//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Bad Tidings // Story: The Anons of Equestria // by Bastinator //------------------------------// You help Mous with his bags, his leg getting the better of him. “So how long will it take to reach the Changeling Hive?” ”I’d say a few days if we travel by foot,” Mickey responds. Rarity hefts three large suitcases to the floor and catches her breath, “I think I speak for everyone when I say we should take a break.” Fluttershy gives her one long look, “We haven’t even left the castle yet.” ”That’s besides the point darling.” “How about you leave some of that stuff behind? You’ve got more than all of us combined.” It still boggles your mind how one pony can have more stuff than the mane six and the five of you. “Applejack, show her exactly how much she needs.” Applejack practically has to take out a hacksaw just to open up the swollen bags. And when she does they explode. Clothes rain from the sky along with stuff you vaguely recognize in your mother’s bathroom. “Twist my nipples and call me Sally, seriously? What in your mind made you think you needed all this?” ”Uh Anon?” “Yeah AJ.” ”That was only the first bag.” “Sufferin’ succotash. You know what? Fuck it. Take half a bag Rarity, we’ll leave the rest with the guards.” ”The guards? Out of the question. Who knows what manner of ‘things’ they’ll do with my precious garments.” “Oh yeah I forgot that all guards are cross-dressing lady boys. My bad.” ”Shining Armor’s captain of the guard,” Twilight points out. “There you go Rarity, a shining example.” ”I hate you, you know that?” Twilight sneers jokingly. Duff snaps his fingers for your attention, “If you’re all done now, let’s get a move on.” AJ and Pinkie finish packing up Rarity’s bag, Fluttershy consoling her so she doesn’t break down in tears. “You don’t mind giving us some calm weather on the way do you Dash?” ”Not a problem.” All eleven of you stand at the gate, ready to leave the safety of the city and enter the unknown. “Duff, I think you have the floor. Orders?” ”I know most of you haven’t been prepared for something like this, but the time has come for us to see it through. If any of you are having doubts then head home.” No one budges. ”That’s what I like to see. Saddle up ladies, we’re moving out.” You make sure your bag’s nice and snug and pull Fluttershy next to you. She isn’t leaving your side this trip. No one’s leaving at all. ~~~ Twilight clears the path for your group in the thick of the forest. “Hey Mous, I’m a tad curious about something.” ”Shoot.” You can’t get what Discord said out of your head. “I know you never liked to talk about it, but what were you like back in your world.” Pinkie shoots you a glare, “You should know better than to ask that.” “So you told Pinkie but not us?” “He told me too,” Twilight murmurs from the front. Oh that’s bullshit. Mous is unfazed by the question, “It’s alright. There’s no reason I shouldn’t tell him, but let’s wait until we make camp okay?” “Sounds good to me.” You want to hear what he has to say, and all the delays don’t make that desire lessen any. The journey is quick to become a bore. It’s not tiring, mind you, but there’s nothing to occupy your time besides walking. And having to bear Rarity’s constant whining is driving you up the wall so to speak. My hooves this. My back that. Look at my mane. She wasn’t this bad when you first met her, but she just let it all out now. You try and play a game of I Spy, but nopony knew what that was. Right off the back you’re out of ideas. All you can do is keep your eyes forward and mind clear. The sun sets soon enough and you make camp at the forest’s edge. You help gather wood for a fire while the others get to work on making the camp ‘Rarity Approved.’ Celestia help them. You set down your donation in the center and Twilight casts a quick immolation spell to get the fire going. The others hold their hooves to the fire and you sit back on your bedroll. ”Still want to hear that story?” “If you don’t mind.” ”I do, but that’s alright,” Mous sits down next to you. ”Where should I start?” “The beginning isn’t exactly a bad place.” ”Smart ass,” he kids, “Well I’d say I was just like you. Young, brash, just wanting to go home. I tried my damndest to find my way, but I didn’t have any luck.” He really was just like you. ”So when I found out I couldn’t get home. I don’t know, something inside me changed. I became… cruel, selfish, a total prick. It was horrible.” “I can only imagine.” ”I’ve done things I’m not proud of. The very people who I protected would fear worse from me. I took advantage of their fear. I remember thinking how weak and puny these creatures were. They were inferior to my magnificence. But