//------------------------------// // Chapter One: The Sale // Story: Vinyl and Octavia Engage in Roleplay // by DoctorSpectrum //------------------------------// Vinyl Scratch opened her mouth and blew a small tuft of her mane that had been annoying her at the edge of her vision out of the way. Then she frowned. She was currently lying on her back on her favourite couch, completely stretched out. She had a problem. Even though she was on what she had long suspected was the most comfortable couch in all of Equestria, it couldn’t conquer the seemingly eternal boredom she was currently experiencing. Hurry up and get back from shopping, Octavia, thought Vinyl. Then we can, I dunno, make out or something.   Sighing as the ceiling continued to fail to impress her, Vinyl rolled over onto her stomach, hoping that somehow lying on her stomach would relieve the monotony of her situation. Although she could have gotten up and done something to entertain herself, she had barely gotten any sleep over the past few weeks thanks to a few late-night DJing gigs, and for the present merely wanted to relax, even if the boredom of it all drove her insane. Urgh. Maybe I’ll go get one of Octavia’s books or something.   Just as Vinyl thought her marefriend’s name, the sound of the front door of the house opening reached Vinyl’s ears. “Vinyl! I’m home!” called out Octavia as she stepped through.   “’Bout time, babe,” said Vinyl as she got up from the couch, her boredom already appeased. “Watching paint dry would’ve been more entertaining than that!” She headed into the kitchen, where Octavia was putting away most of her purchases. Vinyl gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before making the job easier for her with her levitation magic. “Next time you head out to go shopping, I think I’ll join.”   “Well, it is a good thing that you didn’t come with me today, because I have a surprise for you,” said Octavia, reaching a hoof into one of the bags she had brought in with her. “Close your eyes.”   Man, this is probably gonna be something super kinky, thought Vinyl as she obeyed the Earth pony. As she did so, she couldn’t help but smirk a little.   “Okay, now open them,” said Octavia, thrusting something to Vinyl’s chest. Vinyl opened her eyes to find that it was a small box, battered slightly. And according to the label, contained inside was…   “Hey, you got me a new miniature subwoofer!” Vinyl said happily. “I’ve been meaning to buy a new one since my old one was broken in that – y’know, that sword fight with the head of those ninjas.”   Octavia nodded, happy that she had managed to please Vinyl so. “I saw it for sale and it occurred to me that you probably needed a new one.  I was fortunate enough to find this at a cheap price.”   “You sure about that?” Vinyl asked, levitating the subwoofer out of the box and examining it. “Looks like this is one of the old Chekov’s Gun 5000s from a few models back. Most ponies consider them to be vintage; it can’t have been that cheap.”   “Believe me when I say that it was, as a matter of fact,” Octavia replied. “I bought it at a yard sale a few houses down the street on my way back from the market – if it is as expensive as you think then the salespony probably wasn’t aware of it.”   Vinyl nodded approvingly as she levitated the subwoofer back into the box and placed it onto a bench. “I won’t ask how much it cost – I know you hate when I do that – but did the guy have any more stuff like this there? There could be some real bargains there.”   “I wasn’t paying too much attention, to be honest, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt to look if that is what you want,” said Octavia.   Vinyl grinned enthusiastically. “Damn straight I do, and there’s no time like the present.” She levitated her pair of glasses, lying on a small coffee table nearby, to her face. “You comin’ with, Octavia?”   “I don’t see why not. Who knows, I may find a decent bargain there for myself.”   “Sweet.” Vinyl headed to her room to grab some money, and then the two ponies were off. As Octavia had said, the house hosting the sale wasn’t far, and so within a few minutes the two ponies were there. It was only a few moments before Vinyl’s jaw dropped and she dashed over to what looked like a giant speaker.   “I don’t believe it! An MGS Bass Dropper-130!” She was practically drooling over the equipment.   “A…what?” asked Octavia, trying to understand her marefriend.   “These things are amazing! They hadn’t perfected the magic used for operating them when they first came out – still haven’t really, as a matter of fact – so they chew through your magic like no tomorrow, but man are they effective!” Vinyl gushed. “I remember using one in this one club once… woke up with one hell of a headache the next day from overtaxing my magic, but damn if it wasn’t cool!” A moment later, she put a hoof to her chin and thought about it. “Wait, or maybe that headache was from drinking too much…”   Turning to the pony who had organised the yard sale, who was grinning at whom he hoped was his next customer, Vinyl asked, “Where did you get this?”   “Found it in the basement during a clean-up the other week,” the pony replied. Like Octavia, he was a grey-coated Earth pony. “The old owner of the house must have owned it, years before I moved in. Way I figure it, I don’t need it – or any of this other stuff – and he’s had plenty of time to reclaim it, so I may as well make a few bits out of it.”   “So…awesome…” said Vinyl as she circled the speaker, barely listening to the salespony. Smiling at her marefriend geeking out over the speaker, Octavia left Vinyl to her own business, knowing that Vinyl wouldn’t need her help in deciding whether or not to purchase the speaker, nor would she expect it.   After a quick look around the assorted items for sale to see what catered to her tastes, Octavia found herself idly rummaging through a box, mostly filled with books. Read it, read it, couldn’t finish it due to boredom, doesn’t interest me, read it, doesn’t interest me…Octavia paused in her rummaging as a new book – well, technically it was an old book – caught her eye. Is that – surely it’s not, is it? The Earth pony picked up the book cautiously, as though it was a sacred text of some sort. It is!   “Hey Octavia,” said Vinyl, joining her marefriend, “guess who just got a super-cheap Bass Dropper-130?”   “No doubt somepony very cute and sexy,” Octavia said. “Wait – how loudly are you going to play it?”   “What’s that you’ve got there?” asked Vinyl, dodging the question as she pointed to the book Octavia was holding.   “Oh, this? As a matter of fact, it is a book I have not seen for many years, nor did I expect to see again.” Octavia held out the book for Vinyl to read the cover. Vinyl raised her eyebrows and whistled.   “The Pony Sutra? Whoah, didn’t realise that was your thing, Octavia.”   “Wait, what?” Octavia flipped the book to face herself to make sure that this wasn’t one of Vinyl’s pranks. “Whoops, I must have grabbed the wrong book,” she said sheepishly, putting the Pony Sutra back into the box and instead picking up one with a near-identical cover. “This is the book I meant to grab.”   This time, Vinyl’s reaction was more of a scowl. “Pony Tales Handbook: First Edition?” she read out. “Isn’t that stuff kinda…dorky?”   “That is what everyone believes about it, but believe me when I say that it is the most fun one can have outside of playing the cello,” Octavia defended, unable to see a small roll of Vinyl’s eyes behind her glasses. “We used to play this all the time back in my old university dormitory. I tell you, Vinyl, it used to be so much fun when we would –”   “Stop right there – I know what you’re trying to do,” said Vinyl. “You’re gonna try and convince me to play, aren’t you?”   Octavia grinned awkwardly. “If I ask you nicely will you agree?”   “Nope.”   “How about if I do this?” Octavia leaned forwards and gave Vinyl a small kiss on the lips. Although the unicorn tried to hide her smile, she couldn’t help but have her lips twitch a few times.   “Maybe,” she said, avoiding Octavia’s eyes and thus giving in.   “Oh, please please please please please?” asked Octavia. She gave Vinyl lots of small kisses all over her muzzle as she spoke.   “Dammit, Octavia, you know I can’t resist you when you do this!” said Vinyl, finally breaking out into a grin. “Fine, we’ll play your stupid dorky game.”   “Yay! Thank you, Vinyl!” Octavia gave Vinyl a big hug with her front hooves, giving the unicorn a small squeeze after holding it for a second. “You won’t regret this, I promise.”   “If you say so. Say, you never mentioned going to university before.” The two ponies started walking to the table where the salespony, and Vinyl’s newly purchased speaker, was.   “Oh, haven’t I? I suppose that it never came up,” said Octavia. “Sorry – you don’t feel like I’ve kept this from you on purpose, do you?”   “Nah, of course not,” said Vinyl. “As a matter of fact, I think it’s kinda cute. And sexy.”   Octavia giggled a little and avoided Vinyl’s eyes for a moment. “Ah, you’re back,” said the salespony, interrupting her thoughts. “Is that all you wanted to purchase?” he asked as Octavia passed the handbook to him.   Octavia opened her mouth to answer, before noticing that Vinyl was deep in thought. “Wait a second, Octavia,” she said, before heading back over to the box of books. She returned shortly, levitating another book. “Might as well pick this up whilst we’re here.”   “The Pony Sutra? Really?” asked Octavia, cringing.   “Oh, come on, like you’ve never wanted to read it,” said Vinyl, grinning. “I know all about your dirty little fetishes.”   Hoping that the salespony couldn’t see her quite vibrant blushing, Octavia said, “Vinyl, you don’t have to buy that.”   “Well, I know that I don’t, like, have to, but come on, Octavia, we might as well buy this whilst it’s cheap. Look at how good the condition it’s in is!” Vinyl thought for a moment. “Wait, shit, I hope none of the pages are stuck together.”   “No, Vinyl, I meant that you didn’t have to buy that…” Octavia glanced at the salespony, who was looking as serious as possible, and added in a voice that she hoped was too low for the salespony to hear, “…because you can read my copy.”   For a second it looked as though Vinyl was about to burst out laughing, but she managed to hold it in with a lot of effort. After quickly telling the salespony that she’d changed her mind – neither pony was sure as to whether he’d heard Octavia or not – Vinyl returned the book to the box. Less than a minute later, both of them headed back to the house, Vinyl dragging her new speaker, Octavia holding the handbook in a bag she’d thought to bring.   Needless to say, when they got back Vinyl immediately developed a sudden urge to start reading.