Dust in the Wind

by Foxes33

Chapter Five - Creek

They waited for a few more minutes for Comet to finish his work. Then it was time to go into the white hallway and get more looks of nice or mean. She sighed as Swift swung open the white door. The group entered the hallway, but this time no one was here. The hallways were cleared of soldiers, it made Lightning nervous.

"Where did they go?" Lightning asked.

"The soldiers? Creek probably told them to head to there rooms." Swift answered.

Lightning was surprised, they had arrived early. Was there another reason? She felt nervous, she had never met a general before. Like she had never met a soldier or a medic and that went well. However she was nervous Lily would be there. Sketch had talked back to her once, but would the general allow him to defend her? Lightning couldn't even hear the sounds of her hooves hit the ground. All she could hear was the rhythmic beating of her heart. This was her new home for now, and she was having to meet the general. This was all overwhelming to take in.

She almost wished she was back with her friends, Frost and Tawny. To be skating down sidewalks and racing to see who would get to the skate park first. Her mother's homemade meals and her father's hugs, but no. It was gone for now, she couldn't go back, it was far too late. She couldn't stop looking at her hooves and wondering what would happen. She had killed a creature to save Sketch. Yet it was different then stepping on a bug or anything like that. The feeling she had, when she saw him about to be killed, it seemed like she didn't think, she did. She wondered if it was instincts that had helped her save Sketch that day.

She lifted her head to see a door at the very end of the white hallway. She had a guess that it was the general's courtiers. Lightning almost felt like stiffening her legs and not moving like a stubborn child, but she came here for a reason. She wanted to protect everypony she knew and if that meant staying strong and entering, so be it. They had walked in silence, she knew that something was up.

Perhaps she wasn't the only one nervous. She looked at Sketch, he payed no attention to her, he just glared at the door. She looked at Swift who looked at the door. Then to her and smiled in a friendly way. Lightning smiled back, pretending that nothing was wrong. Swift opened the door, and Lightning peered in to see a grey stallion with a darker mane. His head turned and Lightning could see his bright blue eyes.

"She is here General Creek." Swift explained, in a professional manner.

He just glared for a second, his head turned and he looked at Sketch. Clearly already angered just by his presence.

"Yes, but what the hell is he doing here?" Creek snapped.

"That isn't there fault. We never finished out talk and you know that. You would do anything to keep us from our chat." Sketch answered.

Lightning acknowledged on how Creek didn't seem to care that Sketch was injured. She was somewhat surprised, shouldn't a general ask what happened? Creek just grumbled something she couldn't hear, but guessed it was a swear. Lightning peered around seeing papers on many dark wooden desks and maps cluttered the black walls. Candles dimly lit the room, not like the medical area where there were lamps. When Swift and Sketch moved in she just followed, slightly timid.

However that was when she saw her in the darkness. The yellow orange mare with the glossy yellow mane, Lily.

"Lily, what do you think of this new arrival?" Creek asked, ignoring Sketch.

Lily smirked, as though this was a game a chest and she had her pinned. Check and mate, Lightning knew she was thinking it. Lily stepped forward and just looked at everypony in the room.

"To be honest, I don't think she is worth our troub-" Lily started, but was cut off.

"Shut it Lily. Don't trust her, I saw her storm out of the Infirmary, she was as mad as a hornet. Suggesting that somepony got on her bad side." Swift interrupted.

Sketch nodded to what Swift said, he knew it as a fact. Lightning couldn't believe they would still defend her. Maybe she could make friends here.

"Yeah we ran into her earlier and she only talked trash. She is better then we thought she would be," Sketch started and paused, "We were camping out and a creature returned. I fended it off the first time, but the second it had me pinned. She didn't run away, she grabbed my sword and killed the beast. She saved me and if that isn't good enough, I don't know what is." Sketch added.

Creek looked astonished, he looked at Lightning. His eyes soft and his expression still surprised.

"Is this true?" He asked.

"Yes." Lightning answered timidly.

He just smiled at her and then glares at Lily, who looked infuriated. Before the general could dismiss her, she left on her own. Lightning could only wonder why and how did she get on Lily's bad side?

"Don't worry. Lily is always rough on new recruits." Swift whispered, assuring her it wasn't a grudge.

"Now we just need someone to train her." Creek sighed, and began to rummage through some papers.

"I already offered. Besides, I think she will be a good apprentice, she learns fast." Sketch said.

"But look at you. Your a bloody mess." Creek retorted.

"Wait general. I can take over until Sketch is fully healed. It would be a honor. Besides, I would love to be a full mentor, but temporary is fine to." Swift interjected.

Swift smiled at Lightning and Lightning could help, but to smile back. Creek stopped rummaging through the papers and turned back to face them.

"Fine, do it your way. Swift, show Miss. Strike her private courtiers." Creek commanded.

"Yes Sir." Swift answered, "You coming Sketch?"

"No, you two go. I have to finish our talk." Sketch said.

Swift just nodded and left the room. Lightning followed after her. It was back into the white hallway as always. It was all too common it seemed.

"Why do I get private courtiers?" Lightning asked.

"Because you are still a kid Lightning. We would prefer for you to have your privacy." Swift answered.

Lightning just nodded n agreement. It would be for the best if she had private courtiers. She was younger then everypony here, and it would be appropriate. They turned right towards the other rooms, each having names on them. Which Lightning presumed were the names of other soldiers. At the end of the hall was her room, it was small, probably in case somepony preferred to be alone.

"Thanks." Lightning said.

"No problem. Training starts at 6:00 am, set your alarm and be ready by then. Get some rest though. You must be tired." Swift explained.

Lightning just nodded. She did feel tired, her eyes felt as though they would just fall. Her limbs felt sore and she knew she needed sleep. She took off her saddle bag, opening it. She looked at the two pictures she brought, one of her parents and the other of her friends. She frowned, she missed them so much. Lightning put them back and flopped onto the cot. She set her alarm for 5:30 am and knew it was time to sleep. She got under the covers and slowly fell asleep. All light disappearing, until she was asleep with dreams.

Dark trees stood tall against the darker sky. The wind howled loudly and blood covered the dark green forest floor. Lightning wandered through the forest, not touched by any scratches. Her heart was beating loudly as she walked through the forest. She couldn't stop turning around and looking for something it seemed. She continued towards a cave and walked inside to see bodies of ponies. Blood covered the floor and the metallic odor made the air sickly to breath. Each body covered in cuts and teeth marks.

She knew everypony there, her parents, her friends, even Sketch and Swift were killed in the cave. Her heart raced as she went on, Creek, Lily and even Mr. Jabber. Her stomach twisted in knots and the screeching noises of voices echoed in the cave.

"You failed us! You failed us!" They chanted.

The voices were of all who were killed in the cave. Lightning turned and began to run, but the exit stretched on forever and she couldn't escape the chanting. It became louder and louder and there was a beeping sound.

Lightning awakened to the sound of her alarm. She soothed, it was all just a nightmare. It was time to get ready anyways. Lightning turned off the alarm and began to gather everything together. It was hard to focus, she was just so tired. Her limbs felt weak and she could hardly move. She wondered what training would be like. How difficult would it be for the first day?