An Unwelcome Change

by Night Spark

The Unchangeable

The Unchangeable:

Highest tower in Canterlot:

Luna observed her moon fading away in the distance. As it continued it’s decent into the horizon she felt a small sadness. It was nothing heartbreaking. This sadness was similar to the sadness a mother feels when watching their children go to school. Luna was proud of her moon and did not enjoy watching it disappear. She released a long drawn out sigh and relaxed her posture. The heat of the sun slowly began to warm her back. The small rays of light were slowly growing. Celestia silently moved closer to her. She wrapped Luna under her wing and spoke.

“Luna…I am sorry. My irritation with this war has caused me to treat you like a child and ignore your expertise in this subject. You have always been the better strategist, general, and overall warhorse. I…I still cannot say that I trust this Night Spark…He is not only a changeling but also one of…her children. To have something made from her essence so close…”

Celestia paused as she furrowed her brow. Luna leaned against her sister and gently nuzzled her. She spoke softly yet with some irritation.

“Tia I forgive you. I know the stress this war causes. Do you remember when Discord originally tried to take over?”

Luna’s eyes glared out into the sky with absolute wrath.

“If you had not been there to calm me I would have made that oaf eternally burn in the hottest fires of your sun. For that matter I still may if he continues to disrespect me.”

Celestia smiled. Even when not under the influence of Nightmare Moon Luna was a hot headed pony. Celestia wondered why fate did not make her the mare of the fiery sun. Luna continued.

“While I may be the mare with a mind for war…I have always looked to you for calm level headed advice. I worry for you…this war it…it is causing great conflict in you. I see it every day. Please sister… do not let your inner thoughts have control over you as I did once…we both know how that ended up.”

Luna paused and left her sisters warm embrace. She looked at Celestia and bit her lip. She did not want to cause another fight especially after such a warm moment. Celestia noticed Luna’s face. It was a face Luna had always put on when debating to tell her something. She rolled her eyes at Luna and sighed.

“For goodness sake say what you want to say before you faint.”

Luna took in a deep breath and let loose.

“Tia how many letters did Twilight send you when she was your student? Hundreds? Knowing her, thousands? I have read some of those scrolls. She completed the task given to her quite well. Friendship was studied in almost every possible way by that mare. She discovered nearly every aspect of how bonds between friends are formed and tested. Now I know that you read those letters as well. Perhaps…”
She paused and struggled to let the words come out. Luna knew she had to say it.

“Perhaps you should read them once more as I feel that you may have forgotten some of those lessons. You and Twilight…and for that matter her friends too. I understand there is a war at the moment. I KNOW what Chrysalis has and continues to do. Though the way you all treat Night Spark…”

Her lips were quivering. Luna was angry now. Crying was not something she enjoyed. She had rarely cried in her life. When she cried she remembered her feelings right before Nightmare Moon. Crying reminded her of the insane jealousy she had of Celestia. The hatred she had for ponies. It reminded her that she was once a monster. She continued in a calm tone that betrayed the tears falling down her face…

“You treat him how ponies treated Nightmare moon. All of you. You look at him with disdain. As if his very presence stains our land. That look is worse than a thousand blades piercing your skin. It is the same look the guard ponies gave me as they watched you banish me to the moon. It breaks you Tia. Do you know that? I can take hateful words. I can take one thousand years in my own cold dismal prison. That look? That damned look? The same one that Applejack gives to him every time they meet? I only pray that you would send me to the moon for another thousand years before giving me that look. I simply cannot comprehend it. You simply forgive me. The ponies of this land forgive me. You all look past the mare that would have destroyed her sister and all warmth in the world. Tis nothing you say. It is in the past. Yet a changeling who has done NOTHING to harm ponies? DAMN HIM! Did you know he loved you Tia? He still does. When I was still the banished myth and you were the only goddess he prayed TO YOU! HE PRAYED FOR YOU! Then that vile wretch who dares to call herself a queen forced him to change right before his family’s eyes. You can only imagine their reaction. It was fear. It was disgust. It was everything that every pony felt when they saw me. The youngest in their family was nothing more than a monster in their eyes. He ran away and Chrysalis picked him up. She worked his mind like the vile and twisted scum that she is. Despite everything…he chose a new fate for himself. His decision to give us aid comes at a great cost to himself.”

Celestia felt terrible seeing Luna like this. She knew deep down that she was ignoring the lessons of friendship. It made her feel guilty yet at the same time…she felt justified. The Changelings had crossed the point of no return in Celestia’s head. They were the enemy and after Appaloosa Celestia swore to herself that they would face her wrath. Without thinking she rolled her eyes at Luna’s last sentence. Luna’s face flared with hurt and anger. She continued.

“HE IS DYING TIA!!! HE CHOSE DEATH BECAUSE DEATH WOULD GRANT HIM THE ONE THING HE IRONICALLY HAS HAD TROUBLE DOING!!! HE WANTS TO CHANGE! But how can anypony change if no one gives him the benefit of the doubt? All we ponies can do is spit in the face of something that is trying to help us. I am disgusted of you, Twilight, and all the damn ponies in this city. You may see him as a monster but I want you to remember who is responsible for all of this…you and I sister. Remember our fear thousands of years ago. Remember what our hesitation to act reaped? We sat like helpless foals as ponies turned on changelings. At first they give them that damned look. Then it was war. No it was GENOCIDE! Perhaps I can possibly see how Twilight and her friends are unwilling to give him a chance but you? You should be begging to assist him to make up for our colossal failure. It is a sad day when the sun has a preference on what to grace with its light.”

Celestia was about to reply but Luna had teleported away. She sighed and lowered her head. She remained there for nearly an hour before a guard had found her. He bowed and spoke.

“Princess I apologize. I do not wish to disturb you but Princess Luna wished for me to inform you that Discord has scouted small regiments of changelings approaching Manehattan. She also wanted me to inform you that she has sent the entire 501st division of her soldiers to Fillydelphia. She said that she was informed by a source that the city would be attacked soon.”

Celestia nodded at the soldier. He seemed to understand that she was not feeling well and bowed as he left her. She knew Luna’s source was Night Spark. She thought about Luna’s actions. The 501st was her private division of soldiers she trained herself. That was the most lethal group of troops Equestria had. She must have had complete faith in Night Spark because Celestia knew Luna would not send her troops unless she truly believed they were needed. She sighed and flew from the tower. She would muster her own troops and head towards Manehattan. The changelings that dared to attack that city would suffer when she got there. But that was the least of her problems. Celestia could only think about her sister and one changeling.

