//------------------------------// // Broken Hearts (2) // Story: Not Everyone Gets a Happily Ever After in Equestria // by Nyx_Enchanted_Zandra //------------------------------// Pain. Hurt. Heartbreak. Sadness. Jealousy. Pain. That's most of what Nyx's childhood was like. Always striving to find a way to impress her parents. Unicorn parents. Apparently, Twili symbolized perfection. Every year on Nyx's and Twilight's birthday there would be a hidden feeling of resentment lingering in the young pegasus's heart. When twilight received a doll, Nyx received a pencil and pad of paper. Nyx eventually gave this over to Twili for her doll, Smarty Pants. The next year, Twilight got a field guide for her favorite series, The Fantastic Fillies*, while Nyx received a set of paper cutouts. All she could make was a crown that didn't fit her head, a pink princess castle that always fell down, and a hairbrush that bent awkwardly at an angle. She eventually threw this away. The last year there were no presents for either, as a surprise awaited the next day. Twilight galloped into the room the two sisters shared, screaming,"NYX! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! You're never going to be believe what mom and dad just did for me!" Nyx slid out of bed drearily, muttering under her breath,"That's probably true.." "Do you want to know what they did?!? Do you? Do you? Do you?" Twilight exclaimed as she excitedly bounced up and down. Nyx didn't answer for she knew she didn't have to. Twilight's going to continue anyway, so why waste breath? Nyx thought. "Well,.......," Twilight began, obviously filled with enthusiasm. "I'M GOING TO GO TO CELESTIA'S SCHOOL FOR GIFTED UNICORN FILLIES!!!!!" Something snapped right then and there in Nyx. Not largely, but the spark that had been ignited would soon grow into a blazing bonfire of rage.