A Pegasus' Dream

by PrincessDashie

Chapter 5 : Cloudsdale

Twilight sat at her desk as the morning sun peered into the bedroom. She stood in utter disbelief as the note she had dreamed about, was in-fact very much real. She scanned the note, and reread it 3 times to make sure, but even on the third reading, the note matched the one in her dream one hundred percent.

“What is going on with me?” Twilight thought, as she walked over to her personal bookshelf and searched through the books diligently. “This one?” Twilight asked, pulling a book off her bookshelf before quickly placing it back and removing another one. “Maybe.... this one?” She whispered, as she skimmed the index before becoming frustrated and placing it back on the shelf.

Twilight ran her hoof along the bookshelf and stopped upon an old tattered brown burlap wrapped book. The edges were frayed, and the corners almost non existent from the years of use. Twilight opened it, and smiled upon reading the first few pages.

“Twilight... Sweetie... are you awake yet?” Called Twilight Velvet as she opened the bedroom door.

“Morning Mommy!” Twilight spoke, as she walked over to receive a nuzzle from her mother.

A few seconds passed before Velvet broke away from the embrace. Twilight backed away a step or two and was soon engulfed in a soft violet light as she floated above Velvet's head.

“Mommy stop, that tickles!” Twilight giggled, as she flailed her legs wildly in the air as Velvet brought her into the kitchen. Twilight was soon placed into her chair at the table as her breakfast was levitated onto the table in front of her.

“Thank you Mommy.” Twilight spoke before placing a napkin in her lap.

Velvet took her seat opposite of her daughter and began to work on her own meal. She ate slowly while keeping an eye on Twilight, chuckling as she fidgeted with her fork for a few minutes before having it settle properly into her hoof.

“So does my little filly have any plans for today?” Velvet asked as she took a bite of her salad.

“Mhmm...” Twilight moaned through a mouth of food. After swallowing she replied, “Cadance left me a letter last night. She say's I have a new lesson to stawt today, so ah'm we..we..really es..ex... excited.”

Velvet giggled as she watched her daughter correct her grammar.

“I'll pack you a lunch if you would like sweetie.” Velvet offered, as her daughter quickly nodded her head in agreement.

Twilight sat in silence as she munched on her salad. It was good, but to Twilight, it could not compare to Cadance's fried grass noodle salad which she oh so adored. As she ate, she glanced out the windows a few times and watched as a few lone birds flew by. She couldn't wait to get outside and stretch her wings, Twilight hated being cooped up inside for long periods of time.

“Here you go sweetie.” said Velvet as placed a series of food into a saddle bag placed by the front door. “There should be more than enough for you and Cadance in there.”

Twilight smiled as she finished the rest of her breakfast and replied, “thanks Mommy.”

Not a second later a knock was heard from the front door. Velvet opened the door only to be greeted by Cadance as she stood outside, smiling softly as she always does.

“Good morning miss Velvet.” She said politely as she smiled towards the young filly who was now flying softly behind her mother. “And good morning to you as well Twilight.”

Twilight flew around Velvet and into Cadance's forelegs as she shared a quick hug.

“Morning Cadance!” Twilight cheered, as she pulled away from her embrace. “So what lessons do you have for me today?”

“Field trip!” Cadance said in a sing-song voice as Twilight tackled her, sending them both crashing into the floor giggling. As Twilight rolled across the floor, Cadance levitated her up a few feet, and placed her back down on her hooves.

Velvet strapped Twilight's saddlebag firmly onto her haunches and placed a few last minute items inside.

“Cadance, I made a few daisy sandwiches, and a fresh salad for the two of you for lunch, I know it's a fairly long flight. I've also left a few bits to pay for anything she may need while you are gone.” Velvet said, as she snapped shut the saddlebag and tied the drawstrings.

“You really didn't need to leave any money Miss Velvet. We'll only be gone for a few days to a week at most, it's really up to Twilight when we return.” Cadance said, as Twilight watched a butterfly whom had found its way into her house. Cadance and Velvet shared a giggle when the butterfly landed on Twilight's nose, causing her to sneeze and tumble backwards on her behind.

“You'll take very good care of her, and watch out for her, won't you Cadance?” Velvet asked as she gave her daughter a hug.

Cadance smiled. Nuzzling the young filly she replied, “of course Miss Velvet.”

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The flight was indeed long, much longer than Twilight had thought it would be. Cadance and Twilight had been flying for three hours now, but after the second, Twilight was exhausted and took to riding upon Cadance's back until she had recouped her energy and continue on her own.