all that changed when I found Ponyville.” He smiles as he looks to the mane six, huddled together by the fire, keeping each other warm. ”They saved me, both my body and soul. I owe them everything.” “What changed you though? I can’t imagine you just woke up different.” “I had an accident. Rockslide on my way to slay a dragon. I got hit after saving your girlfriend.” Fluttershy laughs with the others. Likely some joke Dash spewed out. “She dragged me back to the hospital and her friends took care of me until I was up and at it. I won’t let anything bad befall them.” “But in the end you changed for the better.” “I was lucky. I was placed in a situation where I was forced to change, to adapt. If not for that rock slide I would’ve been the same bastard today that I was all that time ago.” We breed chaos, just like he said. It’s in our nature. ”Good talk. See you in the morning,” he says hefting to his feet and back to his own bed. “Night…” you murmur under your breath. ”Don’t let him get to you,” Flavus says putting a hand on your shoulder, “He’s just trying to twist your thoughts.” “Whatever he tried is working. I just… I can’t wrap my head around this one.” “Try not to seek the understanding of a madman lest you fall into madness yourself.” “But that’s the problem. I do understand what he’s saying, and it conflicts with what I believe.” “Cognitive Dissonance at its finest.” “What if he is right Flavus? What then?” “You’re going to have to make a choice. Our lives? Or his? It’s up to you.” “Do the others…” “No. I haven’t spoken to them about it. They wouldn’t believe me even if I did.” “Thanks for that.” “If you ever need another crazy to talk to, I’m always here.” “I appreciate the thought.” “Well I try,” he turns away, “Oh yeah, you might want to entertain our guest in the next minute or two.” “Guest?” “Not really a guest, but an old friend for you.” With that he disappears into the shadows of the night. A rustling stirs to your left and you draw your weapon towards the perpetrator. ”Whoa! Hold on!” “Flash?” “Can you put down the gun?” “Of course, sorry ‘bout that.” You ask him what he’s doing here. He should be back in the hospital not foraging with the likes of you. “When I heard you all were heading up north to the changeling hive… Well I had to come along.” “Fluttershy said as much. You need to rest, not fight.” “I’ve rested long enough,” he approaches and sits beside you, “I want to help.” “You’re weak- No offense. Flavus took a lot out of you.” “And I’m back with interest. Did you run a stake through his heart for me?” “Not exactly.” Flavus taps him on the back of the head with his knife before disappearing once more. “THE FUCK!” This attracts the rest of the group’s attention. ”Flash what are you-“ ”Why the hell isn’t he dead!?” “We need him.” ”Like hell we do. We don’t need some psycho in our midst who’ll slit our throats the first chance he gets.” “He had his chance, just like I told Twilight. He knows better.” His eyes divert to her in the light of the flame. He visibly calms when he sees her. “And what after?” “Like I told Twilight, we’ll cross that bridge soon enough.” “Just don’t burn it while I’m atop it,” Flavus’s voice echoes in the night’s sky. Flash whispers in your ear, “We can’t trust him.” ‘I heard that,” Flavus booms once more. “You can’t. I can. If you don’t want him here, then leave. Everyone else sees the necessity of his presence isn’t that right?” The others nod. “Suck it up, or go home. What’s it going to be?” He rubs his newly made armor, his old wounds still fresh in his mind, “If he tries anything-“ “I’ll put a bullet in him myself. At least try.” He sighs and tosses his bag to the floor, “I’ll play ball. You’re lucky my hatred for the changelings outweigh my own for Flavus.” “You’re lucky he didn’t kill you in the forest.” He looks around in search of him, but finds nothing. “Now go and talk with the others. Twilight could use some more company.” ”Will do,” he says moving next to Twilight. You sit back and watch as the others do their thing. They talk. They laugh. They do their best to make the most of the situation. And you just sit, nothing more. You’re out of touch with them. Your mission has taken the whole of your mind and there’s no room for them in it. Maybe it’s just stress. Maybe you need to distance yourself in case something goes wrong. Or maybe you’re just over-thinking things. Its probably a combination of all those. Regardless, there’s not much you can do. When this is over you can reforge your friendships, but now you have at mission to complete. You slide into your bedroll and sleep. ~~~ ”Here we are, the hive,” Flash says recognizing the area. ”A mountain? Sorry partner, but you’re off your rocker,” AJ comments. “It’s not the mountain, it’s under the mountain.” Twilight gazes down one of the holes that litter the floor. Flash is quick to pull her back, “Don’t want you falling in. It ain’t pretty. I know from experience.” “Then what’s the plan?” “There’s a main entrance somewhere, but I can’t remember exactly where.” Flavus and Mickey both raise their hands like a couple of children. “Flavus?” “I know there is one west of here. Chrysalis took me to the surface that way. It’s a long haul, but will take us straight to the heart of the hive.” “Sounds like a good place to start, Mickey?” “A little east is another passage. It’s closer to the holding area so Light will likely be held there.” Damn. Those are both sound options. “What do you guys think?” Duff and Mous say we should follow Mickey’s course and get to Light. The mane six and Flash say we should follow Flavus’s course. They reason that Chrysalis has Light under her spell and the only way to free him would be to stop her. “We need to find Light for sure, everything else is secondary. Let’s head east.” Flash stands his ground, “I’m going west.” “Don’t start with me.” “Chrysalis is the heart of the problem here. Strike the heart, not the arm.” Flavus agrees with him, but will follow you. “Fine then, Twilight and Rainbow Dash go with him.” Flash nods and the three of them take off to the western passage. This isn’t going very well and you haven’t even entered the hive yet. The rest of you head east, Mickey scouting up ahead. You come across the tunnel he spoke of. The walls arch above you comfortably allowing you to stand. Doesn’t exactly strike you as hidden. Duff whips out his motion tracker and flips it on, the soft blips a nice sign. ”Alright, let’s form up. Humans up front, ponies at the rear.” He activates shoulder-mounted flashlight and readies his pulse rifle. Eyes peeled Anon. You begin your steady descent into the hive. The metallic hum from the tracker eases down the passage. ”Reminds me of the Xeno hive.” “Can’t imagine how scared stiff you were.” “Oh you could try.” *bleep* Duff aims his light deeper into the cave while he checks his tracker. “Twenty-nine meters and- Gone.” “I don’t like the sound of that.” “Neither do I.” Further down the track you find the source of the blip, a dislodged rock. ”I guess we found out the cause.” You inspect the ceiling and walls. They’re rough but well carved with no visible indents. “My question is who put it here.” “What do you mean?” You point out the walls. They’re too fine. This rock couldn’t have just fallen from nowhere. “Someone knew we detected them and tried to cover their tracks.” “My voice didn’t carry that far. The only way they’d know is if-“ “We’re being watched.” Rarity shivers and Fluttershy begins to whimper. You console her while the others discuss the situation. “We’re going to get through this. You just wait and see.” This helps a bit, and that’s enough for her. “AJ, you’ve fought changelings before right? What do you make of this?” “Couldn’t tell ya. I reckon they’re waiting for us to hit the right spot before pouncing.” ”It’s like a surprise party, but it’s not a very nice one.” Duff’s tracker goes off again, “Twenty-five meters, behind.” He shines his light back up catching a glimpse of the creature hiding out of range. Rarity squeals in terror and books it down one of the passages. You’ll admit they’ve got you spooked, but not that much. “I’ll get her.” You follow her trail into one of the adjacent passages and find her huddled in the fetal position. “Come on Rarity let’s get back to the others.” ”No. They’re watching them. They’ll watch me too.” “So you run off in the middle of nowhere without protection?” Her eyes dart about in the looming darkness, “Can’t see me here.” “They don’t use lights Rarity. I’m pretty sure that means they can see in the dark.” ”Not watching me now.” You open your mouth to speak when a subtle vibration runs through your feet. It intensifies into a full on rumbling. “Look what you did!” you yell over the quaking earth. You hoist the mare over your shoulder and sprint back to the others. You spot the light up ahead, but it’s too late. The rocks begin to shift. You step back from the collapsing rock, covering your mouth from the upheaval of dust. You cough, a few grains of sediment finding your esophagus. ”ANON!” Mous shouts through the cave-in. “We’re good! *cough* Just a little dust.” Rarity is freaking out at this point, her hooves flailing every which way. “At least I’m alright.” ”GET US OUT OF HERE!” She leaps from your shoulder towards the rocks and attempts to throw them off. She gets to the first one and even with magic she isn’t able to lift it. Her tears keep flowing as she begs for