Byte sized

by Sir Hat

Going home

"Right this way sir," The nurse lead me through the halls, "Here we are." She opened the door for me.

Carmine was watching TV, his leg slung up, "Oi." He waved at me, "Hold up."

I walked over and watched the TV. He was watching some weird show with a girl in a bikini, "Carmine can you-"

"Don't start with me. Bloody asshole broke my leg, gonna be in here for the rest of the week." He crossed his arms, "Anyways...everything's ready. Hooves figured it out yesterday."

"Who's Hooves?"

Carmine looked away, "Look, I keep a key taped to the back of the planter by my front door. Head over and send em home."

I scratched my head, "That it? Dude you got hit by a car! You don't even want to say bye?"

He looked at me angrily, "Trust me, the way things worked out...we're not gonna stop seeing em." Carmine looked back at the TV, "Well...get going!" He looked around and found the TV remote and chucked it at me, "Get on with it!" He chucked the remote at me, "Schnell! Los los los! Come back when you've seen em home."

I walked out into the hall. I waited for a nurse to escort me out.

I scooped up Berry, napping on the couch as per her usual Monday plan. I walked around and found a duffel bag. I set the KO'd mare inside and went to find the others. Vinyl was enjoying the bass pumping through my desk as she played her music. I grabbed her and turned off the music, "Enough of that then."

"Aw dude, why?"

"Time to go home. Apparently Carmine found a way back." I set her down and shoved her towards the bag, "Chill here,"

"Fine." She sat and waited, bobbing her head as she listened to her own internal music.

"Strange mare." I wandered around my house and found Rainbow waiting outside my door.

"Good, let him out now..." Rainbow pressed her hooves against the door.

"Don't do it!" A voice squeaked from the other side of the door.

I shook my head and snatched Rainbow up, "Time to go."

"No! Not yet! Oh you jerk!" She started swearing and yelling as I sat her with the others.

"Right just sit here and be good...I will lock you in the bathroom if I have to." She took my bluff to heart and sat with her forelegs crossed, "Right, Rose!" I started yelling as I made my way to the back yard, "Oi Rose, time to go."

She peeked out and looked around, "What the heck do you want!?"

I threw my arms up, "Time to go."

"Go where!?"


"Oh!" She looked around after she said it, "Okay then." She simmered down and walked to the back door and went inside. I followed her and saw her to the others, Berry was still knocked out in the bad, Vinyl was talking the the sour faced Rainbow, and Rose took her place on the edge of the bag, " Carmine alright?" Rose asked as she slid into the bag.

"He broke his leg. Aside from that I think he had a busted hip." I started corralling the mares into the bag.

Rose resurfaced from the pile of hair, "Is he gonna be alright?"

"Yeah, he's fine. He'll winge at me about all this later but yeah, he'll be fine." I stood up and knocked on my door, "Noteworthy time to go." I pushed my door open. Noteworthy was waiting quietly on the side of the bed.

I walked back and opened the bag. The three concious mares watched eagerly as I slowly dropped Noteworthy in, "Wait, wait! Stop! Sean! Sean wait!"

"Oh shut up you." I dropped him in the bag and watched as Vinyl and Dash tackled him. Rose just watched in amusement as Noteworthy was dragged deeper into the bag.

"They're killing me! They are killing me!" He screamed from the bag.

I looked down at Rose, "You mind making sure they don't ruin the bag?"

She gave a quick grunt, " nothing else to do." She faded into the darker sections of the bag.

Wasting no time I picked up the bag and started off to my car. I reopened the bag and set the five sit in the back. The trip was short, Carmine only lived a few blocks away.

I pulled into his driveway. It was a bit creepy seeing the tire tracks where Carmine had been hit. From what I heard we had run to his car and got hit by some guy that was hauling ass down the street.

I found the bag, recollected the ponies, and hurried to his front steps. I felt around the back of a large planter and felt the key. I pulled it free and stuck it into the door.

The inside of his house smelled like fruit as I stepped inside, "Hello!?" A voice called from down the hall. I hurried towards it and found a pair of ponies waiting on a desk, "Ah, hello." A brown coated one stepped forward, "I believe you're here to see us home."