Luna’s Throne room:

Luna hovered over her plans. Somehow detailing intricate war strategy calmed her nerves. She enjoyed playing out all possible scenarios. Her personal legion of ponies were trained so well that she had no doubt they could execute any plan she thought of. The maps of Fillydelphia were marked up by her magic. Luckily the city was full of large buildings. This would help against any attempt for changelings to swarm or flank them. She knew that the changelings were powerful when they had numbers. However in close quarters… Luna let herself smirk. Her soldiers fought with such ferocity and they did so for her. She clearly remembered the faces of Celestia’s troops when sparring with her own.


The sound of the doors opening interrupted her thoughts. She turned to see Twilight and her friends. They all approached her and stood near her plans. Their faces clearly expressed that they could not comprehend Luna’s plans. She addressed them all.

“My friends we have wasted too much time. Today I shall discuss with you my plans for this war. Let me begin by informing you that I have sent my best troops to Fillydelphia. I have been informed that they are the next location to be hit by the changelings. Celestia is on her way to Manehattan. Discord has spotted a sizable amount of changelings approaching there as well. My next goal is to give Canterlot a formidable defense. This is where you all come in.”

They all returned eager yet confused faces to Luna. Twilight’s words expressed what they were all thinking.

“Luna how much help can we even provide to the Equestrian military? We no longer carry the elements of harmony and while we can certainly handle ourselves in a fight I hardly think we are qualified to being giving advice to soldiers.”

Luna smiled at them with a twinkle in her eye. She stepped forward and wrapped Fluttershy in her wing. Fluttershy was shocked at first but then smiled at Luna’s embrace. She spoke to all of them.

“Can you all imagine if our troops fought with the same ferocity that Fluttershy keeps buried inside? You yourselves were witness to her courage when facing a dragon that could have easily crushed her.”

Luna walked over to Pinkie Pie and placed a hoof around her.

“Imagine if my troops had the agility of Pinkie Pie. Some view it as a laughable matter but I have seen your reports on Pinkie Sense Twilight. If my soldiers could have even a fraction of that sense… imagine the results.”

Luna then grabbed Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Each was under one of her wings.

“If Equestrian troops had the sheer strength of Applejack and the speed of Rainbow Dash do you think any force in Equestria could stop them?”

She teleported next to Rarity and wrapped a hoof around her. She held her other hoof in the air as if drawing her plans before them.

“Rarity. With your skills you could redesign the entire Equestrian military’s armor. Take out the weak spots while still allowing flexibility and breathability. Then make it look terrifying and intimidating.”

Rarity’s eyes glowed.

Luna then moved over to Twilight and pointed to her horn.

“If the Unicorn soldiers could cast spells even half as well as you can Twilight…think of the results? An already powerful force bolstered by skilled and powerful magic.”

She released Twilight and returned to her plans and maps much calmer. After a brief silence she turned her head to the girls and spoke.

“You may no longer carry the elements. However the skills you mares naturally possess can be utilized to our advantage. This is why I want you to help train and refit my troops. At first it will be the troops here in Canterlot. Then I will have you train and refit the rest. The coming weeks shall be demanding. Twilight train the unicorns how you see fit. Be patient with them, as they only know simple combat and healing spells. It would be extremely helpful if you could try to teach them your brother’s protection spell. Rarity I have had my assistant place the original designs for all known Equestrian armor in you room. So long as you improve the functionality of the armor you are free to request whatever supplies you need. You will have a handful of soldiers to not only assist you but also model for you. I cannot stress enough that this is armor and not a fashion show. As much as it pains me to say it think of Nightmare Moon. Her armor looked fairly decent however it left much too many weak spots. All designs much be brought to me directly. Applejack and Rainbow Dash I believe my soldiers are…too comfortable. It has been quite some time since a real war so they chose to believe that this will simply fade away. I want you to break them. Rainbow I need them fast and furious. Applejack I want them to be able to buck enemies into oblivion. Pinkie Pie. I have been told that you are an expert on geology. I have had a shipment of rocks brought in for you. They have been cut to the perfect size to throw. You will have a number of assistants. I want you to stone my soldiers. Not to death or serious injuries of course but enough to make them think twice about ever messing with a rock farmer. Do this and whatever else you think may improve their reflexes and agility. If you are successful I will allow you to host one party completely funded by the Equestrian Government. Fluttershy. My assistant told me that she has found rocks, trash, and various other litter in the Canterlot gardens. Since I do not know which of my soldiers committed such a vile act I want you to show them all what happens when they disrespect natural critters.”

Every one of the girls had determined faces. They were excited for their tasks. Fluttershy was the only one fuming. She left the room and slammed the door so hard that pieces of it broke off. They could hear her down the hallway.


Her voice was fiercer than Luna’s royal tone. Luna smiled. The girls left in the room look at her curiously. Rainbow Dash nudged her.

“Let me guess…no one actually threw rocks at the animals.”

Luna just continued to smile. Rarity gave her a playful "oh you" glare as she spoke.

“Luna dear, you realize your troops are going to be more scared of Fluttershy than the changelings now right? Those poor things…if she gives them the stare then they will be scarred for life.”

Luna’s smile grew as she spoke.

“Exactly. When they see the fear that Fluttershy can wreak upon creatures even Chrysalis will find it hard to intimidate my troops.”

Twilight spoke as her eye caught something on Luna’s plans.

“So…you are going to let Night Spark train the troops as well?”

Applejacks face instantly soured. She looked at Luna baffled. Luna furrowed her brows at Twilight and stood taller than usual.

“Of course I am. I would be a fool not to. He is a changeling. He knows their ways, their tactics, and their numbers. He can provide the soldiers with valuable information. He is also one of six of Chrysalis’s children. Their power is beyond anything short of their queen’s. He can prepare them on how to proceed if they encounter one of those changelings.”

Applejack scoffed and pointed at herself.

“I had no problem poundin’ his face in Luna. He’s a changeling. A scrawny pest that anypony could-“
Luna cut her off with a single stomp of her right hoof. Her nostrils flared with anger.

“YOU ARE A FOOL! You pounded his face in only because he allowed you to. Do you realize it was Night Spark that not only saved the 37 ponies in Appaloosa but also your cousin Braeburn? Your cousin pounded his face in as well. Night Spark destroyed the saloon with a single shot in result. He disintegrated his own kind and burned others alive to save ponies and you doubt his allegiance? You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Honestly? Perhaps the elements are better off with the tree of harmony. What a shame it would be to witness them tarnished by the intolerance that you ponies possess. What is it? Does Night Spark repulse you? I do not understand how you all can be such horrible ponies to him. You forgive me…NIGHTMARE MOON?!?!!? I WANTED TO KILL SWEET APPLE ACRES APPLEJACK! WHAT DO YOU THINK ETERNAL NIGHT WOULD HAVE DONE TO A FARM?! Pinkie Pie I thought you wanted to be every ponies friend and make every pony smile. I saw how friendly you were when Night Spark asked all of you for assistance. Rarity does you generosity only extend so far? Did Nightmare Moon use the last of it up? Fluttershy will befriend Discord of all the damned creatures yet her kindness has yet to grace a single changeling. Twilight Sparkle. The former student of my sister. You studied friendship more so than anypony. You assisted me and offered me your friendship when every pony continued to see me as nothing more than a monster. I was going to kill my sister Twilight. I was going to destroy your loving and kind mentor. Yet all is forgiven. The only pony here that has shown any kindness to him is Rainbow Dash. While you teased him and nearly drowned him I would like to let you know that you gave him the best gift anyone could give him. You gave him a chance. The rest of you however…you should be ashamed.”

The girls stood in silence. Rarity and Pinkie’s lips were quivering and the eyes were filled with tears. Applejack still wore an angry face but had tears in her eyes. Rainbow just hovered lightly with a worried look. Twilight however stomped her own hoof and walk straight up to Luna.


A small distance separated Luna and Twilight. The amount of tension that filled that small distance was enough to make everyone in the room extremely nervous. Two of Equestria’s princesses were neck and neck. Twilight continued. She was still furious but did not yell.

“I know perfectly well how friendship works Luna. Like you said more so than other ponies. I dare say more so than you or Celestia. But you know what? Just because those rules, fundamentals, or whatever you feel like calling them are there…does not mean I have to observe them 24/7. I don’t expect anypony too. Friendship is a magical thing Luna…a gift that one creature gives to another. While I was hesitant and nervous at first I accepted the friendship these girls offered me. Buck it I even offered friendship to Sunset Shimmer because she was truly sorry for her actions. You hurt my friends? You hurt my family? Then return to kill ponies and burn towns?”

Twilight looked right into Luna’s furious eyes.
“Then you don't deserve friendship. Chrysalis could have learned her lesson. She could have changed. I guess harming innocent ponies was easier though. Changelings are monsters and that’s that.”

Luna’s blood boiled. She felt the need to do something violent but she couldn’t. She had to deal with Twilights actions. The stress from Twilights decision and the war was beginning to place great strain on her mind. She felt trapped. The Princess of magic had infuriated her to the point where she could feel the hairs on her body rise. However she could do nothing. Despite their argument Twilight was still the first pony to show her friendship. The first pony to see Luna and not Nightmare Moon. Instead of further arguing Luna gave up. Her face dropped and she turned around and began to walk to her chambers. Twilight was still angry and held a stern expression as she watched her walk away. The other girls were dead silent. Their faces were a mixture of fear, shock, and sadness. Twilight turned and walked towards the exit. The girls followed shortly after. Rainbow flew toward the Princess. She was worried about Luna but she stopped herself. She thought Luna would probably want to be alone so she turned and followed the other girls.

Luna did not even bother lifting the covers off her bed. She sat near the edge of the mattress. Using her magic she grasped a small dirty looking box from underneath her nightstand. The brown box levitated through the air until it landed on the mattress next to her. Luna stared at the small brown box. With great delicacy she opened it. A silver piece of armor was staring back at her. It had a light purple sheen like the shoes she wore. Despite Celestia’s begging, Luna had kept a piece of Nightmare Moon’s armor. A shattered piece of her helmet. Luna rubbed a hoof over it. The light of her moon allowed her to see her reflection. The helmet twisted her face and made her look hideous. Seeing herself in such a way angered her.

How could I have been so weak?

Luna cast the helmet against the wall. She silently swore she would never allow herself to succumb to anyone or anything. For a moment she sat and breathed rhythmically. The moonlight helped soothe her. After some time her thoughts drifted to Night Spark. She knew his intentions. Luna knew everything about him. He genuinely wanted to assist ponies. While Luna was willing to accept him she did not know if his presence in Canterlot would truly ever be welcome. She continued to ponder his fate and the fate of Equestria after the war. Even with the Night councils canceled Luna knew she would gain no rest that night.

Castle: Lower Chambers

I have never killed a pony…however…

The constant banging on his door was torturous. Night Spark was never a morning changeling. For as long as he could recall he would sleep in till mid-day or early afternoon then stay up all night. The banging continued.

Damn you guard…My. Name. Is. N I G H T Spark. Foolisssh pony…What in the buck do you believe you are doing? Who dares to awaken a creature of the night? In the day no less!

Somehow the pony seemed to have heard his thoughts. The banging stopped and Night Spark’s head fell deeper into the pillow. He could very faintly hear a muffled voice and the grumbling of a guard. After a brief moment of peaceful silence the same guard clear his throat and spoke.


Muffins? MISS DOO!!!

Night Spark flew off his bed and burst to the door with a wide smile. The thought of seeing Derpy again brought him joy. As he opened the door he spoke.

“Miss Doo I am so sorry to keep you wa-“

Night Sparks smile fell. He stared at Luna who had a small smirk on her face. She let out a small laugh as Night Spark tried to conceal his blush by putting on a hardly intimidating furrowed brow. She edged closer to him and spoke.

“Impressive Night Spark. At the mere mentioning of muffins you seem to be able to put Rainbow Dash to shame. Now I do wonder…what awoke the creature of the night? The thought of delicious muffins…or the thought of Miss Doo?”

Night Spark looked at her aggressively. Luna smiled. It didn't matter how angry she made him. She thought he looked adorable when blushing. He pointed an accusing hoof at her. The guard tensed up.

