//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Maybe Love Bites // by Fat1thatyoulove //------------------------------// Chapter 1 – Love Bites The trot back has held a slow and painful silence for the younger couple, as their forced to trot down the lively streets of happy ponies and foals. However, Violet's eyes finally come up from the hard crystal street as she looks over the homey two story crystal house; her aunt and uncle put her in when she finally moved fully into the city with Sparky a few years ago. As the bright pinkish door comes into hooves's reach her slow trot halts as the stallion next to her moves to unlock the door with the key he has buried in the small bag around him. With the sound of the rummaging through the bag playing in front of her the mare's light blue eyes turn to one of the bright blue crystal plants of flowers that sit to either side of the door. Despite the cooling whether the plant has started to grow a few new buds of flowers that have still yet to open up for the first time. "Violet?..." The voice breaks the mare's stare of the newly formed flowers as she starts her trot into the house without even looking to the stallion at the door. Sparky just blinks to the mare's hung head and droopy mane as he waits for her to pass into the house. It takes a few seconds but as she does he removes the key from the lock and closes the door, all the while trying to bring up his voice to light the mood, "Well Violet at least you can help Cadence with the celebration she's trying to put together..." His voice stops for a moment as he focuses his attention to hang up the bag on one of the free hooks that sit next to the door, "...You won't have to worry about your magic right?" As he turns back into the room he realizes his words have just been for the walls. This fact brings another sigh from him as he just closes his eyes for the moment, but he does not stay motionless for long as he starts his trot towards the stairs that lay a few hooves from the front door. The trot up the stairs is short as he forces his eyes to the half closed door at the end of the hall. However, the quick pace he held up the stairs is brought to a halt as he passes by the wide open door on his right. The master bedroom lays empty and dark, which only brings the stallion's eyes closed again as he focuses back to the room at the end of the hall. The trot that he has been dreading for the last month and a half starts up as the usually more timid stallion tries to put on a strong face. His hoof comes to the door as he holds his eyes to the softer and more child colored carpet of the room, "Violet its alright..." He slowly trails his eyes up towards the occupied smaller foal's bed that sits next to the unused crib the two ponies were given last year before they found out. There on the bed with her head away from the door lays the light purple mare as her back trembles a little to the silent cry she gives out. Sparky's legs shake a little as the stallion trots a little closer towards the bed. As he nears it he eases himself into it as he continues to look away from the teared up mare, whose eyes stay pinned to the crib pushed up against the wall in front of the bed. No sobs ring out from the mare as she continues to just blink through the light tears that have formed in her eyes. Sparky's left front hoof comes to brush up against her back as he turns his head a little towards her. His voice is low and has its own sadness as he speaks up, "It's alright Violet..." The mare closes her eyes to the words she's already heard before as she just tries to stop the light shaking to her body. The hoof on her back continues to move lightly from side to side as the stallion moves a little closer to the mare on the bed, all the while repeating the same sentence, "It's alright Violet..." As the words continues to ring in the mare's drooping ears a little angry burst of energy comes over her as she quickly moves from the stallion's reach and sparks her hooves up. Sparky just watches the shaky mare’s hoof motions as she runs through them in anger, but her eyes and hooves turn to water as she again gives into the sadness roaring in her heart. The change in the mare's expression quickly brings up Sparky’s voice as he rushes his hooves to her as he pulls her into an embrace, all the while denying her previous statement, "There is nothing wrong with you Violet! And it is not your fault!" His words do little to the shaking mare as he continues to nuzzles her head, "And it doesn't change how I feel about you..." As his words break free from his lips his voice starts to crack as he just tries to maintain himself. Violet's eyes are tight and shaky, her front hooves stay wrapped around the orange pegasus as they continue to just sit in the darker would be foal's room. - - - (A little later) Neither one of the two ponies know how long they have been laying on the bed together, their tails hang off the side of the small foal made bed and for the most part their hind legs are not really being supported. But at the same time neither one of them care as they continue to just enjoy the warm body that wraps against them. The fur around Violet's eyes is still wet all the way down to the damp spot on the bed that she continues to press her head into. She's not crying anymore and her body has stopped shaking for the most part, but her mind has not let up as she continues to think over the fact she has to wait a whole-nother year to even try again...And even then there is no guarantee. As the light purple mare continues to stay swamped in her thoughts the stallion nestled up next to her just blinks to the room around him, not wanting to leave the mare's side. However as another minute starts to turn over the mare next to him starts to stir. Her movements slowly loosens Sparky's hold as he now watches her sit up. Violet moves a hoof to her face as she tries to rub away her damp fur. Her actions hold for a moment as the stallion next to her slowly brings a hoof to rub against her back. Just as his hoof brushes against Violet removes her hoof as she looks