To Cast The Doubt Away

by Vigilance

The Princess, the Changeling, and the Knight Turned Prince

The Castle grounds were abnormally quiet, even for the middle of the night. Most of the servants had completed their daily tasks and had gone to bed. Add that to the fact that it was Luna’s elusive personal guard patrolling the Castle’s hallways tonight and one would be hard pressed to see another living soul in the central building of Equestria’s government. This did not stop the moon from shining brightly down upon the city below, giving it an ethereal glow to it. There were fewer times Canterlot looked so beautiful.

It was the perfect time for a relaxing walk through the Canterlot Castle gardens, as the three figures currently trotting down one of the garden’s walkways knew. One was a tall, fair Alicorn whose coat was colored as the night itself, her mane an exact copy of the stars above. The second, walking next to Princess Luna, was a white-coated stallion with blue-streaked hair. His face was locked into one of concern and determination, even in the soothing presence of his ruler.

Shining Armor left his thoughts and returned to his conversation with Luna. “I still think we should pull her out of there, there’s no need for Cadence to be in the Collective anymore.”

Luna shook her head and sighed. “Prince-Regent Armor, a month later and still you advocate for this action? Every time your requests have been denied. What are you to gain from continuing this Shining?”

“My wife!” The stallion shot back. “She’s been in Changeling hoofs for a month! Isn’t that enough time?!”

“Cadence is to stay with Queen Carapace until such time that she relinquishes her bigotry of Changelings.” Luna spoke methodically, as if she was speaking to some politician and not Cadence’s husband. “That is what was decided as her punishment.”

“Screw that!” Shining shouted, forgetting his etiquette. “Everypony has their prejudices, no matter how pure they are! It’s a normal emotion, but you’re punishing her for it!”

“Must I remind you of her actions, Prince-Regent Armor?”

“You actually believe that story?!” Shining responded. “You think Cadence actually tried to harm Chrysalis by hiring a mercenary band, kidnapping her, and then when that failed attacked Ponyville?! It sounds completely insane, like something one of my guards would think up when they’re off-duty and drunk!” Shining stopped and stared at the ground. “It… It couldn’t… Cadence could never…”

“The facts are the facts Shining.” Luna said mournfully, placing a hoof on the stallion’s shoulder. “Those are the details that came right from Cadence’s mouth and her punishment is of her own choosing. We must accept what has happened and simply pray things can return to normal once Cadence comes home.”

“I still don’t believe it…” The stallion replied weakly. “I have to find out what really happened to her…”

“Do what you must.” Luna said. “If you wish to investigate further I’ll not stop you, though I do think it is a fruitless endeavor.” The Lunar Princess smiled at Shining. “Just make sure you don’t break any laws doing so, okay?”

“Right… Of course.” Shining declared.

“Very good!” Luna smiled, clapping her hooves together. “Well, this was a nice walk but I must be off. Leadership of the night is needed and I am the mare for the job!” The Alicorn turned her head to the back of Shining and herself. “It’s time to go, come along my insectoid compatriot.”

This brought Shining’s attention to the third member of their group. An average looking Changeling stood silently behind the both of them. Shape Shift had become like a lost puppy when Cadence had left. With Chrysalis not in need for servants and focusing much of her attention on Celestia, Shape Shift had begun to follow ponies around at random in an attempt to be helpful with anything he could. Luna had picked him up out of pity about a week ago and he had been serving her ever since. Still, even Shining could tell the Changeling was not as lively as he had been serving Cadence.

Don’t worry Shape Shift, I’ll find some way to get her back. Shining furrowed his eyebrows at that declaration. There was no ‘maybe’ about it.

It was a promise.


As the exchange in the gardens was coming to an end, the pale light of the moon finally began to shine down onto Princess Celestia’s personal balcony and into her private chambers, giving the still awake Alicorn a dim light to survey her surroundings with. Celestia’s bedroom had changed little in the past month. White, gold, and royal blue stood out as the prominent colors, sun symbols still adorned just about everything and every inch was so clean she could eat off of just about anything.

Truly, the only thing that had changed was the extra body that now occupied her bed. The hard black chitin of Chrysalis’s back rubbed against Celestia’s soft white underbelly. The Changeling was breathing quietly while she slept, a stark contrast to the rather loud lovemaking the two of them had been participating in not even an hour ago. Celestia could not help but smile at her unorthodox lover and nestle her chin on the top of Chrysalis’s head, secure in her contentment… or so it appeared.