“Princess Luna? Are you still in my head? How did- DID YOU PLACE SOME KIND OF MAGICAL HEX TO TRANSMIT WHAT I THINK-“

Luna shot a dead serious look towards him.

“Night Spark never accuse me again of doing such things or I will banish you. Only when your body is but dust will I visit you so that I may spit on where you stood. Never forget that I can obliterate you from this realm.”

The guard stood nervously as he watched Luna threaten Night Spark. The princess looked absolutely terrifying. The day was already too much for him. His vision blurred and he fell to the ground unconscious. Night Spark’s eyes shift to the fallen guard in the corner then back to Luna’s cold stare. Suddenly the princesses’ face of death shifted to a smile and then uncontrollable laughter. She spoke rather un-princess like in Night Spark’s opinion.

“AND THAT IS HOW YOU TELL CELESTIA’S GUARDS FROM MINE!!! Poor pony…third time this week I have nearly scared him to death. Come Night Spark follow me.”

Night Spark’s eye twitched. His brain was still processing Luna’s actions. Without looking at him she spoke as she walked away.

“It is rude to stare at me like that Night Spark…you would not want to give Miss Doo the idea that you prefer me over her…muffins…hmm?”

His cheeks flushed red once more and he marched up right next to her.

“Now Princess Luna I assure you that my relationship with Miss Doo is not what you believe it to be. She is a friend of mine. We are friends. Nothing more and nothing less. I enjoy her company and she enjoys mine. Is that so wrong? I cannot imagine how the idea of us…being romantically involved crossed your mind. Are you and I romantically involved simply because you are a mare and I am stalli- er…. male changeling? I mean no disrespect but unless you can justify your ludicrous notions than I must continue to believe that you…you…”

Luna’s face was beaming with joy. The previous night had upset her. She never enjoyed fighting with friends. However Night Spark’s rant was the thing she need to help perk herself up. She looked at him as he followed her. He looked nervous.

“What is it that you believe Night Spark?” she said in a warm tone.

He bit his lip then scowled as if mustering his courage to face a foe.

“I- I must continue to believe that you are acting childish. There! It has been said! Are you satisfied Princess? I believe you are being childish!”

Luna laughed so loud his bones felt like they were going to shatter. The various butlers and maids in the hall shivered with confusion. They were happy to see the princess happy but couldn't help but feel fear from the sonic laughter the threatened to bring down the castle.


His head hung low. She leaned in to his ear. In reality he wasn't nervous because she was so close. Night Spark feared for his ears. Luna’s voice alone was probably one her best weapons. He believed if she wanted to she could cause earthquakes with it. She spoke in a very quiet and flirty whisper.

“Night Spark do you know how I know that you do not simply want her to be your friend? That little defensive rant of yours and that beautiful shade of red shining off your face. Not to mention the way you pounced out of slumber at the mere mentioning of her pastries. Face it changeling. You bit her muffins….and she bit your heart. You are in love.”

She pulled away and they walked in silence for a few yards before Night Spark spoke.


Luna smiled and felt that she had embarrassed the changeling enough for one day. So she switched topics.

“Night Spark on a more serious note I have a task for you. It will not be easy and I fear you may once again be exposed to the ignorance of ponies. I wish for you to assist in training my troops. I need you to explain to them tactics, formations, and anything else that comes to mind about the changeling forces. I would do so myself since I have seen what you have seen. However I am not Night Spark. Just because I have your knowledge does not mean I will toss you aside like a book that has been read. You told me you wanted to serve Equestria and I will give you that chance. I have already told my troops to treat you with respect however… I fear some may still mock you. Please try to look past it…I apologize in advance if-“

Night Spark cut her off.

“So long as one pony sees me for who I am I will happily assist Princess. So far more than one pony has seen me and that is all I need.”

She smacked him lightly over the head with her wing. He looked at her confused. She put on one of those mixed smiles. While he could tell she was still in a decent mood he knew that smile could very easily turn into the snarling mouth of a wrathful goddess who could smash him like a bug.

“You truly need to learn not to interrupt a princess as she is speaking Night Spark. It is quite rude and I have locked up ponies in the past for doing so. Anyhow as I was saying. We need to work on getting others to see that you are not some monster that I am allowing to live in the palace. Last night I…I had an argument with Twilight and her friends concerning their treatment of you. Their actions are… Of all ponies they were the ones I expected to show you friendship but I suppose under the circumstance of you being a changeling they forgot no- chose not to extend that courtesy to you. In time I believe ponies will see you for you. Until then I beg of you to stay strong and be patient.”

Night Spark frowned. He did not want the princess to risk her own friendships for his sake.

"I do not want to be the cause of broken bonds between friends; especially between princesses. While I understand that they are your friends that does not mean they have to be mine. I will fight for Equestria with or without the friend ship of those six. I do not need their approval or even Celestia’s. I have the friendship of the Princess of the Night and the friendship of a few other ponies. That is all I need.”

Luna looked at him. She was concerned.

“What makes you think Celestia does not approve of you?”

Night Spark’s expression fell as he spoke.

“The muffin that I gave to you on Heart’s Warming Eve? Well I gave the basket to Princess Celestia and tried to explain to her that I want to serve Equestria. She did not seem to…believe me. I am not sure that she will ever think of me as her subject. While it saddens me I truthfully am angered by her actions. I-I used to believe that above anypony she would be there for me… I suppose that was an illusion like my early life was.”

Luna looked at him. She was ashamed of her sister’s actions. How could all the ponies around her be so ignorant?

“Never mind my sister Night Spark. We have arrived and I want you to be focus on this task.”

They arrived in a large empty courtyard. Grass fields extended far out into the distance. At the end of that distance Night Spark could see large walls. They seemed to not only provide a barrier but also a marker to help one comprehend just how large the area really was. Luna guided him down a series of steps. They walked through the field until they were face to face with nearly 500 of Luna’s soldiers. She stood before them and spoke in her royal voice.

“Today I am going to give you a new weapon. That weapon is knowledge of the enemy. This knowledge could very well be the difference between life and death. I present to you a changeling by the name of Night Spark. He will be giving you this knowledge. Listen to his words. Take great care to remember them. Your superiors should have already informed you that Night Spark is no longer affiliated with the changelings. He wishes to serve Equestria and he shall do so. I will have none of you hazing him. Treat him with respect and kindness…that is an order from your princess.”

