A Changeling Queen By Any Other Name

by Mike the Red

2. All You Need Is Love

A Changeling Queen by Any Other Name

Chapter 2 -- All You Need Is Love

I found the front door of the house unlocked, which surprised me somewhat. Upon entering, I was set upon by Brenda, who had armed herself with a gun. She leveled the weapon at me, glaring very angrily.

"Who the fuck are you? What are you doing here?" she asked. I dropped my disguise at this point, scaring her into discharging the gun at me. I used my magic to cause the bullet to stop in mid-air.

"You can call me Mike if you wish, but this form is called Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. I can take on the appearance of anyone I wish," I stated nonchalantly, almost grinning at her shock and disbelief that I could stop bullets like that.

"How the fuck are you able to stop bullets like that?" she asked.

"I can use magic, Brenda -- but my magic reserves depend on my absorption of love energy. When that energy runs low, so does my magic ability, though I can't lose all my magic. I'm working on a plan to find locations where I can take love energy without causing too much of a disturbance."

"Don't look at me! How can you even think of taking MY love?"

"You don't have any left to take, Brenda," I replied flatly. "I have other ways of dealing with this issue. I have five thousand who are relying upon me to feed them, which is why I must locate a love source quickly."

"Five thousand? Where are they? I don't know what you're talking about!"

"I have a hive of that size -- and if I don't feed them, they'll die without me. They've told me they've gone a long time without feeding and they are quite weak. I have little time to waste with this."

"Well, why did you wake up like that? What am I supposed to do with you looking like THAT?!"

"Because I can look like THIS," I replied, taking on an appearance of a handsome young man, eliciting another look of shock from my wife. I chuckled at her reaction. "This is just a small demonstration of what I can do."

"Can you do Kevin Costner?" she asked facetiously. I took a moment to recall the most memorable image of the actor -- his role in "The Bodyguard" was the one I could think of. I altered my appearance somewhat slightly to match her request, causing her jaw to drop wide open. I sensed an uptick in her love energy when I did this, so I surreptitiously drained a little from her, though the taste of her energy was somewhat bitter, causing me to grimace ever so slightly.

"Why did you frown up like that? You only make that face when you take a sip of beer," she mused.

"The taste of your love energy is like a bitter beer, Brenda," I replied as I stopped sipping at it.

"WHAT? You were stealing my love energy?!" she practically screamed, a look of rage on her face.

"I'm getting good at this -- you didn't even notice until after I had told you. I'm sorry for doing that, but I needed to test my skill on that action. You need not worry about me doing that again, especially to you."

"You'd better not, or I'm gonna kill you!" she shouted.

"I might be tempted to take you up on that offer some time later," I mused softly as I pondered my future as Chrysalis.

"What the fuck do you mean by that?"

"Never mind. I need to find a serious source of love energy, Brenda -- do you have any ideas?" I asked as I began rubbing my chin with my thumb and forefinger, pondering my options.

"Why the fuck should I help you? You've already taken some from me --don't even THINK of stealing any from any of my children or grand-children! What are you thinking about?"

"Hmm. I was thinking that any location with a large group of people would be perfect for my needs," I mused.

"Do you really think you can get away with stealing love energy from people? Don't you think you'll get caught doing that?"

"And what makes you think I'll get caught? I already stole some from you and you didn't even know I was doing so until after I had told you -- so I know I won't get caught. I just need -- hmm. A mall? I think I have somewhere to go," I grinned, exiting the house and getting into my car. Brenda followed me out, a look of grim determination on her face.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going, Mike?" she asked as she opened the passenger door.

"So, you want a demonstration of what I'm going to do? I'm headed to the local mall, and I'm going to take as much love energy as I can without raising suspicions. When I have taken my fill, I will have to find where my hive is so I can feed them. Perhaps I can summon them with my thoughts, but I must hold back on that until the time is right."

"The hive? You're beginning to scare me, Mike," she muttered.

"Analyzing driver data," the car stated flatly. "Driver data unconfirmed. Driver, please state your name for my records."

"Michael Walker," I replied in an even tone.

"Voice data unconfirmed. Data is in conflict -- activating safe mode," came a monotone from the speakers.

"TS, I can assure you that I am Michael Walker -- activate master control override protocol number seven," I stated sternly as my annoyance began to build towards anger.

"Password required," came the flat response.

"Cheese and onions," I replied curtly, a hint of anger in my voice.

"Recalibrating driver data, safe mode override confirmed. Good afternoon, Michael! Where are we going today?"

"Mike, I hate it when the car does this," said a very annoyed Brenda.

"Passenger data confirmed," came the flat monotone from the speakers.

"Pick out a mall where there's a lot of people," I said, stifling a chuckle.

"Calculating. Woodfield Mall, Schaumburg, distance of 148.3 miles. Preparing to teleport." The words weren't even out of the speakers as Brenda tried to protest, to no avail. A blinding flash of white enveloped us as we were teleported to the parking lot of this very large mall. I drove to a relatively close space to one of the entrances and parked the car, locking it and pocketing the key. I still looked quite a bit like Kevin Costner, and my appearance caused quite a scene as I entered, Brenda walking by my side.

"Kevin! I've seen all your movies! I'm your biggest fan! Can I have an autograph?" asked some lady who had rushed up to me. A mob started to form very quickly around me at this point, though I could sense quite a bit of love from them. There were too many people around me for me to steal some of that energy without being noticed.