someone to help. You draw your gun and aim down the black passage. “How long before you can break through?” ”Too long, we’ll be sitting ducks.” Changeling shuffle in the shadows down the tunnel, their bodies cloaked in darkness. You can’t see a damn thing without Duff’s flashlight. “Whatever you’re going to do then hurry up? I’ve got some company.” Their steps hasten on the other side, “Same over here.” You can hear their harsh breathing, the hot air closing in. You fire, the orange flash of the shot reflecting off their hard eyes. “Eat lead!” You lay a few more shots into them, your hand guided by memory. They keep getting closer. Pulse Rifle fire comes from the other side. ”We can’t get you out! Find a way around and meet up with us!” Damn it. You fire again, a changeling squealing in pain as you puncture his lungs. You sit back on the rock pile and nudge Rarity who’s still sprawled out on the stone. “Come on Rarity let’s get a move on,” you whisper hurriedly, putting a temporary hold on your fire. ”They’re going to get me.” You’ve had just about enough of her shit. “Rarity, get your flank up and MOVE!” You grab her by the scruff of her neck and hurl her on your shoulder. You fire your last two shots down the tunnel and charge past the changelings. The tunnel curves naturally and you just keep running. When their hisses become mute, you run. When the signs of battle pass, you run. It’s only when your chest seizes in pain do you finally stop. You can’t see anything in this light, and you’d rather not wait to find some sneaking up your ass. Rarity’s not making anymore noise and you’re not sure if that’s good or bad. “You ok Rare?” She sniffles, “Are they gone?” “I think so. It’s good to hear you’re still fine.” ”They- I’m sorry I broke down back there.” “Don’t sweat it.” You reach out and place your hand on the wall. “I can’t see shit down here.” ”Maybe I can help.” Her horns begins to glow and then intensifies to the point where a good chunk of the area is visible. Where the hell was that before? Nope, calm down Anon. She was in shock, don’t bring it up. “Nice.” Rarity’s eyes lock onto you and her body begins to quiver, “A-a-anon.” You didn’t even hear it coming. His fangs dive into the flesh of your shoulder with one clean stroke and he begins to ride you like a bull. You buck and try and throw him about, his teeth driving deeper and deeper into you. Finally you slam your back against the wall and he starts to relent. But you don’t wait. You slam again, his body aching. Again. Again. His teeth retract from your shoulder and he slides down your blood-drenched backside. You grab your heart with your left hand and attempt to move your right arm. Just a little- Nope! You bear the pain by gritting your teeth and lean against the wall, Rarity helping you. ”I’m so sorry, when I saw him-“ “Don’t start. I forgive you.” You swap hands and try and get back up. “We need to find the others, but I won’t be able to fight that easy with my arm like this.” She offers to heal it, but she’s just a seamstress, not a doctor, so you respectfully decline. Your shoulder burns but you’re forced to endure it. Rarity takes the lead with you covering her. You’d hoped to have found them relatively quickly, but fate had other plans. You moved from one tunnel network to another. Every time you find a changeling you wasted at least half a clip just trying to get them down. Fuck your left hand. At least you’re able to see again. You exit the last passage, finding yourself in a dining room of some sort. The table’s plain and bare, but that’s not what catches your attention. Shotgun blasts are. You take off, heading towards the battle. When you turn the corner to an elongated passageway, cells on either side, you find Mous and the others. Fighting Light. Light takes the blast pointblank, his shield neutralizing the threat. He snatches the gun out of his hand and sweeps his legs with it. Pinkie comes to his aid before being knocked out by a powerful kick to the head. But that’s when he makes his big mistake. He hits Fluttershy. You charge inwards with Rarity behind you, the battlefield lit with an eerie green. Nobody hurts Fluttershy. You shoot at Light while his back is turned but miss. He ducks down to avoid your spray and finally looks to you. ”So they riled even you. I do not revel in this, but I will not let you hurt her.” Flavus comes in from behind, his hand caught before he could strike. Light hurls Flavus over his shoulder by the arm and hits him square in the cranium. ”I expected more of a fight to be honest.” He tears a boulder clean off the wall and Duff takes the mass to his person. You don’t stop charging. Even with the odds so high in his favor, you won’t let him