She leaned close to Night Spark.

“Just remember this Night Spark. I am your princess. Others will doubt you. Others will hate you. I however am your princess and I will always be here for you. Thank you for assisting me.”

Any tension Night Spark had from being in front of so many ponies washed away. Luna’s words were exactly what he needed to hear. He proudly bowed before her and waited until she began to leave to rise up. As far as he was concerned he was loyal only to her.

The soldiers all stared in silence. It was quiet enough that the sounds of other soldiers being trained could easily be heard. In the distance Night Spark saw Pegasi flying while Rainbow dash was screaming at them to go faster. Applejack was having soldiers buck the castle walls while wearing weights. Fluttershy was….well just screaming at a large group of soldiers. Pinkie and her assistants were throwing stones at soldiers while they tried to dodge them. Twilight’s group of unicorns were shooting concentrated beams from their horns. Seeing them angered Night Spark. He stared until a soldier coughed returning his attention to his task. He spoke to them in the same manner as Luna however not as loud.

“The first thing I will tell you is that you should not expect to see the same changelings that invaded during the wedding. They were nothing compared to what Chrysalis has now. The smaller changelings will look similar to me. They can take on the form of anything near their size.”

Night Spark shifted to Braeburn’s form and then to Dinky Doo’s then back again.

“We can appear to be foals or even Alicorns.”

He changed to Luna and then returned to his form.

“However we have limits. That is why you will find a new kind of changeling. They are massive in form. The average size is that of a young dragon. The purpose? If we need dragon’s fire, or a bear’s strength we shall have. They take on much larger forms. While more dangerous they are not unstoppable. If held down by magic a small number of earth ponies should be more than a match for them. In fact a single earth pony is much stronger than any average changeling.”

A soldier in the back snickered to himself then spoke up.

“So any of us could stomp you?”

While the soldier laugh Night Spark scowled. He tried to calm himself.

“No. None of you could stomp me. That brings me to our next topic. The children of Chrysalis. While she creates all changelings they are not of her blood. She has created 6 changelings from her own essence. These six are the deadliest of all changelings. Should you meet one on the battlefield, the only plan of action you should take is to fall back and regroup. Each of the six has a unique power. Night Fire can summon flames. How powerful is she? It was her flames and her flames alone that burned Appaloosa and its trees. Night Fang is brute strength. He can shatter the bones of a teenage dragon in a fight. If you fight him he will break you. Night Frost is like Night Fire however she prefers to freeze her opponents to death…or partially freeze them and break them apart slowly. Night Storm can manipulate weather to a certain degree. He can bring rain and lighting down upon you. Night Tear. She will manipulate your mind and make you do things….terrible things. If Chrysalis truly wants a town to suffer…and I mean suffer in every sense of the word she will send Night Tear. Imagine killing the pony you hold most dear to you. Imagine seeing you mother as a ghoulish creature. Lastly there is me. I am Night Spark. Think of Night Fire except I cast lightning.”

The same soldier spoke.

“So how can we tell if it’s one of you? I mean black and full of holes isn’t much to go off of.”

Bits of laughter spread through the soldiers.

We do not look the same…

Night Spark once again tried to ignore the comment and spoke.

“Well for starters I would hope that a simple pony like you would be able to realize which one of the enemy soldiers is giving out commands. However a key difference between us 6 and the rest of the changelings is that our manes are colored. As are our larger wings and eyes. For example Night Fire has red eyes, red wings, and a red mane. In case you did not notice us 6 and Chrysalis are the only changelings to have manes.”

A different pony spoke up this time. She was near the front.

“You call that a mane? Looks more like a fin to me…”

More soldiers began to laugh. Night Spark wanted to lash out. He was furious. Once again despite Luna’s warnings he couldn't help but feel a fiery hatred toward some ponies. But for her sake he tried to calm down.

The original soldier spoke up again.
“So what’s it like being a mare? You ever turn into one when you’re lonely? Or are big strapping stallions what you changelings like?”

This time the laughter wasn’t quiet. Some soldiers were leaning on each other. Night Spark stomped and hoof down and charged through the crowd until he was mere inches away from the pony who was humiliating him. The pony stopped laughing. He met Night Spark’s icy gaze. Some of the soldiers whispered encouragements for them to fight. The stallion stood a whole head taller than Night Spark. He spoke with a mocking tone.

“Don’t you need to change to a taller form there tough stuff? You know…I have a friend who told me that you stood up for the clumsy mare at a diner. The stupid one with the muffins?”

A group of soldiers from the back ran off towards the castle. He knew that they were more than likely going to get ahold of Luna but he did not care. Night Spark would have been able to handle the teasing. This soldier however had crossed the line. In fact it wasn’t the first time he had crossed the line. Night Spark recognized him. It was the stallion from the diner.

“Yeah remember me? You and your buddy attacked soldiers of Canterlot. If the princess wasn’t blind she could see that you’re nothing but a worthless bug.

He tried to stay in control. His speech came through grinding teeth.

“You are hardly a soldier of Canterlot. You a nothing but a disgrace! A disgrace to Canterlot. A disgrace to Princess Luna. A DISGRACE TO PONIES!!!”

The stallion laughed. He pushed Night Spark with one hoof while doing so. Night Spark had a terrible urge. It was a primal one. It was an urge that no one could properly describe. To simply say that he wanted to kill this pony would be an understatement. The stallion spoke again.

“I would rather be a disgrace…buck it I would rather be the rear end of Discord than be a changeling…and one that enjoys the company of possibly the dumbest mare ever to exist in Equestrian hist-“

The changelings eyes glowed and blinding white and surged with electricity. A bright orb appeared on the tip of his horn and crackled with power. Night Spark’s voice now began to rival Luna’s Royal tone.

“DAMN YOU!!! Laugh at this you INSUFFERABLE FOOLS!!!”

A massive shockwave burst out from his horn. The immense blue aura sent the ponies near him flying meters back and knocked all of the soldiers down. Electricity flowed all over his body. He felt empowered. He roared at all the soldiers now groaning in pain.


He breathed in and calmed himself. For as angry as he was the sight of the hurt ponies around him made him feel guilty but he continued to speak to them without showing it.