Try all she might, Celestia simply could not fall asleep. Every time she tried to nuzzle up to her love and drift off to dream something stopped her. A pawing at the back of her mind, a sickening feeling that had been haunting her for the past month. For the most part the Alicorn could ignore it, especially during the busy bustle of her daytime royal duties. But at times like this, with nothing to distract her, Celestia mind wandered and spouted insults at her. The degrading comments usually varied in wording, but they all focused on one subject: Cadence.

The very thought of her adoptive niece and the events that had transpired a month ago made Celestia’s stomach twist into a knot. Deserved or not, the Solar Alicorn blamed herself for what had happened. She should have seen the signs of Cadence’s discomfort with Chrysalis and addressed it. Instead she ignored Cadence’s feelings and allowed her concerns to spiral into a terrible series of events that threatened to destroy the things Celestia loved. The Alicorn chuckled sadly, the realization of how much of a broken record she was had really come on strong this past month.

Celestia felt a sob session coming on when a black, hole-filled hoof brushed against her face. Celestia looked down to see the concerned face of Chrysalis staring back at her. “Beating yourself up every night isn’t going to change what happened.” The Changeling gave the Alicorn a half smile. “You have to be strong for Equestria right?”

The princess turned her head away from Chrysalis. “Weren’t you asleep?”

“You’re a loud restless sleeper.” Chrysalis chuckled. “But with all due seriousness, Celestia, enough is enough with all this moping. Your love’s gotten a weird aftertaste lately and I don’t fancy it.”

Celestia shot a look at Chrysalis, who in turned smiled wide and playfully stuck out her tongue. “It isn’t something to laugh about. I failed… as a ruler, an aunt, and a friend. All because of my arrogance and assumptions.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Wow, Luna had told me you and Twilight Sparkle were very alike, but damn did she hit the nail on the head.” The Changeling sat up and embraced her lover. “You worry about every little thing and failure might as well be a debilitating poison even if the failure wasn’t your fault.”

“But the failure was mi-…”

A Changeling hoof covered Celestia mouth, cutting her off. “You hold some blame, yeah, but so do I, so does Cadence, and I’m pretty sure Discord knew what was going on the entire time. Not everything is because of your inadequacies Celli… despite what you might think.”

Celestia sighed. “Knowing that doesn’t help in the slightest. As a princess of Equestria, I must prepare for any eventuality and make up for the failings of others if they impede the country’s safety. I must also protect against the political fallout actions like Cadence’s could cause in case… OW!”

The Alicorn flinched as Chrysalis bopped her on the head. “Creators, Celli, you can be so dumb. You try to carry the world on your back but all it does is wear out your knees.” The Changeling rubbed the spot that had received her love-tap. “Calm down for once and at least be happy that there really won’t be many lasting consequences from this.”

“You honestly believe everything can go back to some semblance of normal?”

Chrysalis nodded. “Yes, Cadence will spend some time with Carapace and hopefully get over her bigotry of Changelings. Once that’s done she come home and you can be a big happy family again.”

“So, is Queen Carapace trustworthy? She won’t try anything that might hurt Cadence?” Celestia inquired.

Chrysalis nodded. “She might be a straightforward hard-ass on the outside, but beneath that is a cunning schemer. She’ll protect anything that serves her goals. The only problem is…”

“What exactly are her goals?” Celestia offered.

“Precisely.” Chrysalis agreed. “But it seems that whatever she’s planning, it requires Cadence alive and well. So no need to worry about her.”

The Changeling turned to look out the window towards the pale moon. “No… It’s the other Queens you need to worry about.”


Chamber of The High Council of Changelings

Queen Carapace swished her head in order to get her orange mane out of her eyes. It did not look very dignified for a Changeling Queen but what did she care? She would not act any differently in front of her fellow Queens as she would anywhere else. To do so would mean she cared more about appearances than getting things done, and that was not the case. Speaking of her fellow Queens, Carapace took her eyes off her own mane to stare down eleven pairs of eyes (several of which were staring back in anger).

“Well Carapace?!” A Queen with a blue mane shouted. “You’ve yet to answer our questions concerning your ‘guest’.”

