Double Vision

by Closer-To-The-Sun

Chapter 5: Doppelgänger

Chapter 5: Doppelgänger

It was as if Applejack was looking into a mirror. The Zygon fugitive had turned itself into a perfect replication of Applejack. From her mane and tail, to her face and hooves, and even her cutie mark, Krilath had turned into Applejack, and had a sinister smile.

“What’s the matter? Can’t deal with the fact that I’m a better you?” Krilath spoke.

“Ya might look like me, but ya ain’t me!” Applejack shouted.

“Ya might look like me, but ya ain’t me!” Krilath echoed, the voice sounding identical to Applejack.

Gritting her teeth, Applejack leapt at Krilath to resuming fighting.

As the two continued to wrestle with each other, the Doctor and the Judoon platoon finally arrived. The Doctor saw the two ponies fighting, “Enough! Stop your fighting now!”

Both Applejacks ceased and got to their hooves.

One of them spoke, “’Bout time ya got here, Doctor! She copied me!”

The other retorted, “Don’t listen ta her, ah’m the real Applejack!”

The brown stallion sighed heavily as he looked at the two orange ponies, “Oh my, this is going to be more confusing than the Gangers, won’t it?” After commenting to himself, he spoke up again, “Right, it’s quite apparent that Krilath has turned into Applejack.”

“It appears that way,” one of the Judoon soldiers replied.

“So, it should be obvious what we should do here, correct?” the Doctor asked the platoon of Judoon.

“Correct, destroy them both.” All five Judoon raised their weapons and pointed them at the two Applejacks.

Both Applejacks replied in unison, “No!”

The Doctor also protested the idea, “Goodness, no! Honestly, you have the rationalization of a Dalek and a Sontaran combined….instead, we shall question both of these Applejacks to find who the true pony is, and find the real Zygon.”

“Can’t ya jus’ use that scanny thing?” an Applejack asked.

A Judoon soldier agreed, “The scanner should be able to identify the Zygon.”

The Doctor shook his head, “No, it would just read if there is any alien DNA on the individual, and both Applejacks have DNA not present on this planet.”

“How do you think we should do this, Doctor?” one of the Applejacks asked.

The Doctor began to trot back and forth, “It’s quite easy, I’ll ask the questions and determine who the doppelganger is.”

“Ah can’t believe mah life an’ planet is in the hooves of somepony like you….” one of the Applejacks commented.

“Yer life? Yer an alien, ya vermin!” the other Applejack bit back.

“Silence!” the Doctor quieted both ponies with the one word. He then continued with his back and forth trotting, “Now, first question, how did I meet with you today?”

One of the Applejacks answered, “Ya ran in ta me in the market, ruining mah barrel of apples.”

“Correct, one point for you, Applejack Alpha. That’s a clever little nickname, we’ll call you that for the time being,” the Doctor said. He picked up the brown hat that the original Applejack was wearing earlier and placed it on his own head, “Question number two, this planet is planet is known on an intergalactic scale as Dramos, what is it known as locally?”

The other Applejack was quick to answer, “That’s easy, this is Equestria.”

“And the point goes to Applejack Beta!” the Doctor proclaimed. “And now, for the final question, winner take all. What does TARDIS stand for?”

Applejack Alpha was about the answer, but stopped herself. She had no idea, “Ah….ah don’t know….”

The other Applejack, Beta, answered, “Time and relevant dimension in space.”

“Bingo!” the Doctor pointed to Applejack Beta, “Funny word, that is, bingo….bingo. Anyway, Applejack Beta is the real Applejack! Come here and give me a hug!”

Applejack Beta trotted up to the Doctor happily. The two ponies then shared a hug, “Told ya ah was the real Applejack.”

Smirking, the Doctor replied, “And that’s why I didn’t believe you.” Quickly maneuvering around the orange pony in his grasp, the Doctor had locked the pony’s front limbs behind her back with his own limbs. “This here is Krilath the Zygon. And I here by give him to your custody, my fine Judoon officers.”

One of the Judoon officers placed restraints on the false Applejack, constricting her and causing her to be unable to move. “Target is secure.”

The real Applejack, was dumbfounded at what she had just witnessed, “Well, roll me in mud an’ call me a hog….”