Birthday Wish 2: Friends Never Fail

by Midnight Spawn

All Hail the Queen

The horrid stench that filled the paths was suddenly overshadowed by the incredible area that opened up before Night Heart. Despite how tight the tunnels were that led here, the main room of the hive was massive. There were markings on the walls above different paths that led to and from the room. Night Heart had to admit it was impressive that the Changelings could find their way around the hive with only that as their guide.

Bridges crossed around at random places, but most of the Changelings flew wherever they went. Because of this, most of the room was open with no other way of getting around. The sneaky pony repositioned the egg on his back. This might be a problem…

“Of course you smell pony! What do you think we have tied up, a Minotaur?!” There was no mistaking the voice of Chrysalis, the queen of the Changelings. “…wait,” the voice said in a hushed tone. Night Heart glanced around and spotted the royal slowly moving into sight from behind a wall.

With a jump, he threw himself into a dark corner right outside the main room. To his surprise, though, he ran into somepony accidentally.

“Ouch!” Eve whispered when she was tackled. “Oh… hi, Night Heart,” She said to the pony.

“Eve?! What the hey are you doing here?!” He whispered as loud as he dared. He looked to his side and saw TC as well. “How long have you been following me?”

“Since the beginning,” TC answered, “And look! Eve left a magic trail for us to follow to get out!”

Eve blushed at the praise. “Magic just comes naturally to me, I guess,” she said modestly.

Night Heart’s eyebrows rose. That was good thinking… in fact, if she hadn’t done that, he might have been trapped in here forever. “Well… thank you, Eve, you’ve done a good job.”

Eve smiled.

“But I have to insist you head back.”


“Eve, we already talked about this—“

“Yes, we did, and I told you I wasn’t leaving you!” Eve stepped out of the hiding place, but Night Heart pulled her back in. “What are you doing?”

“The area up ahead is filled with more Changelings than any other place in the entire hive! And there are no places to hide, either,” Night Heart explained the danger they were in.

“Actually,” TC jumped in, “If you look up at the roof, there’s a very thin layer before the actual ceiling. You could sneak through there and fall right into the center. How much you wanna bet that’s where they’re keeping our friend?”

Night Heart looked between the room and his pony friend. “That might work…” Then he realized what TC was getting at. Night Heart couldn’t fly.

“So you’re going to send a filly back through the caves alone and without protection? Shame on you, Night Heart,” TC smiled as he spoke. “After all, you need us and our wings, right?”

Night Heart closed his eyes. He didn’t like this situation one bit… perhaps Eve was strong enough to take care of herself, but he didn’t want her to have to. “I… you planned this, didn’t you?”

“Call it fate,” TC replied. He winked at Eve who mouthed out a “Thank you.”

“Fine. It seems you two are the only ones who can get over there, but please be careful,” Night Heart led them out of the corner.

“Hey! When am I ever not careful? Nothing’s going to go wrong, Night!” He assured him. “Nice mane by the way.”

“Oh, thanks. Yours is very… neon…”

“I know right?! Amazing I could follow you without you seeing me. Stuff like that just sort of works out for me,” he commented.

“Guys, I think I’m getting a message from somepony,” Eve interrupted. “It’s from Celestia!”

“Celestia? What does she say?” Night Heart was eager to know if she was with his friends and how they were doing.

“She says they took care of the monster! They’re safe!” Eve sighed out. “Where are you now?” She paused a second while she listened. “She’s on her way here with the others,” Eve relayed.

“Wait, right now?” TC asked and looked at Night Heart. Night Heart shook his head and looked at the open area in front of him. The princess was taking them to their doom.


Celestia received the message from Twilight that the Sentidor giants were walking away. Deep in the forest they wouldn’t bother Ponyville again for a while.

After that, the team had the chance to go to Ponyville . They could have met the mane six, seen Ponyville, helped in rebuilding, led the ponies back into their home.