“I will never kill anypony. But my siblings will not hesitate to destroy you. They are monsters who will not cease until every pony is dead. Remember that and you may-“

A voice shot out like a sword and interrupted him.


Luna stood right behind Night Spark with the group of soldier that ran into the castle. She looked at the injured soldiers with no sympathy. Her voice was scolding and as wrathful as could be.

“I gave you AN ORDER!!! THIS IS NOT HOW MY SOLDIERS WILL ACT!!! I DO NOT CARE IF IT WAS CHRYSALIS HERSELF STANDING BEFORE YOU… IF I GAVE YOU AN ORDER YOU FOLLOW IT!!! Now did I ask for much? Was I too demanding for the troops? HAVE I ASKED TOO MUCH OF THE VERY PONIES WHO SWORE TO PROTECT THIS LAND? I gave you a simple task. Treat this changeling with kindness and respect as he graciously shared valuable information with you. If you have failed me with such a simple task…who knows how else you may fail me? You certainly are not worthy of being my soldiers. From today forth you will be placed under Princess Celestia’s or Princess Twilight’s command. Maybe they can find use for you. But as punishment for your actions every single one of you will run around the courtyard until nightfall. Any pony that fails to do so…will answer directly to me. Dismissed.”

She then focused on Night Spark. When her glare was still wrathful he knew she was also angry with him.

“Follow me. NOW.”

Twilight’s Throne:

It would have been the largest throne had Twilight not decided to turn it into the largest library in Equestria. It was the only true selfish indulgence that she had requested. The original copies of almost every book and scroll in Equestria. She also got Celestia to move all of Star Swirl the Bearded’s collection to her room. Twilight was at the table in her room. The other girls were sitting across from her. She nervous bit her lip then spoke.

“Do you promise you won't think any less of me?”

The other five went through the necessary steps of the Pinkie Promise. It reassured Twilight as she spoke.

“Okay. I think I am real angry with Celestia and Luna.”

The girls just stared at her until Rainbow spoke up.

“Well duh egghead…I mean you only just fought with Luna and everything. Just give it some time and you guys will chill.”

Rarity chimed in.

“Yes dear friends have arguments from time to time but you should know this by now.”

Twilight face hooved then continued.

“No…I mean we fought about that changeling but…that’s not so much what angered me. I feel…I still feel like they see me as a student. I never wanted to be a princess but now that I am…I want something to do…something to lead. But doing what Luna asks or training the unicorns? Why can’t I help come up with the strategies for war? I have read enough books about war to assist in strategy making. I guess what I am trying to say is…I think I might be a little jealous of the other princesses. I hate that I feel this way but… I just do.”

Applejack smiled at her friend. It was that same comforting smile that only Applejack could give. It always seemed to lift any worries Twilight had. Applejack spoke.

“Listen Sugarcube, this isn’t the runnin’ of the leaves. You’re the smartest pony I know Twi’ but some things can’t be learned from a book. Books are a great start but… Ain’t no pony I know of that can learn how to handle a farm from a book alone? You need to experience whatever you’re tryin’ to do. Pegasi don’t read books on how to fly do they? Celestia and Luna didn’t read that How to be a Princess for dummies book I found in your kitchen that one day? While I can understand your frustration…it’s for the best I promise ya.”

Twilight slouched back in her seat and let the farm pony’s words soak in. She knew the stakes. She knew they were at war. Yet she still felt a small amount of envy. Twilight looked at Applejack and smiled.

“You’re right Applejack…I guess they just want to make sure I’m really ready before I take on any task that may alter the fate of Equestria anymore than the things that we have done with each other. Sorry for worrying you girls over it. On another note we should discuss that changeling.”

Applejacks face immediately changed to a bitter one. The other girls shifted awkwardly. Pinkie Pie spoke up. She did so in a sad and calm way.

“Luna made me feel bad. I pride myself on being the pony that know every pony and any pony. I want to be everyone’s friend. Do you remember Cranky? You girls thought he was just a grumpy meanie pants who didn't want me as a friend but it turned out he was just a heartbroken donkey who lost the love of his life. What it this Night Spark is like Cranky? What if he isn’t a heartless brain eating monster changeling? If there is a chance that I could be his friend than I want to at least try.”

Applejack crossed her hooves and grumbled.

“Well I ain’t trustin’ no changeling…especially one who sat by and did nothin’ when good ponies were in need…”
Rainbow scowled but didn't speak. She was lost in her own thoughts. Rarity spoke while running a brush through her already perfect mane.

“I must say…this um… Night Spark worries me. Normally I would suggest that we accept a stranger however…the incident in the courtyard? Did you see what he did to all those soldiers? They were all groaning in pain and absolutely terrible. Seeing him looming over them…I am not so sure he is as innocent as Luna seems to believe he is.”

Twilight recalled the large blast. Luna had told them that he was powerful and the magic in the courtyard had confirmed it. She knew of only a few ponies who could conjure magic at that level. She could easily perform such an attack but she was the princess of magic…she could perform almost any magic with great ease. She added her opinion in with a little bit of her magical knowledge too.

“I won’t lie to you girls…I think the original incident with Chrysalis is still fresh in my mind. She hurt my family. I don’t know if I will be able to look past that or not. I know he is not directly responsible but…he… What I do know is that Night Spark is dangerous. That magic he performed? He was holding back. Had he wanted to he could have disintegrated most those ponies. Casting lightning is no small magical feat. To be completely accurate she performed both an electromagnetic pulse and telekinetic blast at the same time. The telekinetic blast is what sent the ponies around him flying and the electromagnetic pulse is what shocked them all. I and the other princesses can do it. Shining probably could if he tried…maybe…maybe you too Rarity…with a little guidance…but to pull it off at that scale? I don’t know what we should do…”

Softly as always Fluttershy joined in.

“Well…um…what if Pinkie Pie is…well right? It’s been sometime but do you remember when we went to stop Nightmare Moon? You all thought that poor cuddly Manticore was a terrible and ruthless monster. You girls thought it was roaring out for um…blood and um wanted to eat you. The poor fluffy guy was crying out for help because something was hurting him…What if um…Night Spark is the same? Or not….I guess….I….”

The room fell silent as they absorbed Fluttershy’s words. After sometime Rainbow finally spoke up.

“…he is a good changeling…”

The others looked at her in confusion. She continued.