over the stallion next to her, the stare brings a slight smile to Sparky's face as he speaks up, "You okay?" The light purple mare gives a little smile as she bends her head to the stallion as she gives him a quick kiss. Sparky cocks a slight smile to the gesture as he continues to lightly rub against her back. A faint and silent sigh rolls from the mare as she calmly brings her hooves up with a comment. To the motions Sparky gives a little nod as he speaks up, "Ya we'll tell everypony." Violet again brings her hooves up as she looks to the stallion. Sparky blinks to the mare's words as he squints to her, "You want to have everypony here?" A little nod comes from Violet as Sparky again brings his voice up, "Alright...I can send a letter to your parents and my dad tomorrow if you want." The words bring a faint smile as she again sparks her hooves up. A faint chuckle rolls from Sparky as he nods, "Well if we're going to have everypony over one of us should learn how to actually cook something worthwhile." His words bring a much needed wheezing laugh to the mare as a true to life smile finally breaks across her face. Sparky continues to think out loud as he turns his eyes a little to the ceiling, "Probably the only ponies who won't be here is my sister, there's no way she could come back to Equestria in short notice...And Aerolight." The name flicks the mare's ear as she brings her hooves up for a moment, but her comment is quickly cut off as Sparky nods, "I will send him a letter." As his voice comes to an end the sound of a hoof knocking to the door down stairs rings to the house. But neither pony moves from their spot on the bed as Sparky brings his head up a little from where it rest not really wanting to leave the still slightly watery eyed mare to go and answer the door. However as Violet starts to stand from the bed Sparky moves to his hooves as he speaks up, "I'll get it." Violet halts her trot to the door as the pegasus quickly cuts her path off into the hall, instead the mare turns her attention back to the smaller bed as she sparks her horn up to fix the ruffled blankets and shifted pillows. Again the hoof to the door rings out as Sparky quickens his pace down the stairs, "Coming!" It only takes a moment for the light orange pegasus to open the door as the sight of a happily smiling tan coated and light brown maned earth pony smiles to him, "Sparky!" Sparky brings a half hearted friendly smile to his face as he rings his voice out, "Hi Futty." The lower sounding voice brings a slight chuckle to the heavy stallion as he speaks up, "Whoa whoa, no need to get excited or anything Sparky, calm down man. It's not like one of your friends from Ponyville is stopping by." The little tease works as Sparky takes a step aside from the doorway as he gives a friendly laugh. "Sorry Futty, it's not really been the best of day." The tan stallion holds back a little but he still rings out a laugh as he nods to the darker sky, "I'll say. It's night and you still think it's day." Futty lowers his voice a little as he tries to spark a real smile to his friend's face, "Does being married for a year really drain a pony that bad?" As his voice comes down the sound of hooves flicks the heavy pony’s ear as he holds a happy smile to the mare coming down the stairs, "Ah, here comes the succubus now. Quick Sparky run out the door i'll hold the Ice Queen off!" The light smile Violet sparks to her face and the lack of a real response from the stallion next to him brings Futty's voice down as he takes on a more serious face, "Is everything alright?" Sparky gives a little sigh not wanting to speak up, but he does as he mussels through it, "We went to the doctor today..." Futty shake his head as he takes a few steps towards the light purple mare for a hug, "Come here." Without question the light purple mare accepts the friendly gesture as Futty's voice rings up from where he holds his head, "What did they say this time?" Again Sparky brings his voice up as he shifts a little, "They told us a few things for next year." With a quick intake of air Futty breaks the hug from his friend as he nods, "Wow..." "S-so what brings you by?" Futty takes notice of his friend's voice as he speaks up, "Well I was invited for a cook off challenge against somepony named Chef Ram-Z-..." The stallion playfully stretches his neck as he continues, "But you know, that's no problem." Sparky and Violet spark up a little smile to the playful confidence as the stallion's voice drops a little, "I had actually stopped by to see if you two could show me around the town a little." The light orange pegasus gives a friendly smile to the comment as he waves his hoof, "Sorry Futty but I don't think we're up to it tonight." "I underst-..." Futty's voice is cut off as Violet sparks her hooves up. However, her comment just brings a laugh to Sparky as he shakes his head, "I'm not going to leave you here Violet?" Violet just waves her hoof to the comment as she turns her attention to the heavy pony with a few quick motions. Futty gives a little smile to the mare as he nods his head, "I can get him off of your hooves for a while Violet." The pegasus just blinks to the mare's sweet smile as he tries to understand why she would want to push him out of the house, he can still tell in her face she's not her normal self but before he can bring his voice up he feels a hoof guiding him out. "Come Sparky, you saw the mare's flick of the ear and wag of the hoof." Violet holds her smile as she sparks her horn up to float the small bag from the hook at the door to the stallion's wings. As Sparky's pushed out of the house he tries to call back, "I'll only be gone for a few minut-..." As the door closes behind the two stallion's Violet gives a little sigh as she just stands in the empty house. Sparky may make the mare feel better, but she also knows it's not fair for him to feel bad when it's not his fault...The thought brings a sharp pinch of sadness to the mare's heart as she composes herself for the moment, but with a calming breath she turns and trots back up stairs. End of chapter 1