Maybe Love Bites

by Fat1thatyoulove

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Lucky or not, it's worth it

The night has rolled on with only the hiccups of young ponies enjoying a night they will regret tomorrow morning.

For Aerolight though, the drink he gets every night he comes here does little to affect his judgment or his mind as he continues to just enjoy the young and happy voices around him.

However, the pegasus beside Aerolight has started to break out of his shell both literally and figuratively as he plays a little with the fuzzy bit on his helmet he sat to the bar's counter.

Gust may not be the first choice the dark cream stallion brings a long, but on the off days he is stuck working with him Aerolight finds the stallion's slightly drunken chatter amusing. That and sitting next to this stallion never hurts the pink eyed stallion's look.

But as Gust's voice starts to die down a little Aerolight's ear flicks to another sound. The stallion's voice that rings up over the room's already loud music and chatter quickly turns the young stallion's head as he takes a look at the conversation a little down the bar's length.

"...I said I don't want to go to your house." The bright light brown earth pony mare quickly takes a step back from the drunk light cream colored pegasus stallion in front of her as his voice comes up again, "Come onnnn, I know what my buddies say about you. I bought you like three drinks."

"I said no Zaps!"

Aerolight squints to the mare's voice as he takes his helmet and puts it to his head. His motions bring the pegasus beside him down a little from his fun as he watches his friend trot away, "Where you going?"

The words bring no response from the stallion as he nears the two pony's argument, "...I know you're a herd mare, so what's the big deal-..."

"Is there a problem?"

The new stallion's voice makes the drunken pegasus take a step back as he turns his head to the silver armored earth pony. However he just gives a little chuckle as he rolls his hoof, "No, there is no problem." He sways a little as he flicks his extended hoof to somewhere in the room, "Hows about you go bother somepony else huh?"

Aerolight holds a stern face to the comment as he speaks up, "Hows about we take a hoof outside sir."

"Sir? Ppfff." The stallion's breath rolls past Aerolight's nose as he speaks up again, "Outside."

"O-Oh! You want to go outside huh? All big and bad being a rookie guard or something? Huh is that it?" The comment brings an annoyed flick to Aerolight's ear but he maintains his cool as he just watches the pegasus's wings flaring out as he continues on his rant, "Well b-buddy? I would rather NOT trot all the way outside to kick your flank!"

As his voice comes down the stallion lashes out towards Aerolight, only to meet nothing as the dark cream stallion's coat sparkles a little to the quick teleportation spell he used.

The pegasus quickly brings his head to the earth pony as he blinks blankly to him, "W-how did y-.."

Before his fumbling sentence can stop a hoof to his back sobers him up as the light gray stallion that now stands behind him speaks up, "I think you had better come with me sir, you have just tried to assault a guard."

The pegasus now changes his tone as he's slightly tugged along, "Oh come on, I-I didn't lay a hoof on him. T-there's no reason to make this a big deal..." As he's moved further towards the music from the stage Aerolight's attention turns back to the mare as he sparks his magic up no longer really worried about hiding it. The light yellow glow comes to the drooping rose flower as he moves it to the mare's earth colored mane, "I think you should just head home."

Despite the fact of the flower being put into her mane the mare stays oblivious to it as she just blinks to the stallion, "T-thank you...But did you like lose your horn or something?"

Aerolight just gives a little shake of the head as he speaks up, "No."

The mare gives a little giggle to the comment as she turns her eyes to the flower that pokes a little into her vision, "I would love to hear how you did that one day."

Aerolight cocks a little smile to the mare's words as he nods, "We may have to."

To the comment the mare starts to trot away as she gives a little wave goodbye. As the mare trots away Aerolight turns his head to the few ponies around him. Most of them have not really turned their heads to the little commotion half because the music and their conversations drowned it out and half because they can not think of something to say.

Aerolight moves his trot back to where his half emptied drink is sitting, it only takes a few seconds to move back into his seat as he sighs a little.

"Not bad Arrow." The stallion's voice brings the stallion's head up as he cocks a little smile to the stallion behind the bar as he continues to poke a little fun at him, "Now if only your Captain counted stopping a bar fight as a valid reason to arrest a pony for a night."

The young stallion just shrugs to the comment as he speaks up, "At least that mare is not hurt."