harm your friends. You hit him the same time as Applejack, though you can tell he let you. He grabs AJ by the mane and throws her into the wall, knocking her out cold. Rarity tries to help, but he flicks her horn in just the right place and she’s out too. So then his eyes turn to you. Your eyes bulge as his fist connects with your stomach, the incredible force causing your stomach to lurch. He eases your head up after you finish releasing your lunch. ”I never asked for hostility. When they arrived I merely asked for them to leave. I’ve seen enough conflict in my day.” You attempt to aim, but he holds you down with an unknown force. He takes a look at your weapon, “A gift from Duff? I saw how Mous had the same. Now I just wait for Mickey to strike.” He waves his hand, a mountain of rock collapsing from the ceiling, a lone incinerator sliding out from the mass.” ”I’m not a fan of waiting.” Everyone’s down and out, even Flavus, the one who had you all at his whim. “You have to stop this,” you croak with your diminishing strength. “I don’t want to fight, but you forced my hand. Go, take them back to Ponyville and leave me in peace.” He walks away, back turned. “You know I can’t do that.” ”I was afraid you’d say that,” he looks over his shoulder, “Last chance.” You hold up your chest, fighting the aching pain that runs throughout your body. ”So be it.” He grabs a dangling stalactite and marches towards you. You know what’s coming and you understand just how futile it would be to fight him. You holster your pistol and close your eyes, your teeth clench when he grabs your bloody shoulder. ”I never asked for this. It just…” His hold on your shoulder lightens, the thud of the stalactite striking the stone floor fills the room. When you look at him, he’s not staring at you, instead he’s looking behind you. ”Sorry we’re late. We had to bag a queen.” You recognize Flash’s voice and two accompanying sets of hooves. ”No…” Light moves you to the side, gently even. You watch him approach Twilight’s team, Twilight and Rainbow Dash blocking his way to Flash. That doesn’t stop him however; he pushes them off with no effort, Flash drawing his sword. Flash stabs at him, met by a swift chop to the throat. He goes down and Light retrieves the body hauled behind them. He strokes her neck, muttering something under his breath. You get closer, ignoring Twilight’s silent warnings. ”Why? Why you? Not again, please god not again.” You look at the two of them, Light holding a large changeling, her body still. He looks to the ceiling, “Was I not enough?! Why did you have to take her away from me?!” He buries his head in her neck, his sobs the sole noise in the silent chamber. “She was working with Discord you know. He’s back and trying to-“ ”Who cares about Discord! I lost… I lost the only thing that had kept me going…” “Light, I know this must be hard for you, and I wish I could say I understood how you feel but I don’t. We need your help. The only reason we came after you is because Discord had come after us.” He pulls the changeling close to him, “I don’t care anymore. I only ever wanted to be with her.” “Discord’s the reason she’s dead. Discord forced our hand.” ”No,” he whispers, “It was yours.”mYou place a hand on his shoulder, “Finish it.” “What? You can’t be-“ ”I said finish it,” he says looking up at you. He can’t be serious. How could he say that? “I’m not going to do that.” He grabs your hand and locks it on your gun, pulling it to meet him. ”I’ve seen what happens to suicides in Tartarus. Please…” “I can’t shoot a grieving man.” ”Then shoot an angry one.” He hits you in the gut and throws you backwards, Twilight and Dash coming to your aid. He takes them out swiftly, his attacks aimed to subdue. ”Come on, do it! Come on come on. I’m right here! Kill me!” You scramble to your feet as he approaches, once again grabbing the stalactite. ”Fine, if you’re not going to kill me, then I’ll just have to kill-“ *bang* He falls to his knee and grips his chest. His hand grows red and he smiles at the sight, “Part of me thought you wouldn’t do it.” Your drop your gun and run over to him as he falls on his back. His face isn’t marked with pain, but rather with relief. You can’t let him die. You were scared, he was rushing you. You put pressure on his wound and he smiles back at you, “It’s a bit late for that I’m afraid.” “I’m sorry. I- I didn’t mean to.” ”Shh, it’s alright. Everything’s going to be fine.” His finger twitches, the light in his eyes beginning to fade, “Thank you Anon.” He closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe, “I’m coming Chrysalis.” Silence overtakes the hive, Light lying before you. You stand up and begin to wake the others. Today was a bad day.