//------------------------------// // Burning Memories // Story: The Tale of Two Suns // by CroakerGamer //------------------------------// “Reggie is the reason we are in power,” Princess Celestia started. Sunset didn’t dare interrupt her. She decided to try and ask questions at the end of the story. She continued, “Reggie trained Luna and myself to over through Discord’s rule, just as I believe he has trained you.” Sunset wanted to protest. All Reggie had done was teach her how to control her Alicorn powers, not to rule Equestria! Sunset glanced at Reggie. He had an evil smirk on his face. What was he planning? Only time would tell, Sunset thought. Luna piped in, “He focused on making our Alicorn magic more potent. In the end, he did not believe that we could over throw Discord. He had to disclosed the location of the Elements of Harmony to us: the Tree of Harmony.” Tree of Harmony? What was Luna talking about? Was it the Origin of the Elements of Harmony? Celestia picked up the story again, “After Discord was turned to stone, Reggie’s job was finished, his destiny finished.” “You know darn well my destiny does not end there!” Reggie but in. “I am to keep a balance as long as I live. I doubted a student of mine would cause my interference again, but I was wrong.” “Either way, Reggie, being an unicorn, could not live for over one thousand years on his natural life cycle. Since he helped both of us gain the throne, we rewarded him with an increased life span.” “A curse if you ask me,” Reggie interrupted again. Celestia shot Reggie a nasty glare. “I’ve had to live hundreds of years with this old body. The aches and pains are dulled by my magic, but magic can only do so much.” Luna was ticked by this comment. “How dare you! We saved your life! Gave it priority over all others! If your going to complain, I can take it back.” Sweet Celestia, Sunset thought. Luna is furious. “Calm yourself my sister. I believe Sunset has the back ground to this heated topic. So, I have my hunches, but humor me. Why are you here?” Celestia said, staring at Reggie. Reggie answered for the both of them. “Let me put your guesses to rest. I believe my name has everything to do with today’s events. You do remember it don’t you? Not my nick name, my birth name. It’s Regicide, My Dear.