I set the bag down and released the ponies inside. I had to pry a sweat covered Noteworthy out and set him on the desktop, "The horror...the-"

"Quiet you." I poked his belly, he spread his limbs in response, "I take it you're Hooves?"

He nodded, "Doctor Hooves." He looked around, "This is Fluttershy, and this-" He gave an exasperated sigh, "Fluttershy...make him stop."

The pink maned one bopped a cup that was sitting on the desk. The cup jiggled before popping into a weird snake thing, "Oh you're no fun. He would have never found me!"

"Discord..." Fluttershy stared him down.

"Fine..." He walked on the keyboard and did a quick dance. The computer started up and Discord .exe started up. He looked at the screen and snapped his fingers. A large icon with the word: Return, popped up on the lower left of the program.

I stared angrily at the screen, "Are you kidding me? Who the hell is this!?" I closed the program and looked at the icon. The icon was the spitting image of the creature standing on the keyboard, "'s keeping me from burying you in the back garden!?" I grabbed the creature and shook him until he started rattling.

"Easy, I fixed it...eventually." He started laughing, "Oh don't look at me like that. You enjoyed it, look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't enjoy petting your little Dashie."

I grimaced at him, "Shut up." I turned to the computer and started the program in. I clicked the return button and the screen glowed bright white, "This it?"

Hooves stepped forward and leaned his head in. He popped back out, "Yes, Equestria. Good sir, it's been a pleasure." Hooves walked through the screen.

"Brilliant. Who's next?" Noteworthy hazily raised his hooves, "Right, in ya go." I picked him up and put my hand through the doorway and felt around. I found solid ground and set him down.

As I pulled my hand back I could feel something holding onto my hand. I pulled it back and found a rope attached to my finger. I yanked my hand back and pulled an orange mare out like a yoyo, "What in tarnation!"

"Nope." I pulled the rope off my finger and shoved the mare back through, "Not dealing with that."

Fluttershy walked to the screen, "Oh...I guess I should..." She slowly started towards the screen. Her hoof shaking like a leaf as she drew closer. I frowned and shoved her in with a soft eep.

"Sure she's fine." I looked around and picked up Berry, "Who want to go with her? I don't feel right sending her through alone."

Vinyl hopped up the makeshift ramp Carmine had built, "Got your back dude." She levitated the tired mare next to her and started towards the door. I pinched along her spine and gave her tail a quick yank, "Dude, feels weird." She kicked her leg and hurried through the doorway.

Rose climbed the ramp and stood there watching me, "Discord...make me big."

Discord cocked an eyebrows and snapped his fingers. I was quickly blinded then suddenly standing next to a chest height mare, "What the heck!?"

"I feel bad...I've been all moody lately, and I was mad at you before know." She swung a hoof around my waist and pulled against me. I hesitantly returned it.

"Man you're soft." I ran my fingers through her mane, " yo weirdo. Does this thing work both ways now?"

Discord looked at the screen, "I am nothing if not thorough. Are we done here, because I have birds to chat with." He threw his head back and started walking through the screen.

His hand quickly shot back through and snapped his fingers. Rose suddenly started falling. I managed to grab her before she hit the ground, "Jerk!" Rose screamed at the screen, "Eugh...anyways...I'm sure we'll keep in touch." She waved bye as she walked through.

I started smiling, even after Dash landed on my head, "So this is it?"

"I guess so." I said, pulling her off my head, "Been fun though,"

She scrunched up her muzzle and looked away. She snapped her head at me and pecked my nose, "Tell no one." I smiled and set her down. I scratched her back and ran my fingers along her underside, "Okay..." I continued my soft onslaught, "Okay...okay! That's enough..." I pinched her rump, causing her back leg to kick involuntarily, "Okay!"

"Fine!" I threw my hands up, "Go on. Get." I nudged her towards the door. She waited and watched me, "Go!"

"I will!"

"Then do it!"

"Fine!" She sat on the keyboard.

"You're still here~" I said with a bit of a song in my voice.

"Shut up!" She snapped upright and started backing into the screen, "I'm going."

I started laughing until finally she disappeared into the screen. I gave a loud sigh as I turned off the monitor. Back home safe, can't really ask for more.

I felt a small sadness at their absence. But I can always bring one over to hang out some time, "Man...I wonder if Carmine has any beer." I started off to his kitchen. Best way to celebrate I suppose.