throne room. Sunset guessed the guards thought there was no reason to tie her up or restrain her. After all they were taking her to where she wanted to go.
The group reached the doors to the throne room. It took two guards to open, one on each door. The other two followed Sunset into the room. Sunset glanced around the room. Stained glass windows of different colors and stories filled the walls to the left and right. Princesses Celestia and Luna were on the far side of the room.
“Leave us,” Princess Celestia ordered her guards. The princesses’ brash attitude caught Sunset off guard. She knew she was in trouble now. The guards left, leaving only the princesses to talk.
“Why have you come back?” Princess Celestia asked. She wanted to get straight to the point.
Before Sunset could answer her, a tiny ball of light sprouted between them. It grew until it was big enough to block Sunsets view of the princesses. When it reached its maximum girth, it burst into rays of light. A pony stood where the light ball had been.
A closer look revealed it was Reggie. He must have cast a teleportation spell. But why was he here?
“Hope I didn’t miss anything, my Dear.” Reggie spoke. Sunset wasn’t sure who he was talking to. He turned and faced each princess while speaking.
“You!” Both Princess Celestia and Luna shouted.
“It’s been a while hasn’t it, Celestia. Luna.” Reggie replied.
“How dare you not address us by our royal titles!” Princess Luna started. Princess Celestia, however, stopped her.
“It’s fine Luna. He may not show his respect now, but he will. I’m sure we must prove something to him on this day.” Princess Celestia glared at the pair who had come into her life just seconds ago. Her expression made it seem like she had a bad history with Reggie.
“Reggie,” Sunset started to speak, “How do they know you?”
“I believe it is up to them to disclose that information, Dearie.” Reggie started. Sunset’s gaze shifted towards the princesses.
Princess Celestia sighed and began to explain. “It feels like it happended only yesterday. But in reality, it happened over one thousand years ago.”