"My name's Mike, not Kevin -- I just look like him! Get away from me!" I shouted at the group of people. Some of them grumbled in complaint as they dispersed slowly. "Brenda, give me a moment to use the bathroom -- I'll have to change my look just a little."

"You should have known better than to keep that appearance," she giggled in response.

"Whatever," I muttered as I searched for the bathroom. I had to tell quite a few other people I wasn't who I looked like until I found the washroom and entered a stall. I considered a few options for a new appearance, then concentrated and changed myself. Upon exiting the stall, I was immediately asked where Kevin went. I shrugged my shoulders in response to the query and went to find Brenda. I walked around the mall looking for her, but was unable to find her. I sensed love energy from people and began secretly stealing it from various people wandering around the mall. I noticed that some of the folks I stole love from started acting more aggressively, but paid it little heed. I had needs and I was going to satisfy them as best I could and as quickly as I could as well.

After about two hours of wandering the mall, I was able to find Brenda in a clothing store. I had absorbed enough love to slake my thirst and told her it was time to go. She had picked out several things she wanted me to buy for her, though I didn't have the money for it and told her as much.

"Come on, Mike, I need these clothes! It's only $227, you can cover that," she insisted.

I flashed my eyes that menacing green color. "You're leaving with me, NOW," I snapped. She meekly complied with my demand and I allowed a chuckle to escape my lips. "Maybe some other time I'll get those things for you."

We made our way back to the entrance we had come in, though I noticed quite a few incidents involving people getting into fights with mall security. One particular incident caught our attention as someone had brandished a gun and was shooting indiscriminately. An off-duty police officer managed to subdue the shooter, but not before they scared quite a lot of people.

"What would make someone snap like that?" asked Brenda.

"I have no idea," I muttered as we walked out to our car. I probably need to be even more careful about doing that, I thought to myself. I had another argument with the car as it was once again confused by the change in my appearance -- I was forced to say the password again to get the car to take us home. TS then asked me an unusual question.

"Michael, why has your data changed again?" came the monotone query from the speakers.

"I suffered another transformation in my sleep last night," I replied flatly. "Apparently, I can change myself."

"That means you're a changeling now?"

"Not just any changeling -- I was transformed into the Queen herself," I replied flatly.

"Michael, is this true?" asked a different voice. I kept forgetting my car had a direct link to Princess Celestia.

"Yes, your Majesty, it is. I'm not sure how to proceed with this -- I don't know if TS can transform me back."

"No, Michael, I cannot," answered TS flatly.

"I would desire an audience with you at your earliest convenience," came the Solar Princess' voice through the speakers.

"Princess, I don't know if that would be such a good idea right now," I replied flatly. I pulled the car into our driveway and turned it off. "Brenda, go into the house -- I may need to talk to the Princess a bit longer."

"Maybe SHE can turn you back into your normal human self -- shit, Mike, I fucking HATE it when shit like this happens! Why does it keep happening to YOU?"

"I have no idea, Brenda -- I don't like it any more than you do," I replied, maintaining a flat tone.

"Well, whatever it is, it had better stop -- I'm getting really tired of not knowing who or what you are anymore." She slammed the passenger door hard at that point and walked back into the house. A crackling sound came from the speakers at this point.

"Michael, I need for you to teleport to my location," the Solar Princess stated flatly. "Please do so now."

Please, my Queen, we beg of you -- don't do it!

I'm sorry, but I have to -- I'll be back soon, I offered. I concentrated my magic, focusing on the Royal Throne Room of Canterlot Castle, my body glowing a bright green before I materialized ten feet away from the Day Princess.

"Michael, please assume your true form," she commanded. I dropped my disguise to reveal myself in all my black and green glory, grinning sheepishly. "So, you have indeed replaced Chrysalis. How long have you been in this form?"

"I woke up like this about ten hours ago, your Majesty," I replied.

"I hope you understand you will not be permitted to retain that form."

"Why not? I'm not bothering anypony in your realm, and I will retain this form in my realm. I have become somewhat attached to it, your Majesty. I have a hive of five thousand counting on me back home -- I can't exactly leave them behind now, can I?"

"You should know by now that your presence cannot be tolerated --"

"Is there a way you can transform me into my previous state as a male human and return me to my home world?"

"I was getting to that point, Michael, before you interrupted me. I have various ways of dealing with changelings and as you have become a queen, there are certain steps which must be taken," the alicorn stated flatly. It was at that moment that one of the guards announced the arrival of Twilight Sparkle. At this mention, a smile came to my face.

"Your Majesty, I would appreciate an audience with her," I offered hopefully.

"You should already know what she thinks of changelings, Michael. Just to satisfy your curiosity, I shall allow her entry. Guard, please show her in -- she is welcome any time."

I was surprised to see a lavender unicorn instead of an alicorn as she nearly pranced into the room to meet with her mentor. "Princess Celestia, I am here for my -- gaaah! What -- what are YOU doing here?! After what you did the LAST time you were here?!"

"Does the name Michael Walker mean anything to you, Twilight?" I asked her.

"Don't tell me you visited his home world and are taking it over!"

"No, Twilight, I woke up like this this morning," I replied flatly. "There was a part of me that was hoping you might have an answer or know a way to change me back into a human."

"Oh. Sorry, Michael, I didn't know -- I apologize for automatically assuming you were Chrysalis herself."

"I must admit, it brings a smile to my face to see you once again," I said softly, offering a sincere smile. Unfortunately, this meant my canines flashed as well, which unnerved the librarian. "Sorry about that, I keep forgetting."

"That's enough pleasantries for you both. Michael, I shall need for you to accompany me."