Setting Sun

by Note Pad

A New Dawn

To My Dearest Twilight,

Over these past years I have watched you grow from a rambunctious little filly, so eager to explore, and to learn, into a full grown, and equally rambunctious mare. Nay, a Princess of Equestria, still ever eager to learn all she is able to.

I still remember when you first came to live with me in Canterlot Castle. You were so hyper that day, you were practically bouncing off of the walls! The first thing you asked me was where the library was, and Oh! The look on your face when you saw those rows of bookshelves still brings a grin to my face.

I have done my best to sate your thirst for knowledge, and to teach you all that I know, and all that you need to know for what is to come in your future. I was once, just that your teacher, but no longer. I think of myself as a mother, and you, my precious daughter.

It was so hard for me to send you to Ponyville like I did. I didn’t want to see my baby leave the nest, but I knew that it was for the best. You were too solitary here, always had your head in a book, but now look at you. You have such great friends, and I can honestly say that I couldn’t be happier for you.

No one thing in this world has, or will, ever bring me such joy, and pride as I have felt watching you grow into the mare you are today. You have helped to complete my life in granting me somepony to call my daughter.

You have learned the lessons, and magic of friendship. You bore the sixth Element of Harmony. Along with your friends, and fellow Element bearers you have defended Equestria against foes, and dangers innumerable.

It is evident for these reasons, that it will be you who takes my place on the throne. It shall be you who leads Equestria into a new, and wondrous age.

I am dying Twilight, I can feel it. the sun has grown distant from me, and no longer heeds my touch as it has for these countless centuries. Even as I write this, I feel myself slipping away. My time in this world has come to an end, and the next calls to me from beyond my dreams.

Please do not weep for me Twilight, for I have lived well. I have watched countless generations of ponies grow to prosperity, and achieve happiness. I have loved, I have learned, taught, and known true happiness. In this, my heart is satisfied, and my soul shall rest easy.

Instead of grief, you should rejoice in the knowledge that with my passing, Equestria will enter a new, and wonderful age of prosperity, love, and friendship.

You shall be the one to lead my little ponies into this new age. It is your destiny to do so, as I have known since the day you returned my dearest sister to me. That day, I saw not my student, but one who was destined for greatness, and the only one who could ever take my place upon the throne, and the one who would lead Equestria in my stead.

My sister, Luna, she knows what is to come. We have spoken at length about this, and she too sees my belief in you as true. She will remain by your side to guide you as needed. I fear, however, that Luna too shall pass from this world before long.When she does Equestria shall be left to you, and you alone.

For now you shall keep the company of your friends and family, and they shall do their best to help you, but they too will fade from this life while you live on. Though they will grow old, and pass from life into death, their love shall never follow. So long as you remember them, and cherish their memories, they will never truly leave you.

I am sorry Twilight. I know that this must seem like a curse, and in a way, it is. You must know, however that I would never subject you to the pain, and loneliness of immortality if I was not absolutely certain that you were the only one fit to traverse it’s thorny path.

You must be strong Twilight. If not for Equestria then for me, and all those who love you with all their heart, and soul.

You will face many trials, and endless hardships, but I know that you will prevail against all that is thrown at you. It is how I have raised you, and it is who you are. It is who you will continue to be.

I love you Twilight. With all my being, I love you. If there were any other way I would take it, no matter the cost. I do not wish to leave you alone in this world , but am left with little choice.

Tomorrow, when the sun rises over Equestria, it will not be I who raise it.

With greatest love, and final farewell,


Twilight read the letter suspended in her magic for what had to be the twentieth time. Tears continued to pour down the young alicorns face as the reality of the situation set in upon her.

Celestia was dead. Her mentor, her idol, her second mother, was dead.

Finally putting the letter down, Twilight gave herself one last check over in the mirror of her bedchamber in Canterlot Castle. She straightened her mane, and tail, ensuring not so much as a hair was out of place. She adjusted her crown, and chest regalia so that they lay comfortably across her form.

That was it. She was ready. Or was she? Twilight was still filled with so much uncertainty, so much fear. How could she lead Equestria, why would Celestia choose her? It should be Luna, or maybe Cadence taking Celestia’s place.

“No. Nopony could ever take Celestia’s place, but I have to do my best to make sure I don’t let her down.” Twilight told herself. “I will lead Equestria into this new day.”

With that thought, Twilight exited her room onto a balcony high over Canterlot. Spreading her wings, she took flight. The cool morning air sent a rush throughout her entire body, and filled her with a sense of determination.

Focusing all of her energy, Twilight rose higher into the sky above Equestria. She could feel the eyes on her. Thousands of ponies appraising their new princess.

As Twilight rose higher, a soft light began to grow in the east. The sun was rising, and with it a new age. A new Equestria.