The Anons of Equestria

by Bastinator

Chapter 11: Epilogue

Neighagra Falls, Equestria.

You place down the oar, the falls raging in the distance. “This place is beautiful isn’t it?”

”It certainly is.” Rainbow Dash looks back to the shore, Fluttershy gazing into the waters.

“He always wanted to bring her here. I brought it up back before…” You wince as you touch your skull, the beating you took still fresh. You should’ve been there for them. You should’ve been stronger.

Almost as if she was reading your mind Rainbow Dash leans against you, “There was nothing you could’ve done to save them.”

“I just- I shouldn’t have been spared when the rest of them fell.”

“Before the end, Anon… did what he did. He told us to remember the good. I think he meant that for you as well.”

“How can I just forget the rest of those memories?”

Dash takes your hand by the hoof, “By making new ones.”

You smile and lean your head against hers. “I guess that wouldn’t be so bad either.”

She gives a light laugh and snuggles closer to you. ”Do you think we should head back?”

“A few more minutes wouldn’t hurt.”

“I agree Anonymous.”


Meanwhile in Tartarus…

You look back up to the prison, Frostbite they called it. Was a bit warm for your tastes personally. Still, you could’ve gotten used to it. ”Get a move on,” the guard says smacking your back.

The pony before you picks up the pace, pulling you by the blackened chains that bind you together. They cut into your wrists, drawing your thickened blood from the wounds. It smells delicious, but you were warned of that. You follow the line over the heated rock to your destination. Your new home of misery. Meh.

The warmth intensifies as you near the crater, fire blazing from below. Some of the prisoners protest and beg for mercy, the guards beating them into submission. A large dog patrols the marching prisoners, his teeth bore. Probably would’ve been cute if not for the whole devouring souls part. It is part of his job though, so you can’t blame Cerberus for that.

The metal gate swings open, accepting the new arrivals… you. As you step onto the machination, the chains dissolve harmlessly. You look back to the wastes of Tartarus and reach your hand out to it, a translucent barrier blocking you. You pull back, no sense in wasting your time, though others seem to enjoy throwing themselves at it. You merely shake your head at their desperation. They should’ve thought about their actions first.

“Anon,” a guard states from outside, “Last minute visitors.” The ponies armored shell glistens in the infernos light.

“Well? Show them here.” He grunts, but you have no more fucks to give anymore. You spot them closing in on you and you give a sliver of a smile. “So how’d you guys get an audience?”

Light shrugs, “I know the guy who runs this place.”

“Couldn’t lessen my sentence?”

“No such luck, rules are rules.”

You sigh and search for the words to lessen the burden on your shoulders. “Look, I want to apologize.”

Mous shakes his head, “No need for apologies. We- understand now. It was a difficult decision to make.”

“I should’ve told you first.”

“Well yeah. Give a guy a fighting chance at least,” Mickey tries to joke.

Flash rolls his eyes to the joke, “What did you think would happen? We’d take it lying down? No, you made the right decision.”

“I know you’re trying to make me feel better but-“

Duff raises his hand, “It took courage to make that sacrifice. I wish I had that back in the day.”

“I call that stupidity,” Flavus retorts, “But I don’t disagree with you.” You smile for real this time, the gang’s getting along.

The guard approaches, “Times up Anon.”

You nod. “It was nice to see you all one last time and put this to rest.”

Duff whispers to you, “We’ll find a way to get you out of there.”

“Don’t bother. I make a decision and I live with the consequences.” The gears of the elevator grind and screech as it begins its steady descent.

”Godspeed Anon,” they reply together. You stand tall and give a salute in return. The surface recedes from view and you loosen up. The prisoners resort to the fetal position, muttering to themselves.

You crack your knuckles. “So who wants to be my bitch for eternity?”

Today was an eternal damnation kind of day. And you don’t mind.