A little laugh comes up from the unicorn as he trots a little closer to where Aerolight sits, "Ya, so tell me Arrow. How is that stallion trying to get lucky any different than what you do, is it better when their the drunk ones?" His laugh comes up again as he wiggles his hoof to his horn, "I guess it would make a pony smile a little wider when you do that flower floating gag."

Aerolight brings up a little chuckle as he looks down to his drink with a faint shake of his head, "At least the ponies I go home with have a nice night because of their choice."

"Ha ha! Ya and then in the morning you run out." The stallion cocks his head as he looks over the stallion, "Oh Celestia please tell me you're not leaving that dumb rose with a letter anymore right?"

Before Aerolight can speak up another chuckle runs from the unicorn as he looks over the helmet on the stallion's head, "Oh wait, you don't have the rose tonight. Looks like you're going home alone huh?"

The young stallion just shakes his head to the comment as he speaks up, "D-do you listen to all of my conversations when I come here?"

His words bring a shrug to the unicorn as he responds, "Not all of them, I tend to turn an ear away when they get a little-..."

The unicorn turns his head as he trots towards the sound of the other ponies voice.

Aerolight cocks a little smile to the stallion as he takes his drink in hoof and turns to look at the main room he sits behind.

However as he looks in the room his eyes catches a certain blue mane pony a little ways towards the stage at a small table.

The young stallion squints to the two shaded blue mane as he starts to whisper to himself, "No way..."

For a few moments the young stallion continues to just stare to the back of the mare's head as he slightly shakes his head not wanting to believe who he is looking at. But the stallion's own curiosity gets the better of him as he moves from his seat, drink in hoof.

The three hoof trot is not the most elegant approach but at least this way he has a better reason to ask what he hopes will not be shot down.

As he nears the mare he comes a little in front of her just to make sure his eye did not betray him, they did not and he quickly speaks up, "Lady Way correct?"

His voice only barely changes the mare's gaze from the performing live music on the stage, "Why yes...It is." As her last words chime out she turns her head to the stallion as she looks him over a little, "I must apologize, I do not have any bags for you to carry right now."

Aerolight cocks a slight smile to the comment as he nods, "May I have a seat?"

The mare nods as she watches the stallion move his drink and helmet to the table as he takes the seat across from her.

Maintaining a certain smooth but loud enough voice to chime over the low jazz behind him he speaks up, "So why would a pony like you be in a place like this?"

The mare cracks a little smile to the comment as she leans forward a little, "I beg your pardon Mr.Guard, but what sort place is this?" Her green eyes sparkle a little from the little candle in between her and the stallion as Aerolight speaks up from the alluring southern drawl, "It's a night club Lady Way."

"Hmm, so because of a title I am not allowed to enjoy the city?" Her comment rings out as she moves a hoof to the dark red wine glass she has in front of her.

Aerolight squints to the mare's choice in words as he just watches her lips come over the glass, but he speaks up with the same confidence as before, "I guess not." He cocks his head as he cracks a wider smile, "You wouldn't be following me would?"

Lady way takes a moment as she slowly moves the wine glass from her now slightly red lips, "Why of course I am following you, I never know when I would need a pony to carry something for me."

The comment brings a little chuckle from the stallion as he nods his head, "So you are following me?"

The mare gives a little smirk to the comment as she speaks up a little faster, "Celestia has called most of the outer city's higher ups into the city..." She rubs the side of her wine glass as she continues, "...I would like to consider myself not part of the normal eminence of Equestria."

Her comment holds for a moment as she shoots her eyes back to the stallion, "Now, would you like to know why you are here?"

Aerolight cocks his head to the comment as he nods, "I'm all ears."

Lady Way gives a little giggle to the comment as she pulls her drink a little closer to her, "You are here because you hope to spirit away a mare whom most likely had just experienced her first heat, and preferably is practically falling down drunk. Am I correct?"

The words do little to the stallion as he just stares to her with an amused smile.

She takes a quick sip of her drink, as she swallows she turns her head back to the stallion, "...Now I do believe it is fair that I tell you something. I most certainly am not a mare who has only recently experienced her first heat, and I am in no way near as drunk as you would need me to be."