“When he came up to ask us for help on Hearts Warming Eve? He was trying to find Derpy. He accidentally hurt her feelings to the point where she hid on her cloud.”

The girls all knew about Derpy’s lonely cloud. Most Ponyville ponies did. It was not too uncommon to see her crying on it.

“I made fun of him because…well he likes her. I know I shouldn’t have but…I…”

The words struggled to flow for her. She always had trouble admitting that she did something wrong. Rainbow did the best she could.

“Well you know how I am sometimes. Anyway he genuinely felt bad and I offered him a chance to explain just who he was to me but…he was more concerned with Derpy’s feelings. He called her Miss Doo. I know it’s not much but based on what I have seen I say we give him the benefit of the doubt…I think that’s all he wants. Fluttershy is right. For all we know he could be just like that Manticore. A monster to everyone until a nice pony like Fluttershy gives him a chance.”

The girls once again sat in silence.

Luna’s Throne Room:


Night Spark was in staring out a window while receiving the wrath of Luna. She was right. When he saw those ponies groan in pain on the ground it reminded him of Appaloosa.

I suppose Night Fire would be proud….or maybe she would mock me for not killing them…

Luna’s voice sliced through his thoughts like a fiery blade.


He slowly turned to face her. He hated himself for disappointing her. Luna was one of the few ponies he considered to be his friend.


Luna stomped her front hooves in place and crushes the stone. She was breathing heavily. Night Spark could see her eyes glow slightly. Seeing Luna in such a state made him feel ashamed of himself. His vision blurred as tears of sorrow and disappointment flowed down his face. Luna was still staring violently at the ground beneath her. Every muscle in her body was tensed up. Night Spark could see himself were the broken ground was beneath her. He felt like Luna wanted to kill him. He spoke up after a short silence between them. His voice was timid.

“I stopped…because…I did not wish for you and Miss Doo to believe me to be a monst-“

Luna violently turned her head toward him and the words spewed from her mouth like venom. Her eyes glared with nothing but anger. At the moment she was the absolute definition of terror for Night Spark.


Upon hearing this Night Spark stepped back from her. His eyes never left hers but his body felt an unimaginable need to get away from her. He turned and ran as fast as could toward the doors. Just as he tried to push them open a blue aura stormed around them. He pushed as hard as he could but they would not budge. He shifted almost instantly to Applejacks from and pushed with absolutely all the strength the form could provide but the doors would not budge.

“Night Spark be still.”

He ignored her and shot a massive torrent of lighting at the door completely destroying it. Just as he started to run out the blue aura surround him and pulled him all the way towards Luna.


He couldn’t even mange to look her in the eyes. He squirmed and flapped his wings as much as he could. Using more magic he shifted to Rainbow Dash’s from and flapped so strong that he was blasting Luna with currents of wind.

“I told you to be…STILL!!!!!!!!!!”

The room darkened to nearly pitch black and the only source of light was the magic Luna was giving off. Her blue aura around Night Spark tightened so severely that he could no longer move. She sighed and the room returned to normal. Night Spark’s breathing was labored and his heart felt like it was going to explode. No matter how hard he strained the only thing he could move was his eyes. Luna spoke softly.

“I am going to place you down now. We are finished when I say we are finished. Should you try to leave again or destroy something else from my throne room…I will break something of yours…”

He knew she meant a limb and judging by her mood he did not want to test her to see if she was bluffing.

“…will you remain calm?”

He simply closed his eyes as more tears fell. She placed him down before her and gently released her magic. They stood before one another in silence for quite some time. Night Spark wiped his eyes with his hoof. He opened his mouth to speak but Luna raised her hoof. Normally he would have obeyed her silent command but instead he stepped forward and pushed her hoof out of the way. He turned his body a little to the side so he could lightly hit her with one of his wings. She looked at him with confused angry eyes. He waited for a brief moment in fear she may crush him. He spoke dryly.


He spoke while looking at her front hooves. They were no longer the dainty and elegant hooves of a princess. They were the tools of damnation from a wrathful goddess. He struggled with his words.

“I was not finished…I held back my magic only because I remembered what happened when I used it on my own kind…if you believe I held back for your sake…or even Miss Doo’s. Then I…I no longer wish to be friends. No friend of mine would think that I am a mere thought away from murder…”

Luna smacked him with her wing. This time she hit him quite hard. He simply stood there and still watched her hooves. Luna then pulled him into a tight hug. This surprised Night Spark. He did not return the embrace but Luna seemed to not care. She spoke firmly.

“I am sorry for losing my temper. I am also sorry for accusing you of acting like a monster. However that does not excuse your actions Night Spark. Please understand that I care deeply for you. We are friends and I hope that we may always be. That is why I am more angry at you than the fools who ridiculed you.”

She raised a hoof and moved it towards his face. He pulled back in fear.

“If I wanted to kill you Night Spark you would have already been dead. Please do not fear me. I never want to see you cower before me. We are friends.”

He allowed her to touch his face. She wiped his muzzle which caused him to look at her with confusion. She showed him her hoof. It was covered in blood. His blood. He used both hoofs to wipe his muzzle as well. He felt new blood and dry blood. She spoke softly.

“Night Spark. You are dying my friend. I know you already know this however you seemed to either believe your mother’s words were false… or not care. When your connection to her was severed her magic no longer flowed to you. This means you have a limited supply and that your magic is bound to your life. This is the punishment Chrysalis has given you. When you blast foolish ponies or change into different forms? You are killing yourself. That is why I was so frustrated. Even with all my knowledge…I…I do not know of any magic that may assist you. For all my power I do not think…that I can save you.”

Luna was still holding him tightly. He could feel her tears fall on his coat. She continued.

“The only way you can continue to live is if you…feed on the hope or anger of ponies. But you are doing a most admirable job of trying to not to. I do not know why. I do not feel that doing so makes you a monster. It is what changelings do. You feed on emotions. However I respect your decision. ”

She pulled away and looked at him with tear filled eyes. Luna placed a hoof on his chest and continued.

“I know that you care for Miss Doo with your heart. I suggest- No I command you to go to Ponyville with her and Little Miss Doo. Tell her how you feel Night Spark. You have had such a hard life and even though there is enough magic in your body to more than likely sustain you for a year I do not want that year to be spent worrying about this war. You deserve happiness just as much as anypony. I understand that you long to serve Equestria however I will be selfish. I will ask that you forget about Equestria’s fate and serve me by having a wonderful life…while you can.”