But with one sentence spoken by Swiftbullet, “Nopony gets left behind,” the entire team agreed it wasn’t time. They were almost done, but the whole team wasn’t yet together, and Night Heart needed their help.

When they reached the mouth of the hive, Swiftbullet smiled. “Looks like Eve left us a little trail,” he said as he pointed at it.

“Won’t the Changelings see it and find them?” Blazer asked.

“Only ponies can see this spell,” Princess Celestia explained. “And it isn’t an easy one to master.”

“I wouldn’t expect any less from an alicorn!” Said Stagequill. “And we’ve got the most powerful one ever on our side!” Stagequill looked up at the princess. “Right, Celestia?”

Celestia unfolded her wings. “Children, stay here. I will go and speak with Chrysalis,” she said.

“What? But… but you can’t just leave us here!” Blazer objected. “Nopony gets left behind, remember? We wanna help!”

“With all due respect, Princess,” Swiftbullet stood between her and the hive, “We are a team, and we’ve never stood by when our friends needed help. There is no way we’re staying out here!”

“Swiftbullet, you and the others will stay here and wait for my signal. Chrysalis won’t listen to anypony but me, and only if she thinks she will get something out of it. When you see my signal, you will know it is safe to enter,” Celestia commanded. She looked at him and the others, “Until then, stay here and remain hidden. Do you all understand?”

The team nodded reluctantly, unable to insist further they go with her. Celestia lifted off the ground and headed for the roof entrance, leaving them to stand there, looking at the sky.


“Come on,” Night Heart said to the others, “If we can get out of here in time, the others won’t have to—”

“GOTCHA!” The trio jumped back as Chrysalis fell upon them. “Get them!”

Four other Changelings joined in the fray, grabbing them with teeth and hooves. Night Heart fought back, but was quickly overwhelmed.

“Argh! Get off me!” Night Heart knocked one Changeling off only to have it replaced with another. “Nngh!” He looked up to see Eve surrounded by the creatures. “EVE!!”

“Aaah!” Eve screamed and fell on the floor, looking up with fear in her eyes. Two Changelings flew toward her, fangs shining in the glow. Just as they came within hoof’s reach, though…

Eve’s horn glowed of its own accord. Without summoning it, sharp rocks rose from the floor, blocking off the enemies’ charge. Eve watched as several vines also grew, wrapping around the foes and lifting them off the ground.

The alicorn looked in utter surprise as the earth defended her. But a shout drew her attention. TC had his knife out, and he had just cut a Changeling, causing it to real back and shriek. He stood up and got ready for the next wave, barely cutting another before it reached him.

Suddenly, Chrysalis swooped in and kicked TC against the head, knocking him out. He dropped to floor and his knife made a clanging sound when it fell from his mouth.

“No!” Night Heart struggled against the two assailants that held him down. He glanced at Eve, who was watching through the cracks between the rocks. Gritting his teeth, he pushed hard and threw off the Changelings, standing up and running toward his downed companion. “I’m coming!”

He skid under a diving Changeling and scooped up TC’s knife. “Eve, you doing all right over there?”

“I think the earth is protecting me!” Eve called from behind her rock shield.

“I’ll have to thank Tom later,” Night Heart said as he pointed the knife at the advancing foes.


“Remember? Tom’s a big—nevermind!” Night Heart swung the knife and cut the leg of one of the flying creatures. It stumbled back, unprepared for the foreign weapon. “Stay back!”

As he threatened the attackers, the much larger threat was slowly lowering herself behind him. Night Heart felt her presence before he saw her and attempted to duck and flee.

“Night Heart, look out!” Eve shouted at the top of her lungs. She watched in horror as Night Heart was tackled and pinned to the ground. “Night Heart!!”

TC yelled and jumped on top of Chrysalis, grabbing her neck and holding on tight. The Changeling Queen beat her wings and lifted them both up off the ground, the knife—their last means of attack—falling to the floor once more.