Her words again bring a little chuckle from the stallion as he nods to the glass, "If I had come over her just for what you said then why would I sit down knowing you're not drinking anything alcoholic?"

Lady Way moves her hoof back to her as she holds a smile, "But you looked."

Aerolight nods again as he continues, "You were correct about one thing though." He gives the mare a little look over as he readies the appropriate words to his tongue. The mare is not the same age as he thought she was, and in fact she looks to be maybe about five years older, this fact in no way deters the young stallion as he stares to the certain charm her mane and face shine out, "...You are definitely not the youngest mare in here."

The bold words bring a faint giggle to the mare as she widens her eyes a little suprised to it. However before she can speak up Aerolight's voice rings out, "Now, tell me why I came over here."

Her eyes move over the stallion's flashy smile as her voice goes silent in thought.

However, the moment the two ponies had at just staring at the pony across from them is brought to an abrupt end as a mare's voice next to the tables starts up, "Are you Aerolight Sparkle?"

The name flicks Lady Way's ear but Aerolight just stares to the unfamiliar earth pony mare in front of him as he nods, "Yes?"

Her eyes tighten and her hoof quickly comes over the glass in front of him as she tosses it onto his face, "That's for my sister Lily you jerk!"

Aerolight slightly jumps in his chair as the bubbly liquid runs in between his fur and the armor.

The mare's eyes quickly turn to the other mare in the chair as she speaks up, "Trust me, I did you a favor."

Lady Way's smile is wide as she just nods her head, "Thank you."

With that, the earth pony mare trots away from the table with her head up high and with no remorse to her face.

As she leaves the drink covered stallion slowly turns back to the mare in front of him, his face no longer holding the flashy smile and his eyes void of their pink shine.

Lady Way however does not jump from her seat or move an inch as she gives a little giggle, "I believe I will stay with my initial comment."

A faint and slightly embarrassed laugh comes up from Aerolight as he tries to clear the drink from his snout with no success.

"So...Aerolight Sparkle huh?" The mare rubs the side of her cup a little as she waits for a response.

"Ya." His almost emotionless comment brings a slight bit of confusion to the mare as she continues to look over the wet stallion.

No longer really caring the earth pony sparks up his magic as the liquid begins to evaporate from his fur, along with its smell.

The mare across the table holds a watching smile as she looks over the little wisp of exportation from the stallion, "Tell me Mr.Sparkle-..."

"I'm not Mr.Sparkle." The tone is not mad and not annoyed, but it is definitely not the nicest of tones.

"Aerolight, what are your plans for tomorrow?" The mare's words confuse the young stallion for a moment as he just blinks to the mare.

As no response chimes up the mare cocks her head, "Busy are you?"

The young stallion is slow to recoup from the little scene he was just thrusted into, however this lack in confidence is just what the mare wants as she patiently waits for his voice.

"A-are you asking me out?" Aerolight cocks a smile to the comment as he waits for an answer.

Lady Way brings her hoof around the drink as she thinks over the words, "Oh heavens no." She tips the cup a little to him as she smiles, "I am simply giving my self an option in case tomorrow's social gathering Princess Celestia called for runs short for me."

Despite the idea of this date not happening Aerolight sparks up a flashy grin as he nods, "You sure you want to be seen with a lowly guard pony?"

The mare holds her gaze as she responds, "I am not one of your prizes Mr.Guard Pony, I expect you to be waiting at my hotel if I decide to adjourn from the gathering early..." She leans forward a little as she wobbles her head with the power she knows she has over him, "You are simply nothing more than a back up plan."

Her low well spoken southern drawl makes the young stallion's ears stand on end as he nods, "Yes ma'am."

"Good, then I expect you to be waiting for me... And please leave your armor at home, there is no need to act flashy." As her words come to end she takes the last sip of her drink as she sets the glass back to the table, "Now if you would, leave and get yourself cleaned up."

Lady Way holds her eyes to the stallion as Aerolight floats his helmet up to his head, making sure her gaze gets the full blow of his magic. The older mare is not impressed but she holds her amused smile all the same as she watches him trot away from the table with a little whisper to herself, "Good bye Mr.Sparkle." Her eyes flash a light and brighter green as she turns them back to the empty drink in front of her.

End of chapter 7