Night Spark looked at her sadly. Was Luna saying goodbye?

“Princess I know what my situation is. I- just do not wish to pay any attention to it. I came to you to make a difference! I came to change my fate. The ponies of Equestria have to learn a lesson that I think only I can teach them. I have to show them that not every changeling is a monster.”

“You have Night Spark I promise you that you have. I am grateful I truly am. Please believe me when I say that I will do my best to spread the lesson you have taught me. Yet still at the end of each day since I met you…all that I can think about is: no matter what I do and no matter if Equestria is safe or perishes. You. Will. Die. This is what plagues me each evening. I just want you to know what you are fighting for. I want you to experience everything that anypony in Equestria’s experiences. I want you to wake to a bright sunrise in Ponyville. I want you to be able to experience the simple pleasure of having a neighbor wish you good morning. I want you to eat one of everything in Sugarcube corner. Truthfully if any community in Equestria will open their hearts upon to a changeling it will be Ponyville. They will fear you at first…as they feared me. However with time and a little help they will accept you as their own.”

Night Spark’s head hurt. Either what Luna was saying was too much for him to bear or he really over used his magic. He thought of leaving. It wasn't what he wanted. He wanted to stand by his Princess’s side through anything. He wanted to go to the diner and see how Miss Sparkle was fairing. Most of all though, he did not want to leave Luna. Whether she realized it or not she was responsible more so than Derpy for making him feel like he belonged. If some pony shunned him or didn't accept his friendship she was there for him. Like she said she always would be.

“I do not want to leave you Princess…”

Luna smiled at him. She lowered herself and kissed his forehead.

“I will be with you in your dreams Night Spark…I promise. Besides…I am sure you will forget all about me. Miss Doo will have you wrapped around her hoof the entire time you won’t even be able to tell Night from Day!”

He blushed and playfully nudged her.

“Princess I do not even know if she has similar feelings for me. We have met only a few times. Not to mention that I do not even know if she finds changelings…attractive. Once again…you are acting childish.”

Luna scoffed.

“Oh do not belittle yourself Night Spark. While I certainly cannot wait until the day when I am able to crush your mother’s neck under my hooves I will her the credit she is due. You are quite the dashing changeling in my eyes and well….you know my eyes are better than every ponies and what not. As for Miss Doo? I do believe you have treated her better than most. I would think that she would adore that about you. Not to mention….what mare would not enjoy a stallion who can…change to fit her…needs…”

Night Spark’s face nearly radiated with heat. His nose bled once more.

Luna’s Laughter filled half of Equestria that night.

The Train:

Night Spark had been sitting still for quite some time. The castle was about half the size of his hoof when he held it up to the window. He sighed and sank into the seat. The cart he was in was empty save for himself and four soldiers. They were the same soldiers who ran back into the castle to get Luna right before he blasted the troops. They had talked among themselves a bit but they mainly just took turns sleeping. They kept their distance from Night Spark to give him space. He knew the soldiers knew that he was upset about leaving the princess’s side. He already liked them better than most ponies.

The train ride lasted for a good hour and a half longer. Sleeping occupied most of that time. At least for the soldiers. Night Spark simply sat and wondered if the move to Ponyville would change anything for him. He wondered what would happen if his kind attacked the small town.
The thought disturbed him.


When he stepped off the train he was greeted with silence. For as far as he could see there was no pony.

Did the entire town scare so easily?

One of the soldiers walked ahead and into the center of town. After simply standing in silence the unicorn screamed.


Night Spark sighed as the other three soldiers face hooved at their fellow pony. To his surprise though Night Spark already saw the heads of ponies sticking out of windows, doors, and various other locations. Luna was right. All he needed to do was not scare these ponies and they would accept him. The bat pony on the right of Night Spark turned to the other soldiers and spoke.

“Go get that idiot before he does something else that’s really obnoxious. Better yet take him to the safe house. We’ll catch up with you in a bit.”

The other two ran off after their comrade. Night Spark watched them tackle their friend and wrestle for a bit. They all proceeded to walk towards the edge of the town. The bat pony nudged Night Spark and spoke.

“Listen Night Spark. The Princess wants you to have as normal as a time as possible here. I will be honest to you… she sent us along to protect you should you need it. Based on what you pulled in the courtyard I am going to make an educated guess that you don’t really need our help. However we aren't here just for you. We got kicked out of the 501st Legion. You probably don’t know but that is Princess Luna’s personal pick of soldiers. They are the most ruthless defense of Equestria. My friends and I however…we got ahead of ourselves to say the least and she took offense. So…she appointed us to…you.”

Night Spark turned to look at her. The bat pony had a steel colored coat with a purple mane that matched the impressive armor she wore. He spoke plainly.

“So if I told you to ignore me and proceed how you normally would?”

She smiled and began to walk into the town. Night Spark followed behind her.

“Sadly for you Night Spark, the Princess’s words come first. She wants me and my pitiful buddies to regain our honor by fighting for the right reasons. So you’re stuck with us…at least for a while. But if you would like….my friends and I can act more like roommates instead of professionally trained killers that take your orders?”

Night Spark nodded.

“Yes please…just do that.”

“Then it’s settled. The name is Violet Midnight by the way. You can call me Vi though.”

Night Spark turned to look at her once more.

“A pleasure to meet you Vi. You have a beautiful name. To be honest I am looking forward to meeting the other three. You and your friends seem like…understanding ponies. Just one thing though…I believe the loud one ran off with my bag. If he eats a single muffin…I will have to destroy him.”

Vi looked at him with wide eyes. She looked like she was about to defend her soldier but she just shrugged and laughed.

“You’re funny Night Spark.”

“Thank you…however I am afraid that I am being quite serious right now.”

Vi’s laughter stopped. She looked once more at Night Spark who now seemed a little agitated.

“So I take it…that muffins are you favorite snack?”

Night Spark stopped and placed both his hooves on her shoulders then spoke.

“No Vi…muffins are not…however Miss Doo’s muffins….those….those objects are my life…”

They both continued their walk to the safe house with an awkward silence that could only be caused from the discussion of ordinary muffins and the superiority of Derpy’s muffins.