“Hold on!” Eve found the right spell and lowered her protection, allowing her to run after the boys. She ran as fast as she could, but the whole world seemed to be moving in slow motion. Whenever she would pass a Changeling, a vine would wrap around it and pull it to the wall, or a bunch of pebbles would hit it and throw it off. Eve continued to run, desperate for her companions. They were all she had in this strange world.

As she reached them, Eve saw Chrysalis throw TC off, launching him through the air. He landed on his feet, but several Changelings surrounded him.

“TC, duck!” Eve prepared to fire a magic bolt at the attackers, but TC flew up and dropped his hoof right on a Changeling’s nose. He spun and knocked another back before one Changeling got him. As soon as it was wrapped around him, however, the pegasis thrust out his wings and threw it back once more.

Eve charged a shot and hit three Changelings with one shot. TC couldn’t help but look impressed at the shot, but there was no time to congratulate her. Eve pulled up to him and surrounded the two with a force field, effectively blocking off any more attackers.

“I didn’t know you could do that!” TC complimented her.

“Me either,” Eve replied, focusing on keeping the shield up.

“Any chance you can walk and keep it up at the same time?” TC asked when he saw where Night Heart was.

“Ah! I don’t think so,” Eve glanced over and saw Night Heart pinned by the black creature.

Chrysalis held Night Heart down with relative ease. “I’ve never seen you around here before,” she stated, looking at Night Heart’s face. “I’m surprised a pony just passing through would risk so much for Ponyville.”

“I’m not just a passing pony!” Night Heart replied, “I am Night Heart. And I came from earth.”

Chrysalis’ smile grew larger. “Oh-ho! You come from James’ world? Perfect!” She leaned in to his face. “How did you get here? Where is the portal?”

Night Heart struggled, but it was clear he wouldn’t be able to break free. He had come here to maybe help Chrysalis get a chance at a new life on earth, but now was not a good time! If she went there like this, everyone would be in danger!

“Chrysalis? I… I understand,” Night Heart said as he stopped struggling.


“You just want to feed your citizens, right? Well, there is love on earth. You could start a new life… IF you played your cards right.”

“Oh? Do tell,” Chrysalis smirked.

“Listen to me, if you go to earth hating humans, you won’t find much love. Love is a delicate thing—it’s easy to break if it hasn’t grown strong enough. That’s the thing about it… it’s a two-way deal. If you don’t love the people you live among…” Chrysalis’ eyebrows raised. “…You can’t expect to get any love in return.”

Chrysalis seemed to think about it for a second. Then she slowly pointed to the two ponies under the magic shield. “You see them over there? You think they love you? I couldn’t last for five minutes off their love!” She stomped the ground next to Night Heart’s face. “None of what you think you fell is real! You haven’t even seen their true faces!”

Night Heart frowned. “I don’t have to. I believe it’s the person’s actions that decide the person, and their actions have spoken plenty! They haven’t left me since the first moment we got here, and I won’t leave them now!” He used the last bit of his strength to push her front legs away.

But Chrysalis pushed him back down before he could escape and laughed. “Are you listening to yourself? I tried love once—all it turned out to be was a lie! Just like your friends… all of them… a lie.”

Chrysalis entered her transformation phase, surrounding herself with fire. The flames came up and surrounded her, burning Night Heart with a green flame. He held his breath and endured the burn, opening his eyes to see not Chrysalis’ face before him, but the face of Rarity.

“Where am I? What am I doing to save you?” She spoke in the party pony’s voice, taunting him. Suddenly, more fire raced through Night Heart, burning hotter this time. “And me? How long did it take for me to abandon you?” Rainbow Dash asked the earth pony. The flames flew up and hit Night Heart again, this time nearly making the pony scream.