Twilight took in the details, watching the groups of birds flying in small packs, and the few lone Pegasi flying to where she thought would be their homes, being as there were many small cloud houses spread out between Canterlot and Cloudsdale.

“So Twilight.” Cadance spoke, making conversation despite knowing the answer to her next question. “Have you ever been to Cloudsdale?”

Twilight shook her head and continued flapping along the clear sky. “No...” She replied, as she came to a stop. “I wr...we...r...read about it, in one of da...d...the... books you gave me. I've always wanted ta...to go.”

“Well, you're going now.” Cadance smiled, as she embraced the young filly. “I know it's hard... being a Pegasus in Canterlot... I really do. So, I'm taking you to Cloudsdale, so you can see and meet others like you.”

Cadance lowered the filly onto her back once more, and continued flying. She made her way up above the upper cloud layer, bringing a new sight to Twilight's eyes. For what had been hidden to her a few moments ago, was now visible thanks to the new heights. Cloudsdale was in the distance: the first thing Twilight noticed was the trademark Rainbows and waterfalls cascading to and disappearing in the clouds below.

“Wow...” Twilight whispered as they grew ever closer to the city. Her eyes widened as the sights overtook her. Cadance touched down in the middle of downtown Cloudsdale, and within moments Twilight was awestruck at the number of buildings towering over her. “It's.... Evewything is so..... big.”

Cadance chuckled, giving the filly a slight nuzzle. “Of course it is sweetie, it...IS the weather capital of Equestria.”

“I know dat!” Twilight retorted.

“Come on sweetie.” Cadance said. “There's a park nearby, we can eat our lunch. Then afterward we'll get settled into our hotel room.

“Kay!” Twilight cheered, as she pumped her hoof into the air, much to Cadance's amusement.

Twilight followed Cadance a few hundred feet into a fairly large clearing which made up the park. There were many families spending the day with their foals, eating, napping, and playing in the vast cloud fields. Cadance found a spot under a cloud gazebo, there were a few families, but for the most part, it was fairly secluded.

Cadance opened Twilight's saddlebag, and placed a cloud walking spell on a blanket she removed. As she spread it out on the cloud below them, she lined it with the sandwiches and salad Twilight Velvet prepared, along with some watermelon slices, and two bottles of sweet tea Cadance brought.

Twilight removed a book from her saddlebag which she had packed away, and placed it in front of her place on the blanket.

“Astral Physiology: An Inside Approach..” Cadance read. She couldn't make out the author, as the cover was so worn, the author's name was illegible. “Why Twilight, don't you think it's a bit advanced for you sweetie?”

Twilight shook her head. “I've been having these really strange dreams lately. Maybe... there's some answers in here. I hope so at least.” She said, as she began reading from where she left off that morning.

Cadance sighed, taking a bite of her watermelon as she curled up next to Twilight. She watched the families near her play with their foals. One pony however, caught her eye as she approached.


Cadance smiled, pulling this pony into a gentle hug. “Nice to see you Wildfire. I thought I told you to forget the formalities?” Cadance giggled, as Wildfire blushed a light shade of pink. “What are you doing in Cloudsdale?” Cadance asked, as she let go. Wildfire smiled, taking a seat next to Cadance, revealing a tiny golden filly with a curly burgundy mane. “Oh my... is this little Golden Glory?” Cadance asked.

Wildfire nodded, motioning for her daughter to join her. Cadance tapped Twilight softly, catching her attention and bringing her over to meet the filly.

“Twilight.. this is Wild Fire, and her daughter Golden Glory.” Cadance spoke, as Wildfire smiled warmly at Twilight.

“Nice to meet you Twilight. I'm surprised your sister never mentioned you to me, but I'm sure you know as well as I do how forgetting Cadance can be at times.” Wildfire chuckled.

“No offense miss Wildfire, but I don't have a sista... I wish Cadance was my sista though.” Twilight said softly.

“Oh?” Wildfire asked.

“Right...” Cadance said. “Twilight, why don't you and Golden go play together, while Wildfire and I catch up.”

Twilight looked towards her mentor nervously, and did a double take back to her book.

“Don't worry, you will have plenty of time for reading later sweetie.” Cadance assured, as Golden Glory took Twilight's hoof and persuaded her to follow.

Cadance and Wildfire waved to the fillies as they left.

“So, she's not your sister.... so who is the little cutie?” Wildfire asked, as she was offered a bottle of tea. “Thanks.”

Cadance smiled. “No problem. Twilight is... my student? Little sister figure? I'm not sure exactly. See I have a crush on her brother Shining Armor and...”

