
by Scripture

Chapter Two: Invitation To a Party

A laugh. High-pitched and giggly, it sent echoes throughout the plaza around them. Spike’s body suddenly went rigid, his weeping stopped. Slowly he pushed himself away from Twilight and looked around, tensely holding the knife-horn in his hand. The unicorn however had gotten back up, a smile on her face as she recognized the slightly altered laugh. “Pinkie Pie? Spike, was that Pinkie Pie? She’s alive?”

Twilight’s face started to fall a bit though as the sound of the laughter grew in volume, then in attitude. What had started in a high-pitch, joyous sound of bubbly attitude soon turned darker and twisted, the laugh mixed in with occasionally burst of screaming and crying. The purple pony’s ear’s fell down as the usually pleasant sound of her friend became increasingly more sinister and crazed. “What’s… what’s wrong with her? She doesn’t sound like Pinkie Pie…”

Without asking or pause, Spike grabbed the unicorn’s hoof and started to pull her along behind him, being as quiet as he could possibly be, Twilight in tow. Twilight, picking up his ideas, followed him until they were both securely behind part of a torn down wall. Spike put a claw to his lips, signaling for her to be quiet, and peeked his head above the wall. The unicorn would have followed suit if Spike hadn’t pushed her head back down, shaking his head.

Pinkie’s noises could be heard now, including a steady clomp, clomp as she bounced into the vicinity. With a hair raising cackle, Twilight could hear her stop jumping, presumably looking around. She wanted to raise her head to see Pinkie Pie, but Spike’s reactions to their friend seemed highly odd, even for Pinkie Pie. Soon, Twilight would understand her friends reactions to the pink mare.

It was a short cackle, nothing more, but it soon was followed by a scream of terrible anguish. Twilight’s heart was ripped apart by the pitiful noise. Her voice was the same Pinkie too, although more mature sounding now and more ups in down in pitch. “Hehehehe! Spi~ike?! I heard you over here Spi~ike! I know we had our differences but please let me Spi~ike! It won’t take long to do it… I just want to make you smile is all!”

The unicorn could hear the other mare sniff as if smiling was a pain in her heart. A short pause. Every air about her seemed to shift into a 180, her voice losing its bubbliness all together. “Spike. Come out here. NOW. I’m just gonna slit your throat and have some fun with your body afterwards. Set it up at my party, where you will ALWAYS smile… So come out… NOW!”

Twilight paled and looked up at Spike, but he kept his guard where he was, which confused Twilight. Couldn’t Pinkie see him? Her thoughts couldn’t formulate anything in time however since Pinkie seemed to revert back to her first self, whimpering a bit in sadness. “Finnnnne… I’ll play with you some other time Spi~ike!” The clomping of her bounces soon echoed away into ruins.

An uneasy silence spread out between the pair, Twilight in bewilderment and Spike to make sure the coast was clear. Without a word, Spike lifted his hand up repeatedly, indicating she could stand now. The confused unicorn did stand, but looked at Spike with wide, worried eyes. The dragon, finally looking at Twilight, couldn’t say anything and simply looked down, as if ashamed or… frightened?

Twilight sighed and looked at Spike, sore, confused, and deeply worried. “Spike… I think it’s about time you told me whats happened around here… For starters, how did this all begin? What could have caused all this mayhem?”

Spike sighed, as if regretting his next actions, and sat on the crumbled down wall. Twilight looked at him, cocking her head to the side and opened her mouth to say something when Spike looked directly into her eyes, an overwhelming sadness, hatred, and betrayal portrayed on his face. “It was you. You did this Twilight. It was all you.”


Author's Note:

DA-DA-DUNNNNNN! I didn't originally wanted this chapter to end like this but after much consideration i decided it would be more productive that she would know the truth early on as a sort of... 'guilt factor' idea. Anyways, you will get what i mean after this and hopefully, you stick around until the end! Please, as always, criticize, critique, etc! :)