//------------------------------// // Pinkie's Morning (part one) // Story: Blockhead in Ponyville // by Derpy Mooves //------------------------------// Author's Note: Still working out a lot of the jokes for the next chronological chapter. Enjoy this view into Pinkie's Morning while I get my sh*t together. Also, tell me how well (or poorly) my comedy works without Blockhead. Edit: I was told that children taking ritalin was offensive (unless prescribed of course). I edited that out and now it's fine. I don't know why nobody got upset about that when it happened in the first chapter, but *shrug*. Pinkie's Morning The pair of wails shattered the Cakes' sleep as the young twins cried. Mr. Cake nodded to his wife and snatched the two up from their crib in his and his wife's room, and proceeded, foals still screaming, to Pinkie's room. He knocked on the door with one hoof, hoping to Celestia that the babies' cries had already woken up his pink employee and renter. How couldn't it have woken her up? It hadn't. Inside the young mare's room, Pinkie slept soundly, oblivious to the noise of the screaming Pound and Pumpkin. In her head, Pinkie found herself trapped in a terrible nightmare. She had invited Rainbow Dash over to Sugarcube Corner, but things had gone terribly wrong. She didn't even feel as though she were in control of herself as she prepared for the arrival of her pegasus friend. The young baker just finished preparing when the bell sounded Dash's arrival. In the real world, at the same time as her boss banged on her door, Pinkie tossed and turned, screaming at herself for what she knew she was about to do. "Hi, Pinkie! What are we gonna do today," asked Rainbow. Pinkie desperately tried to stop herself, but couldn't. "We're making cupcakes!" Pinkie couldn't believe she had said it. Rainbow frowned. "Pinkie, you know I don't like baking." At this point, Pinkie woke from her nightmare, screaming. "NO, DASHIE! I KNOW YOU HATE BAKING! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" The party pony sat up with frantic, shallow breaths. She had been so thoughtless, asking Rainbow to make whole-wheat cupcakes with her. She could have hurt her feelings! Pinkie shuddered at the thought. What crime could possibly be worse than hurting a friend's feelings?! The mare wiped tears from her eyes as the dreamworld receded from her mind. She shook her head to banish the horrible dream from her mind. Once she calmed herself, she noticed a faint tapping. BANG-BANG-BANG "PINKIE! OPEN THE DOOR! WE NEED YOU TO WATCH THE TWINS!" Pinkie blinked and looked at the clock; it was half-past PARTY am. The Cakes had gotten her up so early. Princess Celestia probably had yet to raise the sun. Still, she couldn't say she missed that horrid dream. She opened the door while still brushing her mane with one hoof. "Okie-dokie-lokie, Mr. Cake. Let me just cover the poster, and I'll take them off your hooves." Mr. Cake gave a relieved sigh and nodded as Pinkie closed the door once more. Pinkie never understood why everyone hated that poster. It was the best poster like, ever. As she placed an arrangement of opaque balloons in front of it, she took a moment to look at it. It was a picture of her hero. He was a clown stallion with a green mane and a huge smile. Everyone else thought he was scary, but Pinkie didn't get it. How could you be afraid of a pony whose motto was "Let's put a smile on that face"? As far as Pinkie cared, making smiles was the noblest of causes. She shrugged. Either way, those adorable foals cried whenever they saw that poster, so these balloons would have to stay until later. Pinkie opened the door again and let the foals crawl into her room. "The nightmare again?" "I-I-" "Pinkie, maybe you could just talk to her?" Pinkie nodded, an uncharacteristically solemn expression adorned her face. "I will, Mr. Cake." With that, Mr. Cake left the hallway and returned to his wife in bed, where he quickly fell asleep once more. In Pinkie's room, the twins' wails ended as they enjoyed Pinkie's funny faces. She pulled her tongue around and around her head and then let go, her tongue zipping back into her mouth like a mechanical tape measure. The foals squealed with delight. Pinkie didn't mind getting up so early; these foals loved her antics, and they never questioned why she could break the laws of science. Pinkie ran into and locked the closet, only to tap Pound and Pumpkins' shoulders from behind a moment later. The children fell over with laughter, rolling and kicking. Pinkie smiled wide as she watched Pound writhe with laughter. Suddenly, her smile vanished as Pound's kicking hoof contacted her nightstand and send flying a certain important bottle. A bottle that Pinkie shouldn't have had either. A bottle of Coca-Cola Black (google it). Before Pinkie knew it, the entire caffeinated drink had been drunk, and she would soon have an extra-hyper, extra-punchie colt on her hands. Gummy Note: Only Pinkie knows this, but I am actually just as intelligent as any pony. I put on a slow exterior in order to hide my amazing mind from prying eyes. Nopony would know from my out-of-synch blinks and thousand-yard stares, but I enjoy the refined and the dignified things in life. When the bakery is filled with just myself and Pinkie, I listen to Hoofgang Amadeus Mozart, and I read wikipedia to learn more about Coltpaso's art. Of course, right now, I am instead occupied by the terrible experience that is babysitting a teething filly.