When the flames went out, Twilight was standing over him. She smirked, obviously not caring about the pain he was in. “As soon as I was done with you, I forgot. I forgot all about you.” Night Heart felt his heart sink at her words. It wasn’t her, but it still hurt to hear. “And I don’t think I’ll be needing you again.”

“You’re wrong!” Night Heart told her, “You really don’t understand at all, do you?! But how could you ever understand? All love is to you is food! But there’s so much more—and friendship is a kind of love. I think—” Night Heart cringed at his burns. “I think that’s what you really need. Friendship. Because friends don’t forget! If you wanted love… you’re going about it the wrong way!”

“Oh, and you’re the expert?” Chrysalis said still in Twilight’s form.

“Well, when I came in, you sensed a little in me, didn’t you? I had a hope—I believed you could be good. I thought we could make a deal where neither you nor your Changelings went hungry ever again. Now do you sense it? Where did the love go, Chrysalis?”

Chrysalis noticed the little bit of food she could get from Night Heart was gone.

“It… it’s gone because you didn’t take care of it. If you want others to love you, you shouldn’t hate them. You shouldn’t attack them. Do good… and it’ll grow. That’s how you can harvest the love your Changelings need.”

“…” Chrysalis had never thought about it that way.

“Better yet, if you can teach your Changelings to love, you’ll never run out. Teach them to love the ponies and everypony they meet, and they’ll never be hungry. Because love doesn’t run out.” Night Heart was panting, but he tried his best to look serious.

Chrysalis thought hard about what Night Heart had said. “I… I don’t need anypony to love me. There’s plenty of love to go around without me getting betrayed in the end.”

“…But will you be happy that way?” Night Heart dropped the question

Chrysalis just looked at him. Fire surrounded them, and she took the form of Princess Celestia. “You will always be betrayed! Look at me! Where am I now?”

“I’m right here!” Celestia walked up with a frown on her face. “Chrysalis, let him go. We still have a treaty, and he is one of us now.”

No, it was working! A little longer and I could have turned her! Night Heart snuffed at the princess’ ever perfect timing.

“Oh, all hail the queen!” Chrysalis stood up and took her natural form again. “What are you doing here?”

“I’ve come because I promised, remember? We had a deal, after all,” Celestia walked toward her.

“So you’ve finally come to let me into James’ world, have you?” Chrysalis started walking toward the princess. “I thought you had forgotten.”

“I was previously occupied. There’s a problem with the portal.”

“What?” Night Heart shakily stood up, but he lay back down after a while. “What’s wrong? There’s a portal?”

“There is now,” Celestia explained, “With every transfer, the rip got bigger, and now it is unstable. Soon we will either have to open it permanently or close it forever. I am gathering the leaders of the surrounding lands for a meeting to decide the best course of action.”

“And why are you telling me this?” Chrysalis asked suspiciously.

“We have a treaty, remember? And this is your world too, after all,” Celestia stood tall before her, daring her to defy the princess of the sun. “If you want any say in what happens, you will let Night Heart and the rest of my children go.”

Chrysalis looked over at the ponies in the room. Eve and TC couldn’t hear anything from inside the shield and were watching intently for what was going to happen next. Night Heart just observed to see if Chrysalis would agree to the treaty.

“Hmm… I will agree not to feed off anypony on one condition. I want full reigns in James’ world—you won’t watch or keep track of me. I will be allowed to go where I wish and do what I wish. Otherwise, I have enough Changelings here to take care of everypony in this room. Right here. Right now.”

Celestia only looked Chrysalis in the eyes. “Agreed,” she answered.

Chrysalis smiled. “Good. Then let’s be off to the castle, shall we?”

Night Heart dropped his head to the floor. Fool! How could the princess agree to that?!

Chrysalis nodded to her Changelings, silently commanding them to disperse. Once they had flown away, Eve dropped the shield, assuming Celestia had done something to fix things. “What did you tell her?”

Celestia looked at them with a saddened face. “We need to go, child,” was all she said.