//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Maybe Love Bites // by Fat1thatyoulove //------------------------------// Prologue The later day's bright warming yellow and orange light hangs over the uniquely glowing city as it’s buildings and residents reflect the normal glow into a rainbow of shades and colors. The wind has a slight chill to it but nothing out of the ordinary for this time of year in Equestria's northern reach. However, right now the free and fresh aroma of the outside world has been blocked out by the smell of disinfectant and the stench of sick ponies that sit somewhere else in the hospital. Behind the one white sheet bed that is nestled up against the calming blue crystal colored walls sits a bright window that illuminates the room with a happy goldish lighting. A silent sigh comes up from the light purple mare who still sits to the edge of the bed as she continues to run her front hooves over each other. All the while making sure they brush up against the bland green gown that she wears to remind her why she is still here. The light orange pegasus sitting in one of the waiting chairs next to the closed door brings up a little smile as his voice rings out, "We could have already have come in today if somepony didn't want to push it off to the end of the day." No laugh comes up from the mare, but she gives a little nod and smile to the lightheart and joking comment. The lack of response amps the pegasus's efforts as he shifts to make himself a little more comfortable in the chair he's sat in for the last half an hour, "Well at least the smells in here will open our noses." Knowing that the stallion will not give up until she perks up the light purple mare straightens her posture as she tries to spark up a better looking smile. However, her stance quickly falls as her eyes shoot straight up to the opening door in front of her. The low chime of magic starts to ring out into the room as the light yellow and gold crystal colored unicorn stallion comes into the room. His head is buried to the clipboard that floats in front of him as the stethoscope sways a little to the white lab coat top the stallion wears. With a quick clear of his throat the clipboard moves from the stallion's gaze as he gives a little smile to the mare sitting on the bed in front of him. The smile only brings the mare's ears down as his deep voice starts up, "Well Mrs.Wave, I'm afraid I have some bad news." For a moment his voice stops as the light purple mare just waits for the words, "...There is no sign of the foal, and from what we can tell you have lost." "B-but are you sure?" The pegasus next to the door now moves a little forward on his seat as he speaks up for the quiet mare. The doctor turns his attention to the words as he gives a little nod, "I'm sorry." His turn gaze only holds for a moment as he turns back to the mare, "As I understand it this is your second attempt correct?" No nod comes from the light purple mare as her gaze stays transfixed to the cupped hooves she has in her lap. To the absent acknowledgement the pegasus speaks back up, "Yes." The doctor nods his head as he pauses and floats the clipboard a little more next to him, "It is known that a pony with um...Sombrauism will experience a little trouble barring a foal; but that does not mean it is impossible." He holds his eyes to the mare who still hangs her head as he tries to lighten his voice, "Perhaps next year you could try waiting until the peak of your heat. It is a little hard to pinpoint, but it may help." Again the room stays quiet as the stallion in the chair again speaks up, "Thank you." The doctor gives a friendly nod as he starts to move from the room. It only takes a moment for the sound of the door to close as the room again comes back to the heavy silence. The pegasus in the chair does not attempt to speak up as he just grinds his teeth for a moment in an attempt to find something to say. However when nothing comes to mind he speaks up with a simple comment, "D-do you want to go home Violet?" End