Carapace had to stop her thought processes for a moment to focus on a fact she found most hilarious. The fact was that most Changeling Queens looked exactly the same save for different colored hair and eyes. So strange, she mused. But it was of no concern for the present.

Carapace hated being called in for High Council meetings. It was nothing but Changeling Queens arguing over who was the Changeling-est and who should win what disputes. It certainly did not help matters that it was Carapace who was on the spot at the moment, the rest of the Queens not enjoying her bringing an outsider into her Hive.

Invade the Crystal Empire and potentially start an international war? Nah that’s fine Carapace whatever. Bring home a houseguest? We will burn you! Carapace sighed, the High Council really needed to get its priorities straight. It was at this moment Carapace noticed a voice yelling at her.

“Stop stalling!” A red Changeling Queen cried out. “Your reluctance to answer does not bode well for your case!”

Carapace snapped back to the task at hand… and laughed. “Is that so Hexa? I don’t think so, I think it actually helps quite a bit.”

Hexa snorted and slammed her front hooves down on her pedestal. “Stop giving us the runaround Carapace or we will…”

“Oh right, sorry Hexa.” Carapace shook her head and smiled. “You’re not used to getting runarounds, only giving reacharounds.”

Hexa squinted her eyes and clenched her teeth. “How dare you…”

“If I had a new Changeling for every time you sucked off a random stranger you picked up in the wastes I’d be able to triple my Hive’s population! It’d be great!”

Hexa got up. “Say one more insult, Carapace, one more and see what…”

“What will happen?” Carapace asked. “I’ll tell what will happen: I’ll finally have an excuse to wipe your piss stain of a Hive off the face of the earth! Your Hive may be bigger, Hexa, but every one of my Changelings is worth ten of yours.”

“That is not true!” Hexa shouted back. “Your Hive is a shadow of what it was under you mother!”

Carapace laughed. “At least my Hive had grace to fall from, a virtue sorely lacking from yours I’m afraid.”

“Bitch…” Hexa growled.

“ENOUGH!” A white-haired Changeling shouted. “We gain nothing from this foolish bickering.”

Carapace bowed before Hexa could react. “My apologies Grand Matriarch, I simply wish to defend myself from the allegations thrown at me.

“As is your right.” The Grand Matriarch nodded. “Every Queen in the Collective has the right to fairly defend themselves before the Council, no matter the size or condition of her Hive.” The Matriarch shot a look towards Hexa.

“Actually…” Carapace started. “Defending myself fairly is what I have issue with. Queen Hexa was the one that wanted this meeting right?” The Grand Matriarch nodded. “Well, it’s clear she holds biased animosity towards me and my Hive. Does that not nullify this meeting?”

“To hell with that!” Hexa shouted angrily. “I called this meeting because you fail to bring Chrysalis back to us and instead bring in an outsider as your ‘honored guest’. We are here to punish your inability to follow the Collective’s orders and be an effective Queen!” Her words oozed hate.

“I think Hexa's outburst and tone of voice rests my case.” Carapace said calmly. “Hexa cares nothing for justice, only getting petty revenge for whatever reason. Not only that, but aren’t the Hives autonomous? Shouldn’t the actions of one not concern the others unless it overtly affects the Collective?”

The other Queens looked at each and nodded. The look on Hexa’s face turned from anger to fear. “No… you can’t be serious! She’s the one who began throwing petty insults at me!”

“Yes.” The Grand Matriarch began. “But unlike a proper Queen, you took the bait and lashed out unceremoniously. That being said, insults should not sting if they have no base to build off of.” With that, The Grand Matriarch rose from her seat. “I find this meeting corrupt with the personal feelings of the one who called it. The case is dismissed.” The Grand Matriarch gave Hexa a stern look and took her leave, the other Queens in step.

Hexa clenched her teeth and watched them leave, until only she and Carapace were in the room. Turning her head to Carapace she spoke. “So again you win and suspicion towards you is crushed. I don’t know what I expected.”

Carapace smiled innocently at Hexa. “You need to know how to play the game my beloved Hexa. Having spies in hostile hives is a good start, though you make it too easy.” Carapace bowed to her friend and began to walk out.

“What do you have to gain from this Equestrian princess?!” Hexa shouted to Carapace. “What could she possibly mean to you?”

Carapace smiled and looked at the other Changeling Queen. “Why would I tell you now and ruin the surprise? You’ll just have to wait like everyone else and see how it plays out.”