“You have a crush on Shining Armor!” Wildfire shouted, resulting in the surrounding families to glare towards her as she blushed. “Seriously Cadance?”

Cadance blushed as she took a sip of her tea. “Yes I do...”

“Wow...” Wildfire stated. “I always thought you would go for the older colts.”

Cadance placed her hoof at her mouth to prevent her from giggling. “He's only six months younger.”

Wildfire smiled warmly, as she lowered herself completely onto the cloud ground, and rolled over onto her back, to which Cadance joined her. “I won't question it.” She said. “Because you ARE the princess of love after all.”

Cadance giggled, as she stole a quick glance towards Wildfire. “You remember when you were my foalsitter Wild?”

Wildfire giggled. “Of course I do. When Princess Celestia adopted you as her niece, she picked me from all the other attendants to be your foal sitter.”

“You WERE the only Pegasus in the castle after all.” Cadance replied, being met with a nod.”

“Quite frankly, I miss those days.” Wildfire spoke.

“I missed you dearly after you left Wild. The other foalsitters really were the most boring ponies I had ever met.” Cadance chuckled, chewing on a single daisy she removed from the lunch pouch.

“And I missed you as well.” Wildfire said. “While I regret my actions of eloping with a royal guard, I do not regret birthing my daughter. The Princess however, found out quickly and had that guard and myself removed from the castle... he... kept himself distant from me. It was my fault he was fired, I cannot blame him for resenting me.”

“Don't worry about it.” Cadance spoke. “One day my auntie will give me a town, city, kingdom, or other area for me to rule myself. And I wouldn't mind hiring you as my personal advisor... if you would accept that is.”

“I would love to!” Wildfire responded with glee, as she pulled Cadance into a gentle hug.

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Twilight was led by Golden Glory to a smaller play area of the park where they joined up with a few other colts and fillies.

“Twilight, this is Hoops... Dumbbell... Silverspeed.... and Score.” Golden said, as she introduced Twilight to the ponies.

Twilight took a few steps back, unnerved by the size of the three colts.

“Hey Glore.... where'd ya find the newbie at?” Hoops spoke as he approached Twilight. Twilight backed off as he towered over her, his breath coating her face as he snorted lightly.

“She's Princess Cadance's student.” Glory replied.

Dumbbell and Score chuckled in the back.

“Seriously Glore?” Score said.

“Yeah Glory.” Replied Dumbbell. “You're going to bring us the goody goody two-shoe Princess's student?”

“Oh stop it you big bully.” Silverspeed said, as she approached Twilight. “I'm sorry deary, they can be rather dreadful, but those big brutes are just that... dreadful.”

“Silverspeed, you're not much better than she is.” Hoops said, as he approached her. “You know we're only friends with you because your boyfriend.

“You keep Filthy Rich out of this Hoops.” Silverspeed retorted.

“Why Silver?” Score replied. “Mister money bags can't stand up for himself? Well I guess he doesn't have to, between his daddy, and his girlfriend... that model, what's her name? Fleur I think? I can see why you would be so infatuated with him. He'll buy you anything to keep you close, won't he?”

“And what of it?” Silver giggled. “Some times... money can buy much better things than love.”

Golden Glory chuckled amongst herself. “Spoken like a true moocher” she complimented Silver, earning a few chuckles and hoof pumps from the colts around her. “And you...” she said, turning to Twilight, who had left the area. “Where did the goody goody go?” Glory asked, being met with confused faces.

Twilight flew as fast as she could. She didn't know where she was, and didn't know how to return to Cadance. She flew across the city, just to gain as much distance from the foals as she could.

“Stupid meanies...” she sniffled to herself. She flew for a few more minutes. Exhaustion soon overtook her and she landed in a small park on the west side of Cloudsdale.

“Oh my...” Came a soft voice. Twilight turned around only to see a few bunches of clouds behind her.

“Hello?” Twilight said, as she approached the cloud, resulting in a frightened filly tumbling out of it.

“Ahh please don't hurt me.” The crème colored filly spoke, as she waved her fore legs in the air, clamping her eyes shut.

Twilight approached the scared filly and sat down. “Why would I... hurt you? I'm not like the other meanies I saw.”

The filly calmed down and slowly opened her turquoise eyes. “I've never seen you before... are you new here?”

Twilight nodded. “You could say that... I'm Twilight Sparkle, what's your name?”

The crème filly became silent. Twilight swore she could hear her mumbling something but couldn't make out what she had said.

“I'm sorry, I can't understand, could you say that again?” Twilight asked.

“I'm...” The filly started, as a blush overcame her face. “I'm... I'm um... I'